BTS - with mod Realism:Invictus ver. 3.5 Screenshots from my game

After 5 wars with Southcina, they seems out of the game. They declared war on me 2 more times and I declared on them 2 times (both times I joined an ongoing war, where Southchina declared wars on France and later Scandinavia. I believe, that those many wars Southchina choosed to declare were the reason to their collaps.......


Second: A screenshot of an Asian city:


Last but not least. Pls note the "time-stamp" in the upper right corner of the pics. February 1950.

I have changed the CivIV gamespeedinfo file, so I get the last 720 turns with 1 month intervals. Now I can just hope the savegame file keep its size below those 4 - 4,2 MB.........
Done(!) at turn 2647.

Filesize 4.110KB.


Specially for you, that play or would like to play this mod, a new release (looks like it is a minor release - but I can read it isn't) is available:

CivFanatics Forums

TheBirdMan, Walter Hawkwood updated a resource you are watching at CivFanatics Forums.

Realism Invictus (full version) 2020-02-28 - 3.55 update

3.55 update brings the following changes as compared to 3.5:

Gameplay features
  • Introduced ahead of time cost increase for games where tech progresses too fast; this will hopefully sync actual world tech state better to the reported year. Shouldn't significantly affect games with moderate to slow global research.
  • New early government civic, Confederation, for when you just need to stretch too far
  • Got rid of Federalism civic. Democracy can now instead be tailored to have either unitary or federal constitution, giving various bonuses.
  • When a transport enters hostile territory, all land units carried by it lose all movement if they are not amphibious (in effect, you cannot land or attack from the transport same turn as you approached the enemy shore, unless with marines and such); this makes defending against naval invasions with your own navy actually viable, as you can intercept enemy landing force before it lands
  • Implemented a system of warnings when the mod sees unreasonable starting settings (for instance, Tech Trading and Tech Transfer turned on at the same time, or far too few/many starting civs selected)
  • PerfectMongoose updated to 3.31 version (never released for vanilla civ; took quite some porting). To quote the changelog:
  • Fixed a HUGE number of bugs in getPlotPotentialValueUncached().
  • Added a HUGE number of missing evaluations (and modified a large number of existing ones) in getCityPotentialValue() and getPlotPotentialValueUncached(), which should now be pretty much perfect.
  • Rewrote the player assignment code in SetStartingPlots() from scratch so it scales proportionally instead of only adding and removing players from the largest landmass til it hits the right number, AND did it directly with floats instead of an iteration-based refinement loop. (Okay so technically I still have one, but it's not the MAIN loop any more! :p)
  • Allowed starts on very small islands, but added detection for being Coast-linked with other landmasses to form a "region", which must meet a higher minimum size requirement.
  • Blocked starting locations that are walled-off by Peaks into very small areas.
  • Blocked starting locations on terrain/features that don't allow city founding.
  • Took the corners off the PlotList Eatery Bar and Grill.
  • Ported Totestra map script to RI (kinda; this is more of a hybrid Totestra/PerfectWorld mapscript, with landmass/climate generator from Totestra and lots of other stuff (especially starting plot finder and other stuff specifically rewritten in the last version) from PerfectMongoose)
Balance changes: buildings
  • Only one great work of science can be constructed per era per city (you can still construct multiple works in one city across multiple eras, or across multiple cities in one era)
  • Modern scientific great works unlocked (and thus industrial locked) with Rocket science instead of Nuclear physics
  • Solar plant should no longer give unhealth (but is significantly more expensive)
  • Kremlin no longer serves as another capital (we have Versailles for that), but rather lowers maintenance by -10% across the board (through an effect building)
  • Islamic shrine is now Kaaba (which is a part of Masjid al-Haram), whereas its Great Temple is now Al-Aqsa complex (visualized by the Dome of the Rock)
Balance changes: civ-specific
  • American Ranch can now be built in jungle on relevant resources right away, same as regular Pasture
  • Mali NU no longer requires Cotton (which made it the hardest NU to obtain, since cotton is highly circumstantial)
  • Chinese Canals now properly chainable when spread irrigation is unlocked (like farms)
  • Roman legionaries incur half the usual cost increase due to the fact that Romans have no separate shock troop line
  • Fixed Venetian upgrade line that was based on Roman, but couldn't upgrade to medieval shock troops
Balance changes: other
  • Vassals now benefit from significant tech transfer bonus from the overlord (Ungomma)
  • Raised the amount of starting free units while lowered free units from population, in an attempt to limit later game unit sprawl
  • Protectionism now (again) removes all foreign trade routes, and boosts internal trade routes by +100%; tax collector and tariffs removed.
  • Forced Labour can now, as initially intended, rush production with population instead of gold (like vanilla Slavery could)
  • Free experience from Militaristic reduced to 2
  • Increased the time it takes to build slash and burn farms to that of normal farms; somewhat increased for Russian lovischche
  • Due to the specialized niche that siege units have in RI, disabled GG ability to lead them; a player would be unlikely to do so anyway, while the AI could still be seen now and then attaching generals to trebuchets
  • You are always able to build paramilitary (same as all previous irregulars) and modern infantry, even when all units they upgrade to are available
  • Spies now have a steep +50% cost increment per instance, to offset the fact that spy base cost remains unchanged throughout the game and prevent endless spy spam in late game
  • Scouts now gain +50% bonus vs melee and archery units; given their strength of 1, they are still always at a disadvantage when attacking, but can at least hope to hold their own against a barbarian warrior when defending in good terrain
  • Trained Archer 3 loses immunity to first strikes and gains protection against collateral damage
  • Work boats can now enter ocean with Navigation
  • Nerfed Dastur's cultural output
  • Moved map trade to Sextant
  • Extended game length at all speeds by roughly 10% to better cover edge cases of very slow global development
