Biggest Tips for a Newbie?

Hm, how big a newbie are you, have you played Civ 2 before or have you just got the game?

The biggest advice I can give is reading up on the SSC (super science city) where you build Colossus (for extra trade) and marketplace, bank, of course library, university, Copernicus observatory, Isac Newtons College and some stuff to keep that city happy and growing. And a few good caravan routes.
This one city can then make a lot of trade and even more science beakers. It's really nice.

And then I of course recommend that you bravely join the GOTM:ers (Game of the month-players). From my own experience I can say that I've learnt a lot and still am (I'm too impacient), but it's good to play while thinking about what one should have done differently and maybe trying other strategies after submitting your GOTM.

A good way to improve your civ2 knowledge is to read through the old threads on this forum. The General Discussion and the strategy & tips forums are a gold mine of information. You will have to do back as far as you can and work your way forward, but it is well worth it. Also check out the game of the month forum, lots of good stuff there too. ;)
I've played the game for a few years off and on, but I'm not very good at it.
You could check out the thread called Brand New Grandma... in the general discussion, where a lot of questions are answered (depending on your level).

The war academy is also quite good for certain tips and strategies.:)
Ask questions, and join community games like GOTM and Democracy. Use the Search function on topics like Trade, Diplomacy, Tech Paths, Combat (single words are fastest).

My personal "biggest tip" would be to learn about Trade. It will give you the biggest leg up on the AI, as they do it poorly or not at all.
Not in any particular order --

1 -- Trade (see above & read about)

2 -- SSC (Ditto)

3 -- Set defensable borders

4 -- Research technology that fits the overall plan

5 -- Rush buy & incremental rush buy where appropriate

6 -- Build some of the wonders (most are worth the cost & sacrifice -- but some are better than others)

7 -- Prioritize better government in your research

8 -- Have fun
Biggest tip: play!
Choose small map and easy level to start with, and don't be afraid to ask questions here. As soon as you have won a game, move up one level on the scale. If you manage to ask enough questions, you'll become a deity player after 5-6 games ;) .

... and if you don't, I guess you will find it more thrilling to fight hard at King level than just move your units at Chieftain.
The best wonders to build r:

Pyramids - vital, much better than hanging gardens
Great Library
Sun Tsu's War Accademy
King Richards Crucade
Statue of Liberty- (then go fundamentalist)
Hoover Dam
Manhattan Project- but make sur you have the resources to build nukes straight away otherwise everyone else will use them on you!!

Its a great game, have fun playing it!!!

Worship the great Mattezuma!!!
:king: :king: :king: :king:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Great Mattezuma
The best wonders to build r:

Pyramids - vital, much better than hanging gardens
Great Library
Sun Tsu's War Accademy
King Richards Crucade
Statue of Liberty- (then go fundamentalist)
Hoover Dam
Manhattan Project- but make sur you have the resources to build nukes straight away otherwise everyone else will use them on you!!

Its a great game, have fun playing it!!!

Amazing -- I agree with the conclusion (it IS a great game; but I think that many of his chosen wonders land on my second best list.

I like the super science ciity (Colossus, Cope's, Isaac's and Shake's) and for a strong mid to late game, Mike's and JS Bach are extremely valuable. And for new gamers at civ, try a game with Leo's, then try one without it -- see what a difference it makes.
Originally posted by Great Mattezuma
The best wonders to build r:

Pyramids - vital, much better than hanging gardens
Great Library
Sun Tsu's War Accademy
King Richards Crucade
Statue of Liberty- (then go fundamentalist)
Hoover Dam
Manhattan Project- but make sur you have the resources to build nukes straight away otherwise everyone else will use them on you!!

Almost totally disagree:

Pyramids - Much worse than Hanging Gardens: out-of-control city growth leads to massive disorder on higher difficulty levels. Depending on this Wonder in lower levels will set you up for big problems at higher levels, requiring "unlearning" and relearning of proper happiness management.

Great Library - Wrecks your Tech Path plan with unnecessary, off-path techs. Often leads to 30 or 40 turn delays in getting out of Despotism. Much better to put the 300 shields into Copernicus.

Sun Tzu's War Academy - Not bad, but requires Feudalism, which takes away the Warrior line used for Partial RushBuying units. If you are surrounded by several civs on a large continent and cannot appease them, and you have a pile of small cities that really could use a Barracks, go ahead. Be warned though that it does not "heal" your units like a real Barracks.

