Boff-04 Nice Hat! (Link, Monarch, Cont)

Sorry but I can't grab it anyways, got dragged down by lots of school homework (I've spent 13 hrs today on school or homework!).

Norvin can grab it if he feels for it.
I could play a few more turns tonight, if Norvin or DE can't get in by then. My last set was only 6 turns long, abbreviated because of the settler and because I had to go to work.

Liq and Sil both like Purple dot next, so I'll send the settler there (if I do play).

Hunting sounds great, and I'd love to churn out some spears.

I'll extend my set, then, very late tonight unless Norvin says he can step in or Liq or Sil vote to help our team by keeping me on the bench. :)

Go ahead and play some more turns Grover. If you truly feel that you're lousy (which you're not, else why would Liq and S.ilver have you on the team after two previous games :lol:) then the best way to get better is to simply play more.

You routinely make good judgments, play soundly, and are a valued member of the team. :) Besides, Liq and S.ilver hog turns during either boring infra builds or intense warfare, so we can't tell people not to play :lol:

The plan is to finish sailing, research hunting, then head towards construction. We'll build spears for defense against Khan, and cats for the eventual attack. I like this plan very much. I'd like Toku dead asap so that we can redeploy our units on our southern border.

Delaying COL, though, probably slows down our expansion. We are at 50% research as it is. We have a revolt to rep coming on the first turn, though, and we'll see how things look after that.

The settler will head towards purple dot.

380bc, turn 148 (inherited turn, if you can inherit from yourself)

We are 1 turn from sailing at 50% research, but we won't get it next turn because I revolt to representation. I keep the slavery civic.

Washington had just started a sword, but I switch it for an axe to be used as defense for the purple dot site. That settler is 3 (non-anarchy) turns from completion, and so is the axe. The axe should get to purple dot just before the settler does.

I hit enter, and wonder what I've forgotten.

365bc, turn 149

Toku has 2 archers in osaka and 4 archers plus a settler in kyoto.

The anarchy is over and we are in rep and slavery.

I unwork a marginal tile in Washington to hire a scientist, but the axeman goes from 4 turns to 3 without the extra hammer, so I work a grass/forest. Once the axe for defense of purple dot is complete, I'll hire a scientist, at least until the river/grass if farmed, and probably even thereafter.

Boston is size 4, with +5 happiness, 10 turns of whipping unhappiness, and growth in 3 turns. No specialists are hired, and I don't hire one because I want to keep growing fast. In fact, I move off the river/grass/hill/mine and onto the river/grass/farm, and growth is now in 2 turns.

New York has two scientists hired, +1 food, and is working on a settler. It has pretty miserable tiles left to work, so the scientists are the best option for now. If our workers run out of things to do, I might cottage a tile or two around New York, until civil comes in.

After all the tweaking, we are at 50% science, +1gpt, producing 40 beakers per turn. Sailing is in 1 turn.

350bc, turn 150


Hunting is next. 2 turns. That fits well with the axe finishing in Washington and the settler in New York.

The settler has left Kyoto, but he's in a dark square that I can't see. I don't want to move in to find him just yet, though. If I give him another turn to stray from Kyoto, maybe he won't be able to scramble back when I do reveal him.

335bc, turn 151


We're number five! We're number five! Come on, guys, I can barely hear you! We're number five! We're number five...

The settler scooted back to kyoto.

Boston grows to size 5. Growth again in 4 turns, and still plenty of room under caps. It dawns on me that this town should be whipped mercilessly, and I start it on an 11 turn lighthouse because it just finished its sword. I send the sword south towards washington/purple dot, because Khan was number one.

gpt is now +3, still at 50%. We could go to 60%, but hunting is still 1 turn away either way. Maybe we'll go to 60% for construction, next.

320bc, turn 152

Spoiler :

Khan shows up asking us to give him math. I tell him I'll give it to him if he shaves off that ridiculous excuse for a beard, but he declines. Oh well. He would trade alphabet and archery to us if the price were right. He's keeping HBR to himself for now, though. I don't offer him any real trades. (Alphabet is worth more beakers than math, but I don't think I'd make that trade even if the beakers went the other way.) I see no metal in his list of resources, but he clearly has both copper and iron in his territory.


Construction is next at 15 turns. We are now only +1gpt, so I stay at 50%.

Ord Sarai (Khan) took a direct hit from a powerful hurricane.

The axe finishes in washington, and I start it towards purple dot. Washington dials up a 4 turn spear.

