It mostly comes down to Maritime and Cultural City States.
The extra food from MCS will let you run specialists like Scientists. These will help you generate Great Scientists which is one free tech (always use for the most expensive tech on the board and keep bee-lining for something).
The extra culture from CCS will help expand your social policies. Look for anything that will boost research.
Build wonders and buildings (only!) that increase
- money, you need it to give to city states
- science, this is what you are really after right?
- great people, they're great for golden ages or bulbing techs
Also, being small helps you easily build national wonders like "Oxford University" which grants a free tech.
It sounds like you're small but you have a large army and many useless buildings. You don't want either to compete with large empires for tech.
The extra food from MCS will let you run specialists like Scientists. These will help you generate Great Scientists which is one free tech (always use for the most expensive tech on the board and keep bee-lining for something).
The extra culture from CCS will help expand your social policies. Look for anything that will boost research.
Build wonders and buildings (only!) that increase
- money, you need it to give to city states
- science, this is what you are really after right?
- great people, they're great for golden ages or bulbing techs
Also, being small helps you easily build national wonders like "Oxford University" which grants a free tech.
It sounds like you're small but you have a large army and many useless buildings. You don't want either to compete with large empires for tech.