[BTS] [Mod Pack] Composite XL - 2.0.01


Composite Of A Composite
Jul 26, 2006
Austin, TX
Composite XL​
Harder Bigger Faster Better Blue.

Current Version:
9/16/2007 Update
Current Compatibility:
For Beyond The Sword 3.03

Built On Top Of The Beyond The Sword Unaltered Gameplay Mod & Regiments & Ethnic Diversity Framework

Objective: The overall goal is to create the uber mod that I myself would like. In all cases we are not to just add more to the mod, while we plan on having more civ's or more units and more religions, we just don't add them for no rhyme or reason. Each change we realizes causes an effect and we balance that effect.

More Realistic Religions - More Realistic Units - More Realistic Civics - More Realistic Tech Tree - More Realistic Events - More Realistic Game Play - Better Graphics - Better User Interface - Fun Maps
To Access Additional Options Menu Press CTRL+ALT+O In Game

Currently In Early Development Beta Testing. Release Version Should Be, feel free to chime in with your game play experience.

Install Notes:
You Must Have Modular Loading For This Mod To Work Correctly
To Turn On Modular Loading Go to
\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword
Edit The File CivilizationIV.ini
Make Sure The Section For Modular Loading Is Set Correctly
; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 1
Install - Patch - Q&A Thread
Release Path - Done Concept Mod Early Testing - DONE (Base Flavor And Interface and SDK Work) - Major XML Changes - Continue XML - Dale Ranged Bombardment - Lopez Route Pillage - Regiments - Extended Tech Tree - Extended Units/Buildings/Wonders/ For New Tech Tree - New Civ's And Leaderheads - General Wide Scale Release Of Mod Version
Updated To Regements Version 1.2 (Keymod 1.3-EDU-CityArt)
Solvers Events 0.2 (20 New Events)
Updated SDK to Latest Solvers SDK Fix's
Incorperated FexFX Game Speeds

[Global Define Changes]
Max World Wonders Per City = 4
Max Team Wonders Per City = 4

[Religion Changes]
All Religions More Unique In Ability
Spread Factors Changed Judasim - 50 Christianity - 150 Islam - 125 Hindu - 75 Buddhism - 75 Confucianism - 50

[Civic Changes]
All base civics have been revamped and changed this is balance pass one.

[Regiments Version 1.2 Units Added]
Age of Sail > WW2 Naval addition started.

[Regiments Version 1.2 Units Added]

[Interface Changes]
Updated Base Inferface To Unaltered .15 (CTRL+ALT+O For Options)
Tech Window 1.g1 Roamty
Modern Flags - Roamty
America --> Flag of USA
China --> Flag of China
Egypt --> Flag of Egypt
England --> Flag of England
Germany --> Flag of Germany
Greece --> Flag of Greece
India --> Flag of India
Mali --> Flag of Mali
Mongol --> Flag of Mongolia
Russia --> Flag of Russia
Spain --> Flag of Spain

[Global Define Changes]
Quick Game Handicap Set To Noble
Commerce Percent Change Set to 5% Increments
Barbarian Max XP 25
Global Warming Chance Reduced
Globe Circumnavigate +2 Moves
Non State Religion -1
Base Religion Anarchy Length 2
WW Hit By Nuke Changed to 10
WW Attacked With Nuke Changed to 15
Max Withdrawal Probability 95
Combat Experience In Borders 110

Tech Traiding At Guilds
Map Traiding At Astronomy
Free ICBM At Fission
Robotics Requeres Plastics

[Bonus's - Land - Worker Builds]
Horse +1 Commerce Added (0/1/1)
Oil +1 Commerce Added (0/1/1)
Coastal Oil Possible
Wine Trades At Pottery
Whale +1 Production +1 Commerce (1/1/1)
Coastal Whale Possible
Whale Boats +1 Production (0/2/2)
Workshop At Machinery
Workshop +1 Production With Gunpowder
Pasturizing Sheep Now 1/1/1
Road In Forest Requires Bronze Working
Winery Build At Pottery
Cottage Build At Monarchy
Deer +1 Commerce (1/0/1)
Aluminum Trades At Metal Working
Aluminum +1 Commerce (0/1/1)
Stone Trades At The Wheel
Insense +1 Commerce (0/0/2)
Ivory Obsoletes Plastics
Silk +1 Commerce (0/0/2)
Spices +1 Commerce (0/0/2)
Jungle +1 Production (-1/1/0)
River Jungle (0/0/1)

