[BtS] JKP1187's EVENTS


Unindicted Co-Conspirator
Aug 29, 2004
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JKP1187's Events v. 1.21




It's probably easiest to save and use this as a mod (unless you're merging it with something else). Unzip the file in the path:

C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods

It should automatically create a folder titled "JKP1187's EVENTS".

Then, you can either load it as a mod through the main screen, or you can create your own shortcut for one-click starting. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select NEW-->SHORTCUT. As long as you're using the default Firaxis directory structure for everything, when Windows asks for the item's location, paste this into the blank:

C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=/JKP1187's EVENTS

(You can also edit your CivilizationIV.ini file so that the mod always loads from startup, but I prefer making a shortcut.)

Description of the Events:

Spoiler :

Partisans (from original game):
* Now in 100% of all games
* Uses code from CFC Hall of Fame mod so that this will only fire when victim civ is running Emancipation.

The Blessed Sea (from the original game)
* Changed so that the quest no longer "picks" a Galley, Caravel/Carrack, or Galleon/East Indiaman. Instead, it just checks to see that the triggering civ has at least one of those three units, and fires the event. Previously, it picked one of those ships on triggering, and if the ship was lost, the quest failed. (The event no longer has my XML hack fix that named the ship "Blessed Galley" so that the player could keep track of it.)

Miracle (from the original game)
* Fixed bug where event would still fire after walls were obsoleted. Event now obsoletes with Rifling.

Rabbi (from the original game)
* This was disabled in 3.13. Re-enabled it with the original iPercentGameActive/iWeight from Solver's original mod.

Golden Buddha (from the original game)
* This was disabled in 3.13. Re-enabled it with the original iPercentGameActive/iWeight from Solver's original mod.

Preaching Researcher (from the original game)
* This was disabled in 3.13. Re-enabled it with the original iPercentGameActive/iWeight from Solver's original mod.
* Cleaned up some of the text
* Fixed bug where event would still fire after CHristian Monastery obsoleted. Event now obsoletes with Scientific Method.

Rogue Station (from the original game)
* Cleaned up some of the text.

Spy Discovered (from the original game)
* Cleaned up some of the text.

Nuclear Protest (from the original game
* Cleaned up some of the text.

Impeachment (from the original game)
* Fixed so that choice 1 gives +1 happiness in city for ten turns, and not 6 slave-whip unhappiness (this was a bug introduced by patch 3.13 -- Solver's original design had only +1 happiness.)
* Cleaned up some of the text.

Anti-Monarchists (from the original game
* Cleaned up some of the text.

Battle Lasers (must have advanced flight, fusion, laser):
1.) All Gunships receive Drill I

Napalm (must have advanced flight and aluminum resource, cannot be running Pacifism):
1.) All Bombers receive Barrage II; receive -1 attitude from all met civs
2.) No action is taken

Futbol War (Must have city with a colosseum, must have neighbor sharing border with at least one square, must have nationalism, mass media, and assembly line, neighbor must have nationalism, must be eligible to declare war on neighbor)
1.) Neighbor declares war on player, player receives 3 free infantry units, player receives +1 happiness in all cities temporarily.
2.) Player pays $150 to neighbor, +1 Unhappiness in player's cities temporarily, +1 attitude bonus with neighbor.
3.) Player receives -2 attitude penalty with neighbor.

Billions and Billions (Must have a broadcast tower (Eiffel Tower does not count), must be running Free Speech, cannot be running Theocracy.)
1.) Receive +4 beakers from chosen city with Broadcast Tower
2.) Spend some gold, receive +3 beakers from every theatre throughout the empire.

Reactive Armor (Must have at least one tank, must have oil, must have computers and composities)
1.) All Tanks receive Drill II

Greek Fire (Must have at least one Trireme, must have Metal Casting)
1.) All Triremes receive Blitz

Free Enterprise (must be running Free Market, must have Rocketry, must have Corporation, most have 500 gold in treasury)
1.) Spend large amount of gold, 5% faster production of Spaceship parts
2.) No action is taken

Fiat Money (cannot be running Decentralization, must have less than 100 gold, must have Economics, must have Printing Press)
1.) Receive large amount (1250) of gold and Inflation rate increases by 8%
2.) No action is taken

