

Jun 9, 2008
Current Version: 1.71 for BtS 3.19

Welcome to NuDDen's LateGame MOD

My MOD features 28 civilizations which have many unique units and buildings. Furthermore, this MOD focuses on modern warfare. Here you can expect the Techtree from Total Realism 2.3, which was extended a bit by me, as well as new ways to defeat your opponents. Resources play a central role. My MOD is built on top of RevDCM, the excellent MOD of Jdog5000 and glider1. It includes all functions that are also included there. Moreover, I was very inspired by Total Realism, whose philosophy is also mine.

NOTE FOR v1.71:
- Only english language support
- Requires Beyond The Sword 3.19
- make sure you have installed RevDCM 2.71, too!
- no installer, first delete the old version then simply unpack to your .../Sid Meier's Civilization 4/Beyond the Sword/Mods folder!

- many strategy and pedia texts are still missing, will be added from version to version
- some units or buildings are scaled a little wrong, will be solved from version to version
- multiplayer does not seem to work properly

- Unitnaming: Off
- Battle Effects(DCM): Off
- Blue Marble 4.50 Gold by ColdFever
- you can customize your game via CTRL+ALT+O

- RevolutionDCM 2.71 by glider1 and Jdog5000 as the base for my Mod
- Cultural Citystyles, version 0.95 for BtS 3.19 by GeoModder
- Units: snafusmith, bernie14, ambrox62, Bakuel, Zerver, GFO_Anubis, Chuggi, Jimmyballz, Sakhr, asioasioasio, Chugginator, sepamu92, Walter Hawkwood, White Rabbit, The_Coyote, KrugerPritz, zenspiderz, nautil, JF00, dutchking, Von Salza, Xenomorph, charle88, GeneralMatt, ArdRaeiss, Dale, Buddy3101, Acronym2, Wolfshanze, SIMPA, mechaerik, ... . THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HARD WORK!
- Buildings: Mostly from Total Realism, Walter Hawkwood, asioasioasio, .... . MANY THANKS!
- Buttons: Total Realism, nudden, Wolfshanze, asioasioasio
- Civics: asioasioasio, nudden
- Leaderheads: asioasioasio, nudden
- Corporations: asioasioasio, nudden
- TechTree: Total Realism, nudden
- Resources: Total Realism
- I appreciate the help from: gend0, sea of japan, phungus420, walter hawkwood, asioasioasio, glider1, snowbowl, ... . THANKS!

LINK for v1.71: Click!
251.60 MB
New in 1.00:

Spoiler :
Full flavour for the 18 Civs on the world map is the goal (which means: unique units with nation unique promotions, unique artstyle and so on)
Civ's are: Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Italy, France, Egypt, Great Britain, Germany, USSR, Iraq, India, Vietnam, China
Japan, Australia

Completly reworked, for further informations see Civilopedia!

Complete Tech Tree from the Total Realism Mod with some changes to match BtS.

New: AA Upgrade I-II, Accuracy I-III, Ambush I-III, Attack I-IV, Brigadier General, Lieutnant General, Major General, General, General of the Army, City Fortification, City Garrison I-IV, City Raider I-IV, Cover I-III, Damage Control, Defensive I-IV, Depth Charges, Desert Combat I-II, Fanatic, Formation I-III, Guerilla I-IV, Guided Missiles, Gunnery Control, Kamikaze, Pinch I-III, Raider, Sentry I-III, Shock I-III, Snow Combat I-II, Sonar, Stealth, Supervision, Torpedoes I-III, Woodsman I-IV

Now comes along with unique UnitArtstyle (not complete yet) and should be a threat.

