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[BTS] BOTM 284: Weihnachtsmann, Monarch - Final Spoiler - Game Submitted


Fear him of the pink tie
GOTM Staff
Dec 23, 2005
London, UK
BOTM 284: Weihnachtsmann, Monarch - Final Spoiler - Game Submitted


Use this thread to tell us what happened in your game, particularly anything after 1AD

Did you win?

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  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games.
Since this was a Xmas game, I tried to play it as peacefully as possible, to honor the season's spirit. :)
Instead of expanding towards Egypt, we took the northwestern route (no Astro needed, thanks Mr. Mapmaker ;)) to colonize America and planned to expand there and pursue our usual space victory goal.

It was 1040AD when we got involved in our 1st war. Crazy Ramesses declared on us, sending a galley and a trirreme. We immediately bribed the french against them, and then Ramesses, who was the AP owner and resident, on the next turn called a resolution to stop the war against him :lol:(which duly passed).

While we were still expanding peacefully, Louis was emerging as the main AI power, vassaling Ramesses and Justinian. Since we were getting nice resource trades from him and had enough AP votes to block him from sneaking an AP victory, this did not bother us. Also helped the fact that he did not had a coastal city from which to launch an invasion on our Magische Koenigreich.

But at some point we simply ran out of space and decided to expand our domains to the African continent, since Roosevelt was a sitting duck stuck at 3 cities. We declared as late as 1555AD, and our army had infantry and cannons. It was a short war and in 1595AD Roose was no more.

Funny enough, on the following turn a fairly large (30+) Aztec stack (mainly medieval units, half of them trebs/cats) showed up next to New York, where my army was after capturing that last American city. I didn't wait to ask what were their intentions - but Monty's red fist was up, so...we decided to attack! :ar15:We killed half his stack, then the injured ones retreated to the nearest Aztec city. From then we proceeded to capture 6 Aztec cities and got another (good) one from his capitulation deal (1685AD). :deal:

The rest of the game was uneventful until our spaceship arrived on Alpha Centauri, but as a side quest to honor the Christmas themed game we timed to complete the Christ the Redeemer Statue Wonder on the final turn of the game. :xmascheers:

Thanks for the game! :worship:

Spoiler Screenie :
In the ADs, Roosevelt became the world's punching bag when first Hannibal and Louis declared on him, shortly after followed by Ramesses and Monty. The AP took care that Justinian and me joined the fray. Louis then took Ramesses and Justinian as peace vassals and shortly after I was finally ready for my assault to bring the world its christmas presents through cavalry. I had actually libbed rifling just before declaring, tech went quicker than producing the army so it turned out to be a quality army once it took shape. ;) So from 1140AD the wars finally started, first with Egypt, backed by his French overlord and the Byzantines. I proceeded to annex Egypt completely and left the French just with the beautiful city of Washington when he bent the knee. Roosevelt who was added as a vassal to Louis during the war also bent the knee to Santa Claus. Justinian meanwhile chose to change his French boss for Hannibal and I gave him only short relief before declaring on Carthage and him. I wiped them both off the continent and left them with their Australian and Indonesian belongings respectively, when adding them to the empire. Justinian wouldn't unvassal from Hannibal for quite a while, but when he finally did, they both would kiss the ring. France meanwhile proudly had managed to double its city count by wresting New York out of Carthaginian hands. :crazyeye: Last man standing was Monty, who surprisingly had been a very agreeable trading partner the whole game, but conveniently was dragged into the war against me just some turns before Hannibal's demise. I let him capture one of the former French cities on flat land on the border with quite an enormous stack of medieval junk. My by now pretty big cav army (ended up having built 97 of them) had a field day or two taking that stack out and I proceeded to capture north eastern Africa before he also resigned to the inevitable giving me a 16th century conquest win. Fun X-mas game, thanks!
I endured a bunch of the old world doing peace-vassals to the French, and a couple capitulations. I guess I was too busy fighting barbarians early, and taking over the western hemisphere... none of which did anything useful for my space race victory. I did nuke Paris and take it over before the spaceship landed, just because. Space Race victory in 1941 (turn 361) with a score of 35806. As predicted from my first spoiler, a pedestrian showing. But a lot of fun, and most of the game was carried out peacefully with me only attacking barbarians and avoiding all wars until the bitter end when it didn't matter. Thanks for the game, its nice getting to play one of these through to the end!
My hunch regarding the Americas turned out to be true, so I proceeded to settle this land and capture the few barb cities there. The rest of the world didn't bother with Santa, but Louis turned out to be the bully on the continent. He took Rameses a a peace vassal and then proceeded to bully first Monty and then Justinian in a series of wars. At one point Monty was a vassal to Louis, but he broke free as he expanded further south in Africa.
Santa wanted to stay out of this, but the Americans had the MoM and Santa wanted it for Christmas, so he built an army of 12 panzer and sent them to negotiate. Panzers aided by a battleship and an airship have very good odds against medieval units and not a single panzer was lost. So they just kept on rolling until most of Africa belonged to Santa and could provide some resources for Santas mining business, sushi restaurants and bio ethanol - often used as fuel, but in Santas case used to brew schnapps for the Christmas dinners.
In the end, Santa got tired of all the Christmas hustle and bustle and he took the first rocket to Alpha Centauri in the 18th century.

Thanks for the game. I always enjoy the Christmas game and I liked the tweak that allowed the early settling of the Americas allowing for peaceful expansion.
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