Settled in place. The beginning was peaceful and since this is an noble, I concentrated on spamming cities. By 1 AD, I had 15 cities, 30 pop, and 1 more city (near gold) appeared on the next turn. I planned 1 more city between pig/horse city and banana/copper city, but the Celts beat me by a couple of moves, so my settler went further along their territory to the wine valley where around 200 AD I built another 1 city. I discovered the Karakorum iron even before I tech IW, but decided that if necessary, I would grab it later. I built a Great Lighthouse in the capital, I tried to build a ToA, but an unknown civilization beat me to it, which also built an Oracle before I could try to build it. In science, I had basic technology, monarchy, currency, and MC.
On the way to the wine, my settler met a group of 3 Gallic warriors and 3 axes moving towards me. I started to fortify my horse city (on the hill, 40%), but the Celt, declaring war, turned right towards the banana/copper city (20%, on the plain). I had to leave city and moving out archer in the golden city. I don't think I would have held gold city, but I was lucky, after destroying the copper city, the Celt headed towards the sugar city by the road. He was also on the plain, but I managed to cut down the wall (stone + pro) and move inside 4 archers and 2 vultures. At the same turn as Celts, the Mongols declared war on me, but they didn't send any units. Nevertheless, I had to chop/slave archers instead of granaries to be ready. After the Celts killed themselves against the wall, I rebuilt the copper city, and with vultures demolished the Celtic city inside my territory and built my own on the neighboring tile.
During the demolition of this city due to one strange misklik (my vulture went in the opposite side instead of attacking the city) I lost 2 turns, a worker, a vulture and a chariot. In general, in this game I had problems with my laptop because of which I was in a hurry, played sloppily and some times made stupid mistakes. The most unpleasant mistake was the lost of the MoM, I could easily have finished it a turn earlier, perhaps even 2. As a result, Catherine built it in the same turn when i was supposed to be built it (about 400 AD). Before that, I built a Colossus and Pyramids in the capital. Lost MoM saved me from the illusions of playing outside the box and it all came down to my usual game of domination.
Initially, I captured all 5 Mongolian cities with about 10 elephants/10 siege units. Then I attacked Japan with knights, simultaneously with 1-move units + several knights attacked the Celts.Tokugawa was ready to capitulate on the next turn, but I captured all his 9 cities, as well as 6 Celtic cities. Russia had feudalism and engineering, 9 cities and undiscovered territory because of Tokugawa. I decided that 20 knights were not enough for a blind attack, so I sent a couple of knights on reconnaissance, and during this time i learned cuirassiers. It turned out that Russia did not have iron and cuirassiers very easily and quickly captured 8 of the 9 cities. At the same time, I attacked Montezuma and captured 3 of its 8 cities. To speed up the finish, I have made Catherine and Montezuma my vassals. When the riots ended in Russian cities, I just had enough territory for domination. It was probably possible to have time to screw up Napoleon, but I was too lazy, and I didn't even have enough time to keep track of what was being built in my cities) as a result, I sent my save 3 hours before the deadline.
I did not find Humbaba, I almost sailed to Spain. After the Knights' slave, I launched GA to accept representation, bureaucracy, serfdom, mercantilism, pacifism and religion. I launched the 2nd GA only 5 or 6 turns before the end of the game after the capture of Moscow (with MoM), so I couldn't fully enjoy GA on such a suitable map for this. Those who which wants can download the final save and try it for the remaining 42 (18+24) turns of GA. For example, you can try fly into space.
In the end, I used 2 GS for education and SM, a GM for the economics and took medicine with liberalism in 1 turn before to end of game. But I forgot to accept free religion and environmentalism. Domination at 1400 AD, little more than 200k points...