Welcome to BombNesIII. This NES starts in 1884, the year of the Berlin Conference and the early stages of the New Imperialism Era.
In this NES, players will take control of a state and either lead it to glory or downfall as they attempt to survive and conquer in an era where the size of an empire is directly related to National Pride. I have tried to provide a very unique yet historical mix of countries and my overall goal is that even the smaller nations should be just as fun to play as the Great Powers. I realize in the past, I have not been good to my other NESes (and players) ending the NESes just before they started to get interesting. My counter-argument to this is that since I have literally poured my heart and soul into this NES, drawing the countries onto the map from near-scratch and composing my own rule set that is also making its official debut here and thus have a lot of incentive to not let this die an an anticlimactic death.
For assisting in the development in various ways I would like to thank the following...
Azale: Idea for launching the NES, stat review and moral support. BananaLee: A wealth of information on naval technology and strategy from era. Shadowbound: Stats for much of Latin America Thlayli: His rule set used in Et In Arcadia Ego was the original basis for the one used here. EQandCivfanatic: Many of the elements from his rule set in A Brave New World were used here. Soldierchild: Threats/moral support. Luckymoose: The excellent banner which sits atop this post.
Also the following sources provided by far the largest parts of the information used in this NES and I highly recommend them to anyone doing research on this (or other) era of history.
Conway’s All the World’s Fighting Ships: 1860-1905, editor Robert Gardiner The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective, Angus Maddison http://www.wikipedia.com http://www.zum.de/whkmla/
Government/Controlling Faction:
Head of State/Government:
Economic Freedom:
Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies):
Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep):
Army (Home+Colonies):
Army Quality:
Navy (Home+Colonies):
Naval Quality:
Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: This is fairly self explanatory. The only note I have here is that I ask that only experienced players apply for one of the remaining Great Powers. If you are a noob however, don't fret; I fully intend to make even the smaller nations still fun to play and acting rationally and in character is more important to me than playing well.
Capital: This is the seat of your nation's government. If it is taken in war, it can have very detrimental effects and thus I suggest you have a designated back up capital at all times. You can change your capital whenever you feel, however they might be costs involved and could lead to instability.
Government/Controlling Faction: This is what type of government your nation has and its current controlling faction. Controlling factions change with elections in designated years in democracies. Changes in government effect stability and in some cases welfare and income as well and thus should be tampered with at caution.
Head of State/Government: This is your leader(s). Some nations have a separate head of state, often a monarch in this case, and government, often a Prime Minister. For democracies either one or both of these positions change with elections. You can probably look up when your elections should be taking place, but if you cannot find it, ask me or decide yourself.
Size: This is the population of your country, with colonies included. Size relates directly to your welfare upkeep as well as your military size. Size brackets are as follows:
1: 0-5 million
2: 5-15 million
3: 15-30 million
4: 30-50 million
5: 50-75 million
6: 75-105 million
7: 105-140 million
8. 140-180 million
9. 180-225 million
10.225-275 million
11.275-330 million
12.330-390 million
13.390-455 million
14.455-525 million
15.525-600 million
Stability: This is simply a measure of how close your country is to collapsing. Stability cannot be directly affected and instead is instead increased by doing things like fighting corruption, and increasing welfare. Stability is decreases from changes in government, rapid shifts in economic freedom, long or unpopular wars and decreases in welfare among other things. This stat is measured between 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 5 being where revolution is becoming more imminent.
Economic Freedom: This stat measured the extent to which the government intervenes in the economy. Nations with higher economic freedom receive less overall income, but instead see the development of technologies, infrastructure and industry without direct investment. Economic freedom is measured between a +5 (where your base income is divided by 1.5 and so down the scale) to a 0 (where your base income is not altered at all).
The following increase economic freedom:
large tax cuts
government subsidies to multiple industries or large government contracting to private firms
trade freedom
strong private property rights
lack of labor laws
The following decrease economic freedom:
high tax rates
government buying or ownership in major industries
high tariffs on multiple industries
Many laws regulating credit, trade and business
Strong labor laws in general
Base Income: This is a nation’s income after all their agriculture, industries trade and colonies are added up. Colonies and trade can negative, though this is quite rare for the latter.
Real Income: This is a nation’s income after their economic freedom and upkeep from military and welfare are taken into account. This is how much a nation actually has to spend. You can spend half points (.5) except on things with a set cost such as military units. Unspent income will be not be banked, except for unspent income received from another nation the previous turn. If you do have banked income you have a year to spend it.
Welfare: This is the measure of all of a government’s spending towards their domestic matters such as, but not limited too, infrastructure, education and health care. The higher this stat is usually means more modernized a nation is. It has potential to drop regardless of your spending from factors such as low economic freedom and falling behind technologically. Welfare can be increased by spending the amount you want increase it too and can only be increased one level per turn, however it can be invested into and increased over several turns. Welfare upkeep cost is your size*welfare level/10 rounded. It is on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being the highest.
Army (Home+Colonies): This is the size and composition of your army. It is divided between your forces at home and in the colonies. Your max army size is 25 times your size stat number of brigades, though this is doubled and upkeep costs reduced by half when mobilized. The Following units can be bought by any nation with the available technology:
Infantry Brigade: This is a simple infantry brigade of about 5,000 men. It is slightly better at defending than attacking in most instances and comes equipped with their own officers, engineers and medical corps. 25 infantry brigades cost 1 EP upkeep per turn. 1 EP for 5.
Marine Brigade: This is infantry that specializes in amphibious landings and in some cases, combat on ships. It consists of about 3,000 men and comes equipped with their own officers, engineers and medical corps. Requires having a navy. 25 marine brigades cost 1 upkeep per turn. 1 EP for 5.
Cavalry Brigade: These are mounted forces, whether they be horses or camels. They are generally more lightly equipped than infantry but make up for this by being more mobile. They are generally better on the offense, but they shine most in exploring and scouting missions. A brigade consists of about 2,000 men and mounts and comes equipped with their own officers, engineers and medical corps. 10 cavalry brigades cost 1 upkeep per turn. 1 EP for 2.
