Berserk Byzantines AWS-OCC


Oct 27, 2001
San Diego
In the 4000 B.C. there arose a stunningly beautiful queen by the name of Theodora. Her beauty and intellect quickly became known throughout the lands and she gathered together a select group of all-male Techno geek advisers. Theodora had become restless and was unsatisfied with her nomadic life, she had visions of greatness and gathered her advisers together to develop a plan to rule world. Now Theodora knew that she had competitors in the quest for world domination but she knew also that the minds that governed these competitors are nothing more than printed circuit's on a piece of silicon. They were no match for her magnificent brain and she had grown bored dealing with their foolishness, she wanted a challenge and sought the counsel of her advisers. We could play a Sid level game suggested her domestic adviser. Is there any level higher? No, at least without modding. Good said Theodora, it's a start but not sufficient. Seeking to gain her favor the military adviser chimed in we could play always war. Excellent, said Theodora we have no use for the lesser foolish tribes of the world and the military adviser swelled with pride nearly splitting the seams of his leather armor. But still she wanted more. How about a one city challenge suggested the cultural adviser, one glorious city to rule the world. The idea appealed to Theodora as she did not care for micromanagement and corruption and all the other pains associated with an expansive empire. Excellent, now what world shall we select? Sensing the general trend in her thinking the shy and unassuming science advisor sweating profusely in the presence of Theodora's great beauty and secretly longing for her sexual favors chimed in that we might start in desert on a pangea. This fool is my science advisor? Away with him, I would like to last more than 20 turns--that would be tougher than this game even played straight up. No Theodora had decided we will begin on a small archipelago map, dry, cold, mountainous, 80% water, maximum aggression, no barbs. A typical setting for crazy variants that probably reduces difficulty by at least 1-2 level. Not only that we will be isolated and Theodora absolutely requires ivory to facilitate the building of statues and an extremely luxurious start for herself. After many rolls and false starts the perfect site for her glorious city is found. She also chooses her foes to be the weakest and most foolish opponents, they are the Americans, the Zulus, the Arabs, the Mongols, and the Chinese. This gives us a starting monopoly on both alphabet, which will last a while, and bronze working which will last all of four or five turns.

Now what to build. The military adviser predictably wants to drown Theodora in warriors. That will not do. Well how will we win this game? I don't think conquest is an option much as Theodora would love to crush her foes under her supple foot. The only other option is 20 K. culture. Theodora likes this option as it is very little work and will bring great glory to her beloved city. So we have two goals to start with. First, Theodora simply must have this marvelous statue known as the colossus. It will bring great commercial value and a nice chunk of culture. However, an even more pressing issue is to hit the high seas and find all of our opponents so as to let them know what we think of them. Hopefully, their fear of Theodora's aggressive nature will cause them to drown themselves in little electronic warriors, that combined with their hopefully crappy starting terrain will choke off their absurdly rapid research capacity. So it is decided that we will build one curgah and then make a run at the colossus. Also we start minimal research on writing of course. I do something a little strange, I mine both cows without roading and then merged the worker back into the city for maximum shield potential. The end result is ... the colossus is ours. In the meantime we find the Zulus and the Mongols who share a continent. The Mongols clearly got the short end of the stick and are living in the frozen tundra. The Zulus have freshwater and a little bit of nice land but mostly desert. Still they will be a force to contend with as they can trade Tech with the Mongols and will probably ultimately overrun them and take the whole island. We hold off trading as I want to trade alphabet only with an isolated civ. Could tell the Zulus were probably not isolated by the number of techs they had when we first met. Also meet the Chinese who do not appear to be isolated by the number of techs they have but turned out to be so. Things are looking good, we have the colossus and have met 3 civs.
After the colossus we spit out some workers and more curgahs, as we lost the first one in an overseas run. We meet the Americans who look pretty slow on techs and pull the trigger to pick up ceremonial burial and pottery and warriors code and change for alphabet before declaring war. Meet the Arabs and declare without trading. Writing finally comes in and Theodora notices that the barbarians of the world lack this important knowledge. Her advisers clamber for various military and infrastructure related techs but Theodora a highly cerebral leader decides to investigate the interesting notion of philosophy. She summoned her new science advisor and demands he investigate philosophy at the maximum rate which is something like 30 turns. That will not do. We have been peeling off workers and put up temple and a granary but our city is small due to the worker production. This will stop and philosophy will be known much sooner than 30 turns. Theodora would like all her tiles improved in time for the great wonder rush. This will be accomplished as philosophy comes in and those workers will gladly join our glorious city to begin work on wondrous projects.