New: Archery Range, Artillery Yard, Automobile Factory, Biological Warfare Lab, Bronze Smith, Chemical Plant, Electric Gear Factory, Electronics Facility, Firearms Factory, Fusion Plant, Helipad, Oil Refinery, Open Market, Rocket Assembly Plant, Shipyard, Sejmik, Solar Plant, Steel Mill, Stud Farm, Training Area, Blast Furnance

New: Alhambra, Amphitheatrum Flavium, Arc de Triomphe, Brandenburger Tor, Burj al Arab, CN Tower, Hungarian Parliament, KGB Lubjanka, Machu Picchu, Nuclear Missile Silo, Olympia Stadion, Reichstag, Sphinx, Sydney Opera House, Terracotta Army, Gateway Arch, Trafalgar Square, Volkshalle, World Trade Center, Leonardos Workshop

New: Artillery Guns, Bronze Armor, Electric Gear, Firearms, Fuel, Microchips, Missiles, Plastic, Plutonium, Prime Timber, Saltpeter, Steel, Tank Chassis

Unit Classes:
New: Age Of Sail, Age of Steam, Biological Warfare Units, Modern Naval Ships, Special Forces, Submarines

New: Early Tank, Cold War Tank, Biplane, Cold War Fighter, Early Bomber, Cold War Bomber, Stuka, Cold War Jet Bomber, Jet Bomber, Seaplane --> Predator, Protected Cruiser, Stealth Transport, Special Forces, Police, WW1-Infantry, Transport Planes, Transporthelicopter, Fusion Bomb, Inquisitor, Atomic Bomber
Unique (Unique unique line): Gladiator (Italy), UN Peacekeeper (USA), MXY-7 (Japan), PzKpfw. VIII "Maus" (Germany), Terrorist (Iraq), Flamethrower (France),.....need more ideas for the other nations!

New in 1.04:

Spoiler :
- New World Map (Huge Size)
- Cotton, Clothes and Tobacco as new Resources
- Cotton Mill as new structure which produces Clothes
- Again lots of new unique Units for the 18 Civs on Earth Map
- New National Promotions for the unique Units
- New Terrain: Marsh

New in 1.05 (15.03.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- some changes and bug fixes to most of the civics (reason: balance, revDCM)
- new unique early jet fighter "dassault ouragan" (france)
- new unique early jet fighter "nakajima kikka" (japan)
- new unique early jet fighter "gloster meteor" (gbr)
- new unique promotion (made in australia)
- new unique promotion (made in central africa)
- new unique promotion (made in brazil)
- new unique promotion (made in india)
- new unique promotion (made in mexico)
- new unique units for australia (warrior, axeman, swordsman, spearman, horseman, chariot, musketman, rifleman, cuirassier, early jet bomber canberra)
- new unique units for england (longbowman, early jet bomber canberra)
- new unique units for brazil (cavalry, cuirassier, grenadier, musketman, rifleman)
- new unique units for central africa (archer, axeman, chariot, cuirassier, horse archer, spearman, swordsman, T-55, T-72)
- new unique units for germany (graf zeppelin carrier)
- new unique units for india (T-90, early jet bomber canberra)
- new unique units for russia (T-26, T-55)
- new unique units for usa (early jet bomber b-57)
- new unique units for china (T-26)
- new unique units for canada (B-47)
- new unique units for rsa (olifant mk1b)
- new unique units for mexico (marine, sam-inf, at-inf, paratrooper, police)
- new unique national wonder for iraq (ishtar gate (moai statues))
- new unique national wonder for usa (us capitol (forbidden palace))
- new unique national wonder for india (taj mahal (palace))
- new World Wonder: Longevity (+2 :health: in all cities and +10% :gp: birth rate in all cities)
- new World Wonder: Palace Of Nations (+100% enemy warweariness, +1 global :))
- new building: sam-battery (-20% damage by air attacks)
- new leaderhead: william lyon mackenzie king (canada)
- new civ on earth map: central africa; now there are 19 civs
- change: bunker (-25% damage by air attacks to -10%)
- change: horse archer now gets +30% withdrawl chance (was 25%), horseman now gets 7 :strength: (was 6), +10% withdrawl chance (was 25%) and they can't do archery bombardement
- change: legionary has now the ability to build roads (workrate 25% of a normal worker)
- change: removed "immune to firststrikes" from most of the units, now they have to gain it by promotion
- change: leonardos workshop (now +25% military unit production, +1 free tech, obsoletes with assembly line)
- market now gets +10% :gold:
- grocer now gets +15% :gold:
- palace: +1 :) for all cities on continent
- blast furnance: +1 :mad:
- textile mill: +1 :mad:
- alhambra: +1 :health: for all cities on continent
- reichstag: +2 :) for all cities on continent (former +1 :))
- forbidden palace: +1 :culture:
- hungarian parliament: +1 :culture:
- fusion plant: +1 :health: (former +2 :health:)
- fixed: chinese horseman can't performe ranged attacks anymore
- fixed: statue of zeus is available with sculpture now, obsoletes with theocracy
- Siege Weapons back to standart RevDCM
- world map updated to 1.05c (many balance changes)
- added some pedia and strategy texts
- some new models for some units
- new main menue and loading screen theme by gend0 as requested