New York finishes its settler, and I start it on a 6 turn spear. Growth is slow, in 25, turns, but it has no reallly good tiles left to work, and it can't hire another specialist, other than the generic citizen kind.

305bc, turn 153

Settler and axeman move closer to purple dot.
Not much else to report.

290bc, turn 154


Fist of retribution? I wonder what we did to so anger the gods. New York is -1 food and would starve in 25 turns, but I bet I can get that wheat farm rebuilt before then.

Khan won't trade archery or alphabet anymore.
Khan gets a great prophet.

275bc, turn 155

Toku sends an archer out to have a look-see, I guess. Will has 95% odds and wins, but takes some damage (finally), down to 3.3/6. He gains 2 xp, up to 16/13.

Philadelphia (purple dot) is founded, and we go from -1 to -2gpt. The drop is maybe less than I expected because three units landed inside our borders again once the city was founded. I start Philly on a 23 monument--need the culture to expand to get those cows.

Boston grows to size 6. Happy is at +2 (4 turns of whipping unhappiness left) and Healthy is at +4. Growth again in 5 turns, and that's when the lighthouse finishes.

260bc, turn 156

A great spy is born far away.

Toku has finished refarming his corn. I send in a raiding party to unfarm it again.

Washington spear > spear. I send the first completed spear off to Philly.

I work the horses in philly, and the monument drops from 22 turns to 15 turns. The horses are in the process of being pastured, still.

245bc, turn 157

Wow, what an empty turn.

230bc, turn 158

New York: spear (to philly) > spear, 6 turns.

Karl pillages Toku's farm for 2 gold.

215bc, turn 159

Claude pillages a Japanese road.

Jezebel (woods 2) has seen all she can see and starts heading back home.

New York's wehar farm is rebuilt.

Khan has a single keshik pacing outside washington's culture.

200bc, turn 160

Khan's keshik is now inside washington's culture. We're safer with him there, I guess.

Washington: spear (stays home) > spear, 3 turns

Toku has 7 archers, 2 workers, and a settler bottled up in kyoto. He also has 2 archers in osaka. He has no roads left.

Boston grows to size seven and finishes its lighthouse. Next growth is in 7 turns. 2 below happy cap, with no whipping unhappiness left. I set it on a 4 turn sword.

Washington grows to size eight. It's two below its happy cap and will grow again in 7 turns.

185bc, turn 161

Toku sends out a couple more archers. Claude has 99.9% odds against one on the corn tile. He wins, damaged down to 4.6/6, and gains 1 xp, up to 10/8.
Karl has 64% odds against the other archer, across a river and into the woods. Karl decides to wait to see if the archer becomes more vulnerable next turn.

A barb axe appears north of philly, outside it's tiny cultural radius. Philly has an axe, a sword, and a spear in its garrison, so I'm not too worried.

170bc, turn 162

Damn. The spear from NY on autopilot to philly moved right next to that barb axe and he killed it. My fault. Sorry.

The second Toku archer does move to a better square. Will has 95% odds, wins, and gains 2 more xp, up to 18/13.

155bc, turn 163

The barb axe throws himself at philly and gets killed by our axe there, earning us 1 xp, up to 4/2.

We get a great scientist in NY. Wash. is producing 18 raw beakers (before library bonus). The 50% academy bonus would earn 9 beakers for us. Settling the GS would also earn 9 beakers, plus a hammer. But washington could hire another scientist, and then the academy would earn 12 beakers/turn. I decide to build the academy in washington and to hire another scientist when the city grows in 3 turns.

Washington: spear (to philly) > spear, 4 turns.

I'm going to end my set here because I'm not really sure what to do with the workers anymore. And also, maybe someone has a better idea for the GS we just got.

Construction comes in in 3 turns, at 50% with -1gpt.

We are one point away from a great general.


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Nice turns Grover but why more swords from boston and not a wall in purple first? :D Nice job on the spears tho mate, Khan is toast with no whipping!

Silver needs to take this turnset as Kahn is obviously going to DOW on us after refusing the gift of math (eff off khan hehe), killing our trade with him.

That's fine, Just hold off spamming more towns and leave the majority of our army of swords out of toku's backyard til we we figure out how much cash we are down.

For what exactly to do with the workers, might as well use one to bait toku's archers to the western tundra tile for fast "BoffoTimeExp"(TM). Might be able to split off those protecting archers from their settler for yet another toku worker care package.

