Well thank you Tsentom, I'm glad you liked it. I know it isn't as different from the regular game as a lot of other mods, but that was the idea behind it. Anyway in the interest of keeping, well, interest, in this thread I am going to talk about a few things I am working on.
First, I am going to have an expanded edition of this mod coming at some point in the near future. I plan on adding a couple more leaders, and improving upon the graphics for a few of them (because I have been learning to make LHs). Ekmek's Atotzli and Ataturk will definitely be in. I am also going to add Sejong to Korea (I can't remember who made that at the moment) and I am going to add a couple of leaders I am working on myself and I am going to redo Charles V so he looks a little more like Charles V.
I am PLANNING on two new module packs to go along with it. One is going to include;
-A fourth, yet to be determined civ (suggestions are welcome!)
The other planned module pack is of European civilizations, which will PROBABLY (because this list is not finalized) include;
I am only going to have four in it, and Sweden is DEFINITELY going in because I am making a Swedish LH right now, so if anyone wants to push for specific civs please feel free to do so.
And there is one I am working on at the moment, which is going to be the Americas module pack. This will include;
-Either a Caribbean civ, Cuba, Colombia or Venezuela, or perhaps Colombia and Venezuela together as Gran Colombia (like in your mod Tsentom).
All of my modules will have flavored units, with little to no overlap in graphics. I am not doing diplomacy texts or audio files for them because I want them to be easily removeable and added so you can decide which civs you want in the game at a given time. Part of the reason I don't like mods like Civ Gold that add too many civs is that some of them are lame and it kinda blows when they show up. This is is not shot at the Civ Gold squad or anything, I can appreciate how much effort and care goes into something like that, or you Tsentom, but its just a personal preference. This way if you want a bunch of new civs you can add them all, if you don't and sometimes feel like playing as the Phoenicians its easy to add them without altering any files.
I am also in the process of learning how to make leaderheads. I am almost finished with my first one (Gustav Adolph of Sweden), I am also making a Charles V for the next version of my mod. And I plan on making two more, I don't know why I like doing things in fours. But I figure if I make a bunch at once I'll get so used to making them that I won't forget how to do it.
I know this all seems like a lot, and it kind of is, but I've just learned how to mod a bunch between making this modpack and learning how to do leaderheads, so while its still interesting and fun for me I might as well do as much as I can. Because I can get bored of things really easily.
Anyway, I appreciate the feedback so if you guys could let me know what you think I should do or have any suggestions for me about what I have listed here that would be great.
Here are a few preview pics of my mexican module. The units are arranged with ancient units on the left, medieval in the middle, and industrial on the right. There are flavored modern units as well but I didn't add them to the picture for some reason.