Been Playing Civ too Long

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'Proper Sports that the Rest of the World Plays Instead of Making Up Your Own Sport in Which the Participants Mince Around in Armour Plating like Nancies'.

Hehe I see it now....


(National Proper Sports that the Rest of the World Plays Instead of Making Up Your Own Sport Association)
Arlborn - have you ever seen the origins of football in England?

I did some research on it back many many years ago (not specifically about football but actually I was looking a medieval death records for an essay on Witchcraft)

Yearly, the number of deaths from football from around 1000ad - 1500ad was at least 1000 people per year.... the worst ever record was 26 deaths in one game.... admittedly the game went on for 24 hours and was contested between the entire contents of 2 large villages..... but :eek: don't get between an Englishman and his football is clearly the lesson to be learned there!! :D

Personally I hate the game - it's like a ballet version of Rugby where someone coming within 2 feet of you means that you have to pirouette, tuck twist and spin through the air like a dying swan :P
Arlborn - have you ever seen the origins of football in England?

I did some research on it back many many years ago (not specifically about football but actually I was looking a medieval death records for an essay on Witchcraft)

Yearly, the number of deaths from football from around 1000ad - 1500ad was at least 1000 people per year.... the worst ever record was 26 deaths in one game.... admittedly the game went on for 24 hours and was contested between the entire contents of 2 large villages..... but :eek: don't get between an Englishman and his football is clearly the lesson to be learned there!! :D

Personally I hate the game - it's like a ballet version of Rugby where someone coming within 2 feet of you means that you have to pirouette, tuck twist and spin through the air like a dying swan :P

I guess that was an old and very rustic version of football :eek:

And the beauty of football is that it is a lot technical! American football is about muscular power mostly. Argh...
May i ask,which team is your favourite?Corinthians??

Fluminense - Champion of the Brazil's Cup of this year! :king:
Great!I like Celtic,but i don't know much about Fluminense:)

And here it is:Beşiktaş JK:king:
It's always easy for those safe and secure away from danger to be critical.

Uh, imo it's the people who support and/or authorized this war who need to pick up the weapon and head to the front lines, not the people who have long been aware of the disaster it would become. I've told army and navy folks that, while I am humbled by their sacrifice, I can't in good conscience support the use to which it is currently being put. In no case has this been received in any way but with respect and understanding.

As for the OP, :lol:! Hilarious!
Gees chill out dude,

It is possible to have respect for those that protect us, and those that govern us, but still have a laugh, the nature of much humour is that its context is things that make us uncomfortable and challange us, it helps everyone cope. I really don't think anyone was being that critical, in fact the basis of the thread is that we are sad gits who play too much and now are too addled to think in non civ terms, we may also be police or surgeons or single parents or have six months to live, or yes even be soldiers ourselves, but we come here to share our obsession in safety, and very occasionally have a laugh, so don't make it harder than it already is.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
Then someone had to get all personal and attack Bush. You don't have to like the man. You can even think he is an idiot. It's your opinion. But, you should find the correct forums to express those thoughts -- not here.

Someone crossed your line in the sand and then you did what you criticized others for, posting an additional political comment about how and when it's appropriate to exercise our free speech rights when it comes to criticizing leadership failures. Without commenting on the merits of your argument and taking the bait, your comment had much the same effect that you were criticizing, so let's keep it light like you suggested.

I'm an unhappy face and gosh darn it I want a freakin buddhist temple, or I'm going to stop working this cottage!
Someone crossed your line in the sand and then you did what you criticized others for, posting an additional political comment about how and when it's appropriate to exercise our free speech rights when it comes to criticizing leadership failures. Without commenting on the merits of your argument and taking the bait, your comment had much the same effect that you were criticizing, so let's keep it light like you suggested.

I'm an unhappy face and gosh darn it I want a freakin buddhist temple, or I'm going to stop working this cottage!

And that would suck, cause you gotta work the cottage for 10 more turns to make it a village. Sorry.

I'd prefer a Theatre, but heck, that's prolly cause I forgot to found a religion, doh. :D Luckily, I'm starting to think about one, 10 more turns and I'll found.....uhh, Islam, ya that's it, I'll call it Islam.
Luckily, I'm starting to think about one, 10 more turns and I'll found.....uhh, Islam, ya that's it, I'll call it Islam.

Y'know, that might be kinda fun if you not only could choose which religion you found when you research a religious tech, but if you could also name it.
So in other words,

you have no right to criticise the soldiers who are there to serve you unless you are one of them? ridiculous. And the little implied threat, "I wonder what theyd do to you"... theyre meant to serve the American people, not intimidate them into not criticising the govt...

and people say the US is a beacon of freedom (well not many people say it nowadays)

Thank you Irish man! :D We aren't even criticising the Soldiers, we're criticising the GOVERNMENT. They are completely different. I never said a word about soldiers, did I Jungleboot? I'm criticising the Government that has our men and women in Uniform killed for no purpose. If you support the government right now I think it's safe to say that you could possibly be supporting the killing of those troops for no reason. Just trying to bring you into the light. Not trying to flame or anything.
Jungleboot said:
Go up and re-read dutchking's statement. It is clearly him/her stating their opinion against recent "freedom infringing" acts. Many people fear the percieved power the Patriot Act provides to government agencies.
What's wrong with that? It's in the constitution that the government is supposed to stay out of people's buisness. I personally don't like what is going on now. Who's that hurting? My family has been here since 1639 and has built a nation with other families that was supposed to be a place, a utopia, like none other. When I see that being defaced it makes me sad. You have no appreciation what so ever for the freedoms/liberalism on which this nation was founded upon.
In Civ terms, Al Gore convinced Congress to raise the tech slider so we'd have enough beakers to discover Fiber Optics* first. ;)

* - Is that what enables the Intertubes now? Didn't they just change it in BtS?
In Civ terms, Al Gore convinced Congress to raise the tech slider so we'd have enough beakers to discover Fiber Optics* first.

Whoa, someone who actually understands Gore's true role (which Gore has never tried to play up)!!!

In BTS I believe it's computers that enables Internet...which makes sense as the Internet got its start not too long after computers were invented.
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