A few more points on this game:
Modern Age Big Picture was sub-optimal. No one got Computers or Fission even though there were 6 Scientific AI. So instead of having 7 free techs in the Modern Age having timed ToE for the Big Picture, I only got 5. I traded for Rocketry, then pulled Fission, used ToE for Computers and Miniaturization, and then back-traded for Ecology. Combined with the bad luck @ the Medieval big picture (only 2 scientific AI known), I actually think that I could have pulled off a pre-1000 AD launch. I may even use the remaining 43 starts I have to try.
In addition, I let up the gas on city building after 1000 BC (I think I was too happy about the 23 cities and thought I would get to 70 cities by 10 AD without working too hard on settlers).
I wasn't serious about wars, but I could have grabbed some really good science farm territory from the Dutch and English a lot earlier with a 10-15 MI / 8 Treb army that I could have supported. Cash really builds up with 50 gold goody huts after the Ancient Age. But war weariness is a real problem, and I was a little taken aback at how much the Regent AI would throw back at me militarily, and I usually went for peace with a town or two as booty as soon as any war weariness kicked in. I wound up with 151 cities, with 107 settled by me and 44 captured cities. I think an optimal game would be more like 120 settled cities (with 70 settled by 1 AD) and then 60 captured cities. Capturing more earlier will reduce the number overall since the AI won't have the room to settle.
I had a very good use of a grassland with ICS to create 6 pop science farms in a corrupted area. Really made me think about how these can be optimized. You only need 3 irrigated grasslands to generate 10 beakers per turn out of a city and with the Pyramids you are growing them fast. This is 100 beakers per turn from 30 tiles. In starvation times - which you can safely run for about 8 turns, I've learned, that can be dialed up to 130 beakers per turn from 10 cities. I had something like 46 6 pop cities running -2 food starvation and 13 beakers per turn. That was 600 beakers per turn! 140 beakers from starvation - so a 30% boost you can do for a quasi scientific golden age.
Again, no worker factories and worker count was awful. In 1020 AD, before I started joining workers to cities, I only had 56 native workers and 33 slaves. That is just bad against 145 cities and honestly it's the worst part of my game. I absolutely need to have some sort of mechanism that forces me to build more workers.
I don't think the 1100 AD is that close to optimal. A really good player with a CB SGL focused on the SS victory could beat 900 AD for sure (note
@Spoonwood beat 900 on his Huge Warlord SS game with the Russians), and I'm not sure that 800 AD couldn't be beaten with a fantastic map and perfect luck.