[BTS] The Crusades ModComp


Feb 1, 2006
Looking around the forums, I couldn't find any satisfying mods that possessed a dynamic system for simulating the Crusades. Where were the Knights Templar? The Knights Hospitaller? The Teutonic Knights? There are many graphics, but who made them work well enough to play in a semi-regular game without having to play a specific scenario?

I decided to approach the matter by making my own answer to the search. I present to you "The Crusades." Currently in beta, I have many a limited number of units. Thus, I have created the following:

DOWNLOAD HERE! (NOTE: This is Kailric's "Holy Wars" Mod combined with mine with his permission)
View attachment Holy Wars 0.2 alpha.rar

Spoiler :
Templar Chapter House - Required to build Knights Templar
Order of St. John Chapter House - Required to build Knights Hospitaller
Teutonic Chapter House - Required to build Teutonic Knights
Krak des Chevaliers - Required to build the Marshall of the Hospitallers
The Al-Aqsa Mosque - Required to build the Marshall of the Templars
Montfort - Required to build the Marshall of the Teutons

Spoiler :
Crusade - Join the Crusade! Load your crusaders into this unit to quickly traverse the map.
Knight Templar - A crusader unit with speed in mind. Good for escorting Pilgrims to the Holy Land
Knight Hospitaller - A crusader unit with passive healing ability. Good for augmenting other units.
Teutonic Knight - A crusader unit with slightly more strength.
Marshall of the Hospitallers - A powerful crusader unit for the Order of St. John.

UPDATE #1 (??? )
Spoiler :
- Added units: Knight Hospitaller, Teutonic Knight
- Added wonders: St. John Major Chapter House, Teuton Major Chapter House

UPDATE #2 (April 20, 2008)
Spoiler :
- Added unit: Marshall of the Hospitallers
- Added building: Krak des Chevaliers

UPDATE #3 (April 22, 2008)
Spoiler :
- Included Kailric's "Holy Wars" ModComp:
- Added AP resolutions: Force Theocracy Civic and Defensive Pact, Promote World Peace, Sanction Holy War
- Added promotion: Crusader (available when war is declared under "Sanction Holy War" if a unit stays one turn a city with the AP religion's Cathedral), which adds numerous combat benefits, including ability to load into Crusade unit*
- Added units: Hospitaller Sergeant, Marshall of the Templars
- Added building: The Al-Aqsa Mosque
- Removed unit attributes:
- Crusade unit and alll crusader units no longer have "Hidden Nationality"
- Crusader units can no longer load into the Crusade unit by default, but require Crusader promotion (see above)
- Renamed buildings:
- "St. John's Major Chapter House" changed to "St. John's Chapter House"
- "Templar Major Chapter House" changed to "Templar Chapter House"
- "Teuton Major Chapter House" changed to "Teuton Chapter House"

Update #4 (May 7, 2008)
Spoiler :
- Included Kailric's Holy Wars 0.2 Alpha
- Added unit: Marshall of the Teutons
- Added building: Montfort
- Modified unit attribute:
- Knight Templar no longer receives defensive bonuses
- Marshall of the Templars combat bonus vs. ranged units changed to land units

Update #5 (May 9, 2008)
- Added units: Templar Sergeant, Teutonic Sergeant
- Modified unit attribute:
- Marshall of the Templars no longer receives defensive bonuses
- Modified unit skin
- Marshall of the Templars' "Tau Cross" changed to equilateral cross

*Now only units with the Crusader promotion can load into the Crusade unit

Here are some screenshots:

Coming Soon!

Units: Hasashin, Mameluk

Possible Additions:
Spoiler :
Crusader Ship - to assume a naval role just like the land role of the current Crusade unit; requires a cathedral
Pilgrim - possible unit that may act like a special mini-Great Merchant
Inquisitor - bmarnz's Inquisitor

Future changes:

The units are meant to work in tandem with the Crusade unit. Only Crusader units may load into the Crusade unit, a special land transport with exceptional movement rate. Incapable of attacking, and with unremarkable combat ability, it is meant merely to move your Crusaders to the war--simulating the zeal with which the Crusades were launched. The unit has the also has the ability to enter any player's land--meant to simulate the potential for a Crusade to go wrong either by looting and pillage fellow Christians or persecuting heathens and heretics along the way to the Holy Land. The current ability of the Apostolic Palace resident to declare a holy war could, therefore, work synergistically with the Crusade unit when you consider that you are often times at war with a Civ on the other side of the map--so far, in fact, that you may not be able to reach him in time before the war is over!

