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BTS Bug?


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City
I think I just observed a bug in BTS. I am playing as Peter and build the research institute with it's 2 free scientists. The city got captured and I retook it. Now I have 4 free scientists. Any other reason except a bug??? Happened in another Russian city but I only got 1 extra scientist.
Maybe you changed to mercantilism in the middle of the war?

Maybe the Russians built an university?

Maybe you built the Statue of Liberty?
Maybe you changed to mercantilism in the middle of the war?

Maybe the Russians built an university?

Maybe you built the Statue of Liberty?

They are free/settled scientists at the bottom of the specialists list. Similar to what you get from teh great library except I have 4 in one city, 3 in another and both were captured while they had a research institute. They ar enot settleed great scientists either.
Weird. Can you post a screenshot? If the list of buiding is not completely shown, please note down the buidings on the city. Also note down the WW you control in all your civilization.

I'm starting to believe you that it's a bug, but a screenshot will confirm it.
OK, here are screenshots for my two cities in question, Rostov and Saxon. Both are well past the WWII and just before the spaceship launch. The game is 1.7 mB so it's too large to post. Rostv was captured by the enemy twice and I reclaimed it twice. Saxon was captured once by the enemy and I recaptured it. No other cities showed extra scientists except the noprmal 2 from a research institute.

Extra buildings for each city not in screenshot

Rostov: Industrial park, Public trans, library, university, observatory, research institute, theater, broadcast tower, grocer, supermakter, courthouse, jail, levee

Saxon: factory, coal and hydro plants, indu. park, public trans, library, university, observatory, research inst., broadacast tower, bank, courthouse.

I do not have nmay other saves and I do not recall what building were lost after capture and which I had to rebuild. I am pretty sure the reaserch institutes surved all attacks.
Hmm, there is a random event which can give a free scientist specialist, which I believe crops up in cities with spice plantations, which might account for Saxon. I can't come up with a credible explanation for Rostov though unless its double counting the UB for some reason.
Hmm, there is a random event which can give a free scientist specialist, which I believe crops up in cities with spice plantations, which might account for Saxon. I can't come up with a credible explanation for Rostov though unless its double counting the UB for some reason.

I could have missed it but I do not recall the free scientist random event in this game (I did get the evnt in another though).
Did not you recupture this city? May be free scientists from even do not get destroyed on cupture, this making posible it was AI who got event.
Hmm, there is a random event which can give a free scientist specialist, which I believe crops up in cities with spice plantations, which might account for Saxon. I can't come up with a credible explanation for Rostov though unless its double counting the UB for some reason.

You may had hit the nail, MrCynical. I don't see nothing strange on the buidings, but indeed an event may be the cause.

I could have missed it but I do not recall the free scientist random event in this game (I did get the evnt in another though).

You can make sure by taking a look at the event log. And, if you can post it here, even better.
Great library? though that should have been obsolete by now right?
The great library was obsolete (and would not explain the one scientist in Saxony). How do I get the event log?

Mutineer. I am unsure if the AI got that event, that would explain it although I think the AIs extra scientists(s) should be lost. If that is the case that the AI got the sandom event I think it's still a bug as I should not benefit from it, otherwise I could let all my cities be captured and then recapture them. Maybe not a bug but it would be broken.

My gut feeling is that it is a bug but I'll post the evntlog tonight (once I find out how).
Though I don't know you can copy-paste it, you can just check it. Look at the button at the top left, showing a book and a pencil. There it is. Or, if you ended the game, you can just watch the replay. The event, if happened, should appear on it.
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