Crossing the Rubicon (Rome, Greece, or Carthage only; must have at least one swordsman/praetorian with 12XP; cannot be running Despotism, Hereditary Rule, Police State; cannot be in anarchy; must be eligible for revolution; must be eligible to change civics to Hered. Rule.)
1.) Selected unit (Swordsman) is killed; one turn of unrest in capital.
2.) Spend ~100 gold, selected unit receives Morale promotion
3.) Two turns of anarchy, civics switch to Hereditary Rule

The Generals' Putsch (France only; must have at least one paratrooper; must be at war with other civ for at least 10 turns; cannot be running Despotism, Hereditary Rule, Police State; cannot be in anarchy; must be eligible for revolution; must have Radio)
1.) Selected unit (paratrooper) is killed; +1 happiness in all cities for 10 turns -- must have either Eiffel Tower or at least one broadcast tower
2.) Spend some gold. Selected unit (paratrooper) is killed, receive three (3) free Infantry in government center; one turn of unrest in government center.
3.) One turn of anarchy; civics switch to Police State

Cure for Cancer (Must have at least one laboratory, must have constructed Oxford University, must have Genetics, cannot be running Theocracy)
1.) +1 Health from all Hospitals; +1 attitude bonus with all met civs.

Carnation Revolution (Portugal only; must be at war with other civ for at least 10 turns, cannot be running Representation, Universal Suffrage, or State Property; must be eligible for revolution; cannot be running a FORCED government or economic civic (i.e., a civic forced by UN resolution; cannot be in Anarchy, must have at least one unit that is either: Infantry, Tank, Gunship, Marine, Paratrooper, Mech Inf, or Modern Armor; must have Communism.)
1.) Selected unit is killed; +1 Unhappiness in all cities temporarily
2.) Immediate offer of peace to warring civ; civics switch to Representation & State Property; two turns of anarchy.

Synthetic Fuels (Must have Industrialism; Can't own Standard Ethanol, can't have any oil resources, must have coal resource, selected city must have a coal/shale plant, selected city can't be a government center (palace, Versailles, FP, must have 300 gold)
1.) -700 gold, 75% chance of event 4.) happening.
2.) -300 gold, 35% chance of event 4.) happening.
3.) No action is taken.
4.) Selected city produces +1 free oil resource (similar to effects of Independent Films random event.)

Alternative Energy (quest)(Must have Plastics, must have Fission, must have at least one Coal/Shale Plant, Cannot have Three Gorges Dam).
* Must build any combination of Nuclear Plants and/or Hydro Plants to complete the quest. (Number of plants = # of default players for that particular map size.) Quest fails if player constructs or otherwise gains control of Three Gorges Dam first.

1.) +5 hammers for every Factory
2.) +10 gold for every Hydro Plant
3.) +10 gold for every Nuclear Plant
4.) +2 health for every Factory (must be running economic civic: Environmentalism)

More Fiat Money (must have chosen Option 1 in Fiat Money random event; cannot be running Decentralization; must have less than 100 gold in treasury.)
1.) +1850 gold, +12% to inflation rate
2.) -11% to inflation rate, -3 unhappiness temporarily in all cities.

Industrial Action (Must have Communism, cannot be running Slavery, selected city must have a factory, cannot be a government center.

1.) Unit immobilized for 3 turns, 25% chance of 4.) occurring.
2.) -75 gold, 40% chance of 5.) occurring.
3.) +2 hammers to factory in the affected city, -4 gold per turn from the factory (both permanent), +1 happy in the affected city for 10 turns.
4.) Factory in the affected city destroyed; one additional turn of revolt, +2 unhappiness in affected city temporarily.
5.) Two additional turns of revolt in the affected city.

Darwin's Voyage (must have Scientific Method, must have a number of ships from this group (any combination will do, total number scales based on map size): (Privateer, Frigate, Ship of the Line, Ironclad, Destroyer, Battleship, Submarine, Carrier, Attack Submarine, Stealth Destroyer, Missile Cruiser), must have at least one (1) transport, must be running Free Religion, obsoletes at Genetics).

1.) Gain 50% free beakers toward a science or growth technology.

The Buccaneers (Any one or more players must know Astronomy; any one or more players must know Gunpowder, must have unowned land on same continent as triggering civ, obsoletes at Biology or Artly or Railroad or Combustion or Ass'y Line).

