Beginning of the World As We Know It 4


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
The Beginning of the World as We Know It 4

The Story


I’ve been away for some time, but have been feeling the old craze. Also my WPM has dropped from 128 to a mere 104 recently, and I could use some practice again. So here’s a new rendition of my last Fallout-based forum game. I hope we have as much fun this time as we did last time. The forums have changed quite a lot since I’ve run the game, hope they’re not too much different mechanically.

The Fallout world exists in an alternate timeline that split away from the history of the real world following World War II. Up until the Great War in 2077, the Fallout world was dominated by the distinctively American culture of the 1950s, though with different technological progression. The Fallout world's setting is heavily influenced by the science fiction anthology Worlds of Tomorrow, which was released during the Golden Age of Science Fiction in the 1950s. We began in 2240, numerous years after a major nuclear war known as the Great War, or the Last War. Assume that everything that has taken place in the relevant games took place in the lands outside of the playable area. For your interest and background on the universe:

Faction Set-up​

Faction Name: (No use of any faction present in Fallout universe please or anything directly naming Walt Disney, all others fair game) Check out the Capitol Type section for suggestions on names and so forth. Typically it may be best to start out simply naming your faction after wherever you start
Leader Name:
Leader Trait: Choose one from Strongman, Perceptive, Enduring, Charismatic, Intelligent, Agile, or Lucky
Starting Location: Essentially anywhere located on Google Maps that could also be found on the provided world map, as long as it’s east of the Mobile River and south of the Savannah River
Leader Background: optional, story based
Origins: Choose one from Pre-War Military, Vault Dwellers, Tribal Nomads, Raiders, Survivalists, Civilians, Local Government, or Immigrants
Trait: Choose one from Maritime, Tech Defensive, Expansionist, Religious, Barbaric, Industrious, or Friendly
Background: Optional, story based (If you choose Vault, Not Applicable)

It should be noted that your selection of starting types will determine what gear and equipment your faction possesses at the start of the game. This will be mostly gear that will be thematic to your choices.

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Leader Traits

Leader Traits are what makes your leader special. When your leader dies, the following leader will likely have a trait of his own. Yes, this means that your leaders are not permanent, and depending on what sort of government you have, leaders may change frequently or rarely at all. Your starting leader trait also affects what equipment you have when your faction is created.

Strongman: You provide a +1 Military Skill bonus when you lead your forces in combat. Provides a bonus starting stockpile of High-Tech Melee Weapons.

Perceptive: When leading exploratory and scavenging expeditions, you have a better chance of finding unique items and weapons. Provides a bonus starting stockpile of Laser Weapons.

Enduring: In combat, when you suffer losses, it is more likely that your people will be wounded instead of killed. Provides a bonus starting stockpile of Combat Armor.

Charismatic: Your faction will receive double the amount of immigrants most factions receive. Provides a larger starting Population.

Intelligent: When leading exploratory and scavenging expeditions, you have a better chance of finding Tech Parts. Provides a bonus starting stockpile of Tech Parts.

Agile: When leading exploratory and scavenging expeditions, your leader is less likely to be ambushed by or encounter monsters or bandits. Provides a bonus starting Stockpile of Stealth Boys.

Lucky: Helps a little bit with everything. Provides a random starting bonus of unknown size and value.


The Origins section of creating your faction revolves around the type of people that your faction was created out of. They should be fairly self-explanatory. With the exception of Survivors, most of the different types can only start in one particular place.

Pre-War Military: This represents the descendants of military units which somehow survived the Great War at various underground bases in North America. Starts with a large and high tech military stockpile, but possesses no means of food and water production and low stockpiles of each, lasting only a few years. Can only start in a Bunker.

Vault Dwellers: This represents the descendants of those who survived the Great War by residing in the Vault-Tec Vault system. Starts with a large amount of food, water, and tech parts; but has very limited military equipment; can only start in vaults, please read the vault section before deciding.

Tribal Nomads: This represents the descendants of those who survived the Great War by retreating to various less populated places and reestablishing a tribal civilization. Has low tech military equipment, animals, and food and water, but no tech parts. Tribal Nomads start with Tribal Education, which allows them to gather food without needing Farms.

Raiders: Your people used (or maybe still do) to prey on other survivors of the Great War. Perhaps you were or are cannibals. You definitely have slaves. Raiders start with Slaves, a large amount of low tech weapons and assorted ballistic firearms. They have low food and water stocks, but Tribal Education, allowing them to gather food without needing Farms (Strange Meat is People!).

Survivalists: Your people are descended from those who saw the Great War’s holocaust coming. Situated in fortified compounds across the country, they stockpiled food and supplies to prepare themselves for the end of the world. Survivalists start with General Education, and an existing Farm and Water Station. They have a small supply of ballistic firearms.

Civilians: Some people managed to make it through the Great War by sheer luck, surviving in the ruins of the old world without losing their identities to new tribalism. Civilians start with General Education, assorted ballistic firearms, and large amounts of food and water stockpiled. They also possess the largest stockpile of Scrap Parts of any Origin.

Local Government: Not all parts of America fell completely apart in the wake of the Great War. Some isolated towns were preserved by quick thinking action by local mayors and/or law enforcement. In these places, civilization survived intact, despite the chaos and bloodshed all around. These Settlements start with prebuilt Fortifications, and a decent stockpile of food and water, as well as assorted ballistic firearms.

Immigrants: America is still the land of opportunity, even after the Great War and Florida has always been the place of choice for people looking for an easy lifestyle. Whether they are from elsewhere in the vastness of North America or from across the seas, Immigrants have a small stockpile of food and water, and a random starting bonus of unknown size and value, found in their travels.

Faction Traits

Choose this trait wisely as this defines the basic zeitgeist of your people, rather than just your leader. Unlike leader traits, this will NEVER change under any circumstances and are the very basis of your nation. If you would like something not seen here, bring it up in the thread, and I'll determine whether or not it's a valid trait.

Maritime: Building ships are half the applicable cost, and you start with a Dock and Small Boat.
Warlike: Soldiers fight better in all battles. Faction starts with Fortifications.
Industrious: Scrappers retrieve 50% more Scrap Parts while salvaging ruins.
Friendly: Larger amount of immigrants per turn.
Agricultural: Starting Settlement’s fertility is Fertile, rather than Average. Your people are able to farm any location, and even Worthless fertility still counts as Subsistence rather than providing nothing.
Adventurous: Exploratory expeditions are more likely to find unique items and treasures. Starts with a random starting bonus of unknown size and value.

Starting Community Types

These communities are the type of settlements that are created based on your above choices. There are only three options: Vaults, Bunkers, and Settlements. Vault Dwellers start in Vaults, Pre-War Military starts in Bunkers, and everyone else starts in Settlements.

Vault: A vault is part of a pre-war nuclear shelter campaign, which was advertised to protect the people, and even help them thrive in a post-nuclear environment. They are said to be self-sufficient and able to sustain internal support indefinitely. Can only be started in by Vault Dwellers, will have higher number of food, water, and tech parts. Most vaults can be sealed in an emergency, which prevents any attack. These can also be started anywhere on the map, regardless of terrain. There is one important addition to this place however, which can either make your or break you from the very beginning, beyond your own control. All vaults are part of the Vault-Tec Sociological Experiment. This means that every vault has a flaw or unique feature, which will be randomly selected at the start of the game. This means, that beyond the already stated benefits, stats like population, ammunition, and your arsenal will be completely randomized, and unknown at the start. (Examples of Vault Names: Vault 101, Vault 3, Vault 21)

Bunker: These are Pre-War installations established by the United States military in the case of nuclear war. They come with large stockpiles of food, water, and ammunition, but no way to produce any more of their own.

Settlement: A Settlement is a standard community in this setting. It has walls, homes, and covers a vast variety of differences, from squatting in old ruins to a purpose-built town in the wilderness.

Sample Standard Game Stats​

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Atom Union: Polyblank
Leader: Commissioner Mark Jobs (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: Albany
Total Population: 1,580
Slaves: 0
Education: Advanced
Food: 1,240 (+1,000)
Water: 1,540 (+1,500)
Energy: 14
Scrap Parts: 2,600
Tech Parts: 8
Ammunition: 1,695
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Intact Computers (2)
Military Skill: 4
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Albany (Settlement; Albany, GA): +250 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 680
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Farm, Laboratory, Fortifications (2), Power Plant, Automated Defense System, Radio Tower, Water Station
-Arsenal: 140 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 120 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns, 10 Laser Weapons, 10 Scrap Power Armor Suits, 10 Protectrons
Arlington (Settlement; Arlington, GA): +250 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 500
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (3), Water Station, Farm, Automated Defense System
-Arsenal: 130 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 120 1-H Guns, 10 2-H Guns, 10 Laser Weapons, 10 Scrap Power Armor Suits
Easebur (Settlement; Leesburg, GA): +500 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 400
-Farming (Fertile): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (3), Water Station, Farm, Automated Defense System
-Arsenal: 130 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 120 1-H Guns, 5 2-H Guns, 5 Laser Weapons, 10 Scrap Power Armor Suits

The Rules​
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Caps: A Merchant’s Tale

Nothing here yet, but perhaps as the wasteland economy develops, there will be.

Population and Slaves

Your population is all your people that you have available to you. Typically the numbers are going to start very small, but will quickly grow throughout the course of years. The "civilized" zones such as your faction won't be the only survivors out there, and based on your faction traits and other stats, you'll be receiving a slow flow of immigrants and refugees from more wild territories. This will be included alongside "natural" growth as well.

The Population stat isn't a representation of a larger population or a base from which to create an army. Your Population IS your army. Therefore, it is very important to keep your people happy and loyal as well as provide them with state of the art weapons and good equipment for battle. You have absolute control over your people, send them wherever you choose. They live to serve your whims and the faction as a whole. As long as they stay loyal, that is.

The slave stat is entirely up to you. If you want slaves, feel free to capture some from the wasteland or other factions. Thanks to state of the art bomb collar technology, it's easier than ever to enslave people! Slaves produce double Scrap Parts when assigned to salvaging the old world than Population. They can also be used as soldiers who will not retreat when faced with overwhelming odds, as they would rather die in combat than have their head explode.


The Education rating of your population represents the base that your intellectuals have when it comes to scientific endeavors. This is created so that we have an accurate descriptor which can define what sort of projects your faction can create or work on. Each type has a different effect, but do not feel too bad if you are the "lowest" type as this actually means you likely have a better handle on things such as farming or fighting than more intellectual factions. Education will evolve through Challenges and the decisions you make as the ruler of your people. The levels of Education are as follows:

Tribal Education: This represents a culture which educates its youth through Oral Tradition and knowledge. At this level, you are able to send your people to farm and gather food without having to build a farm. While this does require slightly more micromanagement, it means that you do not have to build farms to eat, which is nice.

General Education: This represents an educational system moderately similar to what we have in real life. While your population is likely to be literate and have a good knowledge of history, this has very little practical application. However, it does allow you to build more types of structures and equipment than Tribal Education does.

Advanced Education: This represents a working knowledge of pre-war technology and theoretical research. This is the most developed form of an educational system for your people, and represents higher degrees of learning. Advanced Education is not strictly required, except for building laboratories to conduct your own research into futuristic technologies.

Supplies in Their Natural Habitats

Food and Water are the most important resources out there, period. Good food and purified water are essential to the literal survival of not just the faction, but the very species. Each person that you have in your faction will require 1 Food and 1 Water every year. If they do not receive it, they will die. This includes slaves unfortunately. Some old pre-war facilities have food or water production of their own, sometimes in large amounts. Food and water is very rarely found during scavenging, as it has either long since expired or was looted in the few weeks after the Great War itself.

Food is produced by assigning population to be farmers. You can increase the number of farmers you have by building Farms at your settlement. Factions with Tribal Education are an exception to this rule. Each settlement has a “Fertility” level that determines how much food can be provided per farmer. It may be tempting just to find a fertile location and stack a bunch of farms there, but remember, if you depend on a single community for all of your food, that could make you very vulnerable to a surgical strike by an enemy. The fertility levels are as follows:
Worthless: No food can be provided at this settlement.
Subsistence: Each assigned farmer provides +1 Food.
Average: Each assigned farmer provides +5 Food.
Fertile: Each assigned farmer provides +10 Food.
G.E.C.K.: Each assigned farmer provides +50 Food.

