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Bede04B-The Greasy Silver Spoon (C3C1.22)


Oct 24, 2003
Cape Cod
Version: C3C 1.22
Nationality: Babylon
Level: Emperor
Variant: Arathorn's One Built City

Arathorn said:
One Built City (OBC): You may never build settlers…from any city.

Map Settings:

Climate: ARID
Temperature: Cool
LandForm: PANGAEA.
Map Size: SMALL.
Ocean Coverage: 60%.
Barbarians: Sedentary

The Start:


The Opponents:

Sir Bugsy

String your bows and sharpen your arrowheads!

House rules:
24hrs got it. 48hrs to play. 72hrs total. Automatic skip after first twenty four.

LKendter Ruleset:

The following tactics are PROHIBITED:

RoP Rape

RoP Abuse that includes things such as irrigating all tiles with a city building wonders, denying resources with a RoP, putting a unit to block a land bridge, etc.

Scout resource denial - parking a scout on a resource, as the AI won't ask scouts to leave. The same scenario also applies to workers.

False Peace Treaties (must wait for the 20 years to end).

The negative science exploit - you can run a huge deficit (-250 / turn) of negative cash with a token penalty of one lost worker / cheap building. If cash will go below zero, the research level must be dropped.

Ship chaining exploit - you can move a ship, unload troops to another ship, move that ship, etc. This allows you to ship an indefinite distance, and that is why I consider it an exploit.

Resources disconnect / connect exploit - Most resource tactics are fine. Delaying to hook a resource, trading it away etc is fine. The exploit is to do this every turn. Build a stack of horses, connect saltpeter, upgrade to cavalry, and disconnect.

Palace Jump - You abandon the capital city to move the palace to a new location. If you want to move the palace, build a new palace.
Can i join, perhaps? :)
or rather may i join? :) :)
:salute: Commander Bugs Reporting for duty.

Ideas for first moves? Me thinks worker south to BG. Perhaps settler towards the west.
You can, you may, :wavey:, welcome.

Can we call you d-man?
Check in. :D

Initial move:
  • I would be tempted to settle on the spot, but that would mean 1t penalty for crossing the river until engineering. On the other hand, moving W would mean less tiles with the river bonus.
  • Worker S sounds good unless we settle in place and see something worth moving somewhere else.

As for this variant, I have no clue how to adjust strategy. A granary seems a waste of time. I have read about the warrior/archer rush strategy (build a stack of them and send them ASAP toward AI capital) but never actually tried it. I guess WC could be the first research unless we can trade for it with the Aztecs. Anyway, the first player will mostly build warriors to explore.
Bede said:
You can, you may, :wavey:, welcome.

Can we call you d-man?

Sure can, that's how lads from Smackster team call me anyways... :)
Well, either that or a blabber mouth :lol:

We can move worker on top of the hill. Yes, we will lose one turn, but it's a gamble that can reveal something nice like a cow or wheat.
I don't think archer rush will work on emperor level, AIs have too many extra units. It would work if we played monarch...
I have never played such a scenario before, that is why i was so eager to join.
Let me throw out an interesting worker move possibility. If he goes to the goody hut, we can't get barbarians as we might if a warrior (or even the AI or our city) popped it. This would be one circumstance where maps would not be wasted. And a tech, gold, or a warrior wouldn't be bad.

And I don't think we'll build any archers this game. ;)

I notice that none of our opponents start with alphabet, so the writing path could be a good choice. The AI has higher priorities than alphabet.
If we settle on the spot we get the goody hut on founding, if we go 1 SW we will get it on first expansion. We could go away from the hut and start a barracks, get the hut on expansion and without any warriors in hand will not get a barbie horde. Either way we face the river movement penalty, unless we cross the river W and I'm not sure I like that move.

OTOH we could delay the founding for more than a turn just to get a better idea of our surroundings....Since we only get one settler that may be the way to go...

I, too, have no preconceptions other than a need at some point for lots of sharp arrows and recurved bows.
We can't get barbs from a hut if we don't have any military units. So if we settle in place or anywhere within range of the hut we may get something nice. If we have a settler, we can't get a settler, however if we settle away from the goody hut, we may get a settler on cultural expansion of the city. We would have to build something like a barracks first. I think we should build where it make the most sense for the long term. There appears to be some tundra N-NE. I like Tim's idea of going for the hill the best.

Agree with the choice of writing.

Edit - we need to plan on a despot GA, so an early bowmen rush maybe our best bet.
After I posted above I took another look at the picture and I concur on the hill.

And alphabet to writing is a good fit for our native characteristeics. Another possibility might be Mysticism to Poly and maybe an early Monarchy?
How about it, TimB or Bugs, would either one of you care to kick it off tomorrow?
I can play it in the AM, if Tim can play it before then, have at it. Otherwise, I'll have it played by 10:00 PST
Move the worker to the hill


I can see that we have a forest over tundra N-NE. We have 14 potential tiles on a river at our present location. Using cracker’s logic that nothing can be gained by moving, I settle in place. Here’s a nice surprise.


We also got 25G from the hut. Our two techs are BW & CB. I select alphabet at max.

I decide to break another of my personal civ rules and move the worker off the hill without roading it first.

I plan on building four warriors, three for exploring one for MP, then a barracks.

First warrior heads east keeping to the hilltops.

In 3550, this happens as our second warrior is built:


The Irishman has been chasing a rainbow, muttering something about a pot of gold. Since he seems a bit daft, we keep our warrior home for a turn or two.

We meet Brennus. He has pottery, but BW and all our 35G can’t get him past “doubt it.”

For the record, the Celt approached us from the SW.

Our eastern warrior spots a dark green boarder. After the Celt is a safe distance away, we start our second warrior exploring towards the south.

Meet Monty. He is up Pottery and Warrior Code. I go back to Brennus, but he already knows BW.

We have coast to our west.

Meet Sumeria. Gilgamesh, also knows WC and pottery. Of course, nothing is tradeable.

Here’s the final situation report:

All three civs know pottery and WC. Alphabet is due in 5 turns. Propose we get WC and go get us a few more cities. I think the Celts would be a good first target, if we can get them before they find some iron.

Save: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads8/Bede4b,_3000_BC.SAV
Irish farmers keep pigs, bacon and beef livers, oh boy!
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