1.) Group of Barbarian Musketeers (yes, the French UU with 2 movement points) appears on civ's borders. Total number depends on map size.
2.) Pay $300 gold, no barbarians appear.

Blackbeard (Any one or more players must know Astronomy; any one or more players must know Chemistry; must have a number of ships from this group - scales with map size (from the list in Darwin's Voyage), obsoletes at Biology or Artly or Railroad or Combustion or Ass'y Line).
1.) Group of barbarian Frigates and Privateers appears in ocean near player's borders. Total number depends on map size.

Pirates of the Neutral Zones(Any one/more must know Stealth + Robotics; must have a low number of modern combat ships - scales with map size)
1.) Group of barbarian Stealth Destroyers "pirate corvettes" appears in ocean near player's borders. Total number depends on map size.

Malaccan Pirates(Any one/more must know Radio + Combustion; must have a low number of modern combat ships - scales with map size, obsoletes at Genetics, Stealth, or Fusion)
1.) Large group (bet 7-17) of promoted barbarian Transports "Malaccan gunboats" (Combat IV, Navigation 1) appears at player's borders, number depending on map size.

Henry Morgan(Any one/more must know Astronomy + Military Science, must have a low number of renaissance combat ships - scales with map size, obsoletes at Biology or Artly or Railroad or Combustion or Ass'y Line)
1.) Group of privateer, frigate, ships of the line appears on player's borders, number depending on map size.

Stede Bonnet(Any one/more must know Astronomy + Gunpowder, a low number of renaissance combat ships - scales with map size, obsoletes at Biology or Artly or Railroad or Combustion or Ass'y Line)
1.) Group of Carracks + East Indiamen appear on player's borders, number depending on map size.

The Corsairs(Any one/more must know Optics, must have a low number of medieval combat ships - scales with map size, obsoletes at Astronomy)
1.) Group of Carracks ("Corsair Raider") appears on player's borders, number depending on map size.

Illyrian Pirates(Any one/more must know Sailing + Metal Casting, must have a low number of ancient combat ships - scales with map size, obsoletes at Optics.)
1.) Group of Triremes ("Illyrian Raider") appears on player's borders, number depending on map size.

Mahdi Army(Any one/more must know Rifling + Liberalism)
1.) Group of Macemen appears on player's borders, number depending on map size.

The Taliban(Any one/more must know Robotics + Satellites)
1.) Group of Infantry and Anti-tank Infantry appear on player's borders, number depending on map size.

V_Ger(Must have at least one Observatory, must have Robotics, Satellites, and Fission, must have Space Race victory enabled.)
1.) Player loses 400 gold, +4 beakers to all Observatories, +1% Spacecraft production
2.) Player loses 80 gold, +1 beakers to all Observatories
3.) No action is taken.
4.) Player gains 450 gold, -4% penalty to Spacecraft production, +1 happiness in all cities.

I have added translations for many of the events into French, Spanish, German, and Italian, and will finish up the rest as soon as I have time to do so. Since this is mostly my poor knowledge of French and Spanish (and even poorer knowledge of German and Italian) coupled with BabelFish, errors are inevitable. If you see anything in the text files that needs to be corrected, please let me know. Thanks.

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ THIS: In addition to using the Firaxis 3.13 patch, it is strongly recommended that players use Bhruic’s “unofficial” patch for 3.13. It can be downloaded here, and fixes a LOT of stuff that was overlooked by Firaxis in the 3.13 patch. This mod assumes you are using Bhruic's patch -- by applying it to your core game, it will automatically work for this mod.

While debugging, I noticed that the following events included in the 3.13 patch (i.e., the events from Solver's "Solver's Events" mod component from August 2007) had effectively been disabled because <iPercentGamesActive> had been set to "0":

1.) Slave Revolt Warning
2.) Rabbi
3.) Golden Buddha
4.) Preaching Researcher

I don't know if this was deliberate on the part of Firaxis or an oversight. Therefore, with the exception of Slave Revolt Warning, I have restored all of them to the original <iPercentGamesActive> that Solver included in his original "Solver's Events" mod component.

Spoiler :
I didn't include Slave Revolt Warning because per Solver's discussion of the event, it required Slave Revolt's <iPercentGamesActive> to be set to 100%, instead of 80%, otherwise the event wouldn't work properly. Since I figure it's best to reduce the chance of slave revolts happening, I excluded the event.

