[BTS] PetroMod: Oil Wars!


on steam: ekmek_e
Aug 7, 2002
San Diego, California
Version 1

Objective: Make oil more decisive and interesting in the late game.

How it works:
- The resource of oil is now rarely seen on a map (I've seen only it show up once out of 10 maps).

- To get oil you have to drill for it! This is done by building an oil well in either desert, jungle, or Tundra (They provide 2 hammers). Oil
platforms can built built on coast (They provide 1 hammer). There is a chance of oil discovery, but not often. Building a well/offshore platform consumes the worker/workboat (get rid of those extra workers).

-All units that previously required oil can now be built without oil but they are twice as expensive. Oil enables double production.

-With oil you can build a refinery. A refinery etstablishes the Eco-Oil Corporation (replacing Standard Ethanol). It is not founded by a Great Scientist and doesn't spread by execs, you build refineries. If you build 8 refineries you can build the Eco-Oil HQ which acts like the regular headquarters but lets you build the executive, which doesn't spread the corporation instead it acts like the original Civ4 spy (test concept)

-Having the oil corporation in your city also lets you build Oil Tankers. A global unit with only 10 allowed they can conduct trade missions like Great Merchants. Each Tanker gets a Unique Tanker name.

- New Leader added for Arabia: Ibn Saud, Founder of Modern Saudi Arabia. He has a preference for building wells and a new trait, Energetic :) It lets him build refineries and tankers faster and gets +2 Gold per trade route.

- Note I was going to change the corporation graphics but opted not to because Standard Oil and OPEC have such ugly icons, they are stil there but not used.

Thanks to:
Chaemdrys for the Refinery
GarretSidzka for his Oil Tanker remake of the Cargo ship

DOWNLOAD Version 1




I'm going to test it, the only thing I'm adding is the unofficial 1.21 .dll into your mod. Since you have no SDK changes of your own you could consider just chucking it in there.
I think this is really great.

By the looks, all civs can get oil by building refineries. (edit; no I see you need either jungle,tundra,desert, or coast. Better not chop all that jungle)

It will be good if that oil production can be stopped with good aggressive tactics. War or espionage.

Better still , to emulate "peak oil" and it's consequences, civs eventually run out of oil and have extreme things occur like the breakdown of most food production and distribution. This way we would play backwards to pikes and muskets and probable anarchy.

This plus Revolutions mod :eek:

Edit; and Wolfshanze. Oil is even more critical with Wolfshanze
Yes, I would really like to see this mod simulate Peak Oil as well. You could do it so as soon as the first 2-3 civs are CAPABLE of drilling for oil and extracting it (Instead of 1 civ, to prevent one big tech leader from destroying everything for everyone else), a counter starts. This counter should last about 150-160 years and as the counter hits about the 110 year mark from start of the oil usage age, all oil extraction facilities should begin to slow down in production capacity with pop ups of scientists warning of the continued squandering of oil. I would like it even more if you could add it so with this counting year system, every civ is much more likely to go to war over their oil resource/drilling platforms as the counter winds down...
Great Ideas! These are added to my list!
I think I can do it by adding an even that will remove oil. Also increase events that cut your gold (low oil price) or increase it (high oil). I think these all can be done with events so very limited modding. And yes I want it with revolutions ;)
for mac does it work for mac if not is there a mac version

i am scitzofrenic good fake sig?
It would also be good that, once you enter the oil age you gain 1 unhappiness face in cities for not having any oil. Once you have an oil resource, it would add a happy face. As you go further into the oil age if you have no oil at any time the happiness penalty becomes greater and greater, faster and faster as people no longer fancy oil, they NEED it. This is where Revolutions mod could come in, because I would very much like it if this could be hooked into the Rev screen and have oil as a major reason to revolt and break away.

Not having oil could happen more often if, with random events being used, drilling platforms you have can blow up more often, run empty more often, etc etc. Then politics could come in as you beg neighbors for some shipments of the sweet stuff until you get yours back online. They could deny you...and attack. With units costing so much, food running out from penalties, your country could be whipped to it's knees at the greatness of oil.

Hello there!! great mod!!! but i think war should be more fun so why not to add unit that can refuel units... oiltankers to refuel sea units and some kind of oiltruck to refuel ground units... and maibe the forts should be usefull to refuel units... Sorry abaut the bad english!
what abaut to use the base of this mod to make wood important ass well to priod periods... just an idea...
thanks for the comments. In version 2 I'll add my Putin lH for another oil guy and add oil depletion events. As for wood etc on the same basis, i think I will keep this "oil pure" and maybe do another resourcemod that adds these features to other resources (if I have the time)
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