Each Crusader unit that has been made, thus far, are in members of the special religious military orders. These Knight-like units are unique in that they are meant to represent the generally "international" nature of the various orders. Any Civ, therefore, can produce these units. While historically, some of these units should fit with certain Civs, for interesting gameplay, they have all been enabled for all Civs. Thus, even Huayna Capac can potentially get Teutonic Knights to crusade for him!

Each of the included units require a building, which, besides offering the ability to build that specific unit associated with it, provide small benefits to the city that it is built in. Each order's unit, in turn, have their own unique abilities. The Knight Templar, for example, is quite mobile, and can keep up with faster units with ease to allow for easy escort duty. They can even defend as well as any infantry unit. Then there is the Knight Hospitaller, which is sort of an early medic-type unit, while there is the Teutonic Knight, which is a little stronger than his brothers-in-arms from the getgo. Naturally, these units cost quite a bit more than the most expensive units already available in the game because of so many abilities attachd to them.

How to use this modcomp:
Because this modcomp only uses XML changes, you can easily place this into any existing or run as is by itself. If you have any experience with modding, you will know how to integrate it. The structure of the files makes this modcomp very modular, as you will see when exploring it.

Feel free to post comments, suggestions.

Coders wanted!

Kailric - AP resolutions, Crusader promotion
Rabbit, White - Heavy Templar model
SeZereth - Helmet wings (I think), berserker horns and helmet
bernie14 - lance (not sure where that came from, but I'll give him credit)
No pics, quite yet, but I have almost completed changing the weapons and animation type of the Knight Templar and Knight Hospitaller. Also, the Teutonic Knight is nearly complete--requiring a slight reskin.

Stay tuned for pics to be posted soon!
Looks Good!

I downloaded the mod and put some Winged Hussars and Teutonic Knight and let them Fight. The Hussars won :)

I can see many good uses for this modcomp.
Looks Good!

I downloaded the mod and put some Winged Hussars and Teutonic Knight and let them Fight. The Hussars won :)

I can see many good uses for this modcomp.

Eh? Winged Hussars? Stats, please?

I didn't want to add too many bonuses to these units since they have the ability to attack without declaring war already, but feel free to playtest and tell me if I'm wrong on this balance issue.
Eh? Winged Hussars? Stats, please?

I didn't want to add too many bonuses to these units since they have the ability to attack without declaring war already, but feel free to playtest and tell me if I'm wrong on this balance issue.

i meant i took my own winged hussars and put them in and got them to fight the Teutonic Knights. I like the Teutons, they have very good graphics :)

i meant i took my own winged hussars and put them in and got them to fight the Teutonic Knights. I like the Teutons, they have very good graphics :)


Ah, thanks. I think that was the most intensive recolor I've done. I had it to get the look just right. Makes the Teutonic Knight looks grand and spooky all at the same time. BTW, what are the stats for YOUR Hussar unit? Are they meant to be Rennaissance or Medieval?

Currently, the Teutonic Knight has 10+1 Strength (due to the Combat I promotion), but I was seriously thinking of making it higher. The Cataphract from Byzantine is 12, but doesn't have all the other added bonuses that the Teutonic Knight does.
Ah, thanks. I think that was the most intensive recolor I've done. I had it to get the look just right. Makes the Teutonic Knight looks grand and spooky all at the same time. BTW, what are the stats for YOUR Hussar unit? Are they meant to be Rennaissance or Medieval?

Currently, the Teutonic Knight has 10+1 Strength (due to the Combat I promotion), but I was seriously thinking of making it higher. The Cataphract from Byzantine is 12, but doesn't have all the other added bonuses that the Teutonic Knight does.