Discussion of other modifications (spoiler for one of the events):

Spoiler :

*To permit one of the events to work properly, the BARRAGE II promotion was made available to air units. As BARRAGE II cannot be granted to a unit without BARRAGE I (which remains disabled for air units,) this will result in no changes to gameplay, other than permitting the BARRAGE II to be assigned to air units in the course of this event.

*The text of the Blessed Sea event now reflects the true conditions -- a specific ship is selected by the quest, and if this ship is destroyed or disbanded, the quest fails. The quest will also rename this ship the "Blessed Galley" so that the player can easily identify it.

*I made a few changes to the text files for some of the random events. The most significant one involved the IMPEACHMENT event -- under the U.S. Constitution, a President can be Impeached by the House of Representatives, but all this does is force him to undergo a trial in the Senate. The Senate can either acquit (meaning: he stays in office) or convict (meaning: he is removed from office). Impeachment itself != removal from office. I changed the text of this event to reflect this. Some other text changes were made just because I felt that the text could be improved without changing the meaning.
None of these minor text changes altered the result of the events, merely the flavor.

To emphasize -- this is a BETA release. I have tested these via the Python console, but they have not been play-tested in the course of a regular game. I am particularly curious about how people feel about balance for "Fiat Money", and reactions in general to "Futbol War" and "Crossing the Rubicon". If anyone sees any bugs or something generally wrong with the Python code (or has a suggestion,) I would love to hear about it, either on this thread or via PM.

Feel free to include this in any larger mod pack, as long as it's distributed freely on CivFanatics or Apolyton, and I receive credit. (I'd appreciate a heads-up about it.)


Spoiler :

*Solver (of course!)
*Sto (I think Sto is some sort of amazing magical coding elf who leaps from thread to thread, putting right code that went badly wrong.)
*The guys who wrote Python for Dummies
*The guys who put together the BtS API
*gorgonella (for the Italian translations)
*Maki from Apolyton -- for providing the idea of a labor strike random event
*RockinRoger -- for help with some of the other translations

Without their help, patience, and willingness to answer my noob questions, this project wouldn't have gotten off the ground at all.
Updated to v.0.971 -- one bug fix that Firaxis didn't catch from 3.13 and a few adjustments to better balance a few of the events.

Spoiler :

*Solver's Impeachment event was incorrectly coded by Firaxis -- one choice gave the player temporarily +1 happiness and +6 unhappiness simultaneously. Changed so it only gives +1 happiness temporarily, as appears to be the intent from Solver's original mod.

* Removed minimum gold in treasury prerequisite to trigger Billions and Billions

* Added minimum gold in treasury prerequisite to trigger Free Enterprise.

* Lowered inflation increase in Fiat Money #1 for better balancing.

* Changed results of The Generals' Putsch #1 to make it a more attractive option.

If you're having trouble uploading the file, you can just copy and paste the translations into a PM and send it to me that way.

Thanks for your assistance!
I noticed you have a few civilization-specific events in your mod. Are you planning on adding more civilization-specific events in the future?

If I can think of any that seem good and can work well with the game, then yes. I have an idea for one involving the Arab civilization that I'm mulling over in my free time. I have also sketched out a modern-era building quest that I need to find some time to sit down and code.
Updated to v.0.98.

Spoiler :


*Added new events:

*Fixed minor bugs in CARNATION_REVOLUTION and THE_GENERALS_PUTSCH that gave poor result for an event option if certain civics were forced by the UN.

*Re-adjusted some of the trigger weights

* CARNATION_REVOLUTION no longer barred just if Environmentalism civic used.