In the meantime Evac all the southern workers and try to save jez/berry as those woodie two warriors are good stuff.

Washington needs to keep building more axes and well no point making walls there as our culture is catching up soon enough. It's likely going to be khans target since he prolly isn;t quite aware of purple dot yet since it's so new.

Purple dot though can use a chop asap, finishing the monument and queuing up walls.

GS needs to pop acad in washington and our GG needs to embed in Boston. Pop a settler from boston as we need to found blackdot when all is stable. Blackdot btw is not "dead in the water" as liq was smoking something, it can work that mined iron the moment it is founded pushing out a monument in no time flat.

So silver gets to take out that hammer once more.:cool:

on second thought our slider is the suck hehe. might want to hold off on settling blackdot.

I went with the sword in boston for the offense, obviously. We're just 3 turns from construction, and I thought it could switch to cats after that.

Academy in washington was my vote, and after washington's growth in 3 turns or so, we could hire a scientist or two there or maybe work the mined hill for the hammers. I moved off the hill to speed growth when I started the GS towards Washington. It'd be nice to stay 1 under the happy cap, maybe, if we're headed for war.

Walls? You guys build walls?
ok this is from liq's 'WTH more pyscho's next door?' trials and tribulations in CIV4.

One of khans trademark gags is to demand something (MATH) and then attack 10 turns later anyway.

Since you rightfully refused math to the idiot, he's not going to attack in 10 turns, he;s going to attack in 5-10 :lol:

So he doesn;t have cats and his army is always pony heavy so all those spears gonna be used. Need more axes though as he;ll be running the odd sword as well.

Khan is so about to suicide on us for nice exp.

155BC (163):

So S.ilver is back at the helm hogging turns because of a suspected impending war. Well, I trust Liq's instinct on this one now, so let's see what can be done...

Preflight check. Ok, well if Khan is indeed coming after us, we'll need to do a slight shuffle dance with the units. I want all the axes and spears down south, while all the swords should stay up north, as they will have minimal effect. Barry and Jez are going to try and head for the north too...

I delete NY's Warrior as Dirk is there now...

Zooming around the cities...

Washington will experience growth in 3 turns. 2 more happy left, and we can stagnant at 10 pop, so those are two scientists for sure. I switch to the mine from one of the plains farms however. It slows growth only by one turn, and will give us more overflow hammers for the next build.

NY and Boston are basically in a fine balance right now. We get Construction in 3 turns. After that, NY needs to get to growing its cottages and its population. Also, Boston will GROW in 4 turns, and get to working on specs. So basically we'll shift specs from NY to Boston...

140BC (164):

We finish 2 units this turn and income goes from -2 to -5. Ugh.

Well, ok the sword finishing in Boston fortifies and I delete the warrior there. Back to -2...

NY gets on a Spear and Boston gets on an Axe, as we have equal amounts of both.

125BC (165):

More units moving this turn, still no sign of Khan's forces.

I make the Academy in Washington this turn.


Toku's archers are loose, so reposition swords to punk them. Notice that we are STILL 0.5 to Khan, so he is madly building units. Joao is now 0.7 to us though, so he's not building units...

110BC (166):


Cats! :hammer:

Poly is next. I fire the scientists working at NY and get them on cottages.

Two Toku archers in a forest near NY (in our territory), so Karl and Will clean them up.

Timur is born in Washington.


He heads for Boston and will get there in time to settle and XP the incoming Axe.

2 each of axes and spears will be in Philly and Washington next turn. Barry is home free and Jez needs to get by the captured barb cities. Hopefully will have enough cover in the jungle to move fast.

95BC (167):

Khan has a HAs in our lands... Looks like he's scouting?

Boston and NY both grew this turn, so hiring a scientist in each place. We have to cut the slider by 10% to slow bleeding though.

Gonna put NY's spear on hold for a Cat actually. Should've done this last turn :smoke:.

Settle Timur into Boston. LMAO, I love that GG specs get the Rep bonus too!


Washington is done the spear (doh, that's why we have extra. Didn't count this one), and since we don't want to bleed too much cash with units, I dial a Colosseum for the extra happy.

Philly finished the Monument, so obvious Granary next.

80BC (168):

Toku is suiciding Archers... No other explanation for...


Jez is now past Khan's culture and home free. Yay!

Axe is done in Boston, going for a quick Cat before we stop military here.

65BC (169):

Oh my!


Come and get it Khan!


Priesthood is next in a cool 2 turns.