[Building Changes]
Bunker @ Refrigeration
Obelisk Obsolete @ Calendar
Observatory Also Requires Liberalism
Labratory @ Computers
Broadcast Tower @ Radio
Market Health -1
Great Library @ Alphabet
Hagia Sophia @ Engineering
Sistine Chapel @ Theology
Notre Dame @ Music
UN @ Fission

BTS 2UU Included
Zulu Ibutho
Viking Longboat
Sumerian Chariot
Spanish Treasure Fleet
Russian T-54
Roman Cavalry
Portugese Blazer
Persion Tremor
Ottoman Sipahi
Native American Brule
Mongolian Bataar
Mayan Plumed
Malinese Vavalry
Korean Kobukson
Khmer Phakak
Japanese Zero
Indian Elephant
Incan Elite Quechua
Holy Roman Arquebusier
Greek Companion
German Teutonic
French Dragon
Ethopian RPG7
English Spitfire
Egyptian Crawler
Dutch Mercenary
Chinease Junk
Celtic Chariot
Carthaginian Elephant
Byzantine Dromon
Babylonian Swordsman
Aztec Elite Jaguar
Arabian Ansar
American Minuteman

Air Forces Mod Flavor Units
Campini Caproni
De Havilland Vampire
G4m3 Japan
Macchi_MC 2002 Folgore
Morane Saulnier 406
Nakajima Kikka
P51 Mustang
Rafale A
Savoia 79
Su25 Russian
Su37 Blue
Su37 Desert
Su37 Russian
t-50 Sukhoi
Tupolev TB3
Vickers Wellington

AA Gun Unit

Air Force Promotions
Air To Air Missle 1
Air To Air Missle 2
Air To Air Missle 3
Improved Radar
Interception I
Interception II
Multiple Target Acquisition 1
Multiple Target Acquisition 2
Multiple Target Acquisition 3
Range 1
Range 2
Range 3

[Mods Added Or Updated]
Gedemon Regiments Version 1.01
Updated to Version 1.02 Avians Keymod
Unaltered Version .15
BTS Flag Mod - Thorn 1.0
2nd UU Compilation
Updated To Latest Solvers Fix's

Solvers BTS Unofficial Fix's List OF Changes
* Fixing a possible infinite loop problem with unit movement.
* AI now more likely to promote siege units with Accuracy to better handle the changes to bombardment in BtS
* AI understanding of what is an "early Wonder" now correct for non-Normal game speeds.
* AI civs that are close to reaching a Domination victory recognize that and are more likely to declare war, in particular with Aggressive AI.
* "Dead unitgroup walking" crash fix as per Dale
* No-conscript colony crash fix as per Gyathaar
* Another colony crash fix as per myself
* Fixed the bug allowing Forts in foreign territory, which would result in Forts overrunning useful rival improvements.
* AIs close to domination population will have a high priority for health buildings in cities that are unhealthy.
* AIs close to domination population will put a high priority on researching Genetics and will like other health techs better.
* The AI will be less reluctant to raze cities that have its state religion if it doesn't have the shrine for that religion.
* Corporation maintenance is now exempt from inflation, so the costs don't blow up so much.
* Added possible workaround for a crash bug.
* Fixed an infinite loop problem with city attackers (thanks Gyathaar)
* Blockade code rewritten so that blockading is now much faster, as per Gyathaar
* Fixed Quick-speed crash (whoops)
* Auto-explore change per Bhruic.
* Auto-explorers will heal when wounded.
* Advanced start population selling fixed per Gyathaar
* Fixed the AP-conversion hammer bug
* AI will use espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns.
* AI may destroy improvements through espionage just because it hates you, with no war plan
* Increased likelihood of the AI stealing techs - hopefully it will do so now
* Poison Water and Foment Unhappiness missions now have the same effect, duration and cost on all game speeds, to mirror the official patch.
* Fixed AI airstrike bug
* AI now only capitulates to the team which has done them a majority of the damage.
* On non-aggressive AI, the AI's are more aggressive early in the game.
* AI trains more units early in the game.
* AI SHOULD do a better job of bribing other AI's (this may or may not work)
* The cost to Bribe AI's into war now uses a new algorithm, it better reflects the impact of the bribe (ie a large AI charges a lot more to be ordered around). Generally bribing will be more expensive, especially cases where it used to be excessively cheap.
* AI's tell you to sod off if you try to bribe them onto a victim with an intact nuclear arsenal.
* AI brags about it's nukes more.
* Always Peace now suppresses AI militarism (with some barb awareness).
* AI spends less on Espionage.
* AI trains spies with lower priority.
* AI better aware of Free Market / Environmentalism corporation impact.
* Exploring units should now heal.
* Possibly fixed exploring "YoYo" issue.
* Fixed a puppet strings exploit related to naval invasions.
* Fixed some issues which hampered or stalled AI early game expansion.
* Tweaks to Governor, particularly "Emphasize Food"
* Fixed an undefended cities issues.
* Destroying Towns through espionage will turn them into Villages, etc.
* Slight tweak to the AI selection of HQ city when founding a corp
* Splitting off a colony no longer tends to create the same civilization
* Governor fills the food bar better.
* Governor should work hamlets over cottages.
* AI offers larger bribes to other AI's, and doesn't care how much it "overpays" to bring another party into war.
* The vassalizing thing should work now.
* Fixed bug where defensive units idle.
* Hamlets WILL be preferred over cottages.
* Fixed independence-loving colonies
* AI will prefer to run Foment Unhappiness in cities that have been hit with Poison Water and vice-versa