Historically, Winged Hussars were used as Rennaissance and Medieval units. In the game, people have made versions of it as a Knight, and a Cuirassur. (and pre-BTS, Calvary although it's historically inaccurate).

Winged Hussar's are usually used as the Polish UU, not sure what you would do with it, but the Ideal stats would be:

Replaces Cuirassur
Str: 13
Movement: 2
Cost: 100 Hammers
Immune to First Strike
Doesn't recieve defensive bonus
Flank attack vs Cannon
(so far the same as a Cuirassure except for the additional Str.)
25% vs Gunpowder units
25% vs Melee units

And that's keeping it not to OP. :)
oh, then, of course, it would murder Teutonic Knights like in the Battle of Grunwald. lol since they are later era.

well that's for the Cuirassur version. I'm sure if you nerf it down to Knight it would give the Teutonic Knights a chance :lol:

the Winged Hussar were Knights, it's just that they would be to powerful for the game if they were knights. so i guess that's why most people make it replace the Cuirassur.
This is really cool. I would suggests there be a "Crusader" load unit and specific units for each Religion though. Like the Christian one carrying the Cross.. each unit would carry their own religious symbol.

A Crusade is basically a "holy war", and other civs have a name for such things like the Muslim "Jihad", so it makes total sense to have units for each religion.

And there could be some advance game mechanics added that created a new Civic or option called "Holy War"... that is if a Civ took over a city of yours that had your religion or if you founded that religion you could declare a "Holy War" and receive units faster for a period of time in order to hopefully recapture you "Holy City" back. Much like the actually Crusades themselves in History.
Currently, the Teutonic Knight has 10+1 Strength (due to the Combat I promotion), but I was seriously thinking of making it higher. The Cataphract from Byzantine is 12, but doesn't have all the other added bonuses that the Teutonic Knight does.

Ye might also size down the Cataphract down a bit instead (keeping in line with the Knight-Cuirassier upgrade); with the standard stats it's hard to imagine the Turks (Selchuk or Ottoman) win a victory as at Manzikert in 1071 and carving out the Anatolian emirates thereafter, as they're virtually Cuirassiers already. (Just a thought.);)

BTW, I especially like the addition of the Crusade unit: nice touch!:goodjob:
This is really cool. I would suggests there be a "Crusader" load unit and specific units for each Religion though. Like the Christian one carrying the Cross.. each unit would carry their own religious symbol.

A Crusade is basically a "holy war", and other civs have a name for such things like the Muslim "Jihad", so it makes total sense to have units for each religion.

And there could be some advance game mechanics added that created a new Civic or option called "Holy War"... that is if a Civ took over a city of yours that had your religion or if you founded that religion you could declare a "Holy War" and receive units faster for a period of time in order to hopefully recapture you "Holy City" back. Much like the actually Crusades themselves in History.

yes! i know! i am going to do that for the muslims as soon as i finish this christian side. i want to add such special units as the Hashashin. unfortunately, i can think of no equivalents to the christian orders.

if you can help me, i would definitely like to add some code to the game to do what you're talking about:

1. Apostolic Palace resident can declare holy wars.
2. Any member of that religion can join the holy war.
3. Any member of the religion who is being warred upon can join the holy war on the opposite side.
4. During a holy war, new units that are built where temples of the crusading religion of civs who have joined the holy war will allow a new "Crusader" promotion, which doubles movement and adds a bonus to attacking the civ.
5. On the opposing side, units built where there is a temple are automatically given a similar promotion which boosts combat modifiers against units with the Crusader promotion or who are designated Crusaders currently.
This looks very interesting, I'm gonna WoC it. Keep up the good work.

btw, thanks for interest!

be advised, this is still a work in progress. the new Marshall units are coming soon. basically, they will be national units that act as the most powerful mounted unit for a while (maybe until Cavalry).

also, did some preliminary for an upcoming Mongol Horde ModComp, but am very much tied into working on this and Kailric's mod. they may be combined into one.


Coming soon!

Here are some screenshots of the soon to be uploaded Marshall of the Templars...


Spoiler :
World Unit: 1 Allowed
Cost: 150
Movement: 2
Strength: 12
Free Promotion: Medic II
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