A critical juncture comes with the understanding of philosophy. As Theodora is the first in the world to understand this fabulous way of thinking she can immediately choose a more useful Tech. She summons her advisers for consultation. The advisers are unanimous in their demand for the knowledge of literature. The cultural adviser points out the 6cpt of the great library. The science advisor sings the praises of knowledge that will flow from this library. Even the military adviser who is itching for some more substantive units than warriors and spears recognizes the value of the great library in providing an array of military techs. However, Theodora is an independent thinker and is not easily swayed by advisers, she summons them more for entertainment than for advice. No, Theodora wants the great library but she has other pressing needs at the moment. The knowledge of map making is of much greater immediate importance. The rubes of the world will have this knowledge soon and it will lead to a disastrous expansion if these vile cultures take to the seas with their settlers. Also there is a wonder available with map making that brings great power to the civ that possesses it. Theodora has seen how AIs with the great lighthouse can run away with the game played on an archipelago map. Finally, Theodora longs to assemble a mighty fleet of firebreathing ships with which to rule the waves. She knows that with the great lighthouse in combination with her dormons she will rule the waves for many generations. Thus it is decided that the choice of Tech will be map making. Theodora will try to sneak in a harbor for curgah upgrades before the glorious lighthouse is built however much to her horror she received notification that the Zulus have begun building a lighthouse. We have a fully developed size 12 city and the Zulus are building in a size seven irrigated planes city with no mountains/forest. We have a one turn start on them. I don't know if this will be enough but we must try, Theodora decides to put her citizens on a starvation diet in hopes of achieving the great lighthouse. A couple of left over workers are set to mine some plains for the extra shields that may be needed. In addition we begin maximum research on literature due in 20. After many nerve wracking turns we achieve success and beat the vial Zulu to the precious lighthouse. Losing the lighthouse would have been a costly mistake. After the lighthouse completes we build a harbor and start cranking dromons. We have a few curgahs to upgrade lack the cash to do so and continue full on research. Theodora realizes that the ignorant fools of the world will ignore the wonderful knowledge of literature and therefore she scales back research to allow the upgrades. The Zulus are the Tech leaders and we need to get our ships down their fast to prevent him from expanding and lay waste to his shoreline. Theodore realizes that the key to this game will be to prevent AI expansion off of their own island and to use naval might to slowdown and even out the Tech pace and keep the AIs isolated from one another. She will assemble a fleet of dromons to harass and pillage the Tech leader and to prevent expansion.

We build up a small fleet of dromons and when Lit comes in we do the great library without competition. This triggers our golden age which we use to build the SoZ, mostly for the 4 cpt, I don't plan a lot of land combat, at least not on AI soil. Nevertheless, as it turns out we lack iron so the AC will have to serve as our knights for the ultimate defense of the homeland if the AIs are ever able to get past our dromons. The great library reveals a diversity of tech paths have been chosen, the Tech pace is nice and slow at the moment with the Zulus in the clear lead. They will be the first target of our fire ships. Given the Tech pace Theodora decides to not depend exclusively on the AIs to do her research for her. She has great need of a marketplace to support our glorious Navy and suspects that her ridiculous opponents will delay research on this until the last moment. She therefore devotes a single scientist to look into the possibility of developing a currency.

The age of fire ships is upon us and Theodora sends her glorious Navy to pound the Tech leading Zulus. She is not sure that this does much good as they seem to continue in the Tech lead that are perhaps slowing down a bit. They foolishly research the republic before monarchy thinking that perhaps Theodora will someday agree to peace. I wouldn't count on it. They therefore remain in despotism for a long time. This actually allows the Arabs who research rapidly to monarchy to pull up to Tech parity. China is also in the running with America and the Mongols lagging behind. It is still the Zulus that frighten Theodora the most as they can trigger their golden age and burn through a bunch of troops if they attack the Mongols. I assume this will happen eventually and will provide a huge boost to their economy. Not much I can do about it but I do keep a contingent of AC around in case any opportunities develop.

The year of divine Providence. We now have and the Tech for the leap to the next era and it seems that we will get their own accord when currency completes in the year 580AD. This is the year that Theodora comes to believe in her own divinity, appropriate for the ruler of what is now a monarchy. For in that year we have the first to complete currency and jump to the next era and in the process we get monotheism which we had desperately hoped-for but also a scientific great leader is spawned. This was beyond Theodora's wildest hopes and convinces her that it is the wish of the Almighty that she prevail in her quest. In response there is a weeklong Bacchanal at the Palace that would put the most decadent of Romans to shame. Her advisers are rewarded for their loyalty and at long last savor the sweet pleasures of Theodora favor. As heads clear it is time for new decisions to be made. The course is obvious. The marketplace prebuild is switched to the cathedral for the culture and because will not be using the marketplace for a while. While Theodora had always found the notion of the gods as a rather silly concept for the weak minded her luck had caused a conversion in her outlook. In response she orders that her scientist immediately look into the notion of theology with all due haste. Research time is a painful twentysomething turns but no matter, Theodora has had a religious awakening.
why are you building a courthouse? its going to just cost you...
Theology arrives in 890 AD. Theodora gathers her advisers again for new
decisions. Because of her tremendous luck in getting both monotheism as a
free Tech and a SGL she decides to erect the Sistine chapel to honor the
gods and the courthouse prebuild is appropriately retrofitted for this
purpose. However, the critical decision upon which she seeks some advice
is the issue of scientific research. Her advisers are unanimous, if
unimaginative, in their support for minimal research into the printing
press. They point out that other techs will flow from the great library
and that the printing press which will be desired eventually can be
minimally researched with no harm done. They cower in fear at the notion
of education and the loss of the wondrous library effect, and recommended
it be avoided at all costs. There is some wisdom to this advice however
Theodora takes her own counsel. Her opponents are few and in fact only 2
are making significant research progress. The Arabs have come on strong
recently, they are now the Tech leaders and are receiving some attention
from Theodora's dromons. There are many great wonders beyond education
that Theodora longs for and she doubts that with only 2 AIs researching
significantly that she will get many useful techs or education in a timely
manner from the great library. She therefore orders minimal research into
education. In this way she will at least have it within 50 turns; it can be
delayed if it looks like useful techs will come from the great
library. In the meantime our new marketplace can be used to generate cash
for extensive research once education comes in.