Please direct your attention here...


The fool also has some Random Keshik wandering up north. Will can buyout Formation, so I'm not TOO worried... although...

I REMEMBER the Spearman in NY that I had opted NOT to build...


JUST enough hammers... Don't even have to whip... This is a case of :smoke: becoming "insight". Or as Sirian would say "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!" (TM)

50BC (170):


Here's what I have to say about it.


All workers fleeing to the north.

Priesthood is still at 2 turns. We lost like 3 commerce from Khan's trade routes, and clearly that made the difference.

Khan now is worst enemies with us, oh well... More for us!

35BC (171):

Khan's stacks are incoming...

20BC (172):


Going for CoL in 12.

So you thought this whole saga was about Khan eh? Well...

How to Punt a Worker 101

1. Woody warrior so AI is confused. Use to capture the worker.


2. Insert Blocking swordsman with cover so Toku is effed.


3. You are now home free.

5BC (173):

In the inturn, Khan charges some silly units at Washington. He withdraws one Keshik, one dies, a swordsman bites the dust, and another kills our Shock Axe :(.

Toku's "Offering" meanwhile, makes it safely back into the forest, and will be back in our territory next turn. We also blow up the farm for 3 gold.

10AD (174):

Khan sallies again in the inturn. We kill a sword and two Keshiks, but lose our own axe against that evil CR3 Axe... Ugly...

This is just silly...


The Cat is done in Boston, so dial an Axe, as we have lost a few.

25AD (175):

Khan makes a gross error in judgment with his CR3 Axe...


Jersey punks off that CR3 Axe Flawless!

Washington is done a Colosseum, we need an Axe here.

NY done a Cat, push out one more.

40AD (176):

Things get ugly in the inturn, as Khan scores a flawless win with a CR2 Axe against Philly. But the city holds as the Keshik dies.

55AD (177):

Khan's CR axe retreats onto a Keshik and a Sword. That's good, as that gives time to reinforce Philly.

An Axe finished in Boston. More!

70AD (178):

Wow, Khan's CR Axe is leaving... Ok, well the Sword and Keshik are still there, so meh.

Khan's power ratio is down to 0.6 so he's losing units.

85AD (179):

Khan's last two troops suicided against Philly last turn. So all Khan invaders are dead.

Washington and NY both grew this turn, so hiring scientists to push out CoL faster.

A new unit appeared in Kyoto this turn, and it's a CAT. So Toku has Construction. Boo.

100AD (180):


So close, yet so far... Well, at least the other continent will be religiously beating each other up.

Toku's Cat disappeared in the inturn. There is another in Osaka. Hopefully he starts suiciding.

115AD (181):

Axe is done in Boston... I will dial GLH for Cash Conversion.

130AD (182):

Toku is honestly stupid...


Cat done in NY, might as well go for one more.

145AD (183):


Going to pass off the game here. Great breakpoint at CoL, played 20 turns. AND the attacks by Khan have stopped (although he's still not talking).

Slider is at 0% for +4gpt. Hilariously, we are at 70bpt (gogo specs!).

Toku is just about ready to be killed. His Cats are even weaker than his archers as they get no defensive bonuses anywhere. Once we have enough Cats to downsize his defenses in a reasonable amount of time, we can easily take both his cities (especially since he likes to suicide units a lot).

Liq has informed me he is going to take this save, as he's itching to play. He should get it done pretty fast, if Norvin actually wants to play at some time :lol:


Preturn:145 AD
Ok so COL comes in meaning lots of courthouses, shame about the confusion =/ good thing we have a secret back up plan!!!

Meditation in 3 ROFL (WTH?)

War with Kahn is just waiting for the loser to talk so will wait him out.

So 3rd cat is in 6 turns from NY with will and co needing healing, so pulling troops out of toku's back yard. Then it's time to talk to toku up close and personal.

Put boston on a courthouse as every penny saved is good.

[1]160 AD
Ok so joao builds the hanging gardens and khan took out the green dotish barb town. We are going to have to take out khan soonish.

So toku confounds us all with this setup...

the idiot on the marble is a lone settler and that's a worker farming our corn. Why Toku has an archer and a cat on a completely different tile?

yeah WTH indeed.

So Claude earns 2 exp taking out the archer and barry the woodie 2 warrior comes in to protect him from evil cats since he's at 2.4 health... lets hope barry can get some exp!

