Bet on the last two slots for Modern Civs (RGB)

Which last two Modern civs will make in the base game?

  • Britain and Germany/Prussia

    Votes: 33 19.9%
  • Britain and Russia

    Votes: 46 27.7%
  • Germany/Prussia and Russia

    Votes: 87 52.4%

  • Total voters
Sep 5, 2005
Because we got a few more civs confirmed last stream and were able to see the full tech and civic trees of the last era, we got enough information to know that there is two slots we haven't confirmed yet and that it will be filled by two between those three civs: Russia (or some variation of Russia), Britain, Germany/Prussia (or some variation of them). Which 2 you think are more likely to make it into the main game? On a side note, the remaining one is very likely to come on the first DLC civ collection.
Voted option 1, but the more I think of it, option 2 may be more likely. Only because Germany wasn't a thing for a good chunk of this time frame. But including in the poll of Prussia makes it a little more likely. Russia may well be dlc. Are games even being sold over there? I would imagine games are not part of any embargos, but I don't know how these things go.
I voted Prussia/Germany and Russia. More hints of them in screenshots than Britain. Plus, it seems like the Normans are in as a "British/English" civ right now.
United Kingdom and Ottoman Empire
To me, the Ottoman Empire is clearly an Exploration Era Civ. They were more successful before the 1700. Afterwards, they came to be known as the "sick man of Europe". Their "Golden Age" clearly happened during the in-game Exploration Era. They even set sail to "explore" the Indian Ocean and established trade networks as far as modern-day Indonesia. If anything, Turkey could feature as the Modern Era successor of the Ottomans.

The predecessor of the Ottomans could be any Nomadic Steppe Horde civilization from the Ancient Era (Huns, Scythians, etc.)
To me, the Ottoman Empire is clearly an Exploration Era Civ. They were more successful before the 1700. Afterwards, they came to be known as the "sick man of Europe". Their "Golden Age" clearly happened during the in-game Exploration Era. They even set sail to "explore" the Indian Ocean and established trade networks as far as modern-day Indonesia. If anything, Turkey could feature as the Modern Era successor of the Ottomans.

The predecessor of the Ottomans could be any Nomadic Steppe Horde civilization from the Ancient Era (Huns, Scythians, etc.)
I think we have to utilize the Khmer approach here. It does not only affect to the Exploration->Antiquity way, but also can affect to the Exploration->Modern one. Ottoman Empire is mainly based on two historical factors: the spread of Islam and the rise of Mongols. So the Ottoman Civ will naturally placed in the Modern Age following the Exploration Abbasid and Mongol Civs.
My hope is that Britain will be included. I've been hoping for a unique building something like the British Museum which could help with the modern age culture path, perhaps providing extra slots for artifacts. Mostly I just really like the archeology system, so having a civ focused on collecting artifacts sounds super fun to me.
To me, the Ottoman Empire is clearly an Exploration Era Civ. They were more successful before the 1700. Afterwards, they came to be known as the "sick man of Europe". Their "Golden Age" clearly happened during the in-game Exploration Era. They even set sail to "explore" the Indian Ocean and established trade networks as far as modern-day Indonesia. If anything, Turkey could feature as the Modern Era successor of the Ottomans.

The predecessor of the Ottomans could be any Nomadic Steppe Horde civilization from the Ancient Era (Huns, Scythians, etc.)
The sheer character of the Ottomans means they could fit well into both Exploration and Modern. Whilst their failure at Vienna in 1683 led to their biggest pushback yet, they were still a major power up until the mid 19th century where they began being known as the sick man of Europe.

It must also be noted that Khmer emerged as a more major regional power past the end of what is classed as the Age of Antiquity yet is an antiquity civ in game. Whilst the Ottomans’ peak was in what would be classed as the Age of Exploration (Pax Ottomana stretched from the 16th to 17th centuries and Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1453 thus making them a good potential Exploration civ too as this is sometimes considered as the start of the early modern period). The fact they lasted so long and managed to remain powerful until the mid 1800s makes it hard to determine which era they would fall under.
Also I think we’re forgetting something regarding Britain

Spain was added as an exploration civ rather than a modern civ since alongside Portugal they defined much of what would be classed as the Age of Exploration given their exploration around the globe and them building colonial empires.

In Civ 7, the Modern age is defined as running from the 1700s to 1950, much of which was defined by England (and from 1707, Britain) due to the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the steam engine and the British Empire that controlled at least 20% of the entire globe for parts of this period. With how distinctive a part of this age Britain was, I highly doubt they won’t be one of the last civs.
Russia seems like a safe bet to me now that we have identified their City Hall and on top did not see anything in the stream that would indicate that the model was for a generic building.

