BOTM 285: De Gaulle of France: Always War/Always Peace.
[img=right][/img]The social contract has been broken and civilization has reverted to barbarism! Before abandoning the Palace of Nations,
four leaders swear an oath of eternal peace with each other, in a desperate attempt to prevent a looming disaster.
Five other leaders, however, swear an oath of eternal war, vowing to destroy all who oppose them. Charles de Gaulle, will you
survive the wars to come? If you do, can you win the peace that follows?
This game is a little unusual, in that you begin the game in contact with all of the AI. You and three of those AI are
at Always Peace, so that none of you can go to war against any of the other three. The five other AI are at Always War, so that
they will never make peace with anyone (including each other). The four peaceful civilizations all begin the game having learned Writing,
so that they can communicate with each other. The five warmongers have disdained this skill; who would they want to write to?
Game settings:
Playing as: DeGaulle of France
Rivals: 8 AIs
Difficulty: Prince
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: Normal
Options: Raging barbarians, no goody huts, no random events
Victory Conditions: All enabled
Map settings:
Map: Pangaea
World Wrap: Cylindrical
Mapsize: Standard
Climate: Rocky
Sea level: Medium
Map latitudes: -90°S to 90°N
DeGaulle is Industrious and Charismatic, and you start with The Wheel, Agriculture and Writing.
The Industrious trait gives +50% wonder production and double production speed of Forge
The Charismatic trait gives +1 happiness/city, and -25% experience required for unit promotions
Unique unit: Musketeer (replaces Musketman)
The musketeer has 2 movement points, so it can move a lot faster than the musketman!
Unique Building: Salon (replaces Observatory)
Besides the science benefits of the observatory, the salon gives you a free artist.
Starting screenshot
This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):
Adventurer Class bonuses:
There is no Adventurer Class in this game.*
Challenger Class Equalizers:
You play at Emperor difficulty. The AI still have the Prince level starting units.
To Enter the Competition:
This competition will open at 00:01 am on 11 Jan 2025, server local time (UTC-6:00). From that date and time, you'll be able to get your chosen starting save >>>here<<<.
Submit the save after your victory (or defeat) here, by 16 Feb 2025.
Here is a link to a list of the differences between Vanilla, Warlords and BtS.
Software Versions
Windows: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the BUFFY mod version 3.19.005 installed. You can download the BUFFY mod here. Players using Windows Vista or Windows 7 are encouraged to read the notes on Vista fixes here.
Macintosh: This game MUST be played in Beyond the Sword (NOT Civ4 Vanilla or Warlords), patched to version 3.19, and with the Mac BUFFY mod version 3.19.003 installed. You can download the Mac BUFFY mod here.
While playing...
Remember - for your entry to be accepted, it MUST be your first attempt to play this game, and you MUST NOT replay any turns. If you make a mistake while playing, you have to live with it, learn from it, and carry on the game without replaying.
We will open 'spoiler' threads during the month for players to discuss what happens in their games. Do not discuss any details of your game outside those threads.
@Blake00 @The_J
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