  • +1 base food to pigs resource
  • Jungle pastures can be built from Animal Husbandry
  • Jungle no longer gives -1 food on its tile. Logically, it shouldn't be harder to hunt for food in a jungle than in a temperate forest. Slash-and-burn farm loses one food to compensate, so this shouldn't result in any significant balance changes. As a side effect, map scripts should no longer consider jungle a "bad" feature and remove it from
  • AI leaders should only be able to prepare for war with civs they can currently declare on; in practice, it should result in aggressive civs picking more varied targets instead of latching onto a single one (as if they start preparing for war immediately after signing peace, it can't be the same civ they just signed the peace with)
  • AI warfare priorities shifted to seek enemies closer and commit more IF wars are far away
  • AI should like open borders with close neighbours less and distant ones more
  • Doubled the impact of espionage on separatism, increased wrong culture influence x5, decreased population influence x5. Separatism should be both more predictable and easier to actively manage. So far AI empires seem much more stable
  • "End of history" modifier will now start to kick in once the number of civs drops below the original starting number (but the same era restriction - no earlier than Renaissance - applies as before, and for the modifier to start, one civ should have at least 50% more score than everyone else)
  • Changed barbarian settling logic; now only cities within a defined distance (currently 10) of a would-be capital join the new civ
  • Derivative civs now can also spawn as settled barbarians
  • Barbarians can now again build workers and thus improve their territory; they still can't build roads and advanced improvements such as watermills
  • Rebalanced Crusades scenario; added some troops to underperforming civs, incorporated Aquitaine into England (sorry Eleanor, but you served absolutely no purpose except for hogging a civ slot), added Volga Bulgaria to mitigate endless "Drang nach Osten" from Western Europe, changed Leopold VI as a leader of Austria to his son, purely due to complete lack of decent depictions of the former
Bug fixes
  • Fixed python errors in WorldBuilder and Interface Options (Ungomma)
  • Non-conquerable buildings (such as military traditions and temporary effects) should now be properly removed from cities gained non-violently as well
  • Fixed wrong bonus resource for Alumina Refinery (coal -> cement)
  • Implemented automatic switch that should reset invisible options (currently only Choose religion in RI) at the game start to proper defaults
  • Commerce symbol no longer cut off to "..." when a city has double-digit commerce trade routes
  • Turned off the ability to select vanilla maps in RI, as they will CTD anyway
  • Fixed sorting issues on the revolutions tracker screen
  • Fixed a couple of pagan temples producing espionage instead of culture
  • Fixed the rounding on separatism from population in the tooltip
  • Fixed crashing Crusades scenario
Cosmetic and technical changes
  • New UI theme, with fonts, text sizes and panel arrangements better adapted to modern resolutions
  • All tech quotes re-recorded for a more consistent and professional quality (thanks diddidson!)
  • Hundreds of new flavour units added, lots of older art reworked
  • Fixed a lot of faulty models/animations/textures
  • Added slight wobble to bomber animations, to match that of other planes; I was always annoyed by the eerie stillness of bombers
  • Changed Turkish world map leader to Bilge Khagan to eliminate Constantinople in Central Asian steppes
  • Tweaked Transoxian colour to be more distinct from India, whom they often neighbour (especially in scenarios) and Carthage (a rarer case, but the colour was almost identical)
  • New Middle Eastern / African industrial city set
  • Upscaled some of the terribly low-res vanilla spaceship textures
  • There are no longer any palms in savannas. Because there should be no palms in savannas.
  • Added several visual variants to swamp feature, so it doesn't tile so obviously when several swamps are neighbouring each other.
  • Canals now properly visually tiling
  • Transoxian third-level improvement now explains in pedia it provides +1 free specialist with Caravansarai
  • Spanish caravel pedia now indicates more clearly that it can transport all kinds of units, not just GP/spies (which was always the case, but not obvious from pedia)
  • More dynamic names/flags for various civic/civ/era combos
  • More dynamic city names
  • A civ settling from barbarians will rename its cities to that civ's proper names
  • For better visual disambiguation from Cold War infantry, modern infantry always uses Navy SEAL animations
Changes from hotfixes
  • Obsolete/inactive culture buildings (monuments, pagan temples) should now correctly stop producing culture
  • Lubyanka option in dealing with separatism should now only be available if the wonder is active
  • Since the effect only seems to work in increments of 100%, upped the improvement growth from civics to 100%/200%
  • Added some more dynamic city names
  • Fixed a missing diplomacy text entry
  • Fixed some wrong strategy text entries
  • Moved market Regulation a bit to reflect it's an industrial tech
  • Fixed some random text typos/errors
  • Fixed missing textures for Fuste in pedia
  • Fixed materials for a couple of American flavour units
  • Corrected the scale of most hussar class units to be in line with other cavalry
  • Certain civs (Babylon, Israel etc) now correctly able to build settlers from the start, same as all others
  • Moved later irregulars to different techs to avoid situation where one would be unable to build any irregulars if a specific research path was taken (leading to being unable to draft, for instance)
  • Revised tech prerequisites a bit and moved the techs around on the tech screen
  • Generic flags for the unlikely but possible event of vassalizing world map tribal civs
  • Fixed late Nubian flag
  • Revolutions and barb civs off by default, based on feedback; people can still turn them on in custom options; consequently, revolutions and barb civs off by default in all scenarios as well
  • Fixed multiplayer OOS on taking a city
  • Continents map script should now correctly place all resources, including water ones
  • Fixed a couple of units being invisible in the selection box
  • Fixed bug where barbarians could achieve enlightenment and make peace with all the world.
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Some info from my first game with the new ver 3.55.