[2]175 AD
So uh toku settler runs back to town, Claude defends against the cat for some reason... meh ok 1.5 health now. He runs to our culture to heal.

Ricky gets to eat another suicide cat from osaka. wheee , 12 exp to another gg.

Khan will talk but no peace.

[3]190 AD
So med comes in and of course our next tech is alphabet in 7.

ah yes, the plan is becoming clear now eh grass hoppa? yeah ok Liq is adding random icons to the tech screen, thanks for the hint, moron.

Philly is size 2 and Finishes granary, start on a courthouse.

[4]205 AD
khan pokes his head out with another HA/sword pair... more exp?

[5]220 AD
No idea WTH I should have the workers do btw so roading anything not nailed down.

khan still won't take peace hehe. Lets hope joao attacks him or something.

[6]235 AD
Ok, it wasn't Joao in another war with khan but heck.

So I take the lower option so we can :hammer: the toku in peace.

Safe to assume we are now khans worst enemy for good btw hehe.

gold is up 4 a turn with that war over, and so onto the sloooooow march into toku land soonish.

[7]250 AD
hehe, a barb archer is next to philly this turn. Lets see if it suicides or pillages.

[8]265 AD

Black dot is founded much to our economy's chagrin hehe. Get to work on its monument while workers are there to clear the jungle. that barb galley btw just keeps alternating north to where it is in the screen to south 2 tiles.

Barb archer pillages a random road hehe... well sure, now that the workers have better things to do what with the south safe to work on again.


And so the toku offensive embarks. How many troops is Toku gonna whip?

[9]280 AD
In the meantime, as the troops move up, toku pops another worker.... nice.. I think....

Alphabet comes in so back to our original tech plan and go for aes in 8ish.

uh all that for spies Liq?

Great person in Washington in 3 looking 50 50 scientist or evil engineer.... Lets hope for a GS for the master plan yes yes right?

[10]295 AD
Toku's settler is escorted by a worker and making a dash for osaka. Only Barry is there so lets play shadow games to make sure he goes back home.

[11]310 AD
Kyoto pops a cat for no real reason as he watches his walls get slowly worn down.

50%ish GS GE next turn.... VOTE GS!!!

[12]325 AD
And so the secret plan comes together on the flip of a coin...


What did all this meditation and ABC's crap all mean liq, WTH are you goofed up on this time?

well instead of Alphabet, our GS bulbs the next tech on his list thanks to Meditation ....


ending in

Yup we score one of the last two religions in game (not to mention the only religion on our block) allowing us to run pacifism .... in a bit. Bulbing Phil also killed off a major mile stone on the path to Liberalism for the Free Nationalism pick.

So berry risks life and limb to create a distraction by snatching a worker on that marble hill. Is toku stupid to run out an archer to punk barry or do we punt a free worker while we laugh at his punk ass?

[13]340 AD
So berry lives and we are one worker richer... great. defences down to 2%.

Taoism spreads to Washington via the free Missionary.

[14]355 AD
And so ere we go.

Toku fielding 2 cats(WTH?) and 4x cg2 drill 1 archers. Think he whipped that 4th archer recently.

28% cat for a name........ hehe took the archers to 2.6 str, ok lets name him ummmmmmm, ahh he;s dead, who cares.

next cat... 49% odds lets get him a name people...

ok no but he took a good chunk off the archers and took his archer down to 1.0 health.

nice.. job Morris.

So then Lenny the cat had 80% odds and walks out with minor damage hehe. The highest health archer is 1.1 str.

So Niels the newbie sword is up with 95% odds and wow, he barely escapes with .9 health... Niels, what a prick.

So Ricky, that fine fellow tries his luck on the wall of broken archers.... kills a cat for half his health.. that's a bad sign when your second defender is a cat.

so down to one cat and 3 very broken archers.

So Karl is up, powner of MANY archers, he is cover promoted tho and going up against toku;s finest siege... hmm 5.1 wiping the floor with a cat, Not bad.

So down to 3 badly mauled archers... Damn, only 2 swords left..

Well Claude is up and goes 99.9% for an easy flawless on the least beat down archer

Will does the same damn thing, going flawless on toku's helpless archers.

so one archer left at .9 health but will get promoed and healed...

'Will' see about that one eh?

Good news is we are positive cash again after the cats died =)

As the requisite Liq :smoke: I moved berry again thinking I hit next turn... well Barry so gonna die with that archer there.

Never mind the green dots people!!!

Man Liq and those poor woodie 2 warriors. Such abuse.