[Temp Removed]

[Game Speeds]
Game Speed Year Adjustments for Flow Of Game (----------
***IMPORTANT*** MARATHON (1170 turns) speed is SHORTER than EPIC (1865 turns) AND NEW BALANCE (1196 turns) speed, as I have not mooded that speed. Again, the speed this mod is DESIGNED for is NEW BALANCE- make SURE YOU SELECT IT!
Major date changes. Begin game at 10,000 BC with 250 year advances. This more accurately reflects when Pottery/Hunting/Agriculture and stuff like that was first used, as far as we know. The years quickly (at 4000 BC) begin to flow the way you expect.
- All Changes Backed Out Fresh Release
Merged In .10 Unaltered Gameplay [CTRL-ALT-O For In Game Menu]
Merged In Keymod 1.1
Merged In Fix's of Keymod from Ethnic Art Style 1.1
Merged In Actual Quotes V4.00
Merged In Solver and Crew's SDK Fixes
Skytale/saw192837/Tweedledee Small Europe Map 64x40
Synterra 15 Civ 52x32 Terra Earth

Detailed Change List
* Fixing a possible infinite loop problem with unit movement.
* Poison Water and Foment Unhappiness missions now have the same effect, duration and cost on all game speeds, to mirror the official patch.
* AI now more likely to promote siege units with Accuracy to better handle the changes to bombardment in BtS
* AI understanding of what is an "early Wonder" now correct for non-Normal game speeds.
* AI civs that are close to reaching a Domination victory recognize that and are more likely to declare war, in particular with Aggressive AI.
* "Dead unitgroup walking" crash fix as per Dale
* No-conscript colony crash fix as per Gyathaar
* Another colony crash fix as per myself
* Fixed the bug allowing Forts in foreign territory, which would result in Forts overrunning useful rival improvements.
* AIs close to domination population will have a high priority for health buildings in cities that are unhealthy.
* AIs close to domination population will put a high priority on researching Genetics and will like other health techs better.
* The AI will be less reluctant to raze cities that have its state religion if it doesn't have the shrine for that religion.
* Corporation maintenance is now exempt from inflation, so the costs don't blow up so much.
* Added possible workaround for a crash bug.
* Fixed an infinite loop problem with city attackers (thanks Gyathaar)
* Blockade code rewritten so that blockading is now much faster, as per Gyathaar
* Fixed Quick-speed crash (whoops)
* Auto-explore change per Bhruic.
* Auto-explorers will heal when wounded.
* Advanced start population selling fixed per Gyathaar
* Fixed the AP-conversion hammer bug
* AI will use espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns.
* AI may destroy improvements through espionage just because it hates you, with no war plan
* Increased likelihood of the AI stealing techs - hopefully it will do so now
* Fixed AI airstrike bug
* AI now only capitulates to the team which has done them a majority of the damage.
* On non-aggressive AI, the AI's are more aggressive early in the game.
* AI trains more units early in the game.
* AI SHOULD do a better job of bribing other AI's (this may or may not work)
* The cost to Bribe AI's into war now uses a new algorithm, it better reflects the impact of the bribe (ie a large AI charges a lot more to be ordered around). Generally bribing will be more expensive, especially cases where it used to be excessively cheap.
* AI's tell you to sod off if you try to bribe them onto a victim with an intact nuclear arsenal.
* AI brags about it's nukes more.
* Always Peace now suppresses AI militarism (with some barb awareness).
* AI spends less on Espionage.
* AI trains spies with lower priority.
* AI better aware of Free Market / Environmentalism corporation impact.
* Exploring units should now heal.
* Possibly fixed exploring "YoYo" issue.
* Fixed a puppet strings exploit related to naval invasions.
* Fixed some issues which hampered or stalled AI early game expansion.
* Tweaks to Governor, particularly "Emphasize Food"
* Fixed an undefended cities issues.
* Destroying Towns through espionage will turn them into Villages, etc.
* Slight tweak to the AI selection of HQ city when founding a corp
* Splitting off a colony no longer tends to create the same civilization

