Bombing city buildings


Jun 12, 2007
Why cant Bombers be used to target specific building like they could in Civ3? This was a great feature I felt, added realism and also an extra dimension to gameplay. It would obviously be pretty easy to implement seeing as spies can do it (dont say Mod it, it should be a standard feature), is there any chance this could be put into a future patch?
Not only building, but also road and railroad. I was involve in a war with England, and i was bombing is improvement without any resistance. But once a land paratroop in there, I was assault by their troup since I was unable to slow their progression. They lost it anyway, but it would be good to be able to bomb their road to slow them down
Yeah true, its a big part of warfare in real life, destroying the transport infrastructure... if you were involvoed in a long war against an equally Teched civ, who has the best infrastructure will matter a hell of a lot, it should be an option to attack it
In road to war Europe/Asia scenarios you can target specific buildings with bombers. I would really appreciate that ability in regular game, adds a tactical touch to the game.
I also think this should have been in the game. I liked the feature in Civ 3 and miss it. I also liked having my ships being able to bombard coastal areas.
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