Energy represents the production of electricity in your faction or other related energy. Energy can be found in scavenging old buildings, but is the most difficult resource to find in this manner. The only reliable way to accumulate energy is through your own production. Energy is then used to power advanced power armor, vehicles, and some buildings. Energy is also essential for activating robots to join your army.

Scrap Parts represent the random detritus that is the leftovers of the modern world. This can include anything from the shells of cars, to timber, to any assorted scrap metal, wood, or other building material. They are used in construction as well as to create weapons. They can also be converted into ammunition with the appropriate facilities.

Tech Parts represent various more advanced and developed salvage. This would be things such as tools or equipment that is not easily reproduced in the post-apocalyptic world. They are tough to find, and invaluable when you do, as they can be used to create the most advanced buildings and weapons.

Ammunition is required for the use of all non-melee weapons. Without it, your guns are just fairly useless clubs and you'll get torn apart by the most primitive tribes. Different types of guns expend ammunition quicker, and you lose ammunition based on how many battles you fight in a turn and how many.

Chems are a bit of a wildcard when it comes to resource production. They can be found in course of exploration and salvaging, but otherwise they be produced by a Chemist. Chems are drugs that provide enhancements in battle. Each soldier who uses a Chem before battle becomes significantly more effective in combat. Chems can also be used to buy off raiders and provide occasional solutions to Challenges that come your way.

Alcohol provides significantly smaller bonus to combat than Chems, but function in the same basic manner. Alcohol can be produced with a Still structure. Alcohol can also be used as a substitute for Ammunition in creating explosives. With the proper structures, down the line it can also be used to make Energy. If you have a Water shortage, Alcohol can provide an emergency supply of liquid to keep your people from dehydration, 5 Alcohol = 1 unit of Water in this situation. Enjoy your drinks!

Lastly, there are unique items out there that can be recovered and used in the construction of the most sophisticated structures. These unique items are very rare, but if you do find them, you can trade them with other factions, ideally at a high cost. These unique items are Intact Computers, Defunct Reactors, Precision Tools, Machining Gear, Radio Gear, and Laboratory Equipment. You will most likely find them in places that have yet to be scavenged by you or any other faction.

Military Equipment and Skill

The United States, being the home of the gun nut, has a large amount of guns just lying around the place. Scavenging and exploring will often result in the recovery of different types of weapons. Even better, when you defeat a group of raiders or another faction's army, their weapons become your own. The list of goodies you can use to fight are in a below post. Lastly, if you don't have enough weapons for your whole population, it is assumed that they are using standard melee makeshift stuff, which is always the least effective tool.

Military Skill is the type of ability that your population has for combat. Remember, all of your population generally knows at least something about fighting and war, otherwise they'd die off. Therefore, your whole population is your army and this stat reflects what sort of experience and abilities they possess in the terms of combat. Obviously the higher the better, and the more you fight, the better you get. This is also inherently increased with the Fearsome or Barbaric traits.

Exploration and Salvaging

As frequently mentioned above a large amount of your time and energy would be best focused on sifting through the ruins of society. With scouting parties you can locate promising ruins which could work well as an outpost or community. You can find nice bits of salvage and old-war gems, including hidden special projects that you could bring to life with just enough Tech Parts and/or Energy. My recommendation is that you have at least one scouting party heading out somewhere every turn. Of course, there's always the small chance that they'll get hit by raiders or other factions, so make sure to give them some firepower to help them out. To Explore simply say in orders "Send __ people with ____ weapons to Explore in _____ spot.” Expeditions to places as yet unexplored will always be more likely to find rare parts and materials than simple salvagers.

Salvaging the old world is by far the most tedious thing that needs to be accomplished by your people. This involves stripping old railroads of their metal, disassembling old buildings, chopping down trees, or otherwise gathering the Scrap Parts you need to build basic things. If you live in what was once a highly developed urban area, you can spend years, maybe decades, taking apart the wreckage of the old world. If you live in the wilderness, this may be more difficult. You will salvage more Scrap based on how many people you assign to this task. Every Population can gather 1 Scrap per turn, and Slaves gather 2 Scraps per turn. There is also a slight chance that salvagers will find a hitherto undiscovered cache of other supplies beyond Scrap Parts.

Outposts and Expansion

The civilizations of the wasteland begin by uniting a variety of small towns and outposts. They usually begin as fortified positions or tribal communities but ultimately evolve into a part of a much larger nation. There's always the chance settlers will be hit by raiders on the way, so once again, make sure they have weapons. There are several "standard" types of places you can discover that are detailed here. These do not include some of the places which qualify as starting zones, as they typically must be conquered, not colonized.

Every settlement has its own population, structures, and arsenal. All weapons, robots and vehicles are included in each town’s stats, and you must move them around if you want an equal division of defense. Be warned, moving weapons and gear may attract raiders who want what you have. On the flip side of this, all other resources are kept track of faction-wide rather than by individual settlements.

Warfare in Post-Apocalyptia

As I've already mentioned, there are no standing armies or militias. Every person in your faction knows how to fight and thanks to the leftovers of modern technology, only a small number of people actually need to stay home and farm or maintain things. In order to fight, simply state the number of people you want to send into battle, what weapons you want them to carry, and where you want them to go. Typically war is fought as a series of firefights, not sustained fronts or warfare. Each battle will expend ammunition, so be careful of your stockpiles before you go out on campaign. If you run out of ammo, it is quite likely things will end poorly for you. Always keep a garrison at your outposts if you want to keep them. When planning battles, feel free to be as detailed as you'd like, it can only help.

Challenges and Updates

Ask anyone, as long as my interest is held in a forum game, I update regularly. My goal is multiple updates a week, especially in early stages before factions meet each other. As the world expands and more factions and settlements are added, we will settle into a weekly update tradition. I don’t know how most games do it on this newfangled version of CFC, but I expect orders on the thread in spoilers or via Private Message if you want to be enigmatic to everyone. I consider it a supreme dick move to look at someone’s orders if they post them on the thread and will find a way to punish you if I don’t kick you out of the game entirely.

An unique point of this game is that each turn will bring your faction at least one Challenge that you must resolve. This could be anything from a minor dispute among families in your faction, to critical issues such as food or water shortages. Each update you must address your Challenge from the past turn or face the consequences of inaction.

The World of Fallout Florida​

War, war never changes.

The outbreak of war with China led to a significant drop in the importance of Florida to the United States’ government. Most military forces moved to the west coast, and with the Baby Boomer generation beginning to fade, the civilian population soon followed. As a state which relied heavily on tourism, nuclear, pandemic, and war scares began to cripple the state, leaving it with a declining infrastructure and severe economic troubles. As international travel was brought to a halt, many hotels and theme parks shut down, unable to maintain a solid business. Therefore, when nuclear weapons were unleashed, Florida was not a priority target for Chinese missiles and attacks. Though large urban centers and military bases were hit, much of the state was spared from direct nuclear attack. Unfortunately the chaos that followed did more damage and harm than any nuclear weapons could.

The geography of Florida is as diverse as it is unique. In the south, the Everglades has overrun the ruins of Miami, and much of the southern part of the peninsula has been claimed by the swamps. These swamps are deep and mysterious, few enter them and fewer leave, especially in the vine-choked ruins of the great city of Miami. Miami itself consists of half-sunken skyscrapers and derelict vessels, as well as hordes of various creatures and monsters looking to feast. Along the western coast of the peninsula lie a number of sparse and disparate coastal communities, most long abandoned by their residents. Tampa was badly hit by nuclear weapons during the war and traditionally has been avoided by scavengers due to high radioactivity. On the eastern coast from the edge of the swamps to Jacksonville is an unending row of hotels and beach towns, stretching as far as the eye can see. These tilted hotels are without number, standing as if tombstones to the people who once lived in them, a modern Easter Island, facing toward the sea. In the center of the state is the metropolis of Orlando, the most populous city in Florida at the time of the war. Hit hard by nuclear weapons, it is full of ruins, and the skies remain choked with dust and radiation. In the south the old amusement parks crumble, though some remain hauntingly active, as some old rides still, just barely, function, without any riders or operators. Throughout northern Florida and southern Georgia, the numerous small towns and cities remain mostly abandoned, lost during the chaos after the war. Some treasures may remain, as scavengers from more organized communities look for ways to prolong their existence.
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Stuff and Things of the Wasteland

[SIZE=”7”]Stuff and Things of the Wasteland​

These are the various weapons and buildings which can be salvaged or built by the factions of the Wasteland, including you. Some can only be scavenged, so keep this in mind when you're drooling over the possibilities. Typically the more expensive the weapon is, the more powerful it is in combat. Aspiring warlords should take note, however, that under the right circumstances it is possible for you to fail if the other person has cheaper weapons but better tactics.

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Low-Tech Melee Weapon: These are purpose built melee weapons such as swords and the like. Significantly better than improvised arms that people use by default. Obviously, Melee weapons do not expend ammunition in battle.
Cost: 1 Scrap Part for 1 Low-Tech Melee Weapon
Requisites: Forge

Low-Tech Ranged Weapon: These are purpose built ranged weapons along the lines of bows and crossbows. These weapons do not expend ammunition.
Cost: 5 Scrap Parts for 1 Low-Tech Melee Weapon
Requisites: Forge

Low-Tech Siege Weapons: These are things like catapults and trebuchets, relics of a more barbaric age. They can bring down all but the toughest walls, and in theory could be used to inefficiently respond to more advanced ranged equipment. They expend 5 Scrap Parts or 5 explosives of any type in each battle they are used.
Cost: 50 Scrap Parts for 1 Low-Tech Siege Weapon
Requisites: Workshop

High Tech Melee: These are pre-war military hand to hand combat devices, such as "Power Fists" and more civilian items like chainsaws. These are great for stealthy operations and combat against those who do not have guns. Like Low Tech Melee, these devices do not expend ammunition in battle.
Cost: 10 Materials and 1 Tech Part for 1 High-Tech Melee Weapon
Requisites: Forge and Workshop

One-Hand (1-H) Guns. These are projectile 1 hand weapons such as pistols, submachine guns, and revolvers. For the sake of simplicity I'm including shotguns in this category as well. Simply put, these are the best weapons for combat in close quarters, urban regions. They are fairly common throughout civilian ruins. They expend 1 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 5 Scrap Parts for 1 1-H Gun
Requisites: Gunsmith

Two-Hand (2-H) Guns: These are projectile rifles, hunting or otherwise. Best for open base defense and in-the-field combat, as well as being nearly as good as 1-H Guns in close combat. They are somewhat common among civilian ruins. They expend 2 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 10 Scrap Parts for 1 2-H Gun
Requisites: Gunsmith

Heavy Weapons: These are missile launchers, grenade launchers, and other explosive devices. They are good in any circumstance when you're not trying to be subtle about your capabilities. They can normally only be salvaged from prewar military installations and a select few civilian installations. They expend 5 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 50 Scrap Parts and 1 Tech Part for 1 Heavy Weapon
Requisites: Gunsmith and Workshop

Howitzer: These are modern artillery pieces in their purest form. One of the few pieces of military equipment pre-war not based on electronics, except for guidance, these artillery devices can be found at scattered bases across the wasteland. However, without the attached vehicles, they can be very difficult to move, so are best in a defensive position. They expend 50 Ammunition each per battle fought.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts for 1 Howitzer
Requisites: Manufactory, Gunsmith, Forge, and Workshop

Laser Weapons: These were fairly standard issue for the United States military at the time of the Great War. They come and all shapes and sizes, and are generally known for packing a much bigger punch than projectile weapons. They are typically only found among Army or National Guard bases. They expend 3 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 10 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Requisites: Gunsmith and Laboratory

Plasma Weapons: These had just been issued to the military prior to the Great War, and are known for the extreme firepower, being able to punch through almost any type of armor, reducing their victims to a green goo. They are difficult to find and can only be located from ruins of large military bases. They expend 4 Ammunition each per battle fought.
Cost: 20 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Requisites: Gunsmith, Laboratory, Workshop, and Manufactory

Fat Man/Mini-Nuke: The Fat Man is one of the biggest guns out there. Essentially this gun propels a small nuclear device out of a launcher, smashing apart medium-sized groups of enemies, as well as pretty much any vehicle or hapless fool in power armor. Unlike other guns they use Mini-Nukes as ammunition. Unlike other guns, they will ONLY be used in battle if you specifically say so, due to the rarity of both the gun and the ammo. Both the Fat Man and Mini-Nukes can only be found through lucky salvage.