New in 1.06 (31.03.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- new unique units for central africa: mi-24, mi-26, tunguska m1, mig-21, su-25, tu-16, marine, cavalry, rifleman, grenadier, crossbowman, knight, longbowman, maceman, pikeman
- new unique units for australia: crossbowman, knight, longbowman, maceman, pikeman
- new unique units for italy: early infantry, bersaglieri, savoia-marchetti sm.84, breda ba.65, cuirassier, rifleman, grenadier, m60, tornado ecr
- new unique units for france: m39
- new unique units for germany: m60
- new unique units for japan: ki-10, mitsubishi f-2
- new unique units for gbr: vickers e, tornado gr.1
- new unique units for udssr: tu-4, bmp-3
- new unique units for iran: archer, chariot, axeman, spearman, horseman, longbowman, crossbowman, knight, maceman, pikeman, war elephant, lt-38, t-55, mig-21, t-72, il-76, f-4, su-25, marine
- new unique units for usa: rifleman, grenadier, dogsoldier
- new unique units for india: rifleman, grenadier
- new unique units for egypt: bmp-1, rifleman, grenadier
- new unique units for china: grenadier
- new unique units for iraq: bmp-3
- new unique units for canada: archer, infantry, axeman, cavalry
- new unique units for mexico: chariot, crossbowman, explorer, knight, longbowman, maceman, pikeman, scout, spearman, musketman, cuirassier, grenadier
- new unique units for brazil: crossbowman, explorer, knight, maceman, longbowman, pikeman
- new promotions: charge I-III (+25%, +25%, +50% vs. siege), arctic combat III (+25% snow/tundra attack/defense), desert combat III (+25% desert attack/defense), interception III, range III
- new unique promotion: made in canada
- new unique promotion: made in iran
- new unique promotion: made in south africa
- new unique building for gbr: british seat of government (palace)
- new unique building for china: chinese seat of government (palace)
- new unique building for egypt: egypt seat of government (palace)
- new unique building for udssr: politicheskoye buro (security buro)
- new unique building for canada: hockey rink (colosseum)
- new unique building for usa: totem pole (monument)
- new unique building for barbs: barbarian stronghold
- new world wonder: saint sophia cathedral of kiev (available with fine arts)
- new leaderheads for austria: renner, figl
- new leaderheads for usa: truman, eisenhower, kennedy
- new leaderheads for ireland: valera, costello
- new leaderheads for iran: razmara, mossadegh
- new civ on the world map: iran (now there are 20 civs)
- change: celt changed to ireland
- change: persia changed to iran
- change: several changes to existing palaces to increase balancing of nations
- change: several changes to production buildings (forge, blast furnace, factory etc.)
- change: machine gun (+2 :strength:)
- change: reduced max damage from siege units
- change: guided missile promotion (-1 firststrike)
- change: general of the army promotion (-25% withdrawl, now requires only general and drill IV)
- change: drill IV (-1 firststrike)
- change: tactics (+1 firststrikechance, -50% upgradediscount)
- change: raider (+25% upgradediscount)
- change: siege weapons now have access to additional promotions
- change: persian immortal is now able to perform range attacks
- change: interception/evasion rework with all units that have the ability before (because of adding the new promotion)
- change: parthenon now available with polytheism
- change: global warming back to service but with lower prob
- change: some unit and building graphics
- fixed: possible CTD when barbarian state is about to switch to police state
- fixed: updated gamefont_75.tga, so no missing BUG icons anymore :)
- scenario4000BC: english city and country names, changed starting year
- added some pedia and strategy texts

