BlaDipNES - A Fresh Start

Oct 16, 2005
The Middle West
"But TBR, there's already two (takes a look), THREE other DipNESes!!"

That may be true. But this Diplomacy has a twist! Since I have discovered how to mod jDip, we can have a game where people pick their own customized nations and starting locations as in other cradle NESes!

I don't know what such an endeavor will do to the balance of the game, but who cares! You can't evolve unless you chance mutation.

Anyway, let's get to it!

Official Manual:
More stuff:
jDip Application:

New Unit: Wing

There are some variants that have Wing units in addition to the Armies and Fleets, and so will this one.
Pros: Can cross both land and sea tiles.
Cons: Cannot capture Supply Centers.

Next Orders Due: Sunday 7:00PM EST


Current Turn: (Game Over)

Spoiler Spring 2010 Map :


The Players:

*1.Dover (17)
*2.UBP (9)
*3.Carthage (8)

Nation Name/Player: Finnish Empire/MjMELIMINATED!
Color: Green
Home Centers: fin, swe, stp
Description: The Finnish Empire has recently counqered St. Petersburg, which launches them onto the world stage as a major power.

Name: Spanish Empire/j_eps

Nation Name/Player: 1337Ascendancy/LightFang

Nation Name/Player: United Baltic Provinces A.K.A UBP/ Foozicaba
Color: Red
Home Centers: ser, gre, rum
Description: tired of ruling themselves, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria combined together inorder to have a Council of Three. They named the new nation, UBP.

Nation Name/Player: Carthage/Niklas
Color: Yellow
Home Centers: naf, tun, nap
Description: Seafarers from conception, the Carthaginians are the self-designated masters of the western Mediterranean. Having won the battle over Rome all those centuries ago, they are now ready to take on the greater world.

Nation Name/Player: Dover/Splime
Color: Dark Blue
Home Centers(Unit): bel, hol, lon
Description: The people near Dover have joined together to protect the channel.

Name: Northern Italian Empire/Human-SlaughterToo ELIMINATED!
Color: Orange
Home Centers: ven, tus, tyr

Name: Vikings/Lord_IggyALSO ELIMINaTED!
Color: Lavender
Home Centers: nwy, den, cly


****Sign-Ups Closed!****

Here's the form that people use to sign up. If you want to keep the home SC's and such stuff secret until the game starts you can PM them to me.

Descriptions are optional, but I figured I'd give you the opportunity to intervene before I gave your people some ridiculous backstory.

Nation Name/Player:
Home Centers(Unit):

Nation Name/Player: Fezland/TheBladeRoden
Color: Dark Red
Home Centers(Unit):
1. naf (F)
2. tun (W)
3. spa (A)
Description: The loyal followers of Mustafa from Austin Powers. Often seen sporting gray sportcoats, sunglasses, and, of course, a red fez hat.

A Note on Naming:
Spaces aren't fully supported (unless you like pitch black unreadable units) so you'll have to use something like GreenArmy or whatever.

Notes on Starting Centers:
Home SC's have to be within 2 spaces to another one. (e.g. (stp, mos, arm) will work, but not (stp, mos, ank))

The locations of the SC's have been randomized by myself to make for some fresh strategy.

The usual rules about the 18 SC victory still apply.

They'll be given out on a first come, first serve basis. So following is a list a list of available Centers left for newbies to pick from.

Um, I think that's it
Alright! Let's hope there's still people left to sign up, or I'll just wait until one of the other risk-type diplo-type games ends! And then we'll get this started!
Order Guide

Hold Order:
A vie H

Move Order:
A mos - lvn

Supported Hold:
F kie H
A ber S F kie

Supported Move:
F sev - rum
A bud S F sev - rum

A lon - bre
F eng C A lon - bre

A lon - spa
F eng C A lon - spa
F mao C A lon - spa

A mun - ruh

B A mos

R F mao

Notes: 1.Support and convoy orders must include the entire move that they are supporting, not just the unit, otherwise it will be a supported hold.

2.I've recently discovered that you can get away with not labeling the unit type in your orders (bre s par - gas).
But that also means that extra fluff put right after the verb part of the order will be interpreted as a province, so be careful not to do this (F nap s (Ita) F tys-ion).
joining with SC's Spa, Gas, Bre. not sure my name.
Use PNGs, dammit. :<

Anyway, you can mod jDip?!! Does that mean you can add a map? I would LOVE to play the 20th century version (link later if you can; I don't want to waste my time)

Use PNGs, dammit. :<

Anyway, you can mod jDip?!! Does that mean you can add a map? I would LOVE to play the 20th century version (link later if you can; I don't want to waste my time)


It's theoretically possible, if I only knew what the author used to make the .svg files. Can't do everything in notepad.
Contemplating, and can we know instead of what is left what has been taken I think it may be easier to choose that way.
EDIT: MAP UPLOADED! Once you pick SC's, edit this map. I am not going to upkeep it. (available = in white, coloured is taken, black = empty space)

Nation Name/Player: United Baltic Provinces A.K.A UBP/ Foozicaba
Home Centers(Unit):
1. A(ser)
2. F(gre)
3. A(bul)
Description: tired of ruling themselves, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria combined together inorder to have a Council of Three. They named the new nation, UBP.
I just realized that I completely forgot my description, so I'll post it when the game starts.
Nation Name/Player: United Baltic Provinces A.K.A UBP/ Foozicaba
Home Centers(Unit):
1. A(ser)
2. F(gre)
3. A(bul)
Description: tired of ruling themselves, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria combined together inorder to have a Council of Three. They named the new nation, UBP.

I shall require you to pick something other than Bul, since someone secretly claimed it. Though it's probably hard to hide who with deductive reasoning.

Nation Name/Player: Carthage / Niklas
Home Centers(Unit):
1. North Africa (F)
2. Tunisia (F)
3. Rome (F)
Description: Seafarers from conception, the Carthaginians are the self-designated masters of the western Mediterranean. Having won the battle over Rome all those centuries ago, they are now ready to take on the greater world.

OK, I'll give this a try.

Nation Name/Player: Dover/Splime
Color: Dark Blue
Home Centers(Unit):
1. Belgium (Navy)
2. Holland (Army)
3. London (Navy)
Description: The people near Dover have joined together to protect the channel.
Northern Italian Empire
Color: Orange
Home Centers:
ven (A)
tus (F)
tyr (A)

I augmented the map since some black spots had SC and some white spots didnt
Rats, I was hoping to make a dutch nation...


(f) nwy
(f) den
(f) cly

Is this possible?
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