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Beauty-Full Unit Set 1


Jul 30, 2007
Long time no see :)
Just before I can get CIV5, I would like to finish my works since 2007.

So, If you are looking for:

1. A beautiful complete unit set.....

2. Historical Units with Ethnic Art-style...... it's here.

Credits :thumbsup:

Spoiler :

Thank you all modders in www.civfanatics.com
I also would like to give special thanks to:

Bakuel, Chugginator, Ambrox62 ==> Most parts of Ancient units
Bakuel ==> Most parts of Medieval units
Bakuel ==> Most parts of Renaissance units
Bernie14, Bakuel ==> Most parts of Industrail units
Coffee Junkie ==> Most parts of Modern WWI-II units
Mechaerik, Zever ==> Most parts of Modern units
Polycrates, Davidlallen ==> Most parts of Non-combat units
Seasnake, Sabioleth, Varietas ==> Most parts of Great people, CEO, Missionaries
Firaxis, AchillesZero, Refar ==> Most parts of Naval units

and many many parts (Heads, Weapons, Bodies, Texture Skins) from other modders...

Beauty-Full Unit Set 1 (BTF-1.0)

1. Complete African units
2. Complete Navy units

My BTF Units are not just a copy from the original post BUT I re-skin and
adjust them to meet 2 things I mentioned above...
... Yeah ... Beauty and Historical Accuracy (from my perspective) :scan:
############# Here we go! ###############

########## Complete African Units ###########
Ancient Units
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Medieval Units
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Renaissance Units
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Industrial Units
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Modern Units
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Great People (Ancient)
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Great People (Modern)
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Non-Combat Units
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Non-Combat Units (Modern) // New Modern Explorer // New Modern Age Settler
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Navy Units (Privateer, Frigate)
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In My Mod, I use the units above for African region,
Other units like tanks / aircrafts / battle ships,
I plan to share those Modern units' art-styles with all CIVs

:borg: Yes! Globalization / Modernization --> To me, there is no need
to have different tank-art-styles for each CIV, Do you think to same?

########## Complete Navy (shared) Units ###########
Work: New Units // Re-skin // Resize // Modifications

Navy (Ancient) // Resize to match with all modern ships // New Ships
Spoiler :

Navy (Modern) // New Ironclad
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Work boat // Add Ancient Papyrus boat
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Next Plan BTF-1.1
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:hatsoff: If you like my works, You can buy me a cup of coffee. :thanx:

Download BTF-1.0 (15MB)
(How-to-install is in the zip file)
Nice, I really like this set you have thrown together! :goodjob:

When do you expect your next set to be released? Also if you'd like to help me out with MY MOD, please PM me. We are always looking for great art (actually it is very important to me, as a graphics modder) and we are currently trying to develop some ethnic great people and some inquisitors and missionaries (for more than just the vanilla religions), so we could probably pool our efforts.
Hey, The_J, why I can't see who is viewing pages anymore?
Not The_J here... but I still know the answer: The current viewers feature is increasing the server load quite a bit (since it has to be generated for every view) and because of the high traffic due to the Civ5 release, the admins don't want to tax the servers more than they already are... the forums are going down enough already.

Cheers, LT.
Its apparently a temporary measure; helping the server cope with the influx of new users.

EDIT: ninjad.
Figured that was the reason I can't get on to Civfanatics during the middle of the day.

As for the units, those are 5-star material! I really like the modern scout.

EDIT: I noticed that your Ancient Chinese Combatants units are no longer on the download server, are you going to fix that?
Thank you for comments

The Capo:
Siam said:
I also like your works, a lot of nice stuffs you made, some parts of my collection came from your hard works. I am also interested to help you but I have a lot of works right now, However you can post your request here or PM me with an image of the requested units, I cannot promise that I can deliver on your expected time, but I will try my best.

I hope, the next version will be released before Christmas :rudolf: since I plan to do a lot of units (collect/newly make):
1. Shared units for East Asian region.
2. Chinese units (Medieval // Renaissance // Industrial // WWI-WWII)
3. Japanese units (Medieval // Renaissance // Industrial // WWI-WWII)
4. Korean units (Medieval // Renaissance // Industrial // WWI-WWII)

Siam said:
Thank you for your comment :hatsoff:
I will update the "Ancient Chinese Combatants units" thread when BTF1.1 released.
Please wait.

My Request: Would someone with a larger space on civfanatics help me put my collection on the download database?
My Request: Would someone with a larger space on civfanatics help me put my collection on the download database?

Basically everyone here at CFC (besides Kael + Rhye) have the 10 mb limit in the database.
Would it not be the easiest way just to split your units in some packs?
Has anyone played a full game with this unit set? I recently added these units, and my games seem to crash around the 100th turn each time. I wanted to see if anyone else was having similar issues.
Something is probably wrong with one of the art references in the xml files (or the art itself)
Try to figure out which unit is being completed in your game right before the crash
Just how smart is it to have race specific privateers? Considering that it sort of defeats the purpose of the whole hidden nationality thing.
I think I've fixed the problem. The Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml file that comes with this set has a couple of errors.

By using a copy of the original Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml file, and just entering in the few lines needed for the Mali, Zulu, and Ethiopians, everything ended up working okay.
Actually with Race Specific Privateers, I think they all end up getting rendered in the style of the Civ you choose. Besides a Privateer was never a specific class of ship but more a type of use of ship. Therefore it is even unrealistic having them all rendered the same even within the one civ...
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