Lazy sweeper
Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
As I see it, the temple of Jupiter for the Romans, it gives some happiness, passive bonuses, and that's it.
To me, every Religious structure should have a function.
Jupiter temple= sacrifice ten virgins and get invulnerability to 10 ships from every weather pattern for the next 50 turns....
Apollo Sun temple= sacrifice 10 warriors and get one Immortal warrior of the Light...
Kali temple= Sacrifice 10 snakes, 10 warrior, and 10 goats, and get a super Archer with poison arrows.
Delphi Oracle= get a bunch of sacrifice, or pay in gold or other options, in order to get advise (like paid espionage actions), and eveyone can use the Delphi Oracle, not just the nation that built it.
Religion also in the past, up untill very recently, has been a bloody mess. But in Antiquity, it was MUCH worse....
Religious figures would appoint commanders and generals tasks to conquer here, and destroy all this cities, etc....
So again, some structures like the Temple of Salomon, in my mind, should also spawn special commanders units, or Great Generals.
Altars should allow for basic sacrifices (food, childrens, animals... normal bloody stuff) and give some nice bonuses as a result, not just
some passive happyness (Happyness... sure...) Rating wise, it's not my job to change childrens with... Joshua tree fruit or something extravagant....
We want back bloody Crusaders
We want back a more basic, religion concept, not one that should boost all of your empire yield, or gold output.
On the contrary. Religion should perform actions. At a cost. And, just like reality, be indipendent of states.
I do not understand why countries like China should accept any religion for example.
Why missionaries should spread religion to me regardless of my Animism status. Or highly advanced Philosophy.
Religion should become obsolete for civs that research Philosophy Lao Tzu scriptures in my mind.
Thus civs that instead have Religious beliefs active, should not have massive yield boosts to anything
but a little bit of Science ( Science, lol) and culture (Architecture, OK, Tourism, OK) but not crops---
To me, every Religious structure should have a function.
Jupiter temple= sacrifice ten virgins and get invulnerability to 10 ships from every weather pattern for the next 50 turns....
Apollo Sun temple= sacrifice 10 warriors and get one Immortal warrior of the Light...
Kali temple= Sacrifice 10 snakes, 10 warrior, and 10 goats, and get a super Archer with poison arrows.
Delphi Oracle= get a bunch of sacrifice, or pay in gold or other options, in order to get advise (like paid espionage actions), and eveyone can use the Delphi Oracle, not just the nation that built it.
Religion also in the past, up untill very recently, has been a bloody mess. But in Antiquity, it was MUCH worse....
Religious figures would appoint commanders and generals tasks to conquer here, and destroy all this cities, etc....
So again, some structures like the Temple of Salomon, in my mind, should also spawn special commanders units, or Great Generals.
Altars should allow for basic sacrifices (food, childrens, animals... normal bloody stuff) and give some nice bonuses as a result, not just
some passive happyness (Happyness... sure...) Rating wise, it's not my job to change childrens with... Joshua tree fruit or something extravagant....
We want back bloody Crusaders
We want back a more basic, religion concept, not one that should boost all of your empire yield, or gold output.
On the contrary. Religion should perform actions. At a cost. And, just like reality, be indipendent of states.
I do not understand why countries like China should accept any religion for example.
Why missionaries should spread religion to me regardless of my Animism status. Or highly advanced Philosophy.
Religion should become obsolete for civs that research Philosophy Lao Tzu scriptures in my mind.
Thus civs that instead have Religious beliefs active, should not have massive yield boosts to anything
but a little bit of Science ( Science, lol) and culture (Architecture, OK, Tourism, OK) but not crops---