1st: You can't load old games. The changes from ver 3.5 to 3.55 are too many. But fair enough. As we says in Denmark: "Vi skal have en ren røv at trutte i".

2nd (and most likely the change you might find most important): Diplomacy isn't as it was in "Good Old Days".

Time when you could make a deal as "Open border" just to offer the same and expect it as being more-or-less permanent is over. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't - unless you offer something more.......... The AI actually "check" if it is getting enough for the open border. And the AI cancel the deal without hesitation the moment it thinks you get too much - or that it could make a better deal next turn.

In fact - just consider any deals with the AI as something, you can't rely on for long.
Well then.

First game with the newest mod finished. Game started 9th July and finished short time ago this morning 11th August. Total playtime: See screenshot below.

Mapsize 160x100, land approx 40%. 15 nations (14 rivals). Leaders all from 'round WW1 and WW2.


Game begins. Pls note the number of turn is now 3255.


After 4000 years, the map is nearly "used". Mao's China is expanding south into Southern China.


760 years later. Southern China is out. This was the same time (year 750 AD) I saw a huge babarian army of archers (previous screenshot). My solution was to pull out from area and let Gernany reduce the Barb-army first........


'Round year 1100 my game was stuck. I couldn't find an obvious fault, so I turned Revolutions ON a couple of turns before "what-ever-happended" and continued with Revolutions ON some turns after. It worked and it actually got the game running again.

The fault must have had something to do with the Abbysinian nation - I just couldn't find out what or where.


Russia has a great problem (again) with it's neighbor in the south.......


Germany is out. Russia is out. Greece is out. And Hungaria had declared war on England (me) two times (invaded my land). Now it's payback time.


China is at it's highest level. Strongest and greatest. But I'm close behind........


Mao's biggest mistake - attacking me alone........


China has lost it's Scandinavian area to me and Abbysinian to Spain.


After 195 hours and 27min. Game over. Continues next post.




And to end this report, I'll post a really fine picture of a city. Just look how the graphic "spreads over the city-tile. Really nice job.


I just "love" this game. Specially with this mod. It's GREAT!
I'm fairly new to the game, and this is probably my first post...

First, great pics!