Artillery Brigades: There are artillery forces, used for siege and firing at the enemy at long ranges. They are useful in both offensive and defensive operations though are not the most mobile of forces. A brigade consists of about 1,500 men and comes equipped with their own officers, engineers and medical corps. Requires some level of explosives. 10 artillery brigades cost 1 upkeep per turn. 1 EP for 2.
Irregular Brigades: These are poorly trained and armed forces that perform best using unconventional tactics. They can only be built if you are fighting a war with the enemy occupying some portion of your territory. They have no upkeep and dissolve at the end of wars. 1 EP for 5.
Army Quality: This is a measure of an army’s training, organization and moral. It is measured between 1 and 10 with 10 being the highest. It can only be increased from experience and long term improvement measures. Conducting training exercises every few years or more maintains it.
Navy (Home+Colonies): This is the size and composition of your navy. It is divided between your forces at home and in the colonies. There is no max navy size, but if you do not provide enough men for ships, your quality will suffer. Upkeep costs are reduced by half when mobilized. As ships sit and new technologies become available, you will notice your own ships degenerate in modernity if they are not continually outfitted with new equipment, though at a certain point this can no longer be done and the ship will have to be scrapped. The Following ships can be bought by any nation with available technology and a port/harbor. Naval upkeep is determined by total tonnage with 1 upkeep rounded to the nearest 100,000 tons. (I realize my tonnage system is not necessarily accurate, especially in regard to the smaller ships, but it makes a standard way to do upkeep with so many different units)
Modern Battleship: These are the largest and most advanced ships available. They require Steel ships, at least a modern level shipyard and seacoast to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 6,000 tons. 3 EP for 1 (can be paid for over several turns)
Standard Battleship: These are average battleships, and generally smaller than the Modern Battleships but can be upgraded a level for 2 EP per ship. They require at least a standard level shipyard and seacoast to be built though, they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 5,000 tons. 2 EP for 1 (can be paid for over several turns)
Obsolete Battleship: These are battleships build with older technology, and generally smaller than the Standard Battleships but can be upgraded a level for 1 EP per ship. They require at least a mediocre level shipyard and seacoast to be built though, they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 4,000 tons. 1 EP for 1.
Coastal Defense Ship: These are large ships built specifically to defend coasts. They are often built with older technology and are similar in size to Obsolete Battleships. They require at least a mediocre level shipyard and a seacoast to be built though, they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea, large lakes and up and down coasts. 4,000 tons. 1 EP for 2.
Modern Cruiser: These are the newest and fastest cruisers available. They are built for raiding protection missions. They require steel ships, at least a modern level shipyard and seacoast to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 3,000 tons. 1 EP for 2
Standard Cruiser: These are average level cruisers. Though they are slower than the Modern Cruisers, they are roughly the same size and can be upgraded a level for 1 EP per 3 ship. They are built for raiding protection missions. They require at least a standard level shipyard and seacoast to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 3,000 tons. 1 EP for 3
Obsolete Cruiser: These are cruisers built with older technology. They are both smaller and slower than the Standard Cruisers and can be upgraded a level for 1 EP per 4 ships. They are built for raiding protection missions. They require at least a mediocre level shipyard and seacoast to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. They can only travel upon the open sea. 2,000 tons. 1 EP for 4
Torpedo Boat Destroyer: These vessels are somewhere in size between a cruiser and a torpedo boat. They excel at taking out smaller torpedo vessels and protecting larger ships and are also able to maintain speeds to keep up with a modern fleet on the high seas. They require at least a modern level shipyard and seacoast to be built. 2,000 tons. 1 EP for 3
Modern Torpedo Vessel: These are the most advanced torpedo vessels available. They require steel ships and at least a modern level shipyard to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. 1,000 tons. 1 EP for 3
Standard Torpedo Vessel: These are average level torpedo vessels. They are the same size as the Modern Torpedo Vessels, but are slower and less armored and can be upgraded a level for 1 EP for 10 ships. They require at least a standard level shipyard to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. 1,000 tons. 1 EP for 5
Obsolete Torpedo Vessel: These are torpedo vessels built with the earliest torpedo technology. They are the same size as the Modern and Standard Torpedo Vessels, but are much slower, less armored and use inferior torpedo technology. They can be upgraded a level for 1 EP for 12 ships. They require at least a mediocre level shipyard to be built, though they can be bought from other nations. 1,000 tons. 1 EP for 8
Gunboat: These are small vessels generally reserved for river or coastal patrol and exploration missions. They are very lightly armored and carry only a few guns of varying size. They require at least a crude shipyard to be built though they can be bought from other nations. 1,000 tons. 1 EP for 5
Naval Quality: This is a measure of a navy’s training, organization and moral. It is measured between 1 and 10 with 10 being the highest. It can only be increased from experience and long term improvement measures. Conducting training exercises every few years or maintains it.
Mobilization: Mobilization can only be done during or just before a war. Mobilization doubles your allowed army size (50*size stat rather than 25*size stat) and reduces your total military (Army and Navy) upkeep by half. The downside to mobilization is that being mobilized for more than a few turns can lead to instability and cause drops in welfare and economic growth.
Technology: This is the technology available to nations. Technology can affect the military, welfare and income of a nation and is acquired by either directly investing in certain areas and industries or having a high economic freedom that allows the technology to develop on its own. It should be noted technology can naturally disseminate between countries (especially between economically free neighbors). Technology comes either as specific techs, such as steel ships, or as levels in certain areas such as agriculture and mining. There is no list of technologies except what has already been discovered. You can invest in any sort of technological area you wish, though the likelihood of seeing results depends heavily on the plausibility and rationale of what you are attempting to accomplish. Techs are not cheap either; expect to have invest a decent amount of EP (2-3 for an average level tech) over several turns to see real results. As stated earlier however, high economic freedom can speed up the research process. Technologies can be "traded" between nations by sending equipment and advisers but the ability of the receiving nation to use and develop the said technology depends entirely on their current capabilities and resources. For example, if France were to trade Early Automobiles to Nepal, Nepal would not be able to make use of the Early Automobiles tech until they had access to all the required raw materials and Modern Industrial Complexes tech.
Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): Colonies and territories are a major part of this NES. Colonies and Territories must be specifically designated as such, otherwise they are considered directly integrated into the mother country, which can have potentially detrimental effects. Colonies only have three stats: Military, Income and Stability, with all but the latter also calculated into your overall stats. The advantage of keeping something a colony is that can potentially be more economically beneficial and their stability doesn’t drag down that of the mother country.
Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence Networks: These can be built over time and with significant investment. In order to use "intelligence" and "espionage" PM me a question/operation and how much EP you want to invest into it. I will PM you back an answer that may or may not be true with percentage of its likelihood. Remember to also include this in your orders as well. It must pertain to events of a previous update. You cannot ask what someone is going to do.
Stories and such:
Stories are not required by any means nor will they provide a direct bonus. However they are encouraged and there could be benefits in that the more I know about the inner-workings of your nation, the more precise calculations I will be able to make according to your and other people's orders.
Orders and NPC Diplomacy: To keep things streamlined and easy, I ask that all orders and diplomacy to an NPC be titled as such "BombNes: Randomstan Orders" and "BombNes: Randomstan Diplomacy". Your orders should be formatted (Or similar if yours are more detailed ) to the following:
Your Stats:
Spending: (Including what your Army/Navy size will be after spending if you bought anything)
Relevant Diplomacy:
Military Actions: (Providing a map showing actions helps for complex maneuvers)
Domestic Actions:
I also ask that you link any posted stories/treaties in your orders if you want them considered.
Updates and Grievances: I will try to have updates done within a day or two of the order due date but this also partially depends on you, the players, as well. Being punctual with your orders will make things much easier for me, and if you miss orders, you will not be punished as long as you notify me at least a day in advanced. If someone playing a Great Power misses more than once without notifying me beforehand, they will booted from their position for at least a turn. I do understand that we don't live in a perfect world; it is quite likely both myself and the players will be late sometimes, and thus I will try to be patient and ask that you do the same for me.
If you have any grievances with more than a simple stat mistake, I ask you don't post a long tirade in the thread and instead PM me, catch me on AIM or the NES chat.
NES Chat: Myself and many of the players of this NES regularly attend the NES chat. Although logging into the chat is by no means required to play, I highly recommend it as it gives players a chance to interact more heavily and work out deals that otherwise may have been missed. Since I realize not everyone can attend NES chat very often/at all, I also ask that any public deals of relevance that are concluded in the chat be posted in the thread.
Nation/Player: Austria-Hungary/Dachs Capital: Vienna Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: Emperor Franz Josef I/Prime Minister Eduard von Taaffe Size: 4 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 4+5+2+1=12 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 12/1.2-4=6 Welfare: 6 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 43 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 4 artillery brigades (10 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades in territories) (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 4 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 modern battleship, 4 standard battleships, 1 coastal defense ship, 3 modern cruisers, 4 standard cruisers, 16 obsolete cruisers, 1 modern torpedo vessel, 2 standard torpedo vessels, 4 gunboats (89,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Ultramodern Electrics, Telegraphs, Standard Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Occupied Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 7 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades/0/8
Novia Pazar: 7 infantry brigade, 1 artillery brigade/0/6
Chinese Concessions: NA/1/8
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Belgium/Milarqui Capital: Brussels Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Clerical Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: King Leopold II/Auguste Beernaert Size: 3 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+2+1+5=10 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 10/1.3-2=6 Welfare: 7 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (5 infantry brigades in colonies) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 8 gunboats (2 gunboats in colonies) (8,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Electrics, Modern Commercial Products, Ultramodern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Ultramodern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Ultramodern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories* (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Belgian Congo: 2 gunboats, 5 infantry brigades/5/6
Nation/Player: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (Britain)/Shadowbound Capital: London Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: Queen Victoria I/Prime Minister William Gladstone Size: 11 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +4
Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 8+16+8+28=60 Real Income (Base Income/Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 60/1.4-20=23 Welfare: 9 (10 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 95 infantry brigades, 16 cavalry brigades, 13 marine brigades, 5 artillery brigades (79 infantry brigades, 6 marine brigades, 15 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades in colonies) (4 upkeep) Army Quality: 4 Navy (Home+Colonies): 32 modern battleships, 19 standard battleships, 5 obsolete battleships, 4 coastal defense battleships, 41 modern cruisers, 31 standard cruisers, 18 obsolete cruisers, 17 modern torpedo vessels, 12 standard torpedo vessels, 42 gunboats (6 gunboats in colonies) (645,000 tons, 6 upkeep) Naval Quality: 6 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Modern Automobiles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Ultramodern Industrial Complexes, Ultramodern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Ultramodern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
British Honduras: 1 infantry brigade/0/5
British Guyana: 1 infantry brigade/0/5
British Caribbean: 1 infantry brigade/1/8
Newfoundland: NA/0/9
British Pacific Territories: 1 marine brigade/1/6
Papua and Solomon Islands (Administered from Queensland): 2 infantry brigades/-3/3
New Zealand: 1 infantry brigade/1/10
Australian Colonies: 3 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade/2/8
Hong Kong: 2 infantry brigades/2/7
Straights Settlements (Singapore): 1 infantry brigade/3/7
Malaya: 2 infantry brigades/1/6
Lower Burma (Administered from India): 6 infantry brigades/-2/3
British Raj: 9 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigade/9/6
Trucial Sheikdoms: 1 cavalry brigade/-1/6
Aden (Administered from India): 1 cavalry brigade/-1/6
British Somaliland: 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade/-1/2
Egyptian Sudan, Darfur, Kordofan and Takale and Equatoria: 8 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery brigade/-1/5
Egypt (Occupied): 4 infantry brigades/4/6
Suez Canal: 1 marine brigade/2/7
Cyprus: 1 infantry brigade/0/5
Malta: 1 marine brigade/0/8
Gibraltar: 1 marine brigade/0/7
The Gambia: 1 infantry brigade/1/5
Sierra Leone: 1 infantry brigade/0/5
Gold Coast: 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade/0/5
Lagos: 6 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade/2/7
St. Helena: NA/0/10
Cape Colony, Natal, Swaziland and Basutoland: 11 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigades/4/5
Bechuanaland: 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade/1/5
British Indian Ocean Territories: NA/-1/6
British East Africa: 2 marine brigades, 10 infantry brigades, 6 gunboats/2/7
Falkland Islands: NA/0/9
Chinese Concessions: NA/2/8
Nation/Player: Principality of Bulgaria Capital: Sofia Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: Prime Minister Leonid Sobolev Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-2=2 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 29 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 5 gunboats (13,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Standard Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Carlist Spain Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Carlist Faction Head of State/Government: King Carlos VII Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+2+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-1=3 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 22 infantry brigades, 6 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (2 infantry brigades in colonies) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 6 gunboats (6,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Turrets, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Standard Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Standard Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Fernando Po: 1 infantry brigade/0/10
Rio Muni: 1 infantry brigade/0/10
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Denmark/Zeletdude Capital: Copenhagen Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Højre Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: King Christian IX/Prime Minister Jacob Estrub Size: 1 Stability: 10 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 4+3+1+1=9 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 9/1.2-2=6 Welfare: 8 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (1 infantry brigade in colonies) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 modern battleship, 3 obsolete battleships. 4 coastal defense ships, 1 modern cruiser, 1 standard cruiser, 2 obsolete cruisers, 7 modern torpedo vessels, 5 gunboats (56,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 3 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Modern Electrics, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Ultramodern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: The Republic of France/Espoir Capital: Paris Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Republic Left Head of State/Government: President Marie Sadi Carnot/Prime Minister Pierre Tirard Size: 5 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 8+9+5+7=29 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 29/1.2-10=14 Welfare: 7 (4 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 62 infantry brigades, 7 marine brigades, 14 cavalry brigades, 8 artillery brigades (28 infantry brigades, 7 marine brigades, 6 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades in colonies) (3 upkeep) Army Quality: 5 Navy (Home+Colonies): 10 modern battleships, 18 standard battleships, 7 obsolete battleship, 3 coastal defense ships, 13 modern cruisers, 11 standard cruisers, 14 obsolete cruisers, 10 modern torpedo vessels, 14 standard torpedo vessels, 22 gunboats (336,000 tons, 3 upkeep) Naval Quality: 4 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Ultramodern Medicine and Sanitation, Ultramodern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Modern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Ultramodern Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: German Empire/Kentharu Capital: Berlin Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Centre Party Head of State/Government: Kaiser Wilhelm I/Chancellor Otto von Bismarck Size: 5 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 10+10+3+9=32 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 32/1.2-11=16 Welfare: 7 (4 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 84 infantry brigades, 10 cavalry brigades, 10 artillery brigades (23 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery brigade in colonies) (5 upkeep) Army Quality: 6 Navy (Home+Colonies): 5 modern battleships, 5 standard battleships, 6 obsolete battleships, 4 coastal defense ships, 11 modern cruisers, 15 standard cruisers, 3 obsolete cruisers, 13 modern torpedo vessels, 4 standard torpedo vessels, 3 torpedo boat destroyers, 18 gunboats (5 gunboats in colonies) (220,000 tons, 2 upkeep) Naval Quality: 4 Technology: Modern Explosives, Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Modern Automobiles, Ultramodern Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Ultramodern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Ultramodern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Ultramodern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Togoland: 1 infantry brigades, 1 gunboat/1/5
Kamerun: 3 infantry brigades, 1 gunboat/1/7
German South-West Africa: 5 infantry brigades/2/5
German East Africa: 10 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery brigade, 1 gunboat/3/5
Wituland: 1 infantry brigade/0/8
German New Guinea: 2 infantry brigades/0/5
Qatar: 2 infantry brigades, 2 gunboats/1/8
Chinese Concessions: NA/1/8
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Greece/d'artagnan Capital: Athens Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/New Party (Reformist) Head of State/Government: King George I/Prime Minister Charilaos Trikoupis Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+2+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 9 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 1 standard cruiser, 3 modern torpedo vessels, 3 gunboats (17,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 3 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Hungary Capital: Budapest Government/Controlling Faction: Military Dictatorship/Free Hungary Party Head of State/Government: General István Türr Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+0+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-2=2 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 16 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades Army Quality: 4 Navy (Home+Colonies): None Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Ultramodern Electrics, Telegraphs, Standard Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Occupied Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Italy/conehead234 Capital: Rome Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Democrat Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: Umberto I/Prime Minister Agostino Depretis Size: 3 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 5+6+2+1=14 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 14/1.2-4=8 Welfare: 6 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 28 infantry brigades, 8 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (2 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades in colonies) (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 5 modern battleships, 2 standard battleships, 8 obsolete battleships, 1 coastal defense ship, 5 modern cruisers, 2 standard cruisers, 1 obsolete cruiser, 10 modern torpedo vessels, 15 gunboats (124,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Standard Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Italian Eritrea: 1 cavalry brigade/0/5
Italian Somaliland: 3 infantry brigade/1/6
Nation/Player: Grandy Duchy of Luxembourg Capital: Luxembourg Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Orangist Party (Moderate) Head of State/Government: Grand Duke William IV/Félix de Blochausen Size: 1 Stability: 10 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+1+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.2-1=1 Welfare: 10 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 2 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): NA (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Standard Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Telephones, Standard Electrics, Internal Combustion Engine, Modern Automobiles, Modern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Modern Industrial Complexes, Ultramodern Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Principality of Montenegro Capital: Cetinje Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: Prince Nicholas I/Prime Minister Božo Petrović-Njegoš Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+2+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.1-1=2 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 13 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 gunboats (2,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Crude Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of the Netherlands/Theige Capital: Amsterdam Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Conservative Party
Head of State/Government: William III/Jan am Heemskerk Size: 4 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+2+2+5=11 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 11/1.3-4=4 Welfare: 7 (3 upkeep)
Army (Home+Colonies): 16 infantry brigades, 8 marine brigades, 3 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (12 infantry brigades, 7 marine brigades 1 artillery brigade in colonies) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 3 standard battleships, 2 obsolete battleships, 6 modern cruisers, 1 standard cruiser, 4 obsolete cruisers, 1 standard torpedo vessel, 2 modern torpedo vessels, 11 gunboats
(666,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 5 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Turrets, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Internal Combustion Engine, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Ultramodern Ports and Shipyards, Ultramodern Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Portugal/Agent 89 Capital: Lisbon Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Regentor (Conservative) Head of State/Government: King Luís I/Prime Minister António Maria de Fontes Pereira de Melo Size: 2 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+2+1+5=10 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 10/1.1-2=7 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 4 marine brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 7 artillery brigades (20 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigade, 7 artillery brigade in colonies/territories) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 standard battleship, 1 obsolete battleship, 4 modern cruisers, 1 coastal defense ship, 7 modern torpedo vessel, 9 gunboats (50,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 4 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones Standard Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Roumania Capital: Bucharest Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/National Liberal Party Head of State/Government: King Carol I/Prime Minister Ion Brătianu Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+2+1+0=6 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 6/1.2-1=4 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 24 infantry brigades, 6 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 8 gunboats (8,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Mediocre Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Ultramodern Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Russian Empire/Justo Capital: Moscow Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy Head of State/Government: Tsar Alexander III/Prime Minister Mikhail Reutern Size: 7 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 12+10+2+1=25 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 25/1.1-11=12 Welfare: 5 (4 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 120 infantry brigades, 22 cavalry brigades, 8 artillery brigades (5 infantry brigades, 10 cavalry brigades in protectorates) (5 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 6 modern battleships, 3 standard battleship, 4 obsolete battleships, 12 coastal defense ships, 5 modern cruisers, 13 standard cruisers, 7 obsolete cruisers, 9 modern torpedo vessel, 8 standard torpedo vessels, 5 obsolete torpedo vessels, 10 gunboats (207,000 tons, 2 upkeep)
Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Telegraphs, Telephones, Mediocre Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Protectorates: (Military/Income/Stability):
Emirate of Bukhara: 2 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades/1/5
Khanate of Khiva: 2 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades/0/5
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Serbia/Headserf Capital: Belgrade Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Radical Party Head of State/Government: King Milan I/President Nikola Pasic Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+3+1+0=6 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 6/1.1-2=3 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 27 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 6 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 7 gunboats (7,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Standard Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Standard Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Standard Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Mediocre Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Spain Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: King Alfonso XIII/Prime Minister Jaoquin Sero Size: 2 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+2+1+4=10 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 10/1.1-1=8 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 23 infantry brigades, 4 marine brigades, 6 cavalry brigades, 10 artillery brigades (6 infantry brigades, 5 marine brigade, 1 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigade in colonies) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 4 obsolete battleships, 2 modern cruisers, 1 standard cruiser, 3 obsolete cruisers, 1 modern torpedo vessel, 1 standard torpedo vessels, 5 gunboats (36,000 tons, 0 upkeep)
Naval Quality: 3 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Turrets, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Standard Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Standard Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Sweden-Norway Capital: Stockholm Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: King Oscar I/ Prime Minister Carl Johan Thyselius Size: 2 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+3+2+0=7 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 7/1.2-2=4 Welfare: 8 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 5 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 modern battleship, 1 standard battleship, 1 standard cruiser, 1 obsolete cruiser, 3 modern torpedo vessels, 11 gunboats (30,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Modern Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Standard Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Swiss Confederation Capital: Bern Government/Controlling Faction: Direct Democracy/Free Democratic Party (Liberal) Head of State/Government: President Emil Welti Size: 1 Stability: 10 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+2+2+0=5 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 5/1.3-1=3 Welfare: 10 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 17 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 5
Navy (Home+Colonies): NA (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0
Technology: Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Ultramodern Electrics, Internal Combustion Engine, Modern Automobiles, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Ultramodern Medicine, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Ultramodern Mining, Ultramodern Industrial Complexes, Ultramodern Construction and Engineering, Ultramodern Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
North American Stats
Nation/Player: Dominion of Canada/TheSupervisor Capital: Ottawa Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal-Conservative Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: Queen Victoria I/Prime Minister John A. MacDonald Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+2+1+0=6 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 6/1.3-1=4 Welfare: 8 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 17 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 6 gunboats (6,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Modern Commercial Products, Ultramodern Medicine and Sanitation, Standard Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Modern Mining, Modern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Modern Railway Networks, Modern Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Costa Rica Capital: San Jose Government/Controlling Faction: Oligarchic Republic/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: President Prospero Fernandez Oreamuno Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1/1-1=0 Welfare: 3 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 5 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 gunboat (1,000 tons) (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Cuba Capital: Santiago de Cuba Government/Controlling Faction: Independence Coalition Head of State/Government: President Máximo Gómez Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+0+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3-0=3 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 5 infantry brigades, 5 irregular brigades, 1 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): None Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Crude Mining, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Dominican Republic Capital: Santo Domingo Government/Controlling Faction: Presidential Dictatorship Head of State/Government: Alejandro Woss y Gil/ Ulises Heureaux Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-0=1 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 22 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): 7 gunboats (7,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Crude Mining, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of El Salvador Capital: San Salvador Government/Controlling Faction: Oligarchic Republic/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: President Rafael Zaldivar Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-0=1 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 16 infantry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Guatemala Capital: Guatemala City Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Justo Rufino Barrios Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 14 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep)
Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Haiti Capital: Port-au-Prince Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Lysius Saloman Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-2=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 34 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 4 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 7 gunboats (15,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Crude Mining, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras
Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Honduras Capital: Tegucigalpa Government/Controlling Faction: Oligarchic Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Luis Bográn Barahona Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+1+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 7 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 5 gunboats (5,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras
Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Mexico/Soliderchild Capital: Mexico City Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Manuel Gonzales Size: 2 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+3+2+0=8 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 8/1.2-1=6 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 24 infantry brigades, 8 cavalry brigades, 4 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern cruisers, 3 coastal defense ship, 2 standard cruisers, 5 gunboats (32,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Standard Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Nicaragua Capital: Managua Government/Controlling Faction: Oligarchic Republic/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: President Adán Cárdenas del Castillo Size: 1 Stability: 3 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-0=1 Welfare: 2 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 12 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: The United States of America/Karalysia Capital: Washington, DC Government/Controlling Faction: Federal Republic/Democratic Party Head of State/Government: President Grover Cleveland Size: 6 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +4 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 9+13+5+2=29 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 29/1.4-6=15 Welfare: 7 (4 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 3 marine brigades, 8 cavalry brigades, 8 artillery brigades (1 infantry brigade, 3 marine brigades in territories) (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 4 Navy (Home+Colonies): 4 modern battleships, 10 standard battleships, 9 obsolete, battleships, 6 coastal defense ships, 3 modern cruisers, 12 standard cruisers, 16 obsolete cruisers, 1 modern torpedo vessel, 2 standard torpedo vessels, 15 gunboats (235,000 tons, 2 upkeep) Naval Quality: 4 Technology: Steel Ships, Barbettes, Turrets, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, QF Guns, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Early Automobiles, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Modern Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Ultramodern Commercial Products, Ultramodern Medicine and Sanitation, Modern Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Ultramodern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Ultramodern Construction and Engineering, Ultramodern Railway Networks, Modern Photographic Cameras, Ultramodern Propane and Propane Accessories Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Alaska: 1 infantry brigade/1/8
Chinese Concessions: 3 Marine brigades/1/7
South American Stats
Nation/Player: Republic of Argentina/Supermath Capital: Buenos Aires Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/National Autonomist Party Head of State/Government: President Julio Roca Size: 2 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 5+3+2+0=10 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 10/1.3-3=5 Welfare: 7 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 29 infantry brigades, 6 marine brigades, 11 cavalry brigades, 5 artillery brigades (2 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern battleships, 5 coastal defense ships, 1 modern cruiser, 2 standard cruisers, 2 modern torpedo vessels, (43,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway
Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Bolivia Capital: La Paz Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal-Conservative Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: President Aniceto Arce Ruiz Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+0+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.1-1=2 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 7 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): None Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Empire of Brazil Capital: Rio de Janeiro Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: Emperor Pedro II/ Prime Minister Lafayette Pereira Size: 3 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 4+3+1+0=8 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 8/1.2-4=3 Welfare: 6 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 30 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 5 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern battleships, 12 coastal defense ships, 3 modern cruisers, 3 standard cruisers, 3 obsolete cruisers, 5 modern torpedo vessels (89,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Modern Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Chile Capital: Santiago de Chile Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Domingo Santa María González Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+1+0=5 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 5/1.2-1=3 Welfare: 7 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 8 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 standard battleships,3 modern cruiser, 2 standard cruisers, 1 obsolete cruiser, 2 modern torpedo vessels, 5 gunboats (28,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Internal Combustion Engine, Early Automobiles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Modern Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: United States of Colombia Capital: Bogotá Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Radical Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Ezequiel Hurtado Size: 2 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.2-2=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 25 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 obsolete cruisers, 2 gunboats (6,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Ecuador Capital: Quito Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Progresistas Party (Liberal) Head of State/Government: President José Maria Plácido Caamaño Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 11 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 gunboat (1,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Paraguay Capital: Asunción Government/Controlling Faction: Presidential Dictatorship/Colorado Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: President Bernadino Caballero Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+0+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 8 cavalry brigades, 4 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 7 gunboats (7,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1
Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Peru Capital: Lima Government/Controlling Faction: Military Dictatorship/Peruvian Military Head of State/Government: President Miguel Iglesias Size: 2 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+0+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 14 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 1 standard cruiser, 8 gunboats (19,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Crude Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Uruguay Capital: Quito Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Colorado Party (Conservative) Head of State/Government: President Maximo Santos Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+1+0+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.3-1=1 Welfare: 7 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 5 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 7 gunboats (11,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Telephones, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Republic of Venezuela Capital: Caracas Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Guzmán Blanco Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-1=3 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 20 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 8 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 coastal defense ships, 3 gunboats (11,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine aand Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Emirate of Afghanistan Capital: Kabul Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: Emir Abdur Rahman Khan Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+0+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-0=4 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 29 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigade, 5 artillery brigade (-1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Medicine, Crude Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Mediocre Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Bhutan Capital: Thimphu Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: King Gawa Zangpo Size: 1 Stability: 10 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-0=1 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 12 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Medicine, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: British North Borneo Company Capital: Pulau Gaya Government/Controlling Faction: Corporate Government/Board of Directors Head of State/Government: President Rutherford Alcock/Managing Director Alfred Dent Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +4 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.4-0=1 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 11 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 5 gunboats (5,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Brunei Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Sultan’s Council Head of State/Government: Sultan Abdul Momin Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+1+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 5 infantry brigades, 3 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Crude Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Mediocre Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Burma Capital: Mandalay Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/NA
Head of State/Government: King Thibaw Min Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.1-0=3 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 28 infantry brigades, 5 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Crude Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Crude Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: Qing Empire (China)/Ninja Dude Capital: Peking Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Reformist Government Head of State/Government: Guangxu Emperor/Yixin, Prince Gong Size: 11 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 6+3+1-1=9 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 9/1.2-6=2 Welfare: 5 (5 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 34 infantry brigades, 7 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (1 infantry brigade in territories) (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern battleships, 5 modern cruisers, 2 standard cruisers, 3 modern torpedo vessels, 13 gunboats (47,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Multiple Expansion Engine, Crude Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Crude Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Mediocre Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Tibet: 1 infantry brigade/-1/8
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Hawaii Capital: Honolulu Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Privy Council Head of State/Government: King David Kalākaua I Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 7 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 gunboats (2,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Crude Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Modern Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Mediocre Electrics, Crude Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Empire of Japan/flyingchicken Capital: Tokyo Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Genrōin (Imperial Council) Head of State/Government: Emperor Mutsuhito Size: 3 Stability: 9 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 5+5+4+0=14 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 14/1.3-4=7 Welfare: 6 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 31 infantry brigades, 5 marine brigades, 8 cavalry brigades, 6 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern battleships, 3 standard battleships, 2 obsolete battleships, 9 modern cruisers, 6 standard cruisers, 5 obsolete cruisers, 6 gunboats
(96,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Turrets, Multiple Expansion Engine, Standard Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Standard Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Modern Industrial Complexes, Modern Ports and Shipyards, Modern Construction and Engineering, Standard Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Korea Capital: Seoul Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Reformist Government Head of State/Government: King Sunjong/Prime Kim Ok-gyun Size: 2 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+2+0=6 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 6/1.3-1=4 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 14 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 4 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Crude Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Mediocre Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kilusang Kapatiran sa pagkamit ng Kalayaan Capital: Manila Government/Controlling Faction: Rebellion/KKK Head of State/Government: Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 5 infantry brigades, 10 irregular brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1
Navy (Home+Colonies): None Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Mediocre Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Crude Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Mindanao/Kraznaya Capital: Maganoy Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Sultan’s Council Head of State/Government: Sultan Muhammad Jalal ud-Din Pablu Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 18 infantry brigades, 2 irregular brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2
Navy (Home+Colonies): 6 obsolete cruisers (12,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Mediocre Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Crude Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Saudi State (Nejd) Capital: Riyadh Government/Controlling Faction: Theocratic Monarchy/Saudi Royal Family Head of State/Government: Amir Abdallah ibn Faisal ibn Turki Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-1=0 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 12 cavalry brigade (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Nepal Capital: Khatmandu Government/Controlling Faction: Hereditary Prime Minister Dictatorship/Prime Minister’s Family Head of State/Government: King Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah/Maharaja Sir Renaudip Singh Bahadur Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-0=2 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 18 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigade, 3 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Mediocre Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Oman Capital: Muscat Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: Sultan Sayyid Turki bin Said Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+2+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.1-1=3 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 18 infantry brigade, 8 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep)
Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Obsolete Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Mediocre Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Obsolete Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Tanganikya: 6 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades/0/2
Nation/Player: Ottoman Empire/ Capital: Istanbul Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Ottoman Family Head of State/Government: Sultan Abdul Hamid II/Grand Vizier Mehmet Sait Pasha Size: 4 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 5+3+2+1=11 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 11/1.1-5=5 Welfare: 6 (2 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 35 infantry brigades, 9 cavalry brigades, 7 artillery brigades (1 infantry brigade, 3 cavalry brigades in colonies) (1 upkeep)
Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern battleships, 3 standard battleships, 11 obsolete battleships, 2 standard cruisers, 5 obsolete cruisers, 5 gunboats (92,000 tons, 1 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Self-Propelled Torpedoes, Barbettes, Turrets, Multiple Expansion Engine, Modern Explosives, Machine Guns, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Electrics, Telegraphs, Mediocre Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Mediocre Industrial Complexes, Standard Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability):
Nation/Player: Shahdom of Persia Capital: Tehran Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Muslim Clergy Head of State/Government: Shah Naser al-Din Qajar/Grand Ayatollah Mīrzā Hasan Shīrāzī Size: 2 Stability: 9 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+2+2+0=7 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 7/1.2-2=4 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 25 infantry brigades, 8 cavalry brigade, 2 artillery brigade (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 2 modern cruisers, 4 coastal defense ships, 13 gunboats (27,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Crude Commercial Products, Crude Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Crude Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Samoa Capital: Apia Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Elder Council Head of State/Government: King Malietoa Laupepa Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+0+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1/1.3-0=1 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 6 infantry brigade, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Standard Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Medicore Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Sarawak Capital: Kuching Government/Controlling Faction: Constitutional Monarchy/Brooke Royal Family Head of State/Government: Rajah Charles Brooke/Council Negri Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-1=2 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 13 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): 8 gunboats (8,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Crude Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Siam/The Loser Capital: Bangkok Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Privy Council Head of State/Government: King Rama IV Size: 2 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+1+0=5 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 5/1.1-2=3 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 31 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 5 coastal defense ship, 5 gunboats (25,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Steel Ships, Obsolete Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Crude Commercial Products, Mediocre Medicine, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Crude Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Crude Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Sulu Capital: Jolo Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Sultan’s Council Head of State/Government: Sultan Jamal ul-Kiram I Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+1+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2/1.1-1=1 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 8 infantry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 10 gunboats (10,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 1 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Mediocre Medicine, Mediocre Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Crude Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Abyssinia Capital: Soqota Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Imperial Family Head of State/Government: Emperor Yohannes IV Size: 2 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 4+1+1+0=6 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 6/1.1-1=4 Welfare: 3 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 19 infantry brigades, 6 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Crude Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Kingdom of Fouta Djallon Capital: Timbo Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Muslim Clergy Head of State/Government: King Tidiani Tal Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.2-0=3 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 11 infantry brigade, 6 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Crude Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Commonwealth of Liberia Capital: Monrovia Government/Controlling Faction: Single-Party State/True Whig Party (Pro-U.S.) Head of State/Government: President Willis Jameson Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +3 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+0+1+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4/1.3-0=3 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 21 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 7 gunboats (7,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Mediocre Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Crude Mining, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Mahdist State Capital: al-Ubayyid Government/Controlling Faction: Mahdist Theocracy/Mahdist Rebellion Head of State/Government: Khalifa Abdullah Ibn-Mohammed. Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 4+0+0+0=4 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 4-0=4 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 3 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Crude Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Matabele Kingdom Capital: Gubulawayo Government/Controlling Faction: Chiefdom/Elder Council Head of State/Government: King Lobengula Khumalo Size: 1 Stability: 8 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2-0=2 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 16 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Mediocre Rifles, Standard Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Merina Kingdom Capital: Antananarivo Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: Queen Ravolana III Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2-0=2 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 14 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Morocco Capital: Fez
Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Makzhen (Aristocratic Council)
Head of State/Government: Sultante Hassan I Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +1 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+1+0=5 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 5/1.1-0=5 Welfare: 5 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 18 infantry brigades, 8 cavalry brigade, 2 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 2 Navy (Home+Colonies): 1 coastal defense ship, 4 obsolete cruisers, 7 gunboats (18,000 tons, 0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 3 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Telegraphs, Crude Commercial Products, Crude Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Mediocre Mining, Crude Industrial Complexes, Mediocre Ports and Shipyards, Mediocre Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Railway Networks, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Orange Free State Capital: Bloemfontein Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Liberal Party Head of State/Government: President Johannes Brand Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 3+1+1+0=5 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 5/1.2-1=3 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 11 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Modern Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Mediocre Commercial Products, Standard Medicine and Sanitation, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Oyo Empire Capital: Oyo-Ile Government/Controlling Faction: Chiefdom/Elder Council Head of State/Government: King Adeyemi II Alowolodu Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+0+0=2 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 2-0=2 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 16 infantry brigade, 4 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep)
Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, CrudeAgriculture, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sokoto Caliphate Capital: Sokoto Government/Controlling Faction: Theocratic Monarchy/Muslim Clergy Head of State/Government: Sultan Umaru dan Aliyu Baba Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3-1=2 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 14 infantry brigade, 10 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade (1 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Tippu Tip’s Territory Capital: Kisangani Government/Controlling Faction: Trading Empire/Zanzibari Slavers Head of State/Government: Tippu Tip Size: 1 Stability: 4 Economic Freedom: +5 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 1+0+2+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3/1.5-0=2 Welfare: 2 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 7 infantry brigades, 5 cavalry brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering, Mediocre Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Transvaal Republic/Nestea Oreo Capital: Pretoria Government/Controlling Faction: Republic/Conservative Party Head of State/Government: President Paul Kruger Size: 1 Stability: 7 Economic Freedom: +2 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 6+1+1+0=8 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 8/1.3-1=5 Welfare: 6 (1 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 13 infantry brigades, 4 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Mediocre Explosives, Repeating Rifles, Crude Commercial Products, Standard Medicine, Mediocre Chemistry and Metallurgy, Standard Agriculture, Standard Mining, Standard Construction and Engineering, Standard Photographic Cameras Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Tukalor Empire Capital: Bandiagara Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Muslim Clergy Head of State/Government: Sultan Tidiani Tal Size: 1 Stability: 6 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3-0=3 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 17 infantry brigade, 4 cavalry brigades, 3 artillery brigade (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Crude Mining, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Waddai Empire Capital: Abéché
Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: Sultan Muhammad Sharif Size: 1 Stability: 5 Economic Freedom: 0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 2+0+1+0=3 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 3-0=3 Welfare: 3 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 12 infantry brigade, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 1 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A (0 upkeep) Naval Quality: 0 Technology: Obsolete Explosives, Obsolete Rifles, Traditional Medicine, Traditional Agriculture, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Nation/Player: Sultanate of Zanzibar Capital: Zanzibar Government/Controlling Faction: Absolute Monarchy/Royal Family Head of State/Government: Sultan Barghash bin Said Al-Busaid Size: 1 Stability: 2 Economic Freedom: +0 Base Income (Agriculture+Industry+Trade+Colonies): 0+0+1+0=1 Real Income (Base Income+Economic Freedom-Upkeep): 1-0=1 Welfare: 4 (0 upkeep) Army (Home+Colonies): 6 infantry brigade, 3 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery brigades (0 upkeep) Army Quality: 3 Navy (Home+Colonies): N/A Naval Quality: 2 Technology: Steel Ships, Crude Explosives, Mediocre Rifles, Crude Medicine, Crude Chemistry and Metallurgy, Mediocre Agriculture, Traditional Mining, Crude Ports and Shipyards, Obsolete Construction and Engineering Colonies and Territories (Military/Income/Stability): N/A
Ninja Dude-Qing China
Agent 89-Portugal
Shadowbound-United Kingdom
Head Serf-Serbia
The Loser-Siam
Nestea Oreo-Transvaal
Questions & Answers:
Q.Why are there no cities? A. I intend to resolve this. There will be capitals at the very least. Hopefully by the first update. If you really need a city's location, use an Atlas or something.
Q. Why don't countries have a backgrounds? I don't know whats going on in my country. A. Every nation listed has information on it from this era on the internet as other than for economic and military statistics that is where the vast majority of my information came from. If you still have trouble finding the information you need after a Google search, ask me, or try the history subforum or a library.
Q. I see something in the rules, stats or map that I know is inaccurate. What do I do? A. Just tell me in the thread if it is something fairly simple. For more complex things I suggest a PM. I ask that you provide some evidence or extra information to back up any claim you might have.
BombNES Picture Contest:
This was originally a contest for the picture on the opening page, however due to the great response the first contest received, I have decided to hold future competitions and rotate the picture every 8 turns (1892, 1900, 1908 etc). Though it can certainly help, submission do not have to be self made or fancy photoshop work. Historical photographs or works of art are more than acceptable. The most important criteria for a submission to win is that must be visually appealing, thought provoking and be relevant to at least one aspect of the life and times taking place in this NES.
Sorry, Azale got one of the few advanced reservations for help he provided. Since I failed to immediately list clearly, you can have the next nation of your choice that is not currently claimed. (Germany, Russia, Luxembourg, Canada or Black Flag Army)
Unfortunately, I am looking for more experienced players for the Great Powers. Your name has been listed though and you'll receive it should no one else with more experience make a claim. In the mean time, feel free to make a back up claim on a smaller nation of your choosing.
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