New in 1.07 (07.06.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- new national wonder: ministry of health (free aqueduct in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of culture (free colosseum in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of finance (free market in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of agriculture (free granary in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of education (free library in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of justice (free courthouse in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of defense (free bunker in every city)
- new national wonder: ministry of labor (free forge in every city)
- new unique units for argentina: afoe, geof, paratrooper, sam-infantry, at-infantry
- new unique units for brazil: ee-9 cascavel
- new unique units for egypt: maceman, pikeman, longbowman, crossbowman, bren, il-28, musketman, knight
- new unique units for iraq: ee-9 cascavel, centurion, ictf, sam-infantry, at-infantry
- new unique units for india: arjun, kilo-class, centurion, sam-infantry, at-infantry, para commandos, garud commando force, maceman, pikeman, crossbowman, longbowman, musketman
- new unique units for iran: ee-9 cascavel, kilo-class, niru-ye ghods
- new unique units for china: kilo-class, uaz-469, btr-80, harbin h-5
- new unique units for central africa: paratrooper
- new unique units for usa: gato-class, f-35, f-117 was replaced by f-22, m7 priest
- new unique units for udssr: shchuka-class, mig-39, uaz-469
- new unique units for vietnam: kilo-class, uaz-469, flamethrower infantry
- new unique units for france: amx-10 rc, surcouf-class, rafale c, railroad artillery, artillery, cpa 10, gign, commando hubert, sam-infantry, at-infantry
- new unique units for rsa: rooikat, centurion
- new unique units for gbr: centurion, chieftain, t-class, secret intelligence service, fgr-4 was replaced by harrier, m7 priest, swordsman, maceman, crossbowman, frigate, man-of-war, pikeman
- new unique units for australia: centurion
- new unique units for canada: centurion, rcmp
- new unique units for germany: type 212a submarine, ksk, mercedes "wolf", gotha g.IV, luftlandebrigade 26, gestapo was replaced by gsg 9
- new unique units for italy: type 212a submarine, caproni ca.3
- new unique units for japan: cavalry
- new unique buildings for japan: himeji-jō (castle)
- new unique buildings for canada: inukhuk (moai statues)
- new unique building for iran: palace
- new unitclass: multirole fighter (combines jet fighter and jet bomber with future tech)
- new resources: lemon, soft drinks, canned food
- new building: canned food factory
- new improvement: lumbercamp
- change: mussolini replaced by fanfani
- change: hirohito replaced by hayato
- change: hitler replaced by adenauer, "großdeutsches reich" renamed to "bundesrepublik deutschland"
- change: all special forces units now requires firearms AND canned food
- change: cereal mills corporation replaced by coca cola corporation
- change: tu-4 was removed from the mod because the atomic animation didn't work
- change: medic1 promotion now requires march OR damage control
- change: mech inf gets +2:strength:
- change: all armor units now can get defensive bonuses, but gets -25% citydefense
- change: machinegun gets +10% citydefense
- change: moai-statues (+1 :hammers: working on water tiles, -1 :traderoute:), reduced the bonuses from the buildings which replace the moai statues
- change: nuclear missile silo doesnt require plutonium anymore, manhattan project now requires uranium
- change: tech food preservation -3 :health:
- change: ivory with market +1 :mad:; soft drinks with supermarket +1 :), +1 :yuck:
- fixed: incan knight model (was only a red dot before)
- removed: poland, khmer, austria
- updated to revdcm 2.10, so the new diplomacy option (cease bothering us) is in
- updated to BTS better ai 0.75f
- better buttons for the units, buildings etc
- new mainmenue and loading screen theme focussing on modern times
- added some pedia and strategy texts
- some new models for some units

