It's funny how much people complained about the AI not being able to conduct military campaigns before BTS, and now everyone is complaining that the AI is too good at military campaigns.
I shelved Civ4 / Warlords months ago as I grew sick of game with its anti human bias and serious lack of inter AI wars - i'll elaborate below:
1) The severe lack of inter AI wars have 2 majors factors attributed to them:
i) same religion (the diplo bonuses for religions are totally exaggerated, I agree that they should exist but not to this ridiculous extent)
Not all AIs weigh religion so highly. It is no guarantee of peaceful solidarity.
ii) The single and most undeniable and CRUCIAL fact to the lack of inter AI warefare and why AI's declare wars over the HUMAN player as opposed to each other is that AI's DO NOT DEMAND TRIBUTE TOWARDS EACH OTHER. This means that all AI's never have to suffer ANY diplomatic penalties for not submitting to each others demands, much unlike the human. This allways tips the scale against the human and as a result the human allways gets ganked unless he submits to their ridiculous demands.
I don't know for sure that the AI doesn't make demands, but they definitely do fight wars among each other in BTS. If you haven't tried BTS, you should check it out. The AI isn't too demanding if you have enough power.
Also, not having enough power is a good way to get the AI's to declare war on you, regardless of your relationships. If you have juicy, totally defenseless territory, why wouldn't someone conduct a "hostile takeover"?
Aggressive AI does beef up the warring, both between AIs and against the player.
BTS doesn't have any anti-human diplomatic bias built-in, unlike plain Civ4, where the AI's favored each other.
2) Barbarians targeting the human player over the AI. This happens to such an extent that they will will literally walk thru the AI's territory and leave their developed land unscathed only to walk into YOUR territory and pillage every single square. I can live with this because its only an early game issue but it would be good to fix nonetheless.
The barbarians attack weaker civs first. So if the AI is more powerful than you, they wisely will limit their engagement, and move on to easier pickings. If I can defeat the barbarians easily, they'll leave me alone and mess with the wimpier AIs.
Conclusion: I do not wish to adjust my settings (more aggro AI's, smaller maps) or download any mods for this purpose to alleviate the problem of lack of inter AI warfare. Firaxis can resolve the issues of anti human bias and lack of inter AI warfare by simply introducing a SINGLE concept: AI's demand tribute / favors towards each other as well as the human. This would literally solve ALL problems I have with the game. Thats all I would ask, a simple tweak as such.
Maybe the AI already makes demands, and failure to meet them acts as a war trigger? The AI definitely does have "war triggers" built into it in BTS, and will prepare for war this happens.
I think you'll be pleased with the BTS improvements. Warlords with the Better AI mod wasn't so bad either, but BTS is enhanced even above that.
To rephrase: You refuse to play the game as it is. You want change. However, you also refuse to use any and all 3rd party tools to help you get what you want. You feel it is the maker's duty to make the game play exactly as you think it should
Next, I would like to address the fact that you're a builder. Maybe you'd like SimCity 4 or Caesar 4 better than Civ 4. Seriously. Civ 4 is a war game, where you pump out units, wipe out all your enemies, and engage in minimal diplomacy or empire-building. The wonders exist only to tempt you into not building up a massive military.
Play SimCity 4 or Caesar 4, if you want to build an city or empire, respectively.