Wow! Those scores put me to shame lol!
What is the score made up from? From what I can tell it includes; Wonders built, size of empire, cultural influence, techs discovered, type of victory won, size of population... Anything else?
Thanks TheMeInTeam, but that raises and interesting question... Say you are almost at an early domination victory and no other civ is likely to win another type of victory would it not then be wise to just keep your civ developing i.e. growing in population before eventually taking the last few cities needed to give you a victory? Or is the date more important than your empires population?
Whats the best score your ever got? My best is 161,004 I played as Tokugawa on a Huge map 18 civs Epic gamespeed Fractal all victory conditions Prince difficulty. I won a Domination victroy.