King Richard's Crusade - If you are playing One City Challenge and your city is primarily water, this adds a shield to all those water tiles way before Offshore Platform. Built early enough, this can pay for itself before it is obsoleted (with Industrialization), and pollution is negligible. Otherwise, though, not worth the effort compared to Copernicus, Michelangelo, or Magellan.

Statue of Liberty - What a paradox: so many build the Statue to get away from Democracy, which it comes with! You should be planning to switch to Democracy instead, and pour the 400 shields into Mikes or Bach or Newtons!

Hoover Dam - Can't argue much with this one, if you have a large empire, a pile of Factories and pollution problems. Wish it did not cost so much, though. If you are at war a lot Womens Suffrage might be a better choice.

Manhattan Project - NO, NO, NO! Whatever you do, try to prevent this from being built! Do NOT build it yourself: it confers nukes on EVERYONE! Make embassies so you can monitor what the AI is researching. Tech-bomb anyone who starts on NucFission (or its pre-reqs!). If they get it and start Manhattan, TAKE THE CITY AWAY! Nukes in anyone's hands (even your own) are the worst disaster in Civ. Besides losing, of course.
I'm sorry Mattezuma, but I doubt there are many agreeing with your choices. You managed to pick just about every wonder not worth building (OK, no really). I suggest you try power democracy, because you will then have science and supergrowth to cover up for GL and Pyr, and spies and money to cover up for STWA and Manhattan, and you won't need SOL, because you're staying in democracy.:)
Originally posted by ElephantU
He did miss Eiffel Tower...
I thought he had missed another, but then I looked closer...

Originally posted by Great Mattezuma
The best wonders to build r:

Pyramids - vital, much better than hanging gardens
Great Library
Sun Tsu's War Accademy
King Richards Crucade
Statue of Liberty- (then go fundamentalist)
Hoover Dam
Manhattan Project- but make sur you have the resources to build nukes straight away otherwise everyone else will use them on you!!
Biggest mistakes I made as a newbie (playing MGE):

1) Not understanding importance of trade (numero uno). Must use Caravans, build roads, use bonus terrain squares, build marketplaces etc...

2) Building on No. 1 above..... Not knowing about the Super Science City (SSC). I only recently started using this stategy after reading about it on these forums. Read about it, it works every time.

3) Trying to "unblack" all the world's squares (I thought this was critical). Worry about what's near you, then go explore the world later (but only to look for trading partners).

4) Not killing off the Mongols ASAP after discovering they are your neighbor. No exceptions. :D

Take care of the first two and you'll find the game goes a LOT easier.

BTW... an old strategy of mine was to expand as quickly and as much as possible. I now prefer to have a small continent to myself with no more than 10 cities. If you have SSC you won't need more than that (if playing peaceably as I do). If Bloodlust is your thing, I'd defer to other's ideas. I'm a terrible war-maker. :(
Welcome to CFC, SpiderJohn. Over at Apolyton.Net they run some Early Landing Comparison Games that may interest you. Here's a link to the forum:

And Solo's Early Landing Strategy Guide, a treasure-trove of info:

Consider joining the Game Of The Month, which this month (Dec=#35) features the Large World map and Restarts ON (frustrates those lousy Early Conquest types!). Lots of fun and good discussion too.
I just got onto this community because i needed to play with other people so i cant anticipate ur every move, I noticed that I am also fairly skilled/moderate, since im azn in most games i can notice cheap ways to get ahead, my first city is usually my science city and the best thing ive ever come across is pay the money to keep comps from attacking, since i have about 3-4 trade arrows, and i provide enough food to cure world hunger, plus im not the war type and I only keep 1- 2units max in my cities defending but in each of my cities i have every building no matter what the cost, plus i have a settler city that gains city growth levels so high that i can constantly produce settlers and i have about an army of 12-19 settlers, oh and changeing the terrain is key to makeing the best of your land, plus i played civ 1 and owned, so i hope this advice helps everyone and im usually so fast that I CAN FIT EVERY SINGLE WONDER EVEN THE CRAPPY ONES LIKE PYRAMIDS, because usually within about 23-34 turns i am in democracy :egypt: damn pyramids :egypt: note that this is in cheiftan lol im to scared to try diety, ill just own in cheiftan:king: no kings :king:
Originally posted by sobx10
note that this is in cheiftan lol im to scared to try diety, ill just own in cheiftan:king: no kings :king:
There are levels in between you know.;)

I was just like you before I reached this place, I grew accustomed to Chieftain, but I recommend trying to advance to the other levels.
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