Preturn:145 AD
Ok so COL comes in meaning lots of courthouses, shame about the confusion =/ good thing we have a secret back up plan!!!
Meditation in 3 ROFL (WTH?)
War with Kahn is just waiting for the loser to talk so will wait him out.
So 3rd cat is in 6 turns from NY with will and co needing healing, so pulling troops out of toku's back yard. Then it's time to talk to toku up close and personal.
Put boston on a courthouse as every penny saved is good.
[1]160 AD
Ok so joao builds the hanging gardens and khan took out the green dotish barb town. We are going to have to take out khan soonish.
So toku confounds us all with this setup...
the idiot on the marble is a lone settler and that's a worker farming our corn. Why Toku has an archer and a cat on a completely different tile?
yeah WTH indeed.
So Claude earns 2 exp taking out the archer and barry the woodie 2 warrior comes in to protect him from evil cats since he's at 2.4 health... lets hope barry can get some exp!
[2]175 AD
So uh toku settler runs back to town, Claude defends against the cat for some reason... meh ok 1.5 health now. He runs to our culture to heal.
Ricky gets to eat another suicide cat from osaka. wheee , 12 exp to another gg.
Khan will talk but no peace.
[3]190 AD
So med comes in and of course our next tech is alphabet in 7.
ah yes, the plan is becoming clear now eh grass hoppa? yeah ok Liq is adding random icons to the tech screen, thanks for the hint, moron.
Philly is size 2 and Finishes granary, start on a courthouse.
[4]205 AD
khan pokes his head out with another HA/sword pair... more exp?
[5]220 AD
No idea WTH I should have the workers do btw so roading anything not nailed down.
khan still won't take peace hehe. Lets hope joao attacks him or something.
[6]235 AD
Ok, it wasn't Joao in another war with khan but heck.
So I take the lower option so we can

the toku in peace.
Safe to assume we are now khans worst enemy for good btw hehe.
gold is up 4 a turn with that war over, and so onto the sloooooow march into toku land soonish.
[7]250 AD
hehe, a barb archer is next to philly this turn. Lets see if it suicides or pillages.
[8]265 AD
Black dot is founded much to our economy's chagrin hehe. Get to work on its monument while workers are there to clear the jungle. that barb galley btw just keeps alternating north to where it is in the screen to south 2 tiles.
Barb archer pillages a random road hehe... well sure, now that the workers have better things to do what with the south safe to work on again.
And so the toku offensive embarks. How many troops is Toku gonna whip?
[9]280 AD
In the meantime, as the troops move up, toku pops another worker.... nice.. I think....
Alphabet comes in so back to our original tech plan and go for aes in 8ish.
uh all that for spies Liq?
Great person in Washington in 3 looking 50 50 scientist or evil engineer.... Lets hope for a GS for the master plan yes yes right?
[10]295 AD
Toku's settler is escorted by a worker and making a dash for osaka. Only Barry is there so lets play shadow games to make sure he goes back home.
[11]310 AD
Kyoto pops a cat for no real reason as he watches his walls get slowly worn down.
50%ish GS GE next turn.... VOTE GS!!!
[12]325 AD
And so the secret plan comes together on the flip of a coin...
What did all this meditation and ABC's crap all mean liq, WTH are you goofed up on this time?
well instead of Alphabet, our GS bulbs the next tech on his list thanks to Meditation ....
ending in
Yup we score one of the last two religions in game (not to mention the only religion on our block) allowing us to run pacifism .... in a bit. Bulbing Phil also killed off a major mile stone on the path to Liberalism for the Free Nationalism pick.
So berry risks life and limb to create a distraction by snatching a worker on that marble hill. Is toku stupid to run out an archer to punk barry or do we punt a free worker while we laugh at his punk ass?
[13]340 AD
So berry lives and we are one worker richer... great. defences down to 2%.
Taoism spreads to Washington via the free Missionary.
[14]355 AD
And so ere we go.
Toku fielding 2 cats(WTH?) and 4x cg2 drill 1 archers. Think he whipped that 4th archer recently.