Stealth Boy: The Stealth Boy is a pre-war stealth device that renders almost complete invisibility upon its wearer for a few moments. The charge is limited and there’s no recharge, so use of a stealth boy will render the device useless, not much more than garbage. A rare device and particularly lethal when appropriately used in action.

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Explosives are unique in that they are used only once, but can be enough to turn the tide of battle if deployed. They can be a combat wildcard if used correctly, and offer a chance for lower technology factions to turn the tables on a power armored adversary. When used in combat, they are gone forever.

Improvised Explosives: These are jury-rigged explosives such as Molotov cocktails or rigged fusion cores as explosives. They offer anti-personnel abilities, but rarely cause significant damage to fortification or armored vehicles.
Cost: 5 Ammunition OR 1 Energy OR 1 Alcohol for 1 Improvised Explosive
Requisites: None

Dynamite: These are purpose built explosives with moderate all around abilities and can be used to destroy armored and unarmored targets. They are the best explosive for blowing holes in fortifications.
Cost: 10 Ammunition OR 20 Alcohol for 1 Dynamite
Requisites: Chemist

Grenade: Grenades have the versatility of improvised explosives, and the anti-armor abilities of dynamite. However, they are less effective against buildings than Dynamite.
Cost: 20 Ammunition OR 40 Alcohol for 1 Grenade
Requisites: Chemist

Energy Grenade: Based on state of the art pre-war technology, energy grenades use EMP or Plasma technology to create an explosive blast that will wipe out nearly anything. The only thing they are not effective against is buildings. However, they are extra-effective against robots and powered armor.
Cost: 30 Ammunition, 1 Energy for 1 Energy Grenade
Requisites: Chemist and Laboratory

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Leather Armor: Leather Armor is the most basic protection beyond normal clothing, crafted out of animal hide and old clothing. Leather Armor is best against animal attacks and conventional firearms.
Cost: 5 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Armorsmith

Metal Armor: Created out of old car parts and other detritus of the old world, metal armor is somewhat tougher than Leather Armor. They lack the same maneuverability, however, and are far better against swords and low-tech weaponry, as well as higher tech energy weapons.
Cost: 10 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Armorsmith and Forge

Combat Armor: Combat Armor is the basic infantry reinforcement used by the US Army before the end of the world, or a passable replica thereof. It protects equally against all types of attacks.
Cost: 20 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Armorsmith, Forge, and Workshop

Horse Armor: Horse armor is essentially metal armor that’s been reworked to provide additional armor for the animal, DLC free. It will help keep your horses alive when they’re used in combat.
Cost: 20 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Armorsmith, Forge

Scrap Power Armor: Scrap Power Armor is what the people of the wasteland can build based on what they’ve heard or learned on their own about pre-war powered armor. It is bit out of bits and pieces of scrap metal and equipment found in the wasteland. Sometimes it is even built out of old power armor frames and structures, but it tends to be an Energy hog when used in combat, but is still a massive improvement over conventional armor. It expends 10 Energy when used in battle.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts
Requisites: Armorsmith, Forge, and Garage

T-45 Power Armor (T-45 Suit): T-45 Power Armor was the first power armor suit introduced by the United States military into combat against the Chinese. It was in the process of being phased out when nuclear war at last broke out. Power armor is highly effective in combat, granting supreme protection and strength to the wearer. Unfortunately they are notoriously power inefficient, consuming 5 Energy per use in battle. The T-45 can only be scavenged, not built.

T-51 Power Armor (T-51 Suit): The T-51 power armor was the type of suit deployed in the Anchorage campaign and saw extensive trial in combat. It was known for having a more efficient energy system, but roughly the same level of armor. Therefore it offers the same amount of protection as the T-45, but only consumes 3 Energy per use in battle. The T-51 can only be scavenged, not built.

T-60 Power Armor (T-60 Suit): The T-60 power armor suit was the latest being rolled out to American military units when the war came to an end. It has significantly higher damage resistance than earlier models and all energy issues were resolved, vastly reducing fuel consumption. The T-60 only consumes 1 Energy for use in battle. The T-60 can only be scavenged not built.

X-01 Power Armor (X-01 Suit): The X-01 Power Armor Suit was designed by the Enclave after the Great War and rectifies all previous suits’ flaws. They possess state of the art power systems which require no Energy for consumption. They can only be found in the rarest of places.

While not completely canon with Fallout lore, I’ve always found it unusual that animals are limited in their presence except for dogs. Unlike these other items, animals are not produced by any means, except naturally, much like your Population. Also like your Population, they consume Food, rather than Energy or Ammunition.

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Dog: Dogs are man’s best friends and a fantastic way to take a bite out of your enemies. They act as additional defense and offense when fighting your enemies. They consume 1 Food per turn, like a normal Population.

Horse: Horses are an easy way to cross the wilderness with speed and security. Unfortunately, grasses are much fewer and far in between in the wasteland, so they will consume a large amount of your food on hand. They consume 5 Food per turn.

Brahmin: These creatures mutated from cows after the Great War. They are able to eat what little nutrients and grasses that the wasteland provides, and give milk and meat to a community. Each Brahmin you have provides +1 Food per turn.

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Mr. Handy: These were developed for the civilian market as the first personal robot, particularly for cooking and repair work around the house. They still can help maintain fortifications and so forth, but you'll likely find them best for close-combat, as they possess a small flamethrower as well as numerous melee weapons. They can also be used for basic salvaging and construction, and will always return with something to show for it.
Cost: 50 Scrap parts, 5 Tech Parts, 1 Energy
Requisites: Robotics Facility

Protectron: These are common pre-war robots, generally used by civilian companies and police forces. They are the most versatile robots that were available on the prewar markets, able to be programmed for a variety of purposes, including law enforcement, emergency medical treatments, and repair and construction. They possess a laser weapon as well as limited disabling close-combat devices.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts, 1 Energy
Requisites: Robotics Facility

Mr. Gutsy: This was the military model of Mr. Handy, capable of constructing field fortifications, as well as possessing a military grade flamethrower and laser or plasma weapons.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, 1 Energy
Requisites: Gunsmith and Robotics Facility

Assaultron: This is a fast moving and deadly robot, specializing in close combat and hand to hand fighting, but also possesses long range and powerful laser weaponry.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 15 Tech Parts, 1 Energy
Requisites: Gunsmith, Laboratory, and Robotics Facility

Sentry Bots: These are very rare and uncommon pre-war advanced security and military robots. Unlike the Mr. Gutsy, these have no "peaceful" functions. They are armed with a gatling laser, missiles, and a flamethrower, all of which are constructed and supplied by internal programming. If you encounter these, be prepared to die or run away.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 20 Tech Parts, 2 Energy
Requisites: Gunsmith, Laboratory, Forge, Workshop, and Robotics Facility

Important Note: You should be aware that when it comes to creating larger and more complicated vehicles such as anything that isn’t a raft or canoe, what is actually occurring is the restoration of pre-war artifacts. Therefore you are not building a truck from scratch, but are rather restoring an old truck for use once again.

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Raft: This uncontrollable floating device is simply a means of carrying people or items behind a different, slow-moving boat. Used best with canoes. Trade over water is not viable for a turn without rafts to go with your canoes.
Cost: 25 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Dock

Canoe: These ancient boats are going to require 5 people each to move them swiftly along. They of course have no fighting capacity, but can be used in conjunction with rafts to move supplies around on rivers or lakes. A canoe can haul two rafts full of cargo or passengers behind it.
Cost: 50 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Dock

Airboat: These are powered shallow-bottom ships that can be used to carry up to ten people each, but cannot hold cargo. They are best used for traveling across shallow lakes, streams, or in heavy swampland. Using them on any other type of water is a recipe for disaster. These vessels consume 1 Energy per every 60 miles travelled.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Requisites: Dock, General or Advanced Education

Small Boat: These are modern powered vessels that can carry a good deal of cargo and can move on larger rivers, assuming no significant debris. They can be armed if you choose to arm them with whatever weapons you have in your arsenal. Consider these to be approximately the size of a large fishing boat or very large yacht. They can fit up to fifty people with supplies if packed fully. These vessels will consume 1 Energy per every 40 miles travelled.
Cost: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 20 Tech Parts
Requisites: Dock and Shipyard, General or Advanced Education

Large Boat: These are modern powered vessels of far greater size than the Small Boat, roughly equivalent to a modern freighter. They can be armed and are mostly meant for oceanic travel, though it is not recommended to try to cross the Atlantic. They can haul massive amounts of scrap and other salvage from coastal areas. These vessels will consume 1 Energy per every 10 miles travelled.
Cost: 8,000 Scrap Parts, 40 Tech Parts
Requisites: Dock, Shipyard, and Manufactory, Advanced Education

Wagon: These iconic American vehicles from the days of the Wild West are making a comeback. Pulled either by a team of humans or a team of draft animals, they can haul a good amount of cargo or passengers across the wasteland, even in difficult terrain. Not very fast, but still useful, they consume no energy when traveling.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Workshop

Motorcycle: These land-based powered vehicles are the epitome of fast reconnaissance for scouts. Capable of easily maneuvering through the ruins of the old world at high speed, they offer the ease of quickly transporting one’s scouts through the countryside. Sadly, due to the high speed, they are far more likely to fall prey to traps and are not so good off of pre-war roads. Motorcycles will consume 1 Energy for every 100 Miles travelled.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 3 Tech Parts
Requisites: Garage, General or Advanced Education

Highwayman: These are some standard passenger cars from before the war, best suited for travel on good roads and open spaces. They are not particularly good for hauling goods, just people, and less maneuverable than a motorcycle, but offer somewhat more protection. Highwaymans will consume 1 Energy for every 50 Miles travelled.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Requisites: Garage, General or Advanced Education

Truck: These lumbering pre-war vehicles are the ultimate land-based supply haulers. Far superior to carts or Brahmin, they can easily carry a large amount of salvaged goods or soldiers across the wasteland. Incredibly sturdy, they can go off-road with ease anywhere except swamps, but are typically best when escorted by friendly infantry or when travelling roads in friendly territory. Consumes 1 Energy for every 20 Miles travelled.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts
Requires: Garage, General or Advanced Education

Light Aircraft: Civilians could own aircraft before the nuclear bombs dropped, and a number of private aircraft may have survived intact throughout the wasteland. Powered by small nuclear engines and unarmed, they could still make excellent scouting aircraft if deployed from an airfield. While they can provide information about an area, they can’t be used for salvage purposes. You can put Heavy Weapons upon these craft to use as air support. They will use up 1 Energy every 500 miles of travel.
Cost: 400 Scrap Parts, 40 Tech Parts
Requires: Garage and Airfield, General or Advanced Education

X-17 Fighter Aircraft: These fighters were the pride of the United States Air Force before the war. They were featured in every display and presentation as a symbol of American glory and power. Their durability was renown, and while most were sent to the front lines, others have remained intact. They have no missiles, and expend 50 Ammunition for each fight they are in. They will use up 1 Energy for every 50 miles of travel.

B-77 Heavy Bomber: Developed in 2075 by Airdyne Industries, the B-77 was created to deliver massive amounts of conventional or nuclear ordnance upon enemy populations. Conceived for strategic bombing they operation on nuclear engines and were used en masse against Chinese cities during the Great War prior to the fighting becoming atomic. They use 100 Ammunition on each bombing run, but deploy a truly devastating payload in the process. They will use up 1 Energy every 10 miles of travel.