I picked up Civ 4 in a bargain bin many years ago and decided to install it last year. I was able to track down a copy of BTS and installed that, as well. I also loaded up a few of the mods to try. I played Advanced Civ and a little bit of C2C before settling on Realism Invictus. I may try FfH2 at some point.

I'm loving this game, too.

For the memory problems/crashes, I think I found a solution that works for me. It was suggested for another game, but works well here to. The app is called Process Lasso from Bitsum. It runs in the background and monitors/optimizes all the process that are running on your PC. It manages the priorities to keep background processes from hogging the CPU from foreground processes.

One feature it has is a thing called Trim. It will execute a Trim to have certain processes release memory at designated conditions. The other feature is Process Watchdog. This is a tool to monitor a specific process and take certain defined actions when defined conditions occur.

For Civ 4, I have a Watchdog set to Trim the working set memory whenever it exceeds 825Mb. I have not had an in-game memory problem ever since. The only problem is when I try to load a saved game from a running game. It crashes me to the desktop, but then I just restart and load the saved game fresh.

And I'm playing the historical scenario with 55 Civs and the Huge Earth map. I'm currently in game year 1781 and my save game file is 6,148kb.
Found it(!). Also a version for Win 7.

Going to try it next time with Revolutions turned ON - because that setting "makes" many nations active. And many active nations really demand lot of memory and makes a big savegame file early in the game.

Thanks for reading and thanks for posting your tip.
Glad you found it. Good luck!

I have an Alienware m17 r4 with 16Gb of memory. You may have to tweak the Watchdog memory settings (I used 825Mb for 1 second) if you still get memory crashes until you find the stable amount.
For Civ 4, I have a Watchdog set to Trim the working set memory whenever it exceeds 825Mb. I have not had an in-game memory problem ever since. The only problem is when I try to load a saved game from a running game.

I trained myself quite some time ago to always exit to menu before loading a save. The issue is not mod specific.
Feed-back to JohnCarterOfMars: The program seems to work quite ok.

I have restarted on an older version of above game, that I had been playing with Revolutions ON. The samegame file from then just grow too big too fast under that setting, so I had to stop playing and restart with Revolutions OFF.

Now with the memory-manager installed, I have been able to restart from where I left. I have also been able to solve some problems that occured from time to time.

The game still work as it should - the savegame file is now bigger (4.254kB) than any I ever have had before - so I'm very pleased(!).

Now I want to see if I'm able to end this version by time. I still have nearly 1.500 turns to play.............
Feed-back to JohnCarterOfMars: The program seems to work quite ok.

I have restarted on an older version of above game, that I had been playing with Revolutions ON. The samegame file from then just grow too big too fast under that setting, so I had to stop playing and restart with Revolutions OFF.

Now with the memory-manager installed, I have been able to restart from where I left. I have also been able to solve some problems that occured from time to time.

The game still work as it should - the savegame file is now bigger (4.254kB) than any I ever have had before - so I'm very pleased(!).

Now I want to see if I'm able to end this version by time. I still have nearly 1.500 turns to play.............

I'm pleased to hear that it's working for you.

I read a lot about the memory leaks and graphics errors, and found that this background process manager with memory trim solved my problem with the game.

I hope that others read this and get their games going again to the fullest.
A new realease is now available.

Realism Invictus (full version) 2020-02-28 - 3.57 update

A relatively minor bug fixing and content update. 3.57 update brings the following changes as compared to 3.55:

Balance changes: buildings

· Got rid of 1-2% commerce bonuses with Weaver, Tailor, Jeweller and Trading Post, as they were mostly meaningless

· Tailor gets +10% flat gold

· Buffed Cinemas from 5% culture and war weariness to 10%

Balance changes: civ-specific
· Aztecs have access to a new promotion line, giving strength and bonus vs barbarians. Aztec NUs and Coyote priests have instant access, for all other non-ranged units unique Aztec school provides it

· Incan Chasquis is less formidable as a military unit, but now has an additional use: Chasquis can "build" mit'a, providing Incan cities with more workforce and food. A rare NU with an economic bonus...

· Ethiopian civ can now move their Forbidden Palace, reflecting the fact that Ethiopia had a mobile capital for a significant period of their history

· Greece no longer has a unique watermill; now has a new unique improvement - Olive Grove - providing lots of commerce and some food from hills

· Malinese UB no longer gives a flat gold bonus, but rather grants a larger bonus to precious mines and, to reflect the second cash commodity of Mali Empire, gives a large commerce bonus to Salt Pits and additional health with salt

· Rebalanced the NU stats of Armenia (Royal Guard bonuