Borders of Europe, 2057

I seriously doubt this will ever happen. The people of Northern Ireland don't want this.

By a small margin. and getting smaller. Catholics in the north are outbreeding Protestants. and as the Republic becomes more prosperous and less of a theocracy (practially was until the 70s), the idea will become less repulsive to Protestants. Note: I am neither Catholic or Nationalist, but this is whats going to happene eventually. Its just a matter of time. for one thing, the Londond govt dosent really want the North anyway
By a small margin. and getting smaller. Catholics in the north are outbreeding Protestants. and as the Republic becomes more prosperous and less of a theocracy (practially was until the 70s), the idea will become less repulsive to Protestants. Note: I am neither Catholic or Nationalist, but this is whats going to happene eventually. Its just a matter of time. for one thing, the Londond govt dosent really want the North anyway

Well, they should let Scotland and Wales go, so we can call them England again :lol:
Completely unrealistic: merge all countries into one and be done with it. I was never fond of the whole "country" idea in the first place, except every 4 years for the world cup.
Semi-unrealistic: merge all countries that speak the same language into one, and be done with it. Switzerland split in three, Belgium in two, Ireland and the UK merge, Germany and Austria do too, and so on.
Merge all Scandinavian countries too (of course, Finland is not a Scandinavian country :) ).

almost realistic: have Belgium split and join Netherlands and France, Northern Ireland join Ireland, Czech and Slovakia merge again (and I love your idea of naming is Slovakiczechia).
Bulgaria and Yugoslavia were beginning to consider merging in the 50s... shame they didnt
nah, split luxembourg between Germastriaschtein and Frantzerlandium, I say. They speak German and French so couldn't care less about Flanders-Netherlands.

All right, as long as the borders end up fairly even. That's what matters to me.
Well, considering the prosperous banking system in Luxembourg, I would really be amazed to see it getting annexed by any neighbour without strong protests... but if it had really to be attached to anything, Flanders/Netherlands would frankly be the last choice. Why joining Luxembourg to Dutch speaking entities sharing no borders with it when Luxembourgers are all German/French bilinguals who don't know a word of Dutch ?

By the way, the education system in Luxembourg is really a weird one. IIRC, kindergarden years are taught in Luxembourgish (a kind of Frenchized German dialect), then primary school is taught in German, and finally secondary school is taught in French. :crazyeye:
scottish independence isnt going to happen for a long time, they rely way too much on english money, on their own scotland would be quite a lot poorer than it is now, and all our prime ministers seem to be scottish this days so scotland has it better than it should
Europes borders rarely remain stable for more than a few decades. No doubt the coming ones wont be much different. Here are the changes I can see occuring in the next 50 years (please note I'm just saying they may occur, not that they definitely will. Please discuss, this should get some good mileage!

1. Kosovo secedes from Serbia. thats one that WILL happen. Who will recognise it is another matter...
Yeah that could happen. Would deliver another crisis though...

2. Transdniester secedes from Moldova
I haven't looked up any information about that and I don't know off the top of my head anything about transdniester so no comment.
3. Russia and Belarus merge. Pretty likely in the long term. Lukashenko is a bit of an obstacle, but Lukashenko wont be in power forever.
I highly doubt any european countries are going to merge.
4. Scotland secedes from the UK. May well happen, more likely is even greater autonomy than at present.
Would be cool, but it will never ever happen. The central power of london is so great, they will never accept a crisis in their back yard.
5. Northern Ireland merges with Republic of Ireland. Just a matter of time. I'd say in the next 25 years that will come to pass.
That would be at least a bit likely, but again, london is very central istic.
6. Belgium splits. Possible, but unlikely because the status of Brussels would be a diffcult one, and it being EU and NATO HQ, not many people want to see Brussles destablised.
I'd really like to see this happening. Flanders and Wallonia would be two separate countries with Brussels as an international area. The problem is that neither EU or NATO will allow a crisis in the heart of them. They will do everything to prevent this from happening.
7. Czechoslovakia reforms. Again, unlikely but not unthinkable. the split was amicable, there could emerge a situation where its advantageous to both parties to reunite. theyd probably have to call it Slovakiczechia this time though
Won't happen.
8. Independence for the Basque region. Unlikely
Won't happen, but probably some more autonomy.
9. Vojvodina splits from Serbia. I think Belgrade would mdraw the line at this and use force to try and stop it
That would be another major crisis... I don't think it'll happen though, at least not in the near future.
10. Ukraine splits; one side joins EU, other side joins Russia after a few years independence. Cant be ruled out
Ukraine forms one cultural country, so a split is very unlikely.
11. Kosovo rejoins Albania. Expressely forbidden by EU, but if it becomes clearly a self-determination issue, they may have to relent
Would really be a terrible crisis.

anyone think of any others???
More autonomy for Catalonia and Galicia, but independance is unlikely. Maybe bosnia could split?


Wow, there's even a ten character limit when you have a massive quote with edits in your posts!:wow:
Split Belgium up, with Walloon to France, Flanders to the Netherlands, and Brussels the semi-independent capital of the EU.


It's like saying that The US should be split in two independent country and the northern half be given to canada and the southern half to Mexico.

thank you for your attention ! :crazyeye:

cooled down a bit , but it's just so :mad: it's like almost every foreigner suggests this.
As I said, my posts were less about what is best for the citizens involved and more about what looks better on the map.

Of course, serious or not, I currently lack the power to make them happen, so the point is entirely moot.


It's like saying that The US should be split in two independent country and the northern half be given to canada and the southern half to Mexico.


thank you for your attention ! :crazyeye:

cooled down a bit , but it's just so :mad: it's like almost every foreigner suggests this.

He just suggested what will look better on the world map. Actually I myself would welcome Flanders with open arms to the netherlands but if Flemish people don't want that it won't go through of course. And I think most other dutch people don't want it to happen either.

But flanders should get independance from wallonia.

It's like saying that The US should be split in two independent country and the northern half be given to canada and the southern half to Mexico.

thank you for your attention ! :crazyeye:

cooled down a bit , but it's just so :mad: it's like almost every foreigner suggests this.

As I said, my splitting of Belgium is part of my unrealistic plan to group countries by language.
Eh, I split Switzerland and Luxembourg, also :)
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