Vertibirds: A standard piece of equipment used by the military and private companies before the war. Possesses extremely hefty firepower and countermeasures against missiles and other ground-based offensive systems. Well suited for the deployment of mini-nukes against ground targets and expends 50 Ammunition per battle fought otherwise. Vertibirds consume 1 Energy per 30 miles travelled. Vertibirds do not require airfields to land.

Unique Weapons and Vehicles

The weapons and vehicles below are most likely only found once or twice and will rarely be seen again. For the sake of simplicity, I’ve used traditional weapon names for these and have solely provided the consumption of ammunition they will use. In some cases, these units may use special and unique types of supplies, such as Fuel.

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Nuclear Bomb: These are the weapons of the old world that brought down everything. Dropped all over the United States, nuclear weapons varied in size and type. These intact models are of a significantly lower yield than the largest weapons, and while they can’t wipe out an entire pre-war metropolis on their own, they could easily wipe out any of the post-war settlements with a single push of a button. Please note that this is just the bomb, delivery vehicle is not included.

Important Structures

The following are key structures which are used to expand the capabilities of your faction, in order to secure your safety and prosperity. All buildings are listed in the settlement's stats in which they are built. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, and feel free to think of anything else that may have been missed here. Another note is that farms are not included here (beyond hydroponics), and this is because with the exception of automated equipment, I am assuming all gathering takes place from existing farms. Please read the descriptions thoroughly as some structures require a geographic trait.

Most advanced buildings will require highly specialized equipment from the old world that enables you to construct them. These unique items can only be found through salvage, and without them, you cannot replicate these old weapons and equipment. When you use unique items to create a building, they are gone forever. Unique items are notated below in italics.

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Outpost: This represents a better than temporary outpost built somewhere in the wasteland. They act solely as a watchpost or minor fortification to protect or observe a location. Structures cannot be built at an outpost, and they can only have a population and an armory, nothing else. Any salvage or gathering operations conducted from an Outpost have the same penalties as any long-ranging salvage or gathering operation. Outposts cannot be built at sites of existing settlements. Costs 500 Scrap Parts to build an outpost.

New Town: This is the construction of a new settlement of different types, each with their own advantages/disadvantages, as discussed above in the ruleset. New settlements cost varying amounts depending on how/where you build them. The base cost for a new settlement with rudimentary fortifications and structures is 3,000 Scrap Parts. Depending on where you build a settlement, it could come with an automatic additional structure.

Fortifications: Fortifications are any sort of purpose-built defensive works that protect the settlement in question. Ten levels of fortification can be built at any particular settlement or outpost. Each level represents essentially adding +1 Military Skill to any defenders of that settlement. It is assumed that any existing settlement has a basic level of fortifications, these structures are anything that could be considered additions. This could include, but is not limited to: pillboxes, additional walls, parapets, and interior strongholds.
Cost: 500 Scrap Parts
Requisites: None

Farm: These offer the ability to permanently assign some of your population to local farming. Each farm provides the capacity for 50 farmers. You can have a maximum of ten farms per settlement.The amount of food provided by farms depends on the number of farmers assigned and the local fertility of the soil for farming. Cannot be built in a Bunker or Vault.
Cost: 300 Scrap Parts, 1 Tech Part
Requisites: None

Water Filter: These structures allow your people to “clean” water of radiation and contaminates by hand. While it does not automatically pump and produce water like a Water Station, it does not require a large source of fresh water to function.
Cost: 100 Scrap Parts, 2 Tech Parts
Requisites: None

Dock: You may live on an island or want to be a seafaring nation. In these cases, a Farm might not work for you. A Dock can be used to build primitive craft and provides the capacity for 10 “Farmers” that fish from the sea. The Dock is not dependent upon local area fertility for food production, always providing “Average” quality food input.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts
Requisites: None

Hydroponics Farm This is a farm that relies more on high technology equipment to allow for the sustaining of crops. Each farm provides the capacity for 50 farmers. This is the only type of farm that can be built in a Bunker or Vault.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts
Requisites: Advanced Education

Water Station: This structure combines a purifier with a pump, allowing for mass production of clean water for your community. It is possible to pump a lake dry with years of sustained use. Amount provided per turn depends on the size of the water source, at a maximum providing 500 Water per turn. Cannot be built in a Bunker or Vault. You have a maximum of ten water stations per settlement.
Cost: 600 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Requisites: A nearby source of fresh water such as a lake or river. General or Advanced Education.

Mine: A facility that allows the use of Population and/or Slaves to dig up valuable Scrap Parts (in this case representing ore) from beneath the earth, rather than relying on old junk you can salvage from old world ruins.
Cost: 1,000 Scrap Parts
Requisites: Can only be built in mountainous areas with viable resources.

Chemist: A Chemist allows for the production of various types of explosives and Chems. Chems can be produced here for 5 Food for 1 Chem.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Laboratory Equipment
Requisites: None

Still: A Still allows for the conversion of food into Alcohol, which serves a variety of purposes. Alcohol can be produced here for 5 Food for 1 Alcohol.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts, Precision Tools
Requisites: None

Forge: A forge is a core component of smithing and developing swords and weaponry for a tribal or basic army. Mostly this includes a hot fire and tough surfaces to hammer upon.
Cost: 300 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech parts
Requisites: None

Armorsmith: An Armorsmith offers the creation of armor that will help keep your people alive when in combat. This allows the production of most types of armor.
Cost: 300 Scrap Parts, 5 Tech Parts
Requisites: None

Workshop: A working handyman’s center with the tools and equipment needed to build sophisticated parts for more advanced gear and weapons.
Cost: 400 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Precision Tools
Requisites: None

Radio Tower: This structure allows for broadcasting into the wasteland, music or otherwise. Allows long distance communication and diplomacy with other factions that also have radios. Increases attention of would-be immigrants and raiders to your faction.
Cost: 1,000 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Radio Gear
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Power Plant: This is a basic nuclear reactor that can be constructed with a significant background in education or the ability to learn it from other sources. Generators convert raw energy from scavenged materials into Energy at an exchange rate of 50 Scrap Parts for each Energy. Energy is used by a variety of vehicles, armor, and buildings for power.
Cost: 3,000 Scrap Parts, 75 Tech Parts, Defunct Reactor, Intact Computers
Requisites: Workshop, General or Advanced Education.

Gunsmith: This facility allows you to produce firearms for deployment by your forces, giving an advantage against lower tech weaponry.
Cost: 500 Scrap Parts, 15 Tech Parts, Machining Gear
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Ammunition Plant: This facility allows you to convert Scrap Parts into Ammunition for use on the battlefield. Conversion is done at a cost of 1 Scrap Part into 1 Ammunition.
Cost: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 20 Tech Parts, Machining Gear
Requisites: General or Advanced Education.

Garage: This is a sophisticated location that allows you to build land vehicles and equipment that will improve your abilities for combat.
Cost: 800 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Machining Gear, Precision Tools
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Manufactory: Manufactories are used for the production of particularly high tech and complicated sorts of equipment and arms. They can also be used to produce the highly sophisticated technology needed for advanced buildings and weapons. Using this building you can convert 50 Scrap Parts into 1 Tech Part.
Cost: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 40 Tech Parts, Machining Gear, Precision Tools
Requisites: Workshop, Advanced Education

Robotics Facility: This location is used for the production of robots of all shapes and sizes.
Cost: 1,000 Scrap Parts, 50 Tech Parts, Intact Computers, Precision Tools
Requisites: Advanced Education

Shipyard: You may require larger and more advanced naval craft once you advance. This facility allows you to build those ships with modern engines and sustainability.
Cost: 2,000 Scrap Parts, 15 Tech Parts, Machining Gear, Precision Tools
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Automated Defense System: This powered facility is a series of automated defense turrets, which increase the defense capacity of your base and reduce the need for a garrison. An Automated Defense System will expend 100 Ammunition and 10 Energy when deployed in a battle, so be careful not to build so many that you cannot afford to operate them.
Cost: 300 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Intact Computers
Requisites: Gunsmith, Advanced Education

Clinic: This is a place for treatment for radiation poisoning and wounds of all sizes and types, improving the chance of survival of defenders in combat situations. A clinic also opens up new options in regards to Challenges.
Cost: 400 Scrap Parts, 10 Tech Parts, Laboratory Equipment
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Laboratory: This is a sophisticated place for the advancement of sciences and development of society. This allows you to build the most advanced technology and even conduct your own research into new technology. Using the Laboratory you can turn 50 Tech Parts into Laboratory Equipment, Intact Computers, Machining Gear, Precision Tools, Defunct Reactor, or Radio Gear.
Cost: 800 Scrap Parts, 30 Tech Parts, Laboratory Equipment, Intact Computers
Requisites: Advanced Education

Liquor Refinery: Using advanced equipment and technology, this facility allows you to turn Alcohol into Energy at an exchange rate of 100 Alcohol into 1 Energy. This represents the process of using biofuel to refuel the energy cores used in most technology.
Cost: 1,000 Scrap Parts, 20 Tech Parts, Laboratory Equipment, Intact Computers

Airfield: A place in a settlement where planes can take off and land. Required for use of any aircraft. Only one can be built per town. Sometimes you can set up a settlement in an area where an airfield already exists, and give yourself a free building.
Cost: 3,000 Scrap Parts
Requisites: General or Advanced Education

Silo: These structures allow you to increase the amount of food you can store in your settlement by 1,000 units of Food.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts
Requisites: None

Water Tank: These structures allow you to increase the amount of water you can store in your settlement by 1,000 units of Water.
Cost: 200 Scrap Parts
Requisites: None
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Factions of the Sunshine Wasteland

Alexandrite Archivists: Tolina
Leader: Mikhail Aleksandrov (Perceptive)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Campus
Education: General
Total Population: 510
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 725/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,175/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 50
Tech Parts: 31
Ammunition: 4,735
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 1
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Campus (Gainesville, FL): +500 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 510
-Farming (Average): 100/100
-Structures: Farm (2), Water Station, Fortifications (1), Armorsmith
-Armory: 165 1-H Guns, 70 2-H Guns, 30 Laser Weapons, 102 Leather Armor

Mr. Bawkes's Box Emporium and Boxing Solutions: ork75
Leader: Mr. Bawkes (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Box Emporium
Education: General
Total Population: 260
Total Slaves: 30
Food: 360/10,000 (+250)
Water: 320/10,000 (+0)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 555
Tech Parts: 15
Ammunition: 95
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Intact Computers (1), Machining Gear (1)
Military Skill: 1
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Box Emporium (Blount Island, FL): +250 Food
-Population: 260
-Slaves: 30
-Animals: 20 Dogs
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Farm (1)
-Armory: 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 3 Improvised Explosives, 2 Rafts, 1 Canoe

Boco Ciego Academy: Quisani
Leader: Dockmaster Dennis Croft V (Agile)
Faction Trait: Maritime
Capital: Admiral Farragut Academy
Education: General
Total Population: 410
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,640/10,000 (+550)
Water: 1,590/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 8
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Defunct Reactor (1)
Military Skill: 1
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Admiral Farragut Academy (South Pasadena, FL): +550 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 410
-Farming (Average): 60/60
-Structures: Dock, Farm, Water Station
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 70 2-H Guns, 100 Stealth Boys

Citrus City: Marcher Jovian
Leader: Abigail the Fox (Agile)
Faction Trait: Agricultural
Capital: Citrus City
Education: Tribal
Total Population: 760
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 3,085/10,000 (+500)
Water: 4,355/10,000 (+800)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 330
Tech Parts: 17
Ammunition: 55
Chems: 50
Unique Items: Intact Computers (1)
Military Skill: 2
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Citrus City (Arcadia, FL): +500 Food, +800 Water
-Population: 760
-Animals: 55 Dogs, 15 Horses
-Farming (Fertile): 50/50
-Structures: Water Filter (8), Armorsmith, Farm
-Armory: 635 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 175 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 5 1-H Guns, 20 Leather Armor, 20 Stealth Boys