CTRL-ALT-O Brings Up Interface Menu!!!!!!!
•Option Switching Core by ruff_hi and EmperorFool.

•Main Screen Interface
*Not Just Another Game Clock TheLopez
*Remove Dead Civs from Score by TheLopez
*Power rating in Score by EmperorFool
*Attitude Icons by Porges

•Pop-up Game Messages
*Civ4lerts by Dr. Elmer Jiggle
*Reminders by Eotinb

•Advisor Screens
*Better Espionage Screen by Almightix
*Sevopedia by Sevo
*Great Person Tech Preferences by ruff_hi

•City Screen
*Specialist Stacker by TheLopez
*Raw Commerce by Sevo

•Unit Modifications:
*Unit Renaming by TheLopez
i.Roman Numeral Naming by sen2000
ii.City Naming by Porges
iii.Random Names by TheLopez
iv.City Naming and Numbering Porges
v.Borg Naming by ruff_hi

EDU/CITY Styles Civ Flavor Units

[Partial Credits]
[Mod COmps Borged]
Chiyu - Extra/Expanded Mod
Dearmad - New Balance Mod
Ganarts - Extended Mod
Gir - Sevo Mod Add Ons
Sevo - Sevo Mod
Houman - Total Realisim
GRM - Nyomod
Zappara - Epic Mod
Hephaistion - HephMod

[SDK Borged]
Solver - Multiple SDK Fix's
Dale - Ranged Bombardment (
The Lopez - Route Pillage Mod (

[Graphics Borged]
Rabbit White - EDU
GeoModder - CityArt
Avain - Keymod
Regiments - A whole host of people (Gedemon)
BTS Flag Mod - Thorn 1.0
Airforces Mod - A whole Host OF People (Gedemon)
Last one, fall in.....[reserved]
Looks promising, I anticipate your release. :)

But, remove jungles with Biology only? I'd hate to start near a large jungle then.

Edit: Of course I always hate starting near one.
@StrategyOnly Yes got the messages, but was unsure if I was comeing back at that time. I got BTS over the weekend, and well.... The bug to mod came back.

@All Thanks folks..... Glad to be back!

@DAKH We play tested this fairly heavily with Dearmad and My Composite. It has the effect of slowing down the development very nicely the justification is misquotes... Without misquote killer the slaves would never remove the jungles ;) it works fairly well. Yes starting in jungle is pretty tough.

I personally play the 2 maps that where provided a good deal, so its not that much of an issue for me.

Alpha Cut is being uploaded to the site now. Download Link In First Post

No major unit changes, all tweaks listed in the list are included.
Will start working on documentation and threads as i move to
Glad too see you again Ket, I'll gladly code anything you need done when I get a minute to spare. Check out the new World of Civilization, its going to be my newest coding vehicle, your welcome to hitch a ride :goodjob:
This mod is great! I have more events in this game then vanilla, and I now go to war more often then vanilla as well! I've been conquering the knhar and ottomans with my Huge japanese army. English lost the war cause the chinese conquer two of their cities, the French built the apolestic palace before I did, and went to war with Korea. However there war is an ongoing war cause no one sent out a peace treaty, and Apolastic Palace never did anything to use or them.
@The Welcome Backs... That you guys... Good to be back seems like the community has seriously solidified in the last year. Kinda to bad I missed it.

@Impaler... As usual, if you code it so I can use it, I will use it. Or at least give them an option to. I do not have my SDK set up yet for compiling the .dll im hopeing to get that done before anything juicy comes out. Am I good to go for using the C++/Eclipse IDE under a 2005 Express Compiler or do you suggest another way of going these days?

@darkedone02 I am looking to integrate the large event package. That is being done so that should help out on the events. I'm glad to see its playing well.
It's finally back :D Thanks Ket
I was wondering will you be adding the 3-square radius mod into yours when you get the SDK set up? I was also wondering what other SDK mods you plan to put into your mod? This mod looks pretty good so, keep up the good work!!
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