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Breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

Do you eat breakfast regularly?

  • Yes. I eat a harty breakfast.

    Votes: 22 25.6%
  • Yes. I eat a quick breakfast.

    Votes: 31 36.0%
  • No, I don't eat breakfast often.

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • No, I never eat breakfast.

    Votes: 12 14.0%

  • Total voters
I usually eat breakfast, but sometimes I wake up around noon, so I just skip it and go to lunch.

Usually breakfast is a big bowl of this:
I always eat breakfast. Usually just a slice of bread (with nothing on it) and some juice.
classical_hero said:
That does not make sense.
The Last Conformist said:
It's definitional, so it doesn't have to.
What TLC said. If you mean that you still don't understand, then pay attention to capitalization. Calorie with a capital "C" is the same as 1,000 calories with a lowercase "c." Therefore, one Calorie is equivalent to one kilocalorie.
OrpheusPrime said:
I always hit the cafeteria 'all you can eat- breakfast' when I was in college. Then again I was a runner and I needed all the calories I could get. I think those who eat breakfast have generally more active lifestyles? Correlation? :scan:
Nah. I run, too (actually, I haven't much this semester), and I never eat breakfast. Especially when we run in the morning. I can barely keep down the 100 mL of propel I drink if I drink it in the morning even a half hour before running.
I dotn have breakfast; I wake up, and after an hour o fmore or less waking up, do my daily exercises for a periof between 20 mins and half an hour (depending on what is to be done) eating breakfast before this only means your burning off what you just had. Not eating before exercize is healthier; it did the Spartans good at least.
According to the coaches/trainers I had in college (mind you, this was in the dark ages) eating a carb-heavy meal before hand improved the effectiveness of any work out. Worked pretty well for me.
Always eat, but it is a small one.
OrpheusPrime said:
I always hit the cafeteria 'all you can eat- breakfast' when I was in college. Then again I was a runner and I needed all the calories I could get. I think those who eat breakfast have generally more active lifestyles? Correlation? :scan:
I'm a couch potatoe, and I eat more for breakfast than most sportsy people I know.
homeyg said:
I usually eat breakfast, but sometimes I wake up around noon, so I just skip it and go to lunch.

Usually breakfast is a big bowl of this:
Has it ever occurred to you that these "Swirlz" like like so many tiny light-brown turds? :vomit:
I have to eat breakfast, or my stomach makes funny noises in lessons at school.
I oftenly have a quick breakfast.
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