[BTS 3.19] Earth 35 Civilizations MOD


Rome's Praetorian
Aug 14, 2007
West Roman Empire, Italy.
Earth 35 Civilizations MOD (v2.5)
For Beyond The Sword 3.19


Earth 35 Civilizations MOD (v2.5)
262 MB
- BTS v3.19
Over 50.000 Downloads Since the first version! Last Update December 23 2011.
Please post feedback and bugs to help me improve the mod.
ANY RATING VOTE is very appreciated.

35 Civilizations fighting all around the world. All the continets are populated...
America, Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe at war...
Prepare yourself for a total war experience... You will see Huge Enemy Armies!!!

Earth Giant Map balanced for this mod. It's the main map for play the mod.
6 New Resources (Olives, Cotton, Tobacco, Coffee, Potatoes and Exotic Fruits).
8 New Civilizations.

17 Religions in game!
Inquisitor unit with Religious Victory feature.
Limited Religion feature added.
Better AI 1.01f Gamecore.dll up to 48 civs.
Varitas Delectat 9.2 Mod Included.
JARM mod included (but modified by me).
Different Textures.
Next War Mod Included.
Different Normal GameSpeedInfo Timing, Techs and features cost.

Try this mod using Blue Marble Design graphic mod.

Credits and Thanks:
- To Rhye for the basic version of the giant map.
- To Civ Gold team for Civ Gold Mod.
- To Avain and his team for Varietas Delectat 6.1.
- To JustATourist for basic JARM v1.2.
- To Jdog5000 for his BTS 48 CivGameCore.dll.
- To OrionVeteran and Modifieda4 for their Limit Religion mod.
- To All people that made the mods I merged in mine.
- To Everybody Posted Here for Ideas, Playtesting and Bug Reports.
- And in the end, To Me for merge all this stuffs...

Changelog History since v2.1:
Spoiler :

December 23 2011: 2.5 Version
- Added Next War mod.

August 6 2010: 2.4b Version
- Added Better Bts AI version 1.01f gamecore.dll.
- Added Varitas Delectat 9.2
- Replaced Lenana Leaderheads with a better one.
- Corrected some starting gold (Thx to schlalex)
- Fixed: Kazakistan Starting Technologies.
- Fixed: Some map plots changed and some resource Relocated.
- Fixed: Some civs depowered and others powered.

October 14 2009: 2.4 Version
- Added Better Bts AI version 0.81M gamecore.dll.
- Added Varitas Delectat 7.5
- Removed Modern Era extra units feature.
- Added Priesthood as New Religion Founding Technology
- Replaced Ottoman Empire with a New Civilization Kazakhstan Empire.
- Replaced Persian Empire with a Sumerian Empire.
- Fixed: Added Varietas Delectat fixes to Modular Civilizations and Custom Leaderheads.
- Fixed: CvReligionScreen now display Holy Cities when one of them is raided.
- Fixed: Some map plots are changed.

July 16 2009: 2.3c Version
- Added Colonization terrain grapich.
- Replaced Druids religion with Orthodoxy.
- Some Resources relocated.
- Ottoman Empire starting point relocated.
- Bonus Coffee revealed with Mechanics Tech.
- Added Orion's LimitedReligion 2.50A mod.
- Added Better BTS AI 48 civ gamecore.dll
- Added Custom Scenario option.
- Added Leaders Attitude on ScoreTab.
- BeginPlayer function arranged for continents.
- Replaced Brazil with Arawak.
- Replaced Celts with France.
- Added GEORGE III, HIROHITO and FRANCO as Leaders.
- Changed: Australian Flag and Button.
- Apache, Iroquois, Tupi and Arawak now all with differents Unique Units and Buildings.
- Some leaders and civilizations has now different traits and starting technologies.
- Changed the Intro Music.
- Fixed: Some map plots are changed.
- Fixed: GameFont finally fixed.
- Fixed: Corrected some small bugs.

July 5 2009: 2.2 Version
- Some Names corrected.
- New FIELD_OF_VIEW set to 60.
- Restored Inquisitor Feature.
- New Victory Condition: Religious Victory (70% influence).
- Favourite Religions Fixed.
- Some New Buttons.
- Replaced France with Celts.

July 2 2009: 2.1 Version
- Added new Gamecore.dll compatible with 3.19
- Added JARM v1.2 with some modifcations by me (17 religions now)
- Added favorite religions to leaders.
- Added new MENU Screen.
- Added new Intro Music.
- Added new resource: Exotic Fruits (Total of 6 New Resources now).
- Added LENIN and CLEOPATRA as Leaders.
- Changed CURTIN new Leaderhead.
- Removed Civilizations Celts, Portugal, Dutch, Babylon and Greek.
- Fixed: WHALE no more oblsolete with combustion tech.
- Fixed: A LOT of Resources and map plots are changed.
- Changed Barbarian Flag.
- GameSpeedInfo altered for map balancing.



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i will test but you have competitors :)
i will test but you have competitors :)
Doesnt work for me, crashes my game after uploading mod during restart up. Could be an encoding error or maybe a version error I'm running 3.13.

My buddy tried on his comp and it also failed.

Great ideas though hope you get it to work!!!
i run 3.13, doesn't work too
Hey, I've got 3.13, and I'm in the same boat! I noticed that it seems to crash when loading the mod right at the XML portion of the load. I'm not sure if that will help you pinpoint the problem at all.

I really love this idea though! More suggestions would be Lhamas in South America, Chickens in South East Asia, Turkeys in North America and Tea in China.

Perhaps not all or any of these suggestions will be viable and I have no idea how to make this stuff happen myself, but I just thought with those extra extra resources on top of the ones you've already added the game would be near perfect.

Thanks for the hard work! The original mods are still really fun!
Awesome you are the man! Now if we can get those recommendations I stated earlier going... we're set... if you do want to take on the task and need any help, please let me know!

Thanks again for the awesome job!
Me again,

so I noticed that Tobacco and Cotton are both labelled as Olives in the Map Editor and then I'm wondering... is this mod multiplayer? I'm trying to get a good multiplayer going with this but once I load the mod, no one seems to be able to see my game, even with the same mod loaded.

Anyway, first glances, this still looks like the best mod on the block.
I get some error whenever i try starting this up i think im doing something wrong though its probley when i download it. how do you get this to work. also how do you activeate the blue marble design.
I get some error whenever i try starting this up i think im doing something wrong though its probley when i download it. how do you get this to work. also how do you activeate the blue marble design.

Make sure your copy is BTS version 3.13
Probably Gravey is right... I made this MOD for BTS 3.13 version!!!
Check your version!

That's how to install the mod:
Unzip the file in the MOD folder. You will have a folder called Earth 34 Civs
Then Launch the Mod and choose map Earth 34 Civs.

For Install BLUE MARBLE just download it. Then Launch the exe... And chose HIGH QUALITY... That program is self installing...
I've been trying to download this, but the .rar file doesn't unzip. When I move it to the program files, it doesn't do anything. HELP!
Nvm- i got it. But when i get the Leaderheads screen it freezes completely- why??
Is there anyway you can make so the names aren't in italion. Also can you make it so the AI doesent have random personality.
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