[BtS] Ranged Bombardment


Mohawk Games Developer
Mar 14, 2002
Ranged Bombard for Beyond the Sword 3.13!

Return your bombarding units to REAL siege units! With Ranged Bombardment your siege units can now bombard into adjacent tiles. They can also bombard cities, units and terrain improvements.

The AI fully understands Ranged Bombardment and will use it against other players.

The BtS 3.13 version has been improved further on previous versions. Only ONE xml tag is required for ranged bombarding units, and the old method is retained. For an example in the supplied mod see Catapults (can bombard cities as per old method but cannot range bombard).

1. Download the mod. http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=6643
2. Install and select your Mods folder: ..\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
3. Launch BtS and switch to mod RangedBombard.
4. Play as you normally would.


When you build siege units with the Ranged Bombard ability you will notice they will show a range of operations when selected (or a stack with a siege unit in it). This shows the range the unit can bombard cities, units or improvements. Simply click the Bombard icon and select the target tile to bombard it.

Unit Bombard Range:
(to change open Civ4UnitInfos.xml and change tag iDCMBombRange)
- Catapult: 0 (but can bombard via old method)
- Hwacha: 0 (but can bombard via old method)
- Trebuchet: 1
- Cannon: 1
- Artillery: 2
- Mobile Artillery: 2
- Frigate: 1
- Ship of the Line: 1
- Ironclad: 1
- Destroyer: 1
- Battleship: 2
- Missile Cruiser: 1
- Stealth Destroyer: 1



Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Dale ! You have made my day ! I wasn't expecting Ranged bombardment for BTS so soon !

Great! Technical questions, in order to do this you added the line 'iDCMBombRange' for each of the units in Civ4UnitsInfo.xml
Is this the only thing you have to edit in order to give a unit the bombarding ability à la civ3?
How come I can't find 'iDCMBombRange' in any of the vanilla or BtS .xml files? Did you create this code?
Dale does your DLL (CvGameCoreDLL.dll) incorporate solver's recent changes to the AI? Does anyone else know?
I just realized that you actually created code for this... I love the way it works but isn't there a way to already use the same code that BtS uses for Starbases (FF mod) or Assault Mechs (NW mod)?
I couldn't find any differences between the Assault Mech and the Cannon, for example, in the Civ4UnitsInfo.xml that might refer to the ranged bombardment ability the mech has and not the cannon...
I don't know practically anything 'bout coding, but since I wanna use ranged bombardment on all my games I wonder how to do this...
It doesn't have Solver's fixes in it (I use the standard latest patch for my mods to be consistent). However I supplied the code, so it's not too hard to integrate into Solver's patch if you want to do it. All my code is commented "// Dale".

The way those two mods do it is different to how Road to War and this component work. Similar ideas, different implementations. This is the port of my code which goes right back to Civ4 vanilla betas when I was testing. :)
Great job on this Dale! Thank you so much for allowing units to act the regular Civ4 way. For a long time I've wanted to use this modcomp to apply just for naval units while keeping land units the same.

Thanks again!
Dale, I've used this mod straight out and it works well. However, when I've added a unique unit to the USA (a second type of battleship), I get random crashes. I made an identical setup with my UU for vanilla BTS, and had no crashes. Is there anything extra I have to do with your mod when adding new units besides adding the <iDCMBombRange>2</iDCMBombRange> to the last line for each unit in the Civ4UnitsInfo xml ?

Thanks again.

Yes, combat is set above 0, and the air range is zero. I will be able to play it, but then it will crash every so often at the end of a turn.

Again, no problems when running my alterations in vanilla BtS. I just want to make sure that I didn't miss anything that may be different when using Dale's bombardment mod when I add units.
Fanatic Demon,
what do you mean by this wquastion?

do you want to know which mod pack have dales ranged bombardment??

if so - plenty of mod have it - just go through the modification forum
and see in the mod thread if they included this mod,

for example -my mod the overlord uses it (link in my signature).
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