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Realism Invictus (full version) 2020-02-28 - 3.57 update

A relatively minor bug fixing and content update. 3.57 update brings the following changes as compared to 3.55:
Balance changes: buildings
· Got rid of 1-2% commerce bonuses with Weaver, Tailor, Jeweller and Trading Post, as they were mostly meaningless
· Tailor gets +10% flat gold
· Buffed Cinemas from 5% culture and war weariness to 10%
Balance changes: civ-specific
· Aztecs have access to a new promotion line, giving strength and bonus vs barbarians. Aztec NUs and Coyote priests have instant access, for all other non-ranged units unique Aztec school provides it
· Incan Chasquis is less formidable as a military unit, but now has an additional use: Chasquis can "build" mit'a, providing Incan cities with more workforce and food. A rare NU with an economic bonus...
· Ethiopian civ can now move their Forbidden Palace, reflecting the fact that Ethiopia had a mobile capital for a significant period of their history
· Greece no longer has a unique watermill; now has a new unique improvement - Olive Grove - providing lots of commerce and some food from hills
· Malinese UB no longer gives a flat gold bonus, but rather grants a larger bonus to precious mines and, to reflect the second cash commodity of Mali Empire, gives a large commerce bonus to Salt Pits and additional health with salt
· Rebalanced the NU stats of Armenia (Royal Guard bonuses higher, but base strength -1; heavy cavalry bonuses higher)
· New Bantu NU: Maasai Warrior, replacing the very generic bowman, for all your cattle raiding needs
Balance changes: other
· Significantly buffed water wheels; now a valid early production option for flatland cities (later on farms are still a better option I reckon, but these production buildings need to get rolling first)
· AI should now prefer rushing production with slaves rather than building improvements
· Got rid of all strength 4 militias; they still have hefty bonuses that set them apart from the rest, but now all militias are str 3
Bug fixes
· Fixed a couple of division by zero errors that caused CTDs
· Fixed a long-standing CTD bug related to naval combat (actual fix by DarkLunaPhantom)
· Chinese Canal NI no longer destroys flood plains (though visually they are still removed while the canal is there)
· Foragers for hunter-gatherer civs in scenarios no longer have combat strength (used to cause all kinds of AI weirdness)
· Austronesian shortswordsman can now correctly upgrade to swordsman, same as other civs
· Fixed Israeli archer line so that they properly have a composite bowman
· Taiwan no longer able to build South Chinese NI
Cosmetic and technical changes
· Implemented a city alert for being over separatism threshold
· When revolutions are off, separatism bonuses/maluses are not shown in the civic screen
· The default scoreboard format should now be "Leader/Civilization", which should be handy for dynamic civ names
· Malinese empire renamed to Sahelian, to reflect the actual unit roster and leader lineup
· Lots of unit art updates, especially in Africa, the Americas, and for WW1-WW2 era units
· Hunter-gatherer civs got lots of new unit buttons, no longer using generic ones
· New default cannon unit, to better reflect the fact that it doesn't represent Napoleonic-era artillery
· XIX-century field artillery wheels now round
· Switched stormtroopers to a different animation
· Flavour workboats for most cultures in Medieval-Renaissance era
· Religious communities no longer use monastery models, now have unique artwork of their own
· New Iron Age European cityset
· New Iberian/Latin American Renaissance cityset
· New artwork for lots of leaders
· Yield symbols now have an outline for better readability
· Retouched some terrain graphics
· Austronesia gets their own unit voices in a proper language (Old Malay, from AoE2)
· Lots of fixes to unit models, textures and animations