Turns have gotten rather tedious and boring. We bombard the shoreline and
move our crews around to starve various cities. The AIs have offered no
significant resistance to our mighty dromons. We sank a few ships in Port
early on and have not seen hide nor hair of any naval action sense. Also
no coastal bombardment. Haven't seen a catapult in many centuries. The
Arabs don't seem to have any active workers out repairing the damage we
have wrought. The Zulus have far too few to repair of the damage we do. I
have seen units disappear and cities lose harbors so we're clearly starving
the AIs into bankruptcy at various points. Theodora starts to think that
this will be much easier than she expected. We of course get Sistine's
without competition however by the time education is ready it seems that
the Arabs are going up this path as they have theology. It doesn't appear
that we will get any useful techs from the library besides feudalism so
Theodora allows education to complete on schedule. A university is rushed
immediately by sacrificing many of the AC that have been building up with
no use over the years and acting as a drain on our economy. After Sistines
completed we actually ran wealth for the remainder of the education
research period as we had as many ships as we could afford and there was
nothing significant to build. Now the way was clear and Theodora set her
sights on the great science doubling wonder of Copernicus. Max research
gets us astronomy in 20. This will be the end of the era of dromons so
Theodora orders a few more constructed during this period however it is not
looking like they will be urgently needed. Eventually, Theodora tires of
bombing the coastline and there is not much left to bombard anyway so she
parks her dromons around a few major cities and maintains starvation. The game
moves quickly now as all there really is to do is hit enter. Astronomy
comes in and research is turned off to build up cash in anticipation of
more effective research with Copernicus.

We bag Copernicus without competition although the Arabs have gone up the
education line and gotten to astronomy. Copernicus has done wonders for
our research capacity and we use this to head for music theory. About five
turns into the build for Bach's we get notification that the Arabs have
begun this great wonder. OK then, time for our SGL to get to work and we
miraculously complete this tremendous structure the next turn.

We research banking, printing press, democracy, and free artistry ourselves
at 60 to 70 percent science and we get Shakespeare's without
competition. The Arabs get Magellan's, and Smith's however still no one
attempts any sort of naval activity. Our size 20 powerhouse then researchs
up the lower path and bags Newton's although it wasn't necessary as the
game ends in 1953AD with a win.


Something was broken in this game as I was hoping for an epic battle to
defend my cultural powerhouse long enough to win yet the AIs never made a
single naval venture except for very early after the onset of
mapmaking. This kept them isolated and slowed their research down
tremendously. I don't know if they somehow calculated that the seas were
unsafe with my horde of dromons or what but I was hoping they would put up more of an effort. Surprisingly this was one of the easiest games I've ever
Too confusing...try going into more detail and adding more pictures. Makes it easier for some of us to read.
I have used the 4000BC save file provided and played this game, and achieved the same win. Mine took me two more turns, to 1955 AD lol!!

I did some things better and some worse:

For example, I started on Collossus at game start, not several turns in. I actually kept having the AIs beat me to it when I didnt start it on turn 1.

I built less Dromons, and still achieved the same effect with them.

I did not get an SGL at all. If I had, I couldve rushed Copernicus with it. I actually didnt get copernicus, and it slowed down my endgame to not have it. With it I think I couldve bettered the ending turn time.

I made one big mistake of trying to use the cavalry from the statue of zeus to try and pillage. I took 10 of them over in a few Dromons, and landed them on a mountain square. They got slaughtered by dozens of units.

The mistake was that this triggered a Golden Age for the Incans (who I was trying to screw). The darn Incans researched Monotheism, then Theology, then Education, then Astronomy, and beat me to the Copernicus in their golden age. I tried to flood the cavalry on them and pillage all their inland squares when I saw how it was going, but it actually hurt me since the GA just made them get it all faster.

At game end I had researched through Free Artistry and Economics and had those wonders (and J.S. Bach's as well), but the Incans actually had a tech lead on me and were through navigation, with magellans. I destroyed their Caravels with Dromons however.

The game seems so dang hard, but actually played out, I found it much easier than a typical Deity game. In fact, I dont know that it was very hard at all, it just required an exact plan in order to make it work...
Awesome! Did not think it was possible to get 20k on Sid and OCC.
Don't know if I buy this one with no screenies.
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