Ever since I made my prediction about two months ago when the total civ count was revealed, I got so much pushback on suggesting Britain is out and remarking that they should not yet be listed as "confirmed". Funny to see the shift in this poll.
To me, the Ottoman Empire is clearly an Exploration Era Civ. They were more successful before the 1700. Afterwards, they came to be known as the "sick man of Europe". Their "Golden Age" clearly happened during the in-game Exploration Era. They even set sail to "explore" the Indian Ocean and established trade networks as far as modern-day Indonesia. If anything, Turkey could feature as the Modern Era successor of the Ottomans.

The predecessor of the Ottomans could be any Nomadic Steppe Horde civilization from the Ancient Era (Huns, Scythians, etc.)
I am pretty sure Ottomans would be included in the "Crossroads of the World Collection" DLC
I am pretty sure Ottomans would be included in the "Crossroads of the World Collection" DLC
No new buildable wonders are added in Crossroads. The Ottomans would need a wonder to pair with that exists in the base game. I'm pretty sure the community here has figured out every base game wonder, and no Hagia Sophia or any other wonder that could pair with the Ottomans.
No new buildable wonders are added in Crossroads. The Ottomans would need a wonder to pair with that exists in the base game. I'm pretty sure the community here has figured out every base game wonder, and no Hagia Sophia or any other wonder that could pair with the Ottomans.
There are still a few we know about but haven't seen, so it's not impossible. But I agree it doesn't seem very likely.

Which is weird, not to have any Modern Middle Eastern civ. But with only 31 civs at launch, there were always going to be holes.
+Civ7 modern age = Britain empire.
-Americans may find britain redundant.
+Tier1 civilization.
+Normans -> Britain mention (strong path).
-No indication/not leaked at all.
+Actually they can be hidden as a cool NAVAL civilization for modern era which is currently missing.
-Wonder not spotted?

+Tier1 civilization.
+Sexual predators leaders leak.
+Americans hate those filthy communists (marketing).
+Geopolitically and culturally distinct.
+Delicately leaked/indicated.
-Apparently a politcally controversial choice (however in 2014 they were okay?).

+Leaked a lot.
+Sexual predators leaders leak.
-Leaked too much (which may indicate a city-state prussia - a valid choice).
-Normans -> Germany (weak path).
+Americans hate those filthy nazis (marketing).
-Kind of redundant with confirmed French Empire.
-Design would be a mess, Germany wasn't really successful military civ, neither a cultural powerhouse, America and England are better industrial powerhouses, so probably I would lean into economic civ. Yet it will be probably militaristic meme stuff. I feel like dividing civs by eras doesn't actually help Germany to be properly represented.

To conclude, it will be Russia and... what? Is it a modern Scotland out of the blue?!? One can dream.
I voted option 1, though I think it’s not as likely as I’d like, considering the Leader leaks. My only hope is that Russia is being saved for a future expansion that focuses on the Cold War, which we already know won’t be represented in Civ VII at launch.

My worry is that the devs will go for geographical diversity, and see the British Isles as already covered through the Normans.
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Considering the age cut offs, if they add Russia, it won't be modern Russia, and unlikely to be the Soviet Union, so a Russia before that wouldn't really be controversial, imo.
The Modern Age goes to ~1950. Considering that the commies took over in 1917, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the Soviets would be represented, especially if Catherine is the nod to Russia’s imperial era, thereby representing both periods in the game.

I wouldn’t mind Firaxis including the commie Soviets and Nazi Germany as villain civs. It’s a shame that their design philosophy leans towards positive portrayals of all civs. It limits the potential possibilities. I used to be a Dungeon Master and the campaign where my players were working for the villains was way more fun than them being straight heroes. The Nazis and Soviets could be Civ VII’s equivalent to the Dark Urge in Baldur’s Gate III.
In the alternate history of civ, however, every civ can be a villain civ. That's one of the strengths of the setting. I don't think it needs civs that are always good or always bad.

Usually, it's the one played by the human player that's clearly villain: breaking deals, surprise blitzkrieg, always taking more than giving, being hardcore intolerant religious fundamentalists, dominating foreign cultures, robbing/stealing/buying artifacts and great works, committing genocide in any conquered city (and replacing part of the population with your own culture citizens), adopting whatever government and policy that suits your goals and not the goals of your people, founding useless cities in the arctic/desert whose population always starves just to get resources, etc. But of course, as a player, you can fall for your own propaganda and tell yourself that you're doing all this for the good of the world, because once it's all yours everybody will be better off. ;)

I can hardly imagine that an AI civ in a game is more evil than that, regardless of it being called Nazi Germany or Soviets. Admittedly, the AI also tuns out villainous at points, because their incapability to play the game leads to uproars and rebellions, but I don't think that's even close to the average civ player's villainy. Good thing most players (I assume) usually don't make the connection between their in-game choices and what that would actually mean in real life. Otherwise, we would all be psychopaths, right? :shifty:
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