[BTS] CvMainInterface.py fix


Dec 26, 2006
This modification of CvMainInterface.py cleans up the button "overload" in the main interface screen.

(python file and images will be re-uploaded soon)





BTS new:


You can put this file straight into the appropiate BTS CustomAssets folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\YourProfile\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CustomAssets\python\screens\

Download: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7734
This is of course yet another minor fix, more interesting is how this fix came about.

A couple of days ago I was chatting with johny in the WoC Jabber chat room and he mentioned that he was working on this fix. At first, I was not sure what he was talking about, but that was because I had not noticed the button "overload" before. I guess it takes a designer's eye to spot such details.

Johny told me that at first he wanted to make the buttons smaller to fit, but luckily he was halted there :nono: by the WoC team leader TAfirehawk :worship:. He told johny to look into the python of the screen for the main interface. Johny went ahead and did his first python modding which resulted in the fix.

I myself only recently joined up with WoC, but I think this is a good example of cross-inspirational-teamwork. I used to do only XML modding, but since I joined I have learned a lot about other areas of CIV modding (mostly through chatting about it).

I advise any modder now to join the WoC-team, a team that is always prepared to give a helping hand with what you are working on and that gives you the freedom to add what you want as long as it follows the new BTS WoC modular coding standard, which in my mind is going to be the future Firaxis standard as well.
it looks good, but can i ask where the changes in the file are? I couldn't find them.
Look for the comments which end in "JOHNY SMITH". For instance:



This is not the only one, there are more.
The changes are in the numbers compared to the original CvMainInterface.py
Thanks for posting this Fierabras :)

We have a number of nice little things in the WoC.

As Fierabras said, I invite anybody and everybody to join our Jabber chat server and learn more about the WoC....and visit our Dev Area....in my sig. As far as the World of Civilization Team, we are pretty full at the moment but we are all more than willing to work with each and every modder out there to help them with their own, independent work...using the FIXED Modular Loading we have in the WoC.
cool stuff. when I get into python and interface I look into joining WoC. My main wish is to have a scroll bar in the religion and corporations screen so you can add more easily and that they only show up if they are founded(sorry the crowded interface ones aren't that appealing to me).

My other wish is to in the city view screen an option wheere you click on your trade routes and get to choose which cities to trade with. i know, I know the game picks the one with highest return but sometimes I don't want to trade with a city because I don't want its religion spreading there or maybe I'm doing some economic warfare against the AI.
We had a scrolling civics screen in ViSa and i believe it will be added eventually to the WoC. We also have had preliminary discussions about scrolling religions, dont see why that cant also apply to corporations also. Good idea!!
cool stuff. when I get into python and interface I look into joining WoC. My main wish is to have a scroll bar in the religion and corporations screen so you can add more easily and that they only show up if they are founded(sorry the crowded interface ones aren't that appealing to me).

My other wish is to in the city view screen an option wheere you click on your trade routes and get to choose which cities to trade with. i know, I know the game picks the one with highest return but sometimes I don't want to trade with a city because I don't want its religion spreading there or maybe I'm doing some economic warfare against the AI.

We have working Religion and Corporation scrolling screens now thanks to johny.

I don't agree ! Power Rating and Victory Conditions will be better on the other side along with the Event Diary. I think it's better to have the advisors one side and the game help the other side.

Not sure what you mean....all we did was to space it out, we didn't move anything...
Well, in CivChooser, Dale added a button in the left corner to switch from your current civ. What I'm trying to tell is that :


Go to


Sure, that can be done, but this modcomp was just to fix Firaxis mistake.
Don't worry, I must have said this when it catched my eyes a few days back.
I thought it wasn't a big deal and never knew someone was about to work on this. If I knew I will have requested to separate the advisors from the game help which I think doesn't serve exactly the same purpose (one is more focused on the current turn while the other is about the game length ).
I don't request anything and just want to expose my PoV.
Don't worry, I must have said this when it catched my eyes a few days back.
I thought it wasn't a big deal and never knew someone was about to work on this. If I knew I will have requested to separate the advisors from the game help which I think doesn't serve exactly the same purpose (one is more focused on the current turn while the other is about the game length ).
I don't request anything and just want to expose my PoV.

I already entered this into the Bug Tracker for Johny to work on when he gets a chance.

We will make Alternative Screens python area in Modules that a player can manually copy (python isn't modular) to meet their individual desires.
Do these valuechanges work regardless of screen resolution?
it looks good, but can i ask where the changes in the file are? I couldn't find them.

A vital tool for any would-be modder is a file comparison program, so you can see the changes between a new file and the original highlighted in a clear manner.

Personally, I use WinMerge - i find it Very clear and simple.

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