Conch Republic: Decamper
Leader: Admiral Ulrich Smith (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Maritime
Capital: Key Guard
Education: General
Total Population: 1,820
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,490/20,000 (+2,550)
Water: 1,240/20,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 39
Scrap Parts: 290
Tech Parts: 29
Ammunition: 1,145
Chems: 0
Unique Items: Precision Tools (1), Defunct Reactor (1)
Military Skill: 3
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Key Guard (Key West, FL): +50 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 550
-Farming (Average): 10/10
-Structures: Dock (1), Fortifications (1), Water Filter (5)
-Armory: 45 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 250 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 100 Laser Weapons, 1 Small Boat
Neuquex (Naval Air Station Key West, FL): +2,500 Food, +1,500 Water
-Population: 1,270
-Farming (Fertile): 250/250
-Structures: Farm (5), Water Station (2), Water Filter (5)
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns

Crusaders of the Holy Land: Seon
Leader: Grandmaster Smith (Strongman)
Faction Trait: Warlike
Capital: The Holy Land
Education: Tribal
Total Population: 920
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,340/20,000 (+55)
Water: 5,120/20,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 125
Tech Parts: 10
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 40
Alcohol: 0
Military Skill: 4
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Gatorland (Gatorland, FL): +500 Water
-Population: 190
-Animals: 10 Dogs, 3 Horses
-Farming (Worthless): 0/0
-Structures: Fortifications (6) Water Filter (5)
-Armory: 235 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 35 1-H Guns, 15 2-H Guns
The Holy Land (Holy Land Experience, Millenia, FL):
-Population: 730
-Animals: 40 Dogs, 14 Horses, 55 Brahmins
-Farming (Average): 0/0
-Structures: Fortifications (1)
-Armory: 1,245 Low Tech Melee Weapons, 380 Low Tech Ranged Weapons, 50 High Tech Melee Weapons, 305 1-H Guns, 105 2-H Guns, 160 Leather Armor, 50 Metal Armor, 5 Horse Armor

Elias City Representatives: NinjaCow64
Leader: Senior Manager Alyssa Chapek (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Friendly
Capital: Elias City
Education: General
Total Population: 1,120
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,165/10,000 (+0)
Water: 2,015/10,000 (+600)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,180
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 655
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 2
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Elias City (Williamsburg, FL): +600 Water
-Population: 1,120
-Farming (Average): 0/0
-Structures: Water Station (1), Water Filter (1), Fortifications (1), Forge, Armorsmith
-Armory: 1,050 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 500 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 20 Leather Armor, 5 Mr. Gutsys

Fair Play Inns: Terrence888
Leader: Sassafras "Sassy" Grubber (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Fair Play Inn
Education: Tribal
Total Population: 340
Total Slaves: 130
Food: 1,620/10,000 (+150)
Water: 760/10,000 (+300)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 380
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 35
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 200
Military Skill: 4
Unique Items: Precision Tools (1), Mysterious Crate (3)
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Fair Play Inn (Gumlog, GA): +50 Food, +200 Water
-Population: 220
-Farming (Average): 10/10
-Slaves: 130
-Structures: Still, Dock (1), Water Filter (2), Forge
-Armory: 165 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 75 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 115 1-H Guns, 125 2-H Guns, 10 Laser Weapons, 70 Improvised Explosives
Hartwell (Hartwell, GA): +100 Food, +100 Water
-Population: 115
-Farming (Subsistence): 20/20
-Slaves: 0
-Structures: Dock (2), Water Filter (1)
-Armory: 80 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 10 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 40 1-H Guns, 15 2-H Guns, 5 Laser Weapons, 52 Improvised Explosives

Folkston: J.K. Stockholme
Leader: Madame Sylvestra Chapelle (Lucky)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: Folkston
Education: General
Total Population: 335
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 575/10,000 (+250)
Water: 585/10,000 (+100)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 780
Tech Parts: 24
Ammunition: 425
Chems: 0
Unique Items: Precision Tools (1)
Military Skill: 1
Spoiler :

Folkston (Folkston, GA): +250 Food, +100 Water
-Population: 335
-Animals: 50 Dogs
-Farming: 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (1), Water Filter (1), Farm (1)
-Armory: 170 1-H Guns, 120 2-H Guns 13 Improvised Explosives

Ganglaw: Ahigin
Leader: Unknown
Faction Trait: Warlike
Capital: Bald Devil’s Kennel
Education: Tribal
Total Population: 230
Total Slaves: 80
Food: 5,550/10,000 (+100)
Water: 6,465/10,000 (+1,100)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 170
Tech Parts: 46
Ammunition: 220
Chems: 260
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Machining Gear (1), Defunct Reactor (1)
Military Skill: 5
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Bald Devil’s Kennel (Pinehurst, GA): +100 Food, +1,100 Water
-Population: 230
-Animals: 20 Dogs
-Farming (Subsistence): 100/100
-Slaves: 80
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (2), Water Filter (11)
-Armory: 360 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 305 1-H Guns, 150 2-H Guns, 15 Combat Armor

Grackle Felda: Belgarion95
Leader: Elder Arl (Perceptive)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Felda
Education: General
Total Population: 1,020
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,230/10,000 (+1,000)
Water: 805/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 835
Tech Parts: 70
Ammunition: 575
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Defunct Reactor (1)
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Felda (Felda, FL): +1,000 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 1,010
-Animals: 45 Dogs, 24 Horses
-Farming (Average): 200/200
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (4), Water Station (1)
-Armory: 390 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 90 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 50 Laser Weapons

Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple: SouthernKing
Leader: Dame Alice Singh (Perceptive)
Faction Trait: Maritime
Capital: The Drowned Temple
Education: General
Total Population: 750
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,725/25,000 (+750)
Water: 3,580/25,000 (+900)
Energy: 625 (+5)
Scrap Parts: 690
Tech Parts: 15
Ammunition: 2,630
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 7
Spoiler :

Akhetaten (White City, FL): +500 Food, +100 Water
-Population: 170
-Farming (Average): 100/100
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (2), Water Filter (1)
-Armory: 20 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 25 1-H Guns, 140 Laser Weapons
The Drowned Temple (Port St. Lucie, FL; Bunker): +100 Food, +5 Energy
-Population: 190
-Farming (Average): 20/20
-Structures: Dock (2)
-Armory: 190 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 20 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 Laser Weapons
Xanadu (Palm City, FL): +150 Food, +800 Water
-Population: 390
-Farming (Subsistence): 30/30
-Structures: Fortifications (1), Water Filter (8), Dock (3)
-Armory: 110 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 2-H Guns

Lordship of San Marcos: poketwo
Leader: Commander Renard Ciccini (Intelligent)
Faction Trait: Warlike
Capital: San Marcos
Education: General
Total Population: 725
Total Slaves: 990
Food: 8,220/25,000 (+2,350)
Water: 5,170/25,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 120
Scrap Parts: 860
Tech Parts: 45
Ammunition: 1,200
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 8
Spoiler :

Butler (Butler Beach, FL): +200 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 50
-Slaves: 0
-Farming (Subsistence): 40/40
-Structures: Fortifications (3), Docks (4), Water Station (1)
-Armory: 260 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 90 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 30 Heavy Weapons
San Marcos (St. Augustine, FL; Bunker): +150 Food
-Population: 370
-Slaves: 320
-Farming (Subsistence): 30/30
-Structures: Fortifications (1), Dock (3)
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 5 2-H Guns, 250 Laser Weapons, 60 T-51 PA Suits
Spuds (Spuds, FL): +2,000 Food, +1,500 Water
-Population: 305
-Slaves: 670
-Farming (Fertile): 200/200
-Structures: Farm (4), Water Station (3)
-Armory: 840 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 270 1-H Guns, 110 2-H Guns

The Most Pious and Holy Fraternity of the Star Engineers: Grandkhan
Leader: The Most Pious and Star-clad Chief Astronaut Orion Pisces III (Intelligent)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: The Facility
Education: General
Total Population: 305
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,245/10,000 (+50)
Water: 1,495/10,000 (+300)
Energy: 120
Scrap Parts: 150
Tech Parts: 29
Ammunition: 2,620
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Military Skill: 7
Spoiler :

The Facility (Kennedy Space Center, FL; Bunker): +50 Food, +300 Water
-Population: 305
-Farming (Worthless): 10/10
-Structures: Docks (1), Water Filter (3)
-Armory: 80 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 Laser Weapons, 100 T-51 Power Armor Suits

Nuclear Dragon Clan: Everblack
Leader: Emperor Tashiro Kagetoki (Perceptive)
Faction Trait: Warlike
Capital: Morikami
Education: General
Total Population: 320
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 605/10,000 (+250)
Water: 2,395/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 480
Tech Parts: 19
Ammunition: 55
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Morikami (Delray Beach, FL): +250 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 320
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm, Water Station, Forge
-Armory: 120 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 30 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 120 1-H Guns, 40 2-H Guns, 40 Laser Weapons

Polk County: Immaculate
Leader: Sheriff Charlotte Blackburn (Intelligent)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Vault 404
Education: General
Total Population: 2,150
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 2,705/42,000 (+3,500)
Water: 9,605/42,000 (+3,400)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 770
Tech Parts: 25
Ammunition: 1,255
Chems: 400
Alcohol: 200
Unique Items: Defunct Reactor (1), Laboratory Equipment (1)
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Frostproof (Frostproof, FL): +250 Food, +200 Water
-Population: 165
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (1), Water Filter (2)
-Armory: 25 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns
Vault 404 (Indian Lake Estates, FL; Vault): +2,000 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 100
-Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
-Structures: Forge, Still
-Armory: None
Wahneta (Wahneta, FL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 970
-Farming (Average): 200/200
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (4), Water Station (2)
-Armory: 300 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns
Waverly (Waverly, FL): +250 Food, +200 Water
-Population: 855
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (1), Water Filter (2)
-Armory: 370 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 635 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 40 1-H Guns, 25 2-H Guns, 110 Improvised Explosives, 35 Mr. Handys, 32 Protectrons
Winter Haven (Winter Haven, FL)
-Population: 60
-Farming (Average): 0/0
-Structures: Chemist
-Armory: 30 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 20 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 20 Improvised Explosives

The Preservatory: Shirogane
Leader: Overseer Vincent Staszak (Intelligent)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Vault 99
Education: General
Total Population: 900
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 2,000/2,000 (+2,000)
Water: 2,000/2,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,440
Tech Parts: 23
Ammunition: 480
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 99 (Bayonet Point, FL): +2,000 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 900
-Farming (Worthless): 0/0
-Structures: Forge, Armorsmith
-Armory: 90 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 145 1-H Guns, 10 2-H Guns, 10 Mr. Handys, 35 Protectrons

The Revenant Corps: Menoetius
Leader: Captain-General Barristan Oldenburg (Strongman)
Faction Trait: Warlike
Capital: Dobbins Air Reserve Bunker
Education: General
Total Population: 500
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 3,680/15,000 (+500)
Water: 4,180/15,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 530
Tech Parts: 30
Ammunition: 490
Chems: 200
Alcohol: 400
Military Skill: 9
Spoiler :

Acworth (Acworth, GA): +500 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 380
-Farming (Fertile): 50/50
-Structures: Fortifications (5), Water Station (2), Forge
-Armory: 690 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 110 2-H Guns
Dobbins Air Reserve Bunker (Dobbins Air Reserve Base, GA; Bunker):
-Population: 120
-Farming (Worthless): 0/0
-Structures: Fortifications (1)
-Armory: 480 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 85 1-H Guns, 45 2-H Guns, 195 Laser Weapons, 94 T-51 Power Armor Suits

Sons of Hope: Trigo238
Leader: Hope (Enduring)
Faction Trait: Friendly
Capital: San Carlos Bunker
Education: General
Total Population: 725
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,175/5,000 (+500)
Water: 575/5,000 (+300)
Energy: 600
Scrap Parts: 655
Tech Parts: 4
Ammunition: 1,850
Chems: 0
Military Skill: 7
Spoiler :

