It is now 1000 AD and the Chinese civilization has 20 years left in its history, clinging only to 3 icy towns in the far south. In 1050 years, these people will be the happiest on the planet, and only remember that they are Mayan, and that the curious names of their cities come from the people who lived there 1000 years ago. If I even allow them to learn any history.
160 years ago, I sent the galleons used in the invasion of the Carthaginian homeland to the east to be ready for this first large continental invasion. By the time they reach their destination in 30 years, they will be ready to receive a massive invasion group of armies. They will load dozens of artillery units, cavalry, and infantry and land just outside of 3 Korean cities just after the Koreans declare war on the Mayans. The Koreans will be declaring war on the Maya because they know that the Maya have discovered that the lush green lands of the Korean homeland, and the neighboring Roman homeland, can bear the weight of many, many Mayan citizens. More so than the rocky, jungled shores of Germany. Alas, the Musketmen in Korea will be swept away in a crashing tide, and the Koreans will only remember themselves as Mayans.
All in all, Chinese war went pretty well. They had stacked up their cavalry near my borders and it was gone in a single turn. Almost all cities were defended with 2-3 rifleman (they learned Nationalism the turn before I declared war, unfortunately, and they had Sun Tzu to upgrade all of their muskets, with some cash they found, apparently). I took a fair share of Cavalry losses, as well as a Knight army, but it took only 8 turns to take the 9% or so of territory and 30 cities in Chinese hands. I hardly used my cannons, which were upgraded to artillery a couple of turns into the war when I learned RP. Only two culture flips with mild losses so far. I don't know if I could have taken a non-railroaded civilization any faster; only if I had more armies at the border and a swarm of workers railroading within a turn could it have gone faster. I will bring some workers to Korea to help speed up the process but I've still got a lot of watering and railroading left to do on my continent.
Surely, conquest of 66% of the land will happen by 1400. 1300 might be dicey. Sanitation is due next turn, so I'll have hospitals on line for some population maximization in the core.