[BTS] UN Peacekeeping Forces [Modular] - As Requested


Feb 1, 2006
The way it works is this: There is no need to actually have The United Nations Wonder. Instead, you must build the UN Mission, of which you can only have one, where your Palace is. When you build it, are able to produce the units below. Every vehicle has a special role, and some can carry UN Peacekeepers. The UN Diplomat acts as a mini-Great Spy, giving you a small amount of EP when used. Since they can only defend, they are cheap units, and should be used to augment your offensive forces--cover up resources or act as roadblocks. You must, however, declare war to have those effects. But you can pre-position your UN Forces since you can enter any civ's lands.

Consolidated Download:
View attachment UNForces.rar

The Units:
UN Peacekeeper
UN Fighting Vehicle
UN Mobility Vehicle
UN Transport Airplane
UN Transport Helicopter
UN Diplomat

Building Requirement:
Spoiler :
UN Mission (requires Palace in that city)

Tech Requirements:
Spoiler :
UN Peacekeeper: Industrialism, Rifling
UN Fighting Vehicle, Mobility Vehicle, APC: Robotics, Rifling
UN Transport Helicopter, Transport Airplane: Advanced Flight
UN Diplomat: Mass Media

Common Characteristics:
Spoiler :
Can only defend
Cannot capture cities
Cannot pillage
Hidden nationality
Can enter rival territory

Possible Strategy:
Since you can't attack with these units, your best is to move them into a position where you expect a future conflict will take place. Because they cannot be expelled when war is actually declared, you will have an edge over the enemy Civ because you can place the unit on key plots. Once the war is actually on, your UN units will deny the enemy city with anything that plot provides--including routes of travel. You can perform holding or blocking actions while your main strike force moves in or an ally moves in. In the case of allies, this could matter more since the AI typically takes several turns to actually get himself mobilized. As a player, however, you might already have a force prepositioned for just such a scenario.

Or maybe you have any ally fighting another Civ. Declare without having to expend your main force on the enemy Civ by putting the UN Peacekeepers in place to help defend your ally's cities or key improvements, units, etc.


Since these are modular, just place these in these like so:


UPDATE #1: XML Error (080304)
Spoiler :
- Fixed potential XML error in latest upload of UN Peacekeeper. Should be fixed now.

UPDATE #2: Troop Carrying Fixes/Changes (080304)
Spoiler :
- Fixed bug where UN Fighting Vehicles could carry anything
- Fixed bug where UN Fighting Vehicles were in a special cargo group
- Now UN Fighting Vehicles will no longer carry UN Peacekeepers or any Land unit
- Now UN APC will take over troop carrying role

UPDATE #3: New Units! XML Error (080305)
Spoiler :
- UN APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) added
- New UN Transport Helicopter added (Requires redownload to add requirement for The United Nations)

UPDATE #4: XML Error (080306)
Spoiler :
- Fixed bug where UN APC was not constructible

UPDATE #5: Consolidated ModComp (080410)
Spoiler :
- Added UN Diplomat
- Added UN Transport Airplane
- Added UN Mobility Vehicle

Possible Additions:
Unique UN flag for UN Forces.

As with any transport, you must remember that the death of the UN APC or the UN Transport Helicopter will result in the immediate deaths any Peacekeepers inside!

Special Thanks:
GarretSidzaka for the UN Peacekeeper skin
Snafusmith for the UN Peacekeeper gun prop, Humvee model
asiaoasioasio for the Stryker AFC model
Nautil for the Mil MI 26 model
It would be better if they weren't hidden nationality in my opinion.. also how are you supposed to defend your allies with these guys? Won't they be attacked by your allies? :lol:
it would be nice if you could make them not hidden nationality but able to go to foreign terrotory (like explorers) but have it so units can not enter the same space they are in. That way you could deploy them to keep armies from invading each other etc.

I was thinking about how to do that. That's what I originally intended, but that may require some SDK work. Not sure how to go about it. They can already enter rival territory, btw.

Don't worry, there will be updates.
Boy, that was fast!:D

@Ekmek: I thought that was the whole point of these units...;)

PS: Where's the blue streak on the vehicle? (Or is it just plain white? And is the Japanese flag just form the Japanese point of view?):confused:

EDIT: Damn, that post just overtook me !
It would be better if they weren't hidden nationality in my opinion.. also how are you supposed to defend your allies with these guys? Won't they be attacked by your allies? :lol:

Good point. I'll have to test that further...