San Carlos Bunker (San Carlos Park, FL; Bunker): +500 Food, +300 Water
-Population: 725
-Farming (Average): 100/100
-Structures: Farm (2), Water Filter (3)
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 40 2-H Guns, 200 Laser Weapons, 50 Combat Armor, 100 T-51 Power Armor Suits

Stake of Monticello: Robert Can’t
Leader: Harold Daughter (Enduring)
Faction Trait: Friendly
Capital: Mormon Encampment
Education: General
Total Population: 215
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 845/10,000 (+250)
Water: 1,095/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 355
Tech Parts: 45
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 0
Unique Items: Intact Computers (1), Radio Gear (1)
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Newport (Newport, FL): +250 Food, +500 Water
-Population: 215
-Farming (Average): 50/50
-Structures: Farm (1), Water Station (1)
-Armory: 285 1-H Guns, 120 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons, 25 Combat Armor

Vault 117: Dunebear
Leader: Overseer Lionel von Bregenz (Perceptive)
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Vault 117
Education: General
Total Population: 2,640
Total Slaves: 30
Food: 490/13,000 (+3,250)
Water: 140/13,000 (+3,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 425
Tech Parts: 11
Ammunition: 1,045
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Nuclear Bomb
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

New Gwinnett (Snellville, GA): +1,250 Food, +300 Water
-Population: 1,030
-Slaves: 10
-Farming (Average): 250/250
-Structures: Farm (5), Water Filter (3), Fortifications (2)
-Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons
Vault 117 (Stone Mountain, GA): +2,000 Food, +2,700 Water
-Population: 1,640
-Slaves: 20
-Farming (Worthless): 0/0
-Structures: Forge, Silo (1), Water Tank (1), Water Filter (7), Ammunition Plant
-Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 62 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 125 1-H Guns, 215 2-H Guns, 115 Laser Weapons, 45 Mr. Handys

Vault 121: theDright
Leader: Overseer Edwin George (Intelligent)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: Vault 121
Education: General
Total Population: 900
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 0/0 (+2,000)
Water: 0/0 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,730
Tech Parts: 34
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Precision Tools (1)
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 121 (King’s Bay Naval Base, GA): +2,000 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 900
-Farming (Worthless): 0/0
-Structures: None
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 10 Mr. Handys

Vault 299: Brougal
Leader: Herman Pickett (Strongman)
Faction Trait: Maritime
Capital: Vault 299
Education: General
Total Population: 760
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 2,000/2,000 (+2,050)
Water: 2,000/2,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 38
Scrap Parts: 585
Tech Parts: 1
Ammunition: 8,745, 5 Mininukes
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 150
Unique Items: None
Military Skill: 1
Spoiler :

Vault 299 (Key Largo, FL): +2,050 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 760
-Farming (Subsistence): 10/10
-Structures: Dock, Still, Armorsmith
-Armory: 110 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 10 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 500 1-H Guns, 420 2-H Guns, 50 Laser Weapons, 50 Heavy Weapons, 1 Fat Man, 100 Improvised Explosives, 20 Leather Armor, 10 Mr. Handys, 10 Rafts, 5 Canoes, 1 Small Boat

Vault 323: thomas.berubeg
Leader: Overseer {Unknown}
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Vault 323
Education: General
Total Population: 370
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 3,000/3,000 (+2,500)
Water: 3,000/3,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 225
Tech Parts: 9
Ammunition: 1,195
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: None
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Vault 323 (Hollywood, FL): +2,500 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 370
-Structures: Clinic, Silo (1), Water Tank (1), Forge, Armorsmith, Fortifications (2)
-Armory: 760 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 210 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 45 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 700 1-H Guns, 20 Heavy Weapons, 30 Metal Armor, 5 Mr. Handys

Vault 512: Gk15
Leader: Raoule Cinders (Charismatic)
Faction Trait: Industrious
Capital: Vault 512
Education: General
Total Population: 1,260
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1,990/2,000 (+2,000)
Water: 2,000/2,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 970
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,200
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Mysterious Crates (5)
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 512 (Florida City, FL; Vault): +2,000 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 1,260
-Farming: 0/0
-Structures: None
-Armory: 145 1-H Guns, 10 Mr. Handys

Minor Towns of the Sunshine Wasteland
Spoiler :

45th Space Wing
Location: Patrick Air Force Base, FL
Government: Authoritarian Dictatorship
Education: Advanced
Structures: Fortifications (2)
Population: 350
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 3,000/5,000
Water: 3,000/5,000
Energy: 1,000
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 6,000
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 Laser Weapons, 200 Combat Armor, 110 T-51 Power Armor Suits

Location: Alfords, GA
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (3), Water Filter (7)
Population: 440
Farming (Average): 150/150
Food: 1,580/10,000 (+750)
Water: 1,330/10,000 (+700)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 790
Tech Parts: 7
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 50 Protectrons

Location: Apalachicola, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (1), Water Station (1)
Population: 210
Farming (Average): 50/50
Food: 940/10,000 (+250)
Water: 1,190/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Location: Aripeka, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 460
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,090/10,000 (+550)
Water: 1,040/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 300
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 50 Brahmin

Location: Bagdad, FL
Government: Theocratic Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (2), Forge, Farm (3), Water Station (3)
Population: 1,370
Farming (Fertile): 150/150
Food: 2,450 (+1,500)
Water: 2,450 (+1,500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 500
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 700 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 250 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 10 2-H Guns

Black Razor Gang
Location: Hernando Beach, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6), Water Filter (6)
Population: 360
Slaves: 190
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 2,250/10,000
Water: 2,850/10,000 (+600)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 600
Armory: 200 Low-tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Citrus Bowl Complex, Orlando, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (5), Silo (10), Water Tank (10)
Population: 950
Slaves: 400
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 17,130/20,000
Water: 17,130/20,000
Energy: 700
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 2,510
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 100
Armory: 430 Low-Tech Melee weapons, 340 1-H Guns, 190 2-H Guns, 10 Scrap Power Armor Suits, 135 Mr. Gutsys

Location: Bradenton, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (3), Water Filter (7)
Population: 700
Farming (Average): 150/150
Food: 1,720/10,000 (+750)
Water: 1,820/10,000 (+700)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,920
Tech Parts: 4
Ammunition: 1,300
Chems: 10
Unique Items: Laboratory Equipment (1)
Armory: 50 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 15 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 250 1-H Guns, 85 2-H Guns

Brass Lions
Location: Alva, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (7), Water Filter (10)
Population: 400
Slaves: 290
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 1,020/10,000
Water: 3,190/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 200
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 250
Alcohol: 300
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Ellenwood, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6)
Population: 380
Slaves: 80
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 2,000/10,000
Water: 2,000/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 200
Alcohol: 600
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 10 2-H Guns, 100 Improvised Explosives

Location: Bruce, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (3), Water Station (2)
Population: 720
Farming (Average): 150/150
Food: 1,070 (+750)
Water: 1,570 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 1-H Guns

Location: Jacksonville Executive Airport, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (1), Water Filter (3)
Population: 220
Farming (Average): 50/50
Food: 1,070/10,000 (+250)
Water: 1,170/10,000 (+300)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 150
Tech Parts: 2
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 350 Improvised Explosives

Location: Chandler-Mcafee, GA
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (4), Water Station (2)
Population: 910
Farming (Average): 200/200
Food: 1,090/10,000 (+1,000)
Water: 1,090/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 300 1-H Guns, 200 2-H Guns

Location: Choctaw Beach, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (5), Water Station (2), Water Filter (1), Clinic
Population: 1,040
Farming (Average): 250/250
Food: 1,340 (+1,250)
Water: 1,140 (+1,100)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 900
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Chokoloskee, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (1), Docks (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 300
Farming (Average): 70/70
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+350)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 40
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 7 Airboats

Location: Clinchfield, GA
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (3), Water Station (3), Ammunition Plant
Population: 1,220
Farming (Fertile): 150/150
Food: 1,290/10,000 (+1,500)
Water: 1,290/10,000 (+1,500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 5,000
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 50 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 600 1-H Guns, 300 2-H Guns, 50 Heavy Weapons

Location: Acree, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (8), Water Filter (8), Forge
Population: 500
Slaves: 430
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 1,130/10,000
Water: 3,060/10,000 (+800)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 960
Tech Parts: 6
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 450
Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 40 1-H Guns, 20 2-H Guns, 15 Laser Weapons, 750 Dynamite

Convent of St. Teresa
Location: St. Teresa, FL
Government: Matriarch Theocracy
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Docks (6), Water Station (1)
Population: 250
Farming (Subsistence): 60/60
Food: 1,050/10,000 (+300)
Water: 1,250/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 800
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 2-H Guns

Copper Angels
Location: Eatonton, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (3), Water Filter (8)
Population: 340
Slaves: 530
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 2,800/10,000
Water: 2,710/10,000 (+800)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,920
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 150
Chems: 125
Unique Items: Machining Gear (1)
Armory: 350 Low-tech Melee Weapons, 40 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 3 Howitzers, 40 Horses

Location: Up the Grove Beach, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (4), Water Station (4), Forge
Population: 1,450
Slaves: 450
Farming (Fertile): 0/0
Food: 2,000/10,000
Water: 2,000/10,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 400
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 800
Chems: 1,100
Alcohol: 800
Armory: 1,100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 1-H Guns, 200 2-H Guns, 45 Scrap Power Armor Suits, 10 Mr. Handys

Location: Edgewater, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Docks (3), Water Filter (2)
Population: 100
Farming (Subsistence): 30/30
Food: 500/10,000 (+150)
Water: 500/10,000 (+200)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 10 Mr. Gutsys

Empty Eyes
Location: Sunrise, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (5), Water Station (2)
Population: 630
Slaves: 190
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 1,180/10,000
Water: 2,370/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,300
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 500
Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Bradenton-Sarasota International Airport, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (5), Water Filter (10), Water Station (1)
Population: 1,140
Farming (Average): 250/250
Food: 2,880/10,000 (+1,250)
Water: 5,230/10,000 (+1,500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,000
Tech Parts: 8
Ammunition: 1,700
Chems: 40
Armory: 210 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 60 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 350 1-H Guns, 155 2-H Guns

Location: Orlando Science Center, Orlando, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (10), Silo (10), Water Tank (10)
Population: 710
Slaves: 700
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 17,100/20,000
Water: 17,100/20,000
Energy: 900
Scrap Parts: 1,400
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 3,700
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 100
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 400 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 100 Laser Weapons, 60 Heavy Weapons, 20 Scrap Power Armor Suits

Location: Centerville, GA
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (3)
Population: 250
Slaves: 270
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 2,220/10,000
Water: 2,220/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 800
Chems: 1,000
Alcohol: 700
Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Felony Lane Gang
Location: Sodo Shopping Center, Orlando, FL
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (8), Silo (10), Water Tank (10), Armorsmith
Population: 1,490
Slaves: 400
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 16,010/20,000
Water: 16,010/20,000
Energy: 300
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 9,190
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 100
Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 850 1-H Guns, 440 2-H Guns, 300 Leather Armor

Fort Cocoa
Location: Cocoa, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (8), Farm (4), Water Station (4)
Population: 1,650
Farming (Fertile): 200/200
Food: 2,720/10,000 (+2,000)
Water: 2,720/10,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,200
Tech Parts: 8
Ammunition: 1,300
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 1-H Guns, 200 2-H Guns, 30 Heavy Weapons

Franklin Springs
Location: Franklin Springs, GA
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (7), Farm (2), Water Station (2)
Population: 700
Farming (Fertile): 100/100
Food: 2,000/10,000 (+1,000)
Water: 2,000/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,700
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 1-H Guns, 200 2-H Guns, 40 Protectrons

Location: Gardner, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (1), Water Filter (2)
Population: 210
Farming (Average)
Food: 1,040/10,000 (+250)
Water: 990/10,000 (+200)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

