Dave Hartwick
I've been lurking about for couple weeks now, so hiya, I've enjoyed reading these SGs. I missed the last couple intakes, so I'll try kicking one off myself.
I'm late to the party, obviously. I only started playing Civ IV about 3 months ago, and only picked up BtS the week before last. Love it, except I have a hard time putting it down.
As for the actual game I have in mind, I really enjoy archipelago maps. Recently I tried high sea level and was surprised at how much of a change there was. Starts tend to be isolated, and I had to think harder about where I was going with the tech tree. Of course, I'm playing at prince level, so I'm not talking an insurmountable challenge here. Plus the AIs don't seem to change their game so much from the usual land-based strategies, so in some ways it's advantageous.
Anyway, I'm suggesting a succession game with standard size map, high sea level, tropic climate (this limits the ice -- I seem to start near the poles a lot) on monarch difficulty. I play on prince difficulty, like I said, but SG's seem to attract at least one emperor level player-- plus there's that whole trying not to publicly embarrass yourself so you try harder thing-- so monarch sounds pretty safe. I'm open to suggestions on this.
For civs, I like the Dutch, but I like Carthage better. Willem's creative trait isn't so helpful as Hannibal's extra happiness, seeing how you can't count on getting resources with so little land, especially in the early game. I'm open to suggestions on this one, too.
Epic length seems to be the standard around here. I play normal, myself, but if epic's better for SGs, it's better, so go with that.
Round duration, I'm undecided. Hopefully nobody out there has round duration as the deciding factor on whether or not to play.
For the rule set for this, uh, well, the usual etiquette: post if you can't make your round. Have your save posted within 48 hours. Try not to get too upset if somebody does something you disagree with. Discuss big moves prior, such as declaring war or a change in the agreed upon plan. Log your tech trades and the changes you make at the start of your round. Be amusing. If it's OK, I'd like your email address so I can send you an alert-- I was recently reading a thread where silk mentioned forum-generated alert emails not getting through.
I don't expect to post a lot of graphics myself as my PC is a mutt. I should also mention that the game will be generated with BUG installed, if that's a problem.
As Emperor Joseph II used to say: Well, there it is.
Loki Strikes
Dave Hartwick
I'm late to the party, obviously. I only started playing Civ IV about 3 months ago, and only picked up BtS the week before last. Love it, except I have a hard time putting it down.
As for the actual game I have in mind, I really enjoy archipelago maps. Recently I tried high sea level and was surprised at how much of a change there was. Starts tend to be isolated, and I had to think harder about where I was going with the tech tree. Of course, I'm playing at prince level, so I'm not talking an insurmountable challenge here. Plus the AIs don't seem to change their game so much from the usual land-based strategies, so in some ways it's advantageous.
Anyway, I'm suggesting a succession game with standard size map, high sea level, tropic climate (this limits the ice -- I seem to start near the poles a lot) on monarch difficulty. I play on prince difficulty, like I said, but SG's seem to attract at least one emperor level player-- plus there's that whole trying not to publicly embarrass yourself so you try harder thing-- so monarch sounds pretty safe. I'm open to suggestions on this.
For civs, I like the Dutch, but I like Carthage better. Willem's creative trait isn't so helpful as Hannibal's extra happiness, seeing how you can't count on getting resources with so little land, especially in the early game. I'm open to suggestions on this one, too.
Epic length seems to be the standard around here. I play normal, myself, but if epic's better for SGs, it's better, so go with that.
Round duration, I'm undecided. Hopefully nobody out there has round duration as the deciding factor on whether or not to play.
For the rule set for this, uh, well, the usual etiquette: post if you can't make your round. Have your save posted within 48 hours. Try not to get too upset if somebody does something you disagree with. Discuss big moves prior, such as declaring war or a change in the agreed upon plan. Log your tech trades and the changes you make at the start of your round. Be amusing. If it's OK, I'd like your email address so I can send you an alert-- I was recently reading a thread where silk mentioned forum-generated alert emails not getting through.
I don't expect to post a lot of graphics myself as my PC is a mutt. I should also mention that the game will be generated with BUG installed, if that's a problem.
As Emperor Joseph II used to say: Well, there it is.
Loki Strikes
Dave Hartwick