28% cat for a name........ hehe took the archers to 2.6 str, ok lets name him ummmmmmm, ahh he;s dead, who cares.
next cat... 49% odds lets get him a name people...
ok no but he took a good chunk off the archers and took his archer down to 1.0 health.
nice.. job Morris.
So then Lenny the cat had 80% odds and walks out with minor damage hehe. The highest health archer is 1.1 str.
So Niels the newbie sword is up with 95% odds and wow, he barely escapes with .9 health... Niels, what a prick.
So Ricky, that fine fellow tries his luck on the wall of broken archers.... kills a cat for half his health.. that's a bad sign when your second defender is a cat.
so down to one cat and 3 very broken archers.
So Karl is up, powner of MANY archers, he is cover promoted tho and going up against toku;s finest siege... hmm 5.1 wiping the floor with a cat, Not bad.
So down to 3 badly mauled archers... Damn, only 2 swords left..
Well Claude is up and goes 99.9% for an easy flawless on the least beat down archer
Will does the same damn thing, going flawless on toku's helpless archers.
so one archer left at .9 health but will get promoed and healed...
'Will' see about that one eh?
Good news is we are positive cash again after the cats died =)
As the requisite Liq

I moved berry again thinking I hit next turn... well Barry so gonna die with that archer there.
Never mind the green dots people!!!
Man Liq and those poor woodie 2 warriors. Such abuse.
[15]370 AD
uh ok archer didn;t attack berry (ok now you can look at the green dots under berry in the screen before)...
man he's a lucky bastard
So with Kyoto beat down like the dog Toku is,
Will picks up a booboo while walking in to collect the booty.
4 more exp for his 6th promo....
Bentley Manor comes pre-equipped with a granary milling the farmed corn and a Lighthouse over looking the netted crabs (plural). Also if you order now, a pathway up to the marble will be included free of charge though the Quarry and Silver Mine may require some Assembly.
I say we keep it Honey. it only needs a little fixing up...
So then the war horns blare as Khan declares War again!
Though this time it's on Joao. phew. Back to Molesting Toku in peace. lets hope those idiots bash each other well and long eh?
Boston finishes its courthouse so I slot in a 6 turn cat to replace the others.
Troops have minor wounds they need to heal with the worst one still in kyoto to get that extra lovin from the city.
I revolt to Tao btw so one more turn. Don;t revolt to pacifism yet until silver ok's it as we are paying massive for unit maint.
[16]385 AD
YAY can see clearly now.
So AE in 3, lit in 7ish Metal Casting in 12ish since we'll be hooking silver and gold up sooner or later.
List of crap to do
Punk any archer khan steps outside, once you pop a another Great General, embed in Boston again. Claude is otw for el punk chance and cover for lenny to start shelling, so get that cat moving after he heals.
need a real garrison for Bentley Manor (Kyoto) and osaka eventually but for now run that Luck Bastard over to free up all our swords.
Worker army needs to chop that marked forest for when revolt is over, to speed monument. town needs culture fast.
Settle Blue DOT first asap from settler out of Washington then teal out of Toku's former capitol.
AES -> LIT -> METAL CASTING (Forge for the win!)
Get marble hooked up asap and get Boston started on parth once its queue clears, chop assist it once we have marble as it needs those hills free for mines.
Get to work on Glib once Washington pumps out it's settler and it can lose whatever grass forests are required though the ones adjacent to Washington first so khan cannot hide in them.
Have Bentley pop the settler for teal Dot. So much food there whip generously. That's our globe town btw.
The south needs worker attention since it wasn;t safe to move workers down there til recently. Feel free to cottage cheese that place though Liq will leave it to grover to try out his new found food counting calcs for distribution of post civil farms to cottages... can chop all those grass forests for cottages tho.
There's a barb town near orange dot I jsut now noticed hehe. If its on orange dot, let it grow to two pop and keep it, else raze it. Find out what that pos is, after toku gets axed for good.
Do not take the slider off 0% science please hehe. All beakers are spec based.
oh and start shelling Osaka with Lenny as long as we have a healthy sword to cover.. Claude is almost set up now.