The Ghost-Touched
Location: Coral Gables, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (5), Water Filter (3)
Population: 150
Slaves: 50
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 800/10,000
Water: 1,100/10,000 (+300)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 200
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Golden Knights
Location: University of Central Florida, FL
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (6), Farm (6), Water Station (3), Ammunition Plant, Forge
Population: 1,640
Slaves: 300
Farming (Average): 300/300
Food: 9,140/10,000 (+1,500)
Water: 9,140/10,000 (+1,500)
Energy: 700
Scrap Parts: 600
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 10,400
Chems: 500
Alcohol: 700
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 800 1-H Guns, 600 2-H Guns, 600 Metal Armor

Good Ole Boys
Location: Country Lakes, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (4), Water Filter (2)
Population: 180
Slaves: 20
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 1,000/10,000
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+200)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Chems: 300
Alcohol: 500
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 100 Leather Armor

Grand Carnival
Location: Port Canaveral, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Docks (8), Farm (3), Water Station (3), Still
Population: 1,000
Farming (Average): 230/230
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+1,150)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+1,500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 800
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 500
Armory: 300 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 100 Improvised Explosives

Great Whites
Location: Jupiter, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (3), Water Station (2)
Population: 480
Slaves: 450
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 2,100/10,000
Water: 1,180/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,000
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 600
Alcohol: 0
Unique Items: Machining Gear (1)
Armory: 600 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Gulf Breeze
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL
Government: Authoritarian Dictator
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (4), Water Station (2)
Population: 900
Farming (Average): 200/200
Food: 1,000 (+1,000)
Water: 1,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 20 1-H Guns, 10 Canoes

Location: Hastings, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (1), Water Filter (3)
Population: 230
Farming (Average): 50/50
Food: 1,090 (+250)
Water: 1,240 (+300)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 320
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 200
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 150 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 30 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 20 2-H Guns

Highland Joe
Location: Highland View, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 400
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 900/10,000 (+500)
Water: 900/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 400
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns 50 2-H Guns

Location: Woodstock, GA
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (4), Water Filter (2)
Population: 130
Slaves: 30
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 970/10,000
Water: 1,040/10,000 (+200)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 200
Chems: 400
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 2-H Guns, 45 Dogs

Location: Holt, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 310
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,190/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,190/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Location: Homestead, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (4), Water Station (2)
Population: 910
Farming (Average): 200/200
Food: 1,340/10,000 (+1,000)
Water: 1,340/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 700
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 2,000
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 300 1-H Guns, 150 2-H Guns, 70 Plasma Weapons

Location: Immokalee, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (2), Water Station (1), Automated Defenses (1)
Population: 500
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Ivory Angel Company
Location: Lynn Haven, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (8), Docks (9), Water Station
Population: 370
Farming (Subsistence): 90/90
Food: 2,170/10,000 (+450)
Water: 2,270/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 900
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 360 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns
Animals: 55 Dogs

Kind Flayers
Location: McIntosh, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (4), Water Filter (3)
Population: 360
Slaves: 440
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 2,730/10,000
Water: 2,880/10,000 (+300)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 1,300
Tech Parts: 9
Ammunition: 1,130
Chems: 400
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 1-H Guns, 125 2-H Guns, 20 Laser Weapons

Location: Lawrenceville, GA
Government: Authoritarian Dictator
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 260
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 490/10,000 (+500)
Water: 490/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 400
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 500
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 200 Improvised Explosives

Mamba Band
Location: Plantation, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6), Water Filter (5)
Population: 360
Slaves: 110
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 2,070/10,000
Water: 3,070/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 100
Ammunition: 1,000
Chems: 200
Alcohol: 600
Armory: 100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Lower Matecumbe Key, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (2), Docks (12), Water Filter (6), Clinic
Population: 400
Slaves: 0
Farming (Fertile): 120/120
Food: 2,310/10,000 (+600)
Water: 2,310/10,000 (+600)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 12 Canoes

Location: Melbourne, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (6), Farm (4), Water Station (2), Forge, Armorsmith
Population: 920
Farming (Average): 200/200
Food: 1,170 (+1,000)
Water: 1,170 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 500
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 10 2-H Guns, 70 Leather Armor

Location: Niceville, FL
Government: Authoritarian Dictator
Education: General
Structures: Farm (3), Fortifications (3), Water Station (3)
Population: 1,320
Farming (Fertile): 150/150
Food: 1,180 (+1,500)
Water: 1,180 (+1,500)
Energy: 600
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 400 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 3 Small Boats

Location: Indiantown, FL
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: none
Population: 130
Slaves: 40
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 1,000/10,000
Water: 1,000/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 300
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Location: Norcross, GA
Government: Theocracy
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (3), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 320
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,370/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,370/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 300
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 300
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 50 1-H Guns, 350 Stealth Boys

Oak Hill
Location: Oak Hill, FL
Government; Authoritarian Dictatorship
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (5), Farm (4), Water Station (4)
Population: 1,700
Farming (Fertile): 200/200
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+2,000)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+2,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 4,700
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 500 1-H Guns, 300 2-H Guns, 100 Heavy Weapons

Location: North Fort Myers, FL
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (2), Water Filter (4), Docks (3)
Population: 240
Farming (Subsistence): 130/130
Food: 20/10,000 (+250)
Water: 1,160/10,000 (+400)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 1
Ammunition: 250
Chems: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Location: Pensacola, FL
Government: Dynastic Matriarchy
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (2), Docks (12), Water Station (2)
Population: 630
Farming (Subsistence): 220/220
Food: 740/10,000 (+700)
Water: 1,440/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 400
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 8,000
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 450 Laser Weapons

Red Chainsaw Crew
Location: East Palatka
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (4), Water Station (2)
Population: 640
Slaves: 280
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 2,360/10,000
Water: 3,080/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Chems: 700
Alcohol: 600
Armory: 350 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 200 Improvised Explosives

Ruby Vipers
Location: Woodbine, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortification (5), Water Station (2)
Population: 640
Slaves: 370
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 1,990/10,000
Water: 2,990/10,000 (+1,000)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 700
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Chems: 700
Alcohol: 500
Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 50 Dogs

Sad Clowns
Location: Stockbridge, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (3)
Population: 330
Slaves: 20
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 2,500/10,000
Water: 2,500/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 2,300
Chems: 300
Alcohol: 700
Armory: 350 Laser Weapons, 50 Energy Grenades

Sandy Cross
Location: Sandy Cross, GA
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (1), Farm (2), Water Station (1), Forge
Population: 300
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 100
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 25 2-H Guns

Spring Hill
Location: Spring Hill, FL
Government: Authoritarian Dictator
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 370
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,270/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,270/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Goose Neck, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: None
Population: 280
Slaves: 70
Farming (Fertile): 0/0
Food: 2,650/10,000
Water: 2,650/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 400
Alcohol: 300
Armory: 530 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 180 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 10 Assaultrons

Thunder Demons
Location: Ola, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6), Water Filter (5)
Population: 420
Slaves: 150
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 1,870/10,000
Water: 770/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 600
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 400
Chems: 200
Armory: 300 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns

Location: Graystone, GA
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (3)
Population: 510
Slaves: 110
Farming (Subsistence): 0/0
Food: 1,790/10,000
Water: 1,680/10,000
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 700
Chems: 400
Alcohol: 700
Armory: 300 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Location: Vienna, GA
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (3), Water Filter (6)
Population: 450
Farming (Average): 150/150
Food: 1,990/10,000 (+750)
Water: 1,390/10,000 (+600)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 400
Tech Parts: 2
Ammunition: 650
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 170 1-H Guns, 80 2-H Guns

Location: Weston, FL
Government: Elected Mayor
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (4), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 260
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,240/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,240/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns

Winged Dolphins
Location: Palmetto Bay, FL
Government: Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6), Water Filter (5)
Population: 300
Slaves: 110
Farming (Worthless): 0/0
Food: 2,090/10,000
Water: 2,090/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 600
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns

Location: Hickox, GA
Government; Raider Strongman
Education: Tribal
Structures: Fortifications (6), Water Station (1)
Population: 570
Slaves: 150
Farming (Average): 0/0
Food: 1,040/10,000
Water: 780/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Chems: 900
Alcohol: 200
Armory: 300 Low-Tech Melee, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 100 Combat Armor

Location: Zingara, GA
Government: Dynastic Leadership
Education: General
Structures: Fortifications (2), Farm (2), Water Station (1)
Population: 350
Farming (Average): 100/100
Food: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Water: 1,000/10,000 (+500)
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 80 Horses

Non-standard NPC Factions

Men of the Cloth
Location: Panacea, FL
Race: ???
Government: ???
Education: ???
Structures: Fortifications (2), ???
Population: 1,800
Energy: 200
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition ???
Chems: 0
Alcohol: 0
Armory: 1,000 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 1,000 Laser Weapons, 10 Vertibirds

The Hunger
Race: Super Mutant
Government: ???
Education: ???
Structures: Fortifications (7), ???
Population: 1,060
Energy: 0
Scrap Parts: 0
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 0
Chems: 0
Armory: 1,000 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, ???
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This is an emergency backup post. You may now post after this, and condemn Decamper to hell.

Vault 323:

Overseer: Carla Ladouceur

Leader trait: Lucky

Location: Snyder Park, Hollywood, FL, just north of the Hollywood Intl Airport (the logic behind the construction being that it’s an easy place to people to access)

Leader History: Carla Ladouceur’s Grandparents were snowbirds trapped in Florida by the invasion of Canada by the US... They adapted, patriotic, and were eventually selected to move into vault 323 by Vault-tec.

Origin: Vault

Trait: Adventurous

History: On October 23, 2077 the Sirens rang the bells of Nuclear War, and the doors of vault 323 slammed shut, not to open for many a year. Those sealed within were a combination of locals, as well as a number of tourists who swarmed the gates at the news of the thermonuclear detonations.
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Faction Name: The Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple


Leader Name: Dame Alice Singh, Tenth Capitain of the Mysteries
Leader Trait: Perceptive
Starting Location: The Drowned Temple (the wreckage of the HMS Lethbridge-Stewart, St Lucie River, FL)
Leader Background: Dame Alice ascended to her current supreme rank upon the death of her predecessor, Sir Damon Beckett, Ninth Captain of the Mysteries, five years prior. Dame Alice has sharply broken from her predecessors in decreeing that the Order is to leave the Temple in order to Correct the external world.
Origins: pre-war military
Trait: Maritime

History: As above, so below.

It is well known to any initiate of the Order that the Temple was once a war machine, serving the imperfect creations of Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, in a troubled antediluvian world, even as the minds of hylics were equally troubled. They did not realise they were living in a flawed creation, and embraced it instead; the Great War, the Flood, was only the natural end for humanity in such a state. Yaldabaoth is not evil; merely flawed, imperfect--human, despite being bestowed with divine creativity.

But it was during the Flood, as the war machine beached itself on these shores, that one woman recieved the Spark of Sophia, the Divine Wisdom. That woman's name true is a closely guarded secret, known only to those of the hightest ranks of the Order she founded. To everyone else, she is only Angelia Soter, Daughter of Hermes, First Officer. Yaldabaoth is an imperfect creator, and it is up to this Order to perfect Yaldabaoth's creation, to bring it into the Age of Ma'at.

So, within the narrow metal walls of the Drowned Temple flourished the Order, in seclusion. Now, however, come the currents of change.

The Order's creed is as follows:

Spoiler :

I believe in one secret and ineffable MONAD; and in one Star in the Company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and to which we shall return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery, in His name YALDABAOTH the sole vicegerent of the Sun upon the Earth; and in one Air the nourisher of all that breathes.

And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABYLON.

And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.

And I believe in one Gnostic and Catholic Church of Light, Life, Love and Liberty, the Word of whose Law is SOPHIA.

And I believe in the communion of Aeons.

And I confess one Baptism of Wisdom whereby we accomplish the Miracle of Incarnation.

And I confess my life one, individual, and eternal that was, and is, and is to come.

