Best Leaders overall?


Tabitha SEAL
Jul 7, 2006
New LA, Planet Mira
Like my Wonders thread, how would you rate each leader in terms of usefulness?

Here's what I think of each (in order the game provides):

1) Samatar Barre - Reduced costs of cities? Uhh yeah, I'll get back to you on that one when I'm actually getting around to building cities rather than selling Food. You don't make the cut but I can see why you'd be useful.

2) Daoming Sochua - Two free techs? Well as long as it's not torpedoes or something. But I might call you if I need your skills. Why is she the most popular leader in Starships when there's clearly better people than her?

3) Kavitha - One extra city? Seriously? Are you kidding me? The temple doors may be open but if you come visiting mine, they'll be sealed shut, welded and deadlocked to a nuclear device. I can't see why anyone would want to play as her unless they're looking for a self-imposed challenge.

4) Elodie - I used to avoid her but then I realised she gets 2 extra bits of morale. (I know it says 10% but considering how you get 10 Crew, it's more of a 20% boost). This translate to more attacks per turn (add Nirvana and... nevermind). So you're my new #1 leader Elodie. Give yourself a bow and long live Franco-Iberia!

5) Kozlov - Extra metal production? Umm yeah, you're with Samatar on this one. I'll call you.

6) Hutama - Honestly, I thought he'd be cool and do something like take over entire systems in one go or even just provide 3 bits of influence. Haven't seen much of that unless there's a diplomat I transported. So I dunno if he's bugged or not because 2 bits per planet is standard for everyone else.

7) Bolivar - Used to be my #1 leader. 1 extra starship at the start? That means I can bring on the pain earlier and quicker and save energy in the early-game as my ships are less likely to die if a third one is there to deliver the killing blow. But as the game becomes "Find Barter Planet, game system and build maximised fleet" this advantage diminishes. But still... I might find greater purpose on Impossible since the ships are cut by 1 to make it more challenging. 2 ships would make early-game easier to start.

8) Suzanne Fielding - Used to be my #2 leader. 50 Credits per city? Awesome, gives me reason to build more cities, so I can spend money on better things like Energy. But considering by the time I make a decent profit from cities, I don't need the resources. Unless it's a small map and barter planets don't exist. So you're situational, like Daoming but a lot more useful since your advantage is unique.

So yeah, who's your favourite leader(s) and why? Also, the ones I badmouthed/praised why are they bad/good compared to others?
Somewhat in order of how useful I find their abilities:

Kozlow: Improvements and wonders, earlier than anyone else...what's not to like about this?

Barre: More cities = more resources. More cities earlier = more resources earlier. Good! Also, best look of the leaders IMO.

Bolivar: That third ship can help a lot in the early game.

Fielding: I don't use the credits as a primary strategy in most of my games, but sometimes its nice to just buy a planet quickly.

Sochua: Two free techs, but you can't choose which ones. Can be nice in combination with supremacy.

Kavitha: Since some starting techs can cost more than 1000 science and she gets more science due to once more starting city, her bonus means basically one free tech of your choice. Not totally bad...not great either.

Elodie: I guess I haven't found a good way to use her bonus yet.

Hutama: Agree with OP, I don't notice much of a boost for first time contacts. Probably would have to compare side by side what he gets, and what someone else gets. Still, I like him for his look :)
Kozlow: Improvements and wonders, earlier than anyone else...what's not to like about this?

How about a decent fleet? It's much better to keep conquering than it is to build up your planets. Quantity has a quality of its own and Starships is all about numbers... not umm... numbers?

Elodie: I guess I haven't found a good way to use her bonus yet.

Two extra crew means more moves per turn. So once you've got the ball rolling and your fleets are all-powerful, it means you can end the game quicker and keep up the pressure on the enemy fleet(s).
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