Bomber Attacked by Missle Cruiser(at Peace with Civ) Bomber Name Missing in Airbase


Nov 24, 2016
Civilization Version: (235603)

Bug #1

I am at peace with France and at war with England. The French Missle cruiser is next to the English submarine.

When I attack the English submarine the French Missle Cruiser opens fire on my bomber. I can see the animation of the French cruiser firing missles at my bomber and the hit points of my bomber go down. Submarines have no anti air defense. Because I am at peace with France the Missle Cruiser should not be firing at my bomber.

Bug #2

When I click on my airbases the names for the jet bomber or jet fighter are missing. So the box looks like an empty blue box. You can still click on the empty blue box and use the bomber or jet fighter but you can't see if its a jet fighter or bomber until you click on it. This error started after I updated to the latest version.


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