[15]370 AD
uh ok archer didn;t attack berry (ok now you can look at the green dots under berry in the screen before)...

man he's a lucky bastard

So with Kyoto beat down like the dog Toku is,

Will picks up a booboo while walking in to collect the booty.

4 more exp for his 6th promo....

Bentley Manor comes pre-equipped with a granary milling the farmed corn and a Lighthouse over looking the netted crabs (plural). Also if you order now, a pathway up to the marble will be included free of charge though the Quarry and Silver Mine may require some Assembly.

I say we keep it Honey. it only needs a little fixing up...

So then the war horns blare as Khan declares War again!


Though this time it's on Joao. phew. Back to Molesting Toku in peace. lets hope those idiots bash each other well and long eh?

Boston finishes its courthouse so I slot in a 6 turn cat to replace the others.

Troops have minor wounds they need to heal with the worst one still in kyoto to get that extra lovin from the city.

I revolt to Tao btw so one more turn. Don;t revolt to pacifism yet until silver ok's it as we are paying massive for unit maint.

[16]385 AD
YAY can see clearly now.

So AE in 3, lit in 7ish Metal Casting in 12ish since we'll be hooking silver and gold up sooner or later.

List of crap to do

Punk any archer khan steps outside, once you pop a another Great General, embed in Boston again. Claude is otw for el punk chance and cover for lenny to start shelling, so get that cat moving after he heals.

need a real garrison for Bentley Manor (Kyoto) and osaka eventually but for now run that Luck Bastard over to free up all our swords.

Worker army needs to chop that marked forest for when revolt is over, to speed monument. town needs culture fast.

Settle Blue DOT first asap from settler out of Washington then teal out of Toku's former capitol.

AES -> LIT -> METAL CASTING (Forge for the win!)

Get marble hooked up asap and get Boston started on parth once its queue clears, chop assist it once we have marble as it needs those hills free for mines.

Get to work on Glib once Washington pumps out it's settler and it can lose whatever grass forests are required though the ones adjacent to Washington first so khan cannot hide in them.

Have Bentley pop the settler for teal Dot. So much food there whip generously. That's our globe town btw.

The south needs worker attention since it wasn;t safe to move workers down there til recently. Feel free to cottage cheese that place though Liq will leave it to grover to try out his new found food counting calcs for distribution of post civil farms to cottages... can chop all those grass forests for cottages tho.

There's a barb town near orange dot I jsut now noticed hehe. If its on orange dot, let it grow to two pop and keep it, else raze it. Find out what that pos is, after toku gets axed for good.

Do not take the slider off 0% science please hehe. All beakers are spec based.

oh and start shelling Osaka with Lenny as long as we have a healthy sword to cover.. Claude is almost set up now.



Ok well unless Norvin pops up for a got it by tomorrow just grab it and go Grover. Some serious popcorn rounds watching joao and khan trade crap towns prolly hehe.

For your consideration... spammed a dotmap. Feel free to discuss, as I'm not going to point out the merits of each spot.

to quote another sg...

That dot map looks 'pretty good'


Ok truth be known, silver already ran it past liq who reminded silver that Banana Yellow Dot was all about collecting that Banana just outside of Green/White dot's BFC :lol:

Need a liq mention what sort of horror a sid's sushi/ mining inc will do to our fine republic?

Oh and since NewYork was the perfect place to land tao. Have it build its tao buildings/a few missonaries then start on a lazy ankor wat when it is free and stone is hooked up. We need to pop a great profit for the shrine adn the extra priest slots that wonder gives us is nice.

So far the following National wonders are locked in...
Wallstreet - NewYork (tao + 2 corps)
Globe - Toku's Former Capital
Heroic Epic and West point - Boston

Nice work.

I won't be able to play until Sunday night or Monday morning.

So Norvin or Diamondeye could take a turn, or Silver if those two guys still can't find the time.

hehe ok well give it a day then for DE or norv to 'get it' before I force the save on the only person who has downloaded it so far :lol:


Edit: Attaching a save with silvers dot map alt-S'd in and towns to keep/raze. Added a pos filler town 4 south, one east of White dot on account it has 4!!!! grass tiles not used and can support itself via the gold and silks. That's prolly one of the last towns we'd want to settle along with Pos Dot in the far south east :lol:


good morning, unfortunately work has fubared me, yet again. i apologize but at this point i think its better that i just withdraw. thanks for the initial invite and good luck!
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