BOTM 285 - De Gaulle, Prince - Starts January 11, 2025


GOTM Staff
Mar 12, 2008

BOTM 285: De Gaulle of France: Always War/Always Peace.


The social contract has been broken and civilization has reverted to barbarism! Before abandoning the Palace of Nations,
four leaders swear an oath of eternal peace with each other, in a desperate attempt to prevent a looming disaster.
Five other leaders, however, swear an oath of eternal war, vowing to destroy all who oppose them. Charles de Gaulle, will you
survive the wars to come? If you do, can you win the peace that follows?

This game is a little unusual, in that you begin the game in contact with all of the AI. You and three of those AI are
at Always Peace, so that none of you can go to war against any of the other three. The five other AI are at Always War, so that
they will never make peace with anyone (including each other). The four peaceful civilizations all begin the game having learned Writing,
so that they can communicate with each other. The five warmongers have disdained this skill; who would they want to write to?

Game settings:
Playing as: DeGaulle of France
Rivals: 8 AIs
Difficulty: Prince
Starting Era:
Speed: Normal
Options: Raging barbarians, no goody huts, no random events
Victory Conditions:
All enabled

Map settings:
Map: Pangaea
World Wrap: Cylindrical
Mapsize: Standard
Climate: Rocky
Sea level: Medium
Map latitudes: -90°S to 90°N

DeGaulle is Industrious and Charismatic, and you start with The Wheel, Agriculture and Writing.

The Industrious trait gives +50% wonder production and double production speed of Forge

The Charismatic trait gives +1 happiness/city, and -25% experience required for unit promotions

Unique unit: Musketeer (replaces Musketman)
The musketeer has 2 movement points, so it can move a lot faster than the musketman!

Unique Building: Salon (replaces Observatory)
Besides the science benefits of the observatory, the salon gives you a free artist.

Starting screenshot

This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):

Adventurer Class bonuses:
There is no Adventurer Class in this game.*

Challenger Class Equalizers:
You play at Emperor difficulty. The AI still have the Prince level starting units.

To Enter the Competition:

This competition will open at 00:01 am on 11 Jan 2025, server local time (UTC-6:00). From that date and time, you'll be able to get your chosen starting save >>>here<<<.

Submit the save after your victory (or defeat) here, by 16 Feb 2025.

Here is a link to a list of the differences between Vanilla, Warlords and BtS.

Software Versions

Windows: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the BUFFY mod version 3.19.005 installed. You can download the BUFFY mod here. Players using Windows Vista or Windows 7 are encouraged to read the notes on Vista fixes here.

Macintosh: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the Mac BUFFY mod version 3.19.003 installed. You can download the Mac BUFFY mod here.

While playing...

Remember - for your entry to be accepted, it MUST be your first attempt to play this game, and you MUST NOT replay any turns. If you make a mistake while playing, you have to live with it, learn from it, and carry on the game without replaying.

We will open 'spoiler' threads during the month for players to discuss what happens in their games. Do not discuss any details of your game outside those threads.

@Blake00 @The_J
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After a year and a half, I'm trying my hand again at running one of these games, to give kcd_swede and DynamicSpirit a break from all of their efforts to keep these games going. I think I've remembered to do everything correctly.

We had two Christmas games. BOTM 283 was on our "easy" track at Noble difficulty. BOTM 284 should have been on the "hard" track at Deity, but it was delivered at Monarch, as a Christmas present. I'm running this game in its place on the easy track, at Prince.

My own mood as we enter 2025 is rather dark and foreboding, so the game I'm presenting is similarly themed. You will have a lot more to deal with than in an ordinary game, so I've added a few extra days to the schedule, ensuring that you have six full weekends to spend on this. All of you Deity level players will probably find all of this warfare a mere trifle, anyway.

Be sure to click on the larger image of the map, if you want to see the list of AI you're playing with.
Wow, always war + raging barbs on a Pangaea map seems challenging enough for me, even at Prince level.
At least the 5 AIs at war are also at war with each other if I understood correctly. I would definitely like to run a few test games before starting the official save, but unfortunately I suspect I would not know how to set these always war/peace status. Is it easily done on world builder or does it involve editing some files?
Wow, always war + raging barbs on a Pangaea map seems challenging enough for me, even at Prince level.
At least the 5 AIs at war are also at war with each other if I understood correctly. I would definitely like to run a few test games before starting the official save, but unfortunately I suspect I would not know how to set these always war/peace status. Is it easily done on world builder or does it involve editing some files?
These setting are controlled by lines in the WB file. This thread explains all of the setting in detail:

The two in particular you will need in the "Begin Team" sections are:

AtWar= the list of teams that this team begins at war with. EG: AtWar=1 means this team will be at war with team 1 at the onset of the scenario.​
PermanentWarPeace= the list of teams that the status of war/peace cannot be changed for. EG: Team 0 has AtWar=1 and PermanentWarPeace=1 and PermanentWarPeace=2. This means team 0 cannot sue for peace with team 1 and cannot declare war on team 2.​

In this particular game, the human player is Team 0, the three peacemakers are Team 1-3, and the five warmongers are Teams 4-8.

