BOTM 285: DeGaulle, Prince - Final Spoiler - Game Submitted


GOTM Staff
Mar 12, 2008
BOTM 285: DeGaulle of France: Always War/Always Peace - Final Spoiler - Game Submitted


Use this thread to tell us what happened in your game, particularly anything after 1AD

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  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games.
This one was super frustrating for me because I was hunting for a conquest victory.

I had it all lined up but didn't know enough about the game mechanics to clinch the deal.

I had the Dutch and Celts as peace vassals and had 3 Greek cities completely surrounded by my culture with >90% french culture on the city tile. I had the Apostolic Palace but couldn't work out why I couldn't assign their cities to me (the 'rightful' owner).

After about 10 wasted voting cycles I found that your target civ for flipping can't be full members. So I changed Greece's religion and got back to the voting cycle.

But it was too late. The game had gone on too long and my border expansion and the military activity of my peace vassals pushed me over the dom land limit. (I had been sitting at >50 land since about 1300ad and trying not to go up any more).

Would have been a fun gimmicky 1500ad conquest victory if I had known earlier about keeping my target out of AP religion. Doh.
After a pleasing game, I too had a very annoying endgame.
Finished conquering the hostiles around 1270AD, having WvO already as a peace vassal, and taking care to stay just below the Domination land limit, I cruised to a 1700AD spaceship victory.
But on the supposed victory turn, I got a message telling my space mission had failed! At first I struggled to understand what had happened. Then I loaded an autosave of a few turns earlier and noticed there was a SS Casing missing, giving me 80% odds of success, and of course the worst case scenario happened.
I am 100% certain I build the damned 5 casings, but as I was rushing turns in the end game, I must have clicked the launch button after accepting the completion of a couple of parts, but before accepting the last missing part (which was duly completed the turn before, just not "accepted")! :hammer2:

Anyways, after that I licked my wounds and sent a settler/G.Artist party to the last empty piece of land, getting a very late domination victory 3 turns later (1715AD).
Lol...I am soooo rusty. So I was deadset on culture victory. The start was nice but I was a bit surprised that the enemies were so close. I settled the first city after Paris on the stone to go full hog on the wonders. Barbs were never an issue but a set up a couple of warriors or so to keep an eye on Biz though he was never much of an issue. However, Izzy had sent a wandering archer my way and for some reason, I thought she was a friendly. She took my stone city. Very embarrassed.

I rebuilt everything and start slowly pushing out the Germans. But in short, my not very good culture game turned out to be a 1650 Dom victory as I was totally not paying attention to the fact that my culture was taking over the map. Did I say embarrassing? Anywho, I was trying to get culture while maxxing score and it backfired hugely.

It was a very fun game, with several approach to different types of victories. May type more but I am tired.
What Conquistador 93 said....

I was primed for a late Space Race victory about 9 turns ahead of Willem. On the turn my last 3 casings were completed I added the first one to my spaceship and then the Launch button lit up and I clicked it. Of course as soon as the launch video ended it said I could no longer work on the last two pieces. Then on the 10th turn I'm waiting for the victory screen when "Mission Failed" pops up. WTH!! Well I know The Dutch will be launching in 9 turns so it is time to destroy him. What do you mean I can't declare war on him? Uh, Always Peace! !@##$$$% )((*&^%^ $#$%^&*( !!
I managed to complete this game to a satisfactory ending, despite not being optimized at all. Overall, I'm mostly happy to complete the map with no reloads, instead of toying around the first 50-70 turns and binning it. The general lay of the land was very nice indeed, which helped for motivation.

I followed through my 1 AD objective towards a U.N. victory. I messed up golden ages and :gp: along the way but could still pull through a 1090 win.
Most of all, I did not push agressively enough for war. I ended up killing Bismark and Stalin and was close to capturing my first Roman city at engame. But the very llittle effort I put towards it meant my city captures could not contribute much. As a result, I have an overall low pop and land count, with a 160k points finish.

This is the screenshot of the game :
Spoiler :

I had been harassing Bismark since around T35 when I did an "honesty check" on his capital with 3 warriors (found hill and archers). Then kept units around and added a relatively quick axeman.
This meant I could pillage him into oblivion. And when he finally founded his 2nd city, he split his forces, lost 2 workers, got invaded by a barb warrior from the North-East, killed it with an archer and left a single warrior in his capital, lost his capital.
However, since I am such a gentleman, I had the courtesy to lose it myself only 5 or 6 turns later to a Spanish Archer, who killed the Axeman I had carelessly allowed to get wounded (damn I sure wanted to kill an extra German archer !).

We can see Tours in the bottom left as well, being camped. That city did not fare well, as it took me forever to clear the forest. My fault for using too few forces, leaving me vulnerable to harassment, RNG, and not being able to push convincingly.
Wow, there is quite the run of bad luck going with this game!
I think my game was one of my better efforts. Domination in 1570.

I started out focused on grabbing land to get the edge over my peace-buddies. It took me 30 or 40 turns to realize that the Germans were hostile. Didn't hurt me too much in the long run, but I probably could've gotten that treasure trove of Gems earlier if I had paid more attention.

I would've thought the tech trading would make all the peaceniks powerful. However, in my game, the Greeks got swarmed by barbs and I didn't even make contact with them. Willem, Boudica, and I did some trading and it certainly helped me, but Willem was struggling. Right as I finished off Bismarck, he was losing cities to the Russians on one side and the Spanish on the other. I stepped in and beat up the Russians, but he was still struggling with Spain. There wasn't much sign of activity on the eastern front, so I marched northwest across Dutch land, liberated a few cities and then took on the Spanish. I was really cranking out the macemen and elephants at that point, so I had a 2nd force come around the bay, and a 3rd force transported by 2 galleys.

Once Spain was crushed, it was all downhill from there. I mostly focused on Knights and then Musketeers so that I could move them more quickly to the front. I rolled through Caesar with the only surprise being Boudica attacking on the opposite front and taking one of his cities. At the same time, I was moving through the outer cities of Persia, which was the most successful of the warmongers. I started a golden age to help me crank up culture and get those last few percentiles of land, but it was kind of a waste. I won on the next turn.
I finally managed to get a very late surprise domination victory maybe 30 turns before culture was supposed to do the trick. Reading the stories here I see I was not alone. Had a final scare when trying to submit my game, the page said both Less than 1 hour left and Submissions closed! I then tried another submission link and found I could both submit the game anyway.
Always peace was frustrating in the end but it allowed me to keep clicking next turn to rush towards the unexpected ending. At least I killed Stalin and named his capital Barad-dûr. His second city was renamed Minas Morgul.
I actually failed to get every wonder built, Celts completed the Stonehenge first. Others were mine or left unbuilt like the Pentagon.
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