[BtS] 2032 AD Scenario/Mod


Writing Letters
Aug 16, 2005
United States

The year is 2032 AD. The United States has collapsed, and with it Canada and Mexico and any restraint for hell on Earth. Britain has been conquered by the Russian Empire, and tyranny engulfs Europe as an anti-Russian fascist dictator conquers Western Europe, Southern Europe, the Balkans, and Arabia. The Far East has succumbed to the new Communist league, Eastasia. With many nuclear leaders willing to push "the button", it appears that hope is lost in the world. Or is it?

Take charge of a nation and spread your vision of the world of 2032. Take command of the Dan Edalian Company in the west as it begins reuniting North America under the greatest corporation the world has seen. Finish the war between Challoan of the Reman Empire in Europe, or Putin II of Russia. Launch nukes from Eastasia. Or take charge of the United Nations Alliance, the last bastion of democracy, headed by the brilliant woman known merely as Jessica.

What does your future look like?

The civilizations on the map are as follows (* means playable civ):

The Russian Empire*
The Reman Empire*
The United Nations Alliance*
Dan Edalian Company*
The Confederate States of America
The American Federated States
The Pacific Republic
The Alaskan Republic
The Hawaiian Republic
The Australian Free State
The North African Union
The Columbian Empire

This scenario is included in a mod (playable without the scenario) and uses a 40-civ DLL. The mod includes Next War and other civs and leaders. At the moment, there is no credits list:blush:. I'll come out with one as soon as I can. Realize that a lot of the skins were done by me, but otherwise there is credit to be given. If you want recognition, holler. I'll post you ASAP. (To get started, thanks for leaderheads Ekmek, and Lokulus for the map).


The American Theater:


The European Theater:


The Middle East:


The African Theater:


The Indian Theater:


The Asian Theater:


The Oceanian Theater:


The South American Theater:


The Dan Edalian Assault:


Diplomacy with North Africa:


New Reman Units:


First post

Its a very nice idea you made, the mod and civs are nice.
The mod is still lack of futuristic units, its a pity, but dont worry.
Im still working on my Next war Update mod, (I think I need to start a better preview-thread)
There are already completed a dozens of futuristic mechs and infantries with unique sounds and firing effects (not too much fanatastic)
8 civs
Besides what the others have said, I got the idea for doing the same thing: USA fragmented, other nations on the verge of war... BRILLIANT! I'm glad someone else allready did, can't wait to play!
I use BtS 3.17. So I can't say anything for 3.13.

BUGS (they're all minor, so don't worry):

Game doesn't actually begin in 2032. More like 2069. Have yet to figure out the game clock. That doesn't reduce the game time, though.

I can't get the Confederacy's player color to be grey, rather than PLAYERCOLOR_CONFEDERAY. Until I do that, the Confederacy's custom flag looks a little weird.

The Columbian Empire's leader has some graphical glitches. Whine to Ekmek. I'll tell him soon about it (who in the world has a hot-pink mouth? looks like he's chewing unbelievable amounts of bubble-gum :lol: ).

Future Plans:

I'll look into Zerver's updated Next War. New units sound great :)

Add one new civic to each category. Respectively,

Mechanized Labor

Strive for gameplay balance. do some "fixes", like place wonders in appropriate cities (i.e. Pentagon, Three-Gorges-Dam, Cristo Rendentor). The map was Lokulus's WWI scenario, so it needs to be updated.
Great mod! Some minor bugs, but it is realy great.

But do yuo know why did I got download speed between 8 and 9 kB/s.
It took me 4 houers to download :cry: .

Othervise it is a great mod.
Great mod! Some minor bugs, but it is realy great.

But do yuo know why did I got download speed between 8 and 9 kB/s.
It took me 4 houers to download :cry: .

Othervise it is a great mod.

Sorry. I have no clue whatsoever why you had low bandwidth. The problem is not on my end. It's either fileplanet or your computer:rolleyes:. Can't help you with that. 129mb files don't download fast (although my internet isn't that slow).

But thanks for the compliment:).
hey Circuit i've just played a little ur mod and i really liked it, congrats!

btw, i was following the story of the nations in the pedia like Rema, etc but there are nations without it like the federated states, hawai, etc
will u put more in the future? :)
Hawaii and the Federated States were old civs (maya, native american) renamed, so they aren't really a civ. If you want to know the history of the United States fall, look in the Dan Edalian civ.

Thanks for the compliment!:)
The only thing that came with this when i downloaded it was the scenario, where's the mod? I really want to play this one. Can anyone explain it?
If you don't want to play the scenario, don't play it. Start a new game like you normally would, with "Play Now!", and you should see new civs, like the Alliance. The scenario requires the mod, so both are included. They are not in separate folders.
Hey nice mod,

Looks good, but can I offer just a few small changes? I noticed when I first started that the unique units and buildings for some of the civs were already expired. East Asia for example used the Chinese unique unit and buildings. Russia still had the Cossack as their unique unit. This seems to give an unfair advantage to the other civs that have modern day unique units.

Not to mention that this seems to be a conquer or be killed kind of game so maybe give everyone some kind of warmongering trait. Protective is a really weak trait and I with all the games i've played you realize that you don't win a game with defense.

Another thing is that, seeing how this is supposed to be a scenario that could possibly exist some 25+ years from now, I don't see how Russia can have a trait as Financial when their economy is and has been pretty bad as of late. Russia has historically liked to flex its muscles, so it would probably better fit if it was given a warmongering trait like aggressive or imperialistic or maybe even industrial for production capacity. China is now the 3rd largest economy in the world and Japan is the second. If these two Asian countries ever combined they would have the largest economy in the world bar none. Maybe give the East Asia civ Financial trait.
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