No, allies, as intended, cannot attack you. In order for any UN unit to be engaged, you must be at war with that attacking Civ. Also, if a rival Civ beats you to The United Nations, they can essentially build a unit akin to Privateers in that they appear to be Barbarians to you.
Boy, that was fast!:D

@Ekmek: I thought that was the whole point of these units...;)

PS: Where's the blue streak on the vehicle? (Or is it just plain white? And is the Japanese flag just form the Japanese point of view?):confused:

EDIT: Damn, that post just overtook me !

Well, not exactly. Consider that if the UN actually does something, the host nation (the US) tends to be there to participate in "peacekeeping" actions. If that's the case, we are in a sense at war... Or we may be officially engaged with our own national forces in the conflict. In that case, we may assist UN Peacekeepers by actually doing most of the dirty work.

But here's the advantage. Instead of relying on a prepositioned force of regular units, you can move your UN units into place without having them expelled once war is declared! You can essentially run a blocking/holding mission until actual invasion forces arrive--being you, an ally, or a vassal. Pretty neat, huh?

For now, I think this is the best solution--otherwise, you could grossly throw the game out of balance by spamming plot blockers: That is, build a UN Peacekeeper and squat on a rival Civ's square without any way for him to stop you. And in the meantime, he loses food, hammers, etc.

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to respond to the flag part... The flag is your Civ's flag. So if you're American, you'll see an American flag and corresponding color on the vehicle. It's nothing that isn't already in the game. And all UN vehicles are white with just a plain black "UN" on the side.
Good point. I'll have to test that further...

No, allies, as intended, cannot attack you. In order for any UN unit to be engaged, you must be at war with that attacking Civ. Also, if a rival Civ beats you to The United Nations, they can essentially build a unit akin to Privateers in that they appear to be Barbarians to you.

So they'll look barbarian, but you won't be able to attack them unless you declare war on that civ? Sounds great! :goodjob:
So they'll look barbarian, but you won't be able to attack them unless you declare war on that civ? Sounds great! :goodjob:

I think it's actally kinda cool. Think of it this way: They're peacekeepers and not PEACEMAKERS, right? So they'll sit on the plot and you can actually move your units into the same plot. But as soon as war is declared, your UN Forces are NOT expelled! However, they do block anything on that plot. If there were Workers on the same square, you are ejected to an adjacent square though.

Adds a new dimension to gameplay if you get that far.
I think it's actally kinda cool. Think of it this way: They're peacekeepers and not PEACEMAKERS, right? So they'll sit on the plot and you can actually move your units into the same plot. But as soon as war is declared, your UN Forces are NOT expelled! However, they do block anything on that plot. If there were Workers on the same square, you are ejected to an adjacent square though.

Adds a new dimension to gameplay if you get that far.

Very cool :D Just wondering.. if you're at peace with the civ who has peacekeepers, will they still block you while at peace?
Very cool :D Just wondering.. if you're at peace with the civ who has peacekeepers, will they still block you while at peace?

Man, you guys are killing me. I was trying to go to sleep, but y'all keep posting :P

Ok, I thought I answered the question further up, but the answer is no. You MUST be at war for them to block. Otherwise, it would be very unbalanced if they did block you anyway.
But here's the advantage. Instead of relying on a prepositioned force of regular units, you can move your UN units into place without having them expelled once war is declared! You can essentially run a blocking/holding mission until actual invasion forces arrive--being you, an ally, or a vassal. Pretty neat, huh?

Indeed.:D (Now, get some sleep, you!)
Man, you guys are killing me. I was trying to go to sleep, but y'all keep posting :P
Hey I stayed up till 6am last night making units replying to people. :lol: Sorry you can go to sleep now. :lol:

Ok, I thought I answered the question further up, but the answer is no. You MUST be at war for them to block. Otherwise, it would be very unbalanced if they did block you anyway.

Yep that's good, that was how I wanted it :lol: I'm gunna include this in the other mod I'm working on. :goodjob:
Check out the new units! Be advised, you may wish to redownload the UN Fighting Vehicle, as its cargo capacity has been removed--and has been given to the new UN APC. The helicopter is also built for carrying troops. Be careful: They are weak compared to other units!

Stay tuned for more units to come, including a possible UN Diplomat that can establish UN Missions in the capitals of friendly Civs. That way you don't have to be the ONLY one with UN Peacekeeping Forces!
Sounds very interesting, this! :) I'll see how this develops!
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