Berkeley Beta Males, Censhorship, and Riots

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Mar 21, 2017
Warned for trolling
Ann Coulter has called out Berkley beta males for their censorship and willingness to allow violence to be perpetuated against people who they view as political opponents and the university's complete incompetence, or wilful ignorance when it comes to handling the explosion of liberal violence and rioting on it's campus.

“I mean, it is anarchy when you are only enforcing the law in order to allow liberals to speak,” she continued. “But, no, we’ll let these masked rioters show up with weapons and start — I mean, they are all little beta males, but with a weapon, even a beta male can do some damage, especially to a 99-pound girl."

There is no doubt that Berkely has had it's fair share of violence and calls for censorship, most notably the recent "Battle of Berkeley" fiasco, which would be an utter embarrassment to any self-respecting and legitimate institution.


Have we reached a point where the liberal position is so despised that the only way liberals feel they can avoid losing more ground is through attempts to censor and violence toward their political opponents?

Moderator Action: This thread appears to be designed to provoke a negative response. Please ensure, when creating threads, that they are conducive to civil and productive discussion - Camikaze
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Just another excuse for people to hit other people and break stuff. "Hey! Those guys don't share our views! Let beat the crap out of them!"
Ordinarily a thread is supposed to have some question to prompt discussion.

Oops, I've now seen that there is one, after the big graphic. Ok. No.
Just another excuse for people to hit other people and break stuff. "Hey! Those guys don't share our views! Let beat the crap out of them!"

Seems more like the last desperate resort of liberal extremists to force their rejected worldview on others through censorship and violence.

If there was widespread support for the liberal worldview there would be no need for censorship and violence toward those who the left perceives as opponents. It's a sad state of affairs when an ideology is so far down the road to hell and desperate to cling to power that their only remaining resort is violence and oppression.

The liberal establishment, their policies, and institutions have failed.
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Berkeley's acceptance rate is 17%. The liberal position is so little despised that for every liberal Berkeley lets in, there are five they have to turn away.
Their ideology is in it's final death throws and everyone knows it. The end of the line is masked thugs in skinny jeans.
Have we reached a point where the liberal position is so despised that the only way liberals feel they can avoid losing more ground is through attempts to censor their political opponents?

What you had hoped would come off as some sort of display of wit on your part more closely resembles verbal diarrhea. Welcome to the ignore list.
If your source is Breitbart you're starting out on the wrong foot.
Their ideology is in it's final death throws and everyone knows it. The end of the line is masked thugs.

National socialism is the best kind of socialism !
Ann Coulter been invited back, I dont mind her being allowed to give what is the Republican, right-wing view and be debated but she has said many outrageous and stupid things, its seems to be a strategy by her to get media attention
Their ideology is in it's [sic] final death throws [sic] and everyone knows it.

Everyone except this year's crop of applicants, I guess. You'll let me know when applications drop off. I rather think they might increase when young people learn the institution had the good sense to pass on Coulter, who never has anything remotely interesting to say.
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The liberal ideology is so ludicrous they can't even defend their own viewpoints. Anyone with a valid point doesn't fear debate.
Was walking around campus today, no signs of anything. Saw some helicopters in the sky after I left. If unaffiliated radicals on each side want to fight each other I guess here's their (un?)safespace. :dunno:
The liberal ideology is so ludicrous they can't even defend their own viewpoints. Anyone with a valid point doesn't fear debate.
Who was Coulter going to debate? The woman can't put a sentence together. From your article:

To have them stepping in, those private individuals, according to courts, are acting under color of state law. And for the police to refuse to protect even offensive speech and by the way, and I’m the author of 12 New York Times best-sellers. This has damaged my reputation for them to be acting like I’m David Duke out there. But courts have found, even somebody out burning an American flag, the police cannot stand by and let skinheads beat them up.

Gibberish. Why should a college waste its time with this?
Who was Coulter going to debate? The woman can't put a sentence together.

If that's the case then it speaks volumes to just how pathetic the liberal argument, or complete lack of argument is.

However, I suspect the fact that Ann Coulter is the author of 12 New York Times Best Sellers and liberals are unable to debate her, since their ideology doesn't hold up under scrutiny is a lot closer to the truth.
Has she published anything in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal? That would be the usual standard for a campus speaker.

Fifty Shades of Grey was on the NYT best seller list. Hell, one of those adult coloring books was on the best seller list. That doesn't tell you anything.
Has she published anything in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal? That would be the usual standard for a campus speaker.

Fifty Shades of Grey was on the NYT best seller list. Hell, one of those adult coloring books was on the best seller list. That doesn't tell you anything.

Her peers can't read.
When the subtitle of your book is "E Pluribus Awesome!" you know the intellectual level toward which she directs her writings. That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't qualify you to speak on a college campus.
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