Om mani padme hum
Om mani padme hum
Om mani padme hum

The system of Ranks of the Order is as follows:

Spoiler :

  • The Earth Triad
    • 0°—Minerval
    • I°—Initiate
    • II°—Magician
    • III°—Master Magician
    • IV°—Perfect Magician
  • The Lover Triad
    • V°—
      • Knight of the Pelican
      • Knight of the Red Eagle
    • VI°—
      • Knight Templar
      • Knight of the Seven Seas
      • Illustrious Knight of the Divine Secret
    • VII°—
      • Theoreticus
      • Magus of Light
      • Grandmaster of Light
  • The Hermit Triad
    • VIII°—
      • Officer of the Illuminati
      • Epopt of the Illuminati
    • IX°—Officer of the Sanctuary of Sophia
    • X°—Rex Summus Sanctissimus
    • XI°—Officer of the Eleventh Degree (This degree is technical, and has no relation to the general plan of the Order)
    • XII°—Captain of the Mysteries, and Outer Head of the Order
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Faction Name: The Republic of Florida
Leader Name:
Timothy Stewart
Leader Trait: Charismatic
Starting Location: Tallahassee
Leader Background: Timothy Stewart is a former captain of the Republic's armed forces and his popularity with the people has had him elected 78th Governor of Florida. He is a very charismatic man, being able to sway the opinion of the people to his side decisively in the recent election. In addition, he is a competent military commander, using twelve soldiers to bring down over twice as many raiders in a field battle and gallantly leading the defense of one of the sides of the city in the most recent raid. However, most of all he seems to genuinely be happy and proud of his people and will go to any length to defend his city. Including preemptive strikes.
Origins: Local Government
Trait: Warlike
Background: After the Great War of 2077, the United States was plunged into chaos. Florida was no exception, and the state government had soon lost control over most of the state - except Tallahassee. There the government of Florida resided, and the government was not content with letting all the state slip into chaos. Emergency measures were taken and violence ensued but after a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears, the city was badly bloodied... but still standing, remaining as a bastion of civilization in the midst of the collapsing world. The former state government held on and, in 2134, public elections were held for the first time in decades. The people ruled Tallahassee, and the true government of the State survived against the odds.

However, that was not the last hardship the enduring Republic would face. Tallahassee was the new jewel of Florida even in its nearly-ruined state, making it a prime target for raiders. They came by the hundreds to loot, pillage, enslave, and burn the last bastion of civilization in Florida. The continuous conflict to defend their city has gradually ingrained militarist tendencies into their culture. Fighting for your city and for Florida became a glorious thing, and every able-bodied teenager is trained for 6 months after their sixteenth birthday to make sure every Floridan knows how to fight and die for his or her city and people.

Now, a new Governor has been elected who promises to conquer and bring civilization to the raider scum once and for all and to perhaps begin the reclamation of Florida's rightful land and people. The soldiers of the Floridan Republic stand ready to follow their leader to conquer that which is rightfully theirs.
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Faction Name:
The 500
Leader Name: Champion Jeff "Earned-Heart" Wallace
Leader Trait: Charismatic
Starting Location: Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach
Leader Background: I'll actually do it this time I promise
Origins: Civilians
Trait: Adventurous
Background: Daytona Beach - the racing capital of the world. At least the racing capital of the world, to Americans. We've always liked to have special sports different from Europe: football over soccer, baseball over cricket, and important for Daytona, stock car racing over open wheel racing.

When it came to stock car racing, though, nothing beat the Daytona International Speedway in terms of excitement or prestige. The crowned Champions of the race, a grueling 200 laps in the trioval, were treated as kings in the old world. The winners could move the economy: the most prestigious companies lined themselves for their endorsements, which evidently boosted their successes on the markets.

To be continued shortly just dn't want to lose this while I restart my browser
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Faction Name: Guards of the Coast
Leader Name: Admiral Ulrich Smith
Leader Trait: Lucky
Starting Location: Key Guard (US Coast Guard Sector Key West)
Leader Background: The title of Admiral was passed onto Smith when his predecessor, Admiral Samantha Abe disappeared with one of the Guards' two functioning boats on a regular scavenging run. Admiral Abe had been a one in a long line of conservative Admirals, feeling content to sit behind the fortifications of Key Guard. With his new stripe, Admiral Smith plans to see the Guards live up to their namesake, and bring order back to the Coast.
Origins: Local Government
Trait: Maritime
History: As the bombs dropped and the oceans soured, some local authorities and civilians on Key West cut off from the rest of the Keys, retreated to the US Coast Guard Sector Key West. Over the generations the Guard of the Coast holds onto some of its pre-war structures and authorities. While the leadership position is dubbed the Admiral, and many official positions in the community are given pre-war Coast Guard ranks as titles, Key Guard is run as a civilian settlement rather than a military base, though with a feudal twist. The title of Admiral is handed down at the current Admiral's discretion, and all community positions of authority are appointed by the Admiral, though succession of other titles are typically left up to the current holders, with the Admiral simply approving decisions.
Faction Name: The Stake of Monticello
Leader Name:
Harold Daughter
Leader Trait: Enduring
Starting Location: City of Monticello, Georgia
Leader Background: Daughter has a reputation for being hard and near indestructible. He led his expedition overland for many miles and gained many followers throughout lands plagued with hostile tribes and bandits. His unwavering nature and formidable will are perhaps the only thing that could have allowed anyone to make the journey.
Origins: Immigrants
Trait: Friendly
Background: Daughter set off from New Canaan as a missionary some 6 years ago travelling out east to spread the word and save the troubled peoples of this world. As he made the journey he attracted a group of followers with the promise that he would lead them out of darkness to a new home in the sunny east. He finally stopped the great journey upon reaching the ruins of Monticello, he declared this to be the place where they would make their stake and since then he has been growing his congregation of New Canaanites there.
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Could you specify Monticello Florida or Monticello Georgia?
I didn't notice there were two!

I did mean the one in Florida but I think now I'll go for the one in Georgia
Spoiler Nuclear Dragon Symbol :


Faction Name: Nuclear Dragon Clan
Leader Name: Emperor Tashiro (Kagetoki)- ruling family
Leader Trait:
Starting Location: Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Capital: Morikami
Leader Background:
Emperor Tashiro is part of a proud noble member of the Kagetoki family. At birth many teller of fate ordain by the heavens above that Tashiro would bring a great future for the clan. This was proven as at a young age he would granted with intelligence and wisdom way beyond what a child of his age should possess. He was also know to have site beyond site and could see patterns that other couldn't see. Due to these abilities Tashiro Kagetoki now Emperor Tashiro rule the clan with might and wisdom as he weapons to take on the world outside their safe haven.
Origins: Survivalists
Trait: Warlike
Background: The day of heavens wrath came upon the world below burn all in their wake but the heavens granted mercy to the those that reside in the Morikami Museum. This event had shown the people the survive heavens wrath that they had lose their root and must retract back. The people want but to the ways of Sengoku Era. Combine both their past of samurai way and present the descendants of these people became The Nuclear Dragon Clan.
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Crusaders of the Holy Land
Leader Name: Grandmaster Smith
Leader Trait: Strongman
Starting Location: The Holy Land Experience Theme Park
Tribal Nomads
Trait: Warlike

The Order of Saint George is an ancient (hundred or so years, top) order of pilgrims and nomadic knights (really repurposed football and lacrosse equipment ) who, guided by the holy texts (few damaged bibles, a historical book on the Crusades, and a comic book featuring the same) journeyed south and to the east in search of the Holy Lands.

The people despaired, lost in the Sunshine Wasteland where they could no longer venture more south and to the east. Scouts who built ships to journey into the sea never returned. It seemed as if the Order would fail its quest for the Holy Lands, until a breathless scout returned, gasping that he had found the Holy City.

The triumphant Order marched into the abandoned Holy Land, settling themselves around its large (man made) lake and ancient buildings. Soon, missionaries would emerge from a new township to preach to the surrounding community... to both spread the faith and earn recruits for the next Holy cause—purifying the Holy Lands of the Sunshine Wasteland of raiders, monsters, and demons.
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Faction Name: Elais City Representatives
Leader Name: Senior Manager Alyssa Chapek
Leader Background: Alyssa is the granddaughter of children who were stranded in Elais City. She is considered friendly, trustworthy and hardworking.
Leader Trait: Charismatic
Starting Location: Elais City, the most Joyful Place on the Planet! A theme park that doesn’t exist OTL. It is located in or on the outskirts of Orlando City, Florida.
Background: Civilians
Trait: Friendly
History: TL;DR: Elais World is not!Disney Floria that was built sometime after the POD by theme park enthusiast and totally not Walt Disney figure named Elliot Walters (or as he liked to be referred as, Mr Elias). It will have various regions/attractions/whatevers based on a pastiche of Disneyparks and various other theme parks.

It was off-season when the war began, but thousands of people were stranded in Elias Planet when the war began. The staff, or Representatives as called by Elais Inc, organised the people and became the basis of an interm government. Many people died, but they have built a community with their hands. Eventually the distinction between “Representative” and “Guest” became non-existant and they formally became the Elais Planet Repsentatives.

Now days the survivours are led by a democratically elected leader known as the Senior Manager. Every Christmas or if the current leader is killed, the survivours gather in the [central area of park] and crowd around their pick for leader. During many Christmases, there are no contendors for leaders if the current leader is especially popular. Sometimes there are early elections if the current leader is especially unpopular. That’s very uncommon though. Generally the Senior Manager will appoint Junior Managers to have authority over sections of the park/projects/certain people. Managers usually try and keep a good relationship with the people for obvious reasons.

Elais City values hard work, honesty and cooperation. All those who pull their weight (or have someone willing to take care of them) are welcome to become Elias City Representatives and are given food, water, shelter and protection. Those who are especially lazy/untrustworthy/do something against the rules are exiled. Those who are especially bad (e.g murders and rapists) are killed, usually by throwing them off an one of the tall buildings in the park.

The walls of Elais Cory and the easily defendable positions in the park provides protection. Food is gathered from scavenging and the conversion of the grassy areas of the park into farms. Water is obtained by filtering the water from the various aquatic areas and lakes littered around the park. Generally the Elais City Represenatives try and maintain a good relationship with the other factions in the Orlando City Region that aren’t overtly hostile to them.
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Faction Name: Alexandrite Archivists
Leader Name: Mikhail Aleksandrov
Leader Trait: Perceptive
Starting Location: UCF, Gainesville
Leader Background: optional, story based
Origins: Survivalists
Trait: Adventurous
Background: Settlement
History: A war waged between our own kind had ravaged our society and planet, turning both to ashes. Why it was waged, how it began, we do not know in completeness. The ravages of war have purged and removed much of the records. It is then, that from the ashes, we have risen to prominence, a council of scientists that have seen that the madness of this war (and all wars) have destroyed the truth about them. It is then, that we vowed to never let this happen again; all records of our actions, of those who acted towards us, of our scientific discoveries - they shall remain within us, until we perish.
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Faction Name: Citrus City
Leader Name: Abigail the Fox
Leader Trait: Agile
Starting Location: Arcadia
Leader Background: Where others rose to power with force of arms or a magnetic personality, Abigail came to rule with clever deal-making and politicking. She would steadily work to bind together scattered groups with appeals to compromise and the common good. As she rose to regional dominance, Abigail would take of some of the richest farmland in the area, and found Citrus City at the site.
Origins: Tribal Nomads
Trait: Agricultural
Background: Citrus City is but the latest in a long line of small pop-up towns that have risen out of the small roving bands of Southwest Florida. In time, these past settlements eventually dissolved out of division, invasion, and starvation. Time will tell if Citrus City suffers the same fate.
Faction Name: Vault 299
Leader Name: Overseer Herman Pickett
Leader Trait: Strongman
Starting Location: Key Largo
Leader Background: Originally member of Vault’s Security, Herman grew dissatisfied with the Overseer’s policy of keeping the Vault tightly shut and such, in Herman’s view, stifling the vault’s potential. Eventually launching a successful coup, he exiled the now former overseer and took his office. On a strange whim, he has recently started spreading word of calling the vault “Venice of the Keys”, apparently in effort to spread name and reputation of the vault. Time will tell if the name manages to stick.
Origins: Vault Dwellers
Trait: Maritime
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