* Added Italian translations for some of the new events (thanks: gorgonella)
If I can think of any that seem good and can work well with the game, then yes. I have an idea for one involving the Arab civilization that I'm mulling over in my free time. I have also sketched out a modern-era building quest that I need to find some time to sit down and code.
Well, the Russian winter comes to mind. I would think it should only kick off if you are at war with someone (duh), have a enemy units in your territory, are within a certain latitude of the map, and the enemy has been within your borders for a minimum amount of turns. I imagine it would work by doing a % damage to all the enemy units, kinda like if they were attacked by a siege unit.
For China, the dynasty cycle might be interesting. If you've got several cities with one or more unhappy citizen, you could accept a "dynasty change" where you have a longer than normal period of anarchy (and possibly some other drawbacks, but money shouldn't be one of them), but you end up with extra happiness in your cities for a long period of time.
For Spain.... the Inquisition! You could get rid of non-state religion in several cities.
For the French, I'm not sure. Some of the largest ships ever to sail during the Age of Sail and the Ironclad era were of French design, so maybe something can be done with that. You could also somehow incorporate one of the Renaissance's best siege engineers, Vauban (served under Louis XIV. By 1700 he had laid siege to over 30 cities and had taken them all) into the game.
Well, the Russian winter comes to mind. I would think it should only kick off if you are at war with someone (duh), have a enemy units in your territory, are within a certain latitude of the map, and the enemy has been within your borders for a minimum amount of turns. I imagine it would work by doing a % damage to all the enemy units, kinda like if they were attacked by a siege unit.

Interesting idea. I'll think about this one. It'll force me to learn some more Python (but that's never a bad thing). The only thing that makes me feel weird about this event is that the winter isn't really something culturally or politically "Russian". Also, Russia already has a civ-specific event from the 3.13 patch (Rogue Station)...nothing wrong with having a second one, of course.

For China, the dynasty cycle might be interesting. If you've got several cities with one or more unhappy citizen, you could accept a "dynasty change" where you have a longer than normal period of anarchy (and possibly some other drawbacks, but money shouldn't be one of them), but you end up with extra happiness in your cities for a long period of time.

What would the civic switch be to? Bureaucracy? And it sounds like this event should require the Chinese civ to remain in that civic for an extended period without changing civics. Technically, that's a problem in that I can force a civics change and force anarchy, but I can't force a civ to remain in a civic -- for some reason, the developers didn't expose that to Python.

Hmm. On the other hand, perhaps I could just script it so that the event continues until if and when the Chinese player switches civics? That might be possible.

For Spain.... the Inquisition! You could get rid of non-state religion in several cities.
I don't like the idea of removing religions from the city. Sounds a little bit too much for just a random event.

For the French, I'm not sure. Some of the largest ships ever to sail during the Age of Sail and the Ironclad era were of French design, so maybe something can be done with that. You could also somehow incorporate one of the Renaissance's best siege engineers, Vauban (served under Louis XIV. By 1700 he had laid siege to over 30 cities and had taken them all) into the game.

Well...I already gave France a random event -- The Generals' Putsch (based on the attempted coup by certain French army leaders in Algeria in '61.) So probably no go for a new French event for now.

It's easier for me to come up with events for the modern civs...it would be nice, however, to come up with some civ-specific events for some of the older civs that didn't quite make it to the modern era (Babylonians, Sumerians, Khmer, Mali, Zulus, Holy Roman Empire, and the like.) So any suggestions for those would be very welcome.

And, as a rule of thumb, I'm trying not to introduce any radical, game-shaking events, either. I had to think long and hard about the Synthetic Fuels event, just because oil is very important, and I didn't want to just give it away to the player too easily. (Woodelf's approval went a long way toward convincing me that it was okay.) So I think your idea for the Russian event, where all enemy units are damaged, may be a bit too much.

I don't know how many more random events I'll be able to script for the immediate future....I noticed one or two minor tweaks from the latest batch that I need to make tonight, but my wife is starting to look more and more troubled every time I go sit down at the computer, so I may need to take a break from the hard-core scripting for a little bit. :)
*Added forced civic script to Crossing the Rubicon -- in case somehow the government civic is forced UN Resolution-style in the early game (perhaps with a mod), the event will not fire.
*Generals' Putsch -- choice #1 now gives +1 happiness in all cities for 10 turns.
*Industrial action -- adjusted choices #1 and #2 to make them more attractive -- no unrest occurs in the picked city if either of them are chosen unless the 'bad' subsequent event happens. Also -- reduced chance of "bad" event happening in #2 to 40%.

By the way, as far as I can tell, this should all be backwards-compatible. Just overwrite your old files, and you can continue playing a current game with the updated files. (Please backup things for safety first, though.)
I'm impressed by some of your events modding...would you mind if I incorporated a few of your ideas into my mod? I won't be using any civilization-specific events (at least, not until every civilization has one that it can benefit from), but I really like Fiat Money and the Cure for Cancer.
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