on steam: ekmek_e
Version 1
Objective: Make oil more decisive and interesting in the late game.
How it works:
- The resource of oil is now rarely seen on a map (I've seen only it show up once out of 10 maps).
- To get oil you have to drill for it! This is done by building an oil well in either desert, jungle, or Tundra (They provide 2 hammers). Oil
platforms can built built on coast (They provide 1 hammer). There is a chance of oil discovery, but not often. Building a well/offshore platform consumes the worker/workboat (get rid of those extra workers).
-All units that previously required oil can now be built without oil but they are twice as expensive. Oil enables double production.
-With oil you can build a refinery. A refinery etstablishes the Eco-Oil Corporation (replacing Standard Ethanol). It is not founded by a Great Scientist and doesn't spread by execs, you build refineries. If you build 8 refineries you can build the Eco-Oil HQ which acts like the regular headquarters but lets you build the executive, which doesn't spread the corporation instead it acts like the original Civ4 spy (test concept)
-Having the oil corporation in your city also lets you build Oil Tankers. A global unit with only 10 allowed they can conduct trade missions like Great Merchants. Each Tanker gets a Unique Tanker name.
- New Leader added for Arabia: Ibn Saud, Founder of Modern Saudi Arabia. He has a preference for building wells and a new trait, Energetic
It lets him build refineries and tankers faster and gets +2 Gold per trade route.
- Note I was going to change the corporation graphics but opted not to because Standard Oil and OPEC have such ugly icons, they are stil there but not used.
Thanks to:
Chaemdrys for the Refinery
GarretSidzka for his Oil Tanker remake of the Cargo ship
DOWNLOAD Version 1
Objective: Make oil more decisive and interesting in the late game.
How it works:
- The resource of oil is now rarely seen on a map (I've seen only it show up once out of 10 maps).
- To get oil you have to drill for it! This is done by building an oil well in either desert, jungle, or Tundra (They provide 2 hammers). Oil
platforms can built built on coast (They provide 1 hammer). There is a chance of oil discovery, but not often. Building a well/offshore platform consumes the worker/workboat (get rid of those extra workers).
-All units that previously required oil can now be built without oil but they are twice as expensive. Oil enables double production.
-With oil you can build a refinery. A refinery etstablishes the Eco-Oil Corporation (replacing Standard Ethanol). It is not founded by a Great Scientist and doesn't spread by execs, you build refineries. If you build 8 refineries you can build the Eco-Oil HQ which acts like the regular headquarters but lets you build the executive, which doesn't spread the corporation instead it acts like the original Civ4 spy (test concept)
-Having the oil corporation in your city also lets you build Oil Tankers. A global unit with only 10 allowed they can conduct trade missions like Great Merchants. Each Tanker gets a Unique Tanker name.
- New Leader added for Arabia: Ibn Saud, Founder of Modern Saudi Arabia. He has a preference for building wells and a new trait, Energetic

- Note I was going to change the corporation graphics but opted not to because Standard Oil and OPEC have such ugly icons, they are stil there but not used.
Thanks to:
Chaemdrys for the Refinery
GarretSidzka for his Oil Tanker remake of the Cargo ship
DOWNLOAD Version 1