Not on my current, since I am not going for histographic, but when I do go for histographic, I will be taking that into account. Is there a threshold dom limit you like on Huge 60% water archipelago?
I think I had mine set for 4400 for my first Sid Huge game (the higher scoring one) that I submitted. Or maybe it was 4500? It had a domination limit of slightly about 4514. I didn't look for a high domination limit for the other one. Drazek's 90,000 game had a domination limit of 4598 it looks like. I remember some note around here somewhere that he said he ran Mapfinder for months for his first game.
Drazek's notes for his higher scoring game say:
Drazek said:Initially, I had MapFinder running for over 4550 domination limit. Unfortunately these maps are rare, and many are totally unplayable. For example, you can be alone on an island.
I lowered the limit to 4500 and there were much more maps. One had plenty of food and rivers at the starting location, and it was the best start I had found for these runs. Domination limit was 4555 so it was actually over my initial 4550.
You might want 4400 for your domination limit with starting conditions you like. Or even lower.