(BtS) Modular Mod example (Switzerland)

Jan 21, 2006
I would really like to see single civilizations released in the new modular format, so that they can easily be combined by casual players, which would reduce the need for 100+ MB modpacks.

I assume that most people like to use an already existing mod as the base for their changes, or at least look at them in order to learn what to do (I certainly do), so I'm providing a modular civilization here, in the hope that others use it as their model.

Important: Modular mods only work if the setting "ModularLoading" is set to 1. You can usually find the config in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CivilizationIV.ini.

With BTS 3.13, the setting can be found in the mod's config file (Switzerland.ini). You have to load the mod once before this new .ini file is created though.

The civ I used is Switzerland, originally published here.

Here is Switzerland for BtS
(Alternative version with all Art in the Modules folder, for easier removal of a mod)

I've also written a small tutorial.
Aargh! I actually managed to delete them before creating the archive. I first had a subfolder Modules/Switzerland, but then decided against it and deleted it. Without first moving all files back to Modules/. D'Oh! Well, thanks god there is a recycle bin. The correct version has been uploaded.
I'm not too interested in creating new civs myself. Also, I think there already are plenty of civilizations around; they just have to be converted to BtS.
Thats the hard part. Someone has yet to post a good BtS Create a civilization tutorial. I tried following the existing Warlords/Vanilla tutorials and I got nowhere. Seeing as you made a module I thought it would be an optunity to chern out more civ modules, with my graphical talents behind it. I want to make a Toltec Civilization, I have the head and the flag and a UU, you interested?

heres the leaderhead:

Its not full size in this post of coarse.
I will try to write a tutorial for modular modding, although there already is one here.
Most of the steps (art etc.) stay the same, so I tried to concentrate on the differences. Does this help?
hey sword of geddon, I myself would like to make some civs for BTS, I can do the xml but not graphics, want to team up?
Okay, so say I make a modular civilization mod and then want to play with both it and Next War tacked on to the end of the game. Do I have to do anything special to ensure both my module and Next War are loaded together?
You will have to move/copy your Modules and Art folders into the Assets folder of the Next War Mod.
Brillant & mega useful i will try to make the same for extended techs
hey teg, when i loaded this, on the civilopedia i got no flag button, no UU button, and no civilopedia text

what did i do wrong?

thanks for this, i think i'm going to try to get back into making the mod i've been trying to perfect for years (actually had it for vanilla at one point, then updates and warlords came along and i never got it fully converted) and this will help
Hey, had another quick question. I'm thinking there must be another schema for unique buildings, is this the case?
The Switzerland Mod was originally a vanilla one, which means that it doesn't have a unique building. But yes, if you want to use a unique building, you also have to include the corresponding schema. You find it in the original civ folder (for me it's C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets\XML\Buildings).

coachlentz, have you tried the new alternative version? Sounds to me as if the art is in the wrong place.
The Switzerland Mod was originally a vanilla one, which means that it doesn't have a unique building. But yes, if you want to use a unique building, you also have to include the corresponding schema. You find it in the original civ folder (for me it's C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets\XML\Buildings).

coachlentz, have you tried the new alternative version? Sounds to me as if the art is in the wrong place.

i did
the civilopedia is correct now, but i still have no buttons
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