New in 1.072 (09.06.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- all graphics have been packed for decreasing loading time
- reskinned some units
- fixed: missing .kfm file from most war elephants
- fixed: install error: LateGameMOD 1.07\Assets\Art\Units\China_Mod_Inf\???china_moder n_soldier.dds
- change: several changes to the map
- change: all airtransport now available with transistors (+ jet engine)
- change: culture spread mission from the spy increased from 5 to 10 and +10% difficulty
- change: galleys can now upgrade to caravel AND galleon
- change: royal navy promotion (now 75% less to upgrade)
- change: paddlesteamer now requires steamengine AND armor plating
- change: railway gun increased accuracy from 50 to 90
- change: mxy-7 now uses guided_missile.kfm
- change: all helicopter units can now move through impassable terrain
- change: all unique units replacing istishad have increased support cost (+2)
- added: mi-28n "havoc" as unique unit replacing istishad for ussr

New in 1.08 (20.07.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- new unique units for argentina: scorpène-class
- new unique units for australia: early infantry, grenadier, gloster gladiator
- new unique units for brazil: scorpène-class, veiculo blindado leve
- new unique units for canada: warrior
- new unique units for china: warrior, type 59, p-40, musketman, gloster gladiator, cavalry
- new unique units for egypt: sa-9, mig-21, infantry, papyrus boat, mi-8, cavalry, cuirassier, gloster gladiator, xebec
- new unique units for ethiopia: warrior, war elephant, mi-8, infantry, at-infantry, machine gun
- new unique units for france: amiot 351, scorpène-class, grenadier, amx 10rc replaced by vbl panhard, cuirassier
- new unique units for germany: mrt-125 replaced by sd.kfz. 222, sd.kfz. 251, karavelle replaced by kogge, mercedes "wolf" replaced by atf dingo 2, fa-223
- new unique units for india: chariot, horse archer, war elephant, tu-22m, mi-8, cavalry
- new unique units for iran: warrior, mi-8, grenadier, musketman, cavalry, rifleman, cuirassier, xebec
- new unique units for iraq: sa-9, f-15 replaced by mig-29, mi-8, grenadier, musketman, gloster gladiator, cuirassier, rifleman, cavalry, xebec, infantry, machine gun
- new unique units for italy: fiat cr.42
- new unique units for japan: warrior, chinook, musketman, type 4
- new unique units for mexico: vbl, cavalry
- new unique units for rsa: axeman, chariot, horse archer, cavalry, cuirassier, grenadier, musketman, gloster gladiator, rifleman
- new unique units for uk: airco dh-2, hms warrior, westland dragonfly, chinook, musketman
- new unique units for usa: ohio-class, m3 half-track, m5a1 stuart, sikorsky h-5, cavalry
- new unique units for ussr: tu-160, mi-1, cuirassier
- new unique units for vietnam: warrior, mi-8, cavalry, grenadier, musketman, rifleman
- new unique buildings for australia: palace
- new unique buildings for brazil: temple of ah cacao (moai statues)
- new unique buildings for china: temple of heaven (national epic)
- new unique buildings for egypt: cothon (harbor)
- new unique buildings for ethiopia: bete giyorgis (globe theatre)
- new unique buildings for italy: circus maximus (moai statues), hippodrome (theatre)
- new unique buildings for iraq: garden (colosseum), ziggurat (courthouse)
- new unique buildings for japan: palace, japanese mall (supermarket), freight container dock (drydock), torii (monument), golden pavillion (forbidden palace)
- new unique buildings for uk: bbc television centre (broadcast tower)
- new unique buildings for ussr: propaganda tower (broadcast tower)
- new unitclass: cruiser
- new unitclass: early gunship
- new unitclass: early mechanized infantry (to fill the large gap between machine gun and mechanized infantry)
- new buildingclass: grain elevator
- new worldwonder: the berlaymont, malleus maleficarum, magellan's expedition
- change: barracks now have a 25% bonus for producing land units
- change: skjold-class is now a national unit and can only be build three times. if you have three of them you are still able to build normal transport ships
- change: persian immortal, camel archer and horse archers can't perform range attacks anymore (they werent able to perform that mission anyway) - horse archers have instead increased withdrawl chance from 30% to 35%, camel archer decreased wd chance from 30% to 25% but starts with desert combat 1+2
- change: protected cruiser now upgrades to cruiser OR destroyer instead of missile cruiser; cost reduce from 500 to 300
- change: cost increased for scout (10 to 15) and worker (20 to 25)
- change: egypt war chariot now have 4:strength: instead of 5:strength:
- change: all armor units now -50% citydefense instead of -25%
- change: all war elephants now -50% vs. archery units instead of -25%
- change: all mech inf now have 10% chance to intercept instead of 5%
- change: max evasion prob from 100% to 90%
- change: promotion ace now gives only 15% evasion chance instead of 25%
- change: promotion drill 1+2 now give only 1 firststrikeCHANCE instead of 1 firststrike
- change: promotion general of the army now have no movement bonus anymore but +2 visibility range
- change: tactics promotion now gives 1 firststrike instead of 1 firststrikeCHANCE
- change: raider promotion now 50% less to upgrade instead of 25%
- change: interception I is now available with combat II (former combat III); interception II with combat III+interception I; interception III with combat IV+interception II
- change: usa promotion, ussr promotion, made in ethiopia
- change: science output increased from library (10%-25%), from university (20%-30%) and observatory (15%-20%)
- change: manhattan project now can be build as normal and not by a great scientist (cost: 1500)
- change: cost for nuclear missile silo reduced from 2500 to 2000
- change: nuclear weapons are dealing more damage to buildings and units
- change: too many balance tweaks to most of the buildings to list them here
- change: extra cost reduced for fusionbomb (50 to 25), icbm (25 to 10), tactical nuke (10 to 5)
- change: central africa changed back to ethiopia to fit better to the future planned cold war scenario
- change: changed various leaderheads
- change: several map changes
- change: some new models/skins/graphics for some buildings/units/flags/buttons
- change: total change of the civic system, nations are now only able to switch between despotism, monarchy, theocracy, communism and democracy
- added: some pedia and strategy texts + additional help texts for siege and air units
- updated to: bts 3.19, revDCM 2.51
- removed: ss-27, babylon, sumeria, byzantium, carthage, viking