Under the section that says


you'd be adding


and you have to add similar lines for each of the other teams, changing their team number to your own.

Yes, you understand correctly. The five warmongers are each at war with all eight other civilizations. You and the other three peaceful AI are only at war with the five warmongers.

So, you have friends, but the warmongers do not. So it's not so bad at all, right? :evil:
Impressive, MG! You clearly went to a lot of trouble to set this up (to be difficult for us) ;)
Kudos to you indeed MarleysGhost for picking up the glove and for presenting an intriguing setup! With raging barbs and 5 AIs at permanent war, I guess staying on the hill would be prudent, so I guess I'd just SIP. With raging barbs the first thought is always to build the Great Wall, so now my doubt is whether to go mining/masonry inmediately, or squeeze in hunting/AH first. Probably the latter and get some extra warriors out before the GW.
We've had a little technical glitch for the past few hours, but if you were waiting to continue with the pre-game discussion, please do so!
Which was simply lymond clicking the wrong thing ...oops! :o:lol:
Hm. First I make a post that gets triplicated and then I snip two of them and the third one vanishes…
No doubt it's Lymond's fault again.

Having chosen, um, poorly regarding the level of difficulty in a recent game, I'm rather hesitant about trying Emperor level on this. MG, any words of advice? (I promise not to tell anyone else if you give me inside info.) ;)
Having chosen, um, poorly regarding the level of difficulty in a recent game, I'm rather hesitant about trying Emperor level on this. MG, any words of advice? (I promise not to tell anyone else if you give me inside info.) ;)

If your opinion about the outlook for 2025 is as dark as mine is, stick with the Contender save. If you think 2025 will be "great", by all means try the Challenger. :shifty:
Try again…

First off, MG, here’s to you conquering your dark and foreboding mood and having an Amazing New Year! ✨

Nine players on a standard pangaea map should be quite crowded which brings into question the necessity for the Great Wall (= ~7 warriors w/o stone).

Early settling will be crucial, especially if we’re competing for nearby land with three players we can’t DOW and the Dutch are Creative and the Greeks might be. We might have yo use our industrious trait to build high culture wonders to maintain our borders.

The river seems to flow west into a lake or perhaps the West Coast, which might reserve us a coastal city or two.

Nice SIP location for 15 base BPT at pop4. Ivory will give us 7 happies in our capital, 19 HPT at pop7.

In the early turns, I will be noting how many land tiles there are and who we meet first.

With raging barbarians, barbarian units will start attacking our cities when worldwide there are 9*1.5 = 15 cities, which we can monitor since we know all of the players from the beginning. Start counting total cities around T25.
No doubt it's Lymond's fault again.

Having chosen, um, poorly regarding the level of difficulty in a recent game, I'm rather hesitant about trying Emperor level on this. MG, any words of advice? (I promise not to tell anyone else if you give me inside info.) ;)
Contender. That’s my authoritative and complete(ly cowardly) advice. 😉
With raging barbarians, barbarian units will start attacking our cities when worldwide there are 9*1.5 = 15 cities, which we can monitor since we know all of the players from the beginning. Start counting total cities around T25.

I just looked at the zoomed out version of the starting position showing all the AIs and realized the AIs we’re at war with won’t necessarily show how many cities they have. Instead just show that blue “1” so to count worldwide we have to do it the old way using the Demographic screen and other screen data. Complicated. Sorry.

Also, I noticed it currently shows those AIs having 1 city. Not sure if that’s true and their city is settled or just an interface artifact of being at war with them. 🙃
Early settling will be crucial, especially if we’re competing for nearby land with three players we can’t DOW and the Dutch are Creative and the Greeks might be. We might have yo use our industrious trait to build high culture wonders to maintain our borders.

I'm not sure I'd be that worried about that when there are lots of other AIs we are at war with that we can take land off. But early settling will be important for defence in case any of our enemies are nearby.

The river seems to flow west into a lake or perhaps the West Coast, which might reserve us a coastal city or two.

Nice SIP location for 15 base BPT at pop4. Ivory will give us 7 happies in our capital, 19 HPT at pop7.

I agree with SIP. It's on a hill too for defence. I would be a teensy bit worried about orphaning any seafood to the West but I don't think that's a good enough reason not to SIP here.
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