Nextwar Apocalypse Mod by Smeagolheart
Build the Doomsday Device to Destroy the Planet! Bwhahahaha!
======== Description =========
The mod will stop research for all players at the Modern Era. You can play up to the modern era but the future era (including the complete Next War Tech tree) will be unavailable until the Project Doomsday Device has been completed. The project unlocks the future era (including the Next War victory option "Mission to Mars" (the Apollo Project) for all players at the cost of lowering the terain value for a small percentage (~20%) of the world's terrain.
Screens of Terrain Effect:
Spoiler :
World Before..
World After...
Techs which are disallowed by era will still appear in the tech tree but will be red and cannot be selected. When an AI civ has exhausted all available research avenues they will turn their science slider to 0. On their next turn after the maximum tech era is increased they will immediately switch back to doing research normally.
Tech Tree Screenshots
Spoiler :
Tech Tree Before
Tech Tree After
Technical Note: Be patient when the Apocalypse goes off for the mod basically has to regenerate the map at that point when the Doomsday Project has been build.
This mod utilizes some sounds and images from the classic Movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb which is now in the public domain.
======== Installation ==========
Unzip the folder into your Program Files/..../BTS/Mods folder.
======== Credits ==========
Thank you to:
Tech Era Limit by jdog5000
[MODCOMP] Project Help Tag by TheLopez
V.1.0 Initial Release
Download Link