New in 1.09 (30.08.09) (not savegame compatible):

Spoiler :
- new unique units for canada: ski patrol
- new unique units for egypt: ww1 infantry
- new unique units for india: ww1 infantry
- new unique units for vietnam: ww1 infantry
- change: all helicopter units get the amphibious promotion
- change: all support units (for example willys mb) get +25% withdrawl chance
- change: all modern support units (f.e. humvee) get +30% withdrawl chance
- change: atomic bomber (+2 range), all coldwar bomber (+1 range), all modern bomber (+2 range), biological warfare missile (+1 range)
- change: all multirole fighter now available with stealth and robotics instead of future tech
- change: barb stronghold and desert fortress defenses reduced from 100 to 75, bombard defenses reduced from 75 to 50, XP increased from 2 to 4 for new build units
- change: several map changes
- change: INITIAL_OUTSIDE_UNIT_GOLD_PERCENT set from 50 to 100
- change: INITIAL_BASE_FREE_UNITS set from 4 to 6
- change: INITIAL_BASE_FREE_MILITARY_UNITS set from 2 to 4
- change: OVERSEAS_TRADE_MODIFIER set from 100 to 125
- change: FOREIGN_TRADE_MODIFIER set from 150 to 175
- change: BARBARIAN_FREE_TECH_PERCENT set from 3 to 2
- added: new promotion supervision II + III
- added: Cultural Citystyles, version 0.55 for BtS 3.19 by GeoModder
- fixed: model/name/button of the coca-cola executive now work correctly
New in 1.71 (15.03.10):

Spoiler :
- new artstyle units for usa, ireland
- new unique units for algeria, ireland, sweden, korea
- change: reduced gold output from palace from 15/14/12 to 6
- change: market, grocer, bank and colosseum now give +1 :gold:
- change: higher costs for modern era techs (x2)
- change: reduced costs for ancient, classical and medieval techs (1/2)
- change: noble difficulty changed back to default
- change: sotl strengh from 10 to 12, ironclad from 15 to 14, protected cruiser from 25 to 20
- change: many balancing changes to all aircrafts
- change: reworked all traits --> all leaders now have only 2 instead of 3 traits
- added: new corporations
- removed: mercantile trait
- removed: stonethrower unit --> all warrior units get +25% citydefense
- fixed: barbs now work as normal
- fixed: religion advisor
- many balance changes....too idle to list them here
- updated to: revDCM 2.71
Hey Nudden, I've been wanting to flush a few things out with WolfRev, and am wondering if using some stuff from your mod would work. I am looking for the following:

1)Button For Seafaring Tech (between sailing and Compass)
2)Button for Turret Design Tech (Requires Steel and Rifling)
3)Button for Gas Turbine Tech

3)Models (unit art) & button for a lateWW2/KoreanWar/EarlyVietnam era APC (motorized infantry to fill gap between WW1 infantry and post modern information age mechanized infantry (that's too much of a jump)
4)Models (unit art) & buttons for helicopters (I'd like to split gunships into a couple types)

That's everything I'm looking for, any chance your mod has any of that, if so what would the file names be called?
@ Phungus,

1) There is a tech called Rudder....perhaps this one will help you out with a button.
2) see Naval Ballistics...
3) helicopters: a129 mangusta (italy), denel ah-2 (rsa), ka-50, wz10 (china), tigre had (french), tiger uht (ger), ah-64 (us, jap), wah-64 (brit), mi-24 (vietnam, iraq, india, standart), uh-1, chinook, mi-26....

with apcs i cant help you out.. iam sorry
Thanks. I'll take a look at these.
Oh My God : Total Reaism for BTS :goodjob:

It is a while i was waiting for a BTS version :blush:
Yes i just deleted your mod, these photographs has disturbed me
Oui je viens juste d'effacer votre mod, ces photographies m'ont perturbé

Yes i just deleted your mod, these photographs has disturbed me
Oui je viens juste d'effacer votre mod, ces photographies m'ont perturbé


Perhaps I should remove them for CivFanatics in the next version. First of all it was a multiplayer mod for my friends and me. Because of that, I added such photographs.:mischief:

I like Modern Unit in your mod. look very Realistic :goodjob:

And I created two new title Screen and loading Screen for your Mod :lol:

Modern Theme
WWII Theme

Hope you like it. :crazyeye:


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Thanks! :goodjob: At first look it's a great mod, but where is DCM's feature "Port Airbomb?":cry: Also I think that a settler must return!

Thank you! The Port Airbomb is enabled by default but not every air unit in my mod has the ability to do this mission. But you can easily change this in the unitinfos.xml. The settler is not in my concept of this scenario, i'am sorry. The AI will settle all over the World map and in the late game the game will go rapidly slower. And I love real city names on real places.

All right, ability to found a city may be enabled in unitinfos.xml, I checked it out. Two things else. 1. Some specific German letters aren't visible at all (with dots at top, for example) in my English version and gaps in words appear:confused: ...and German cities names look weird.:p 2. The game begins in 1850 but in the Stone Age :eek: so what speed prefer? If play marathon then too slow the game goes in the beginning, if play normal I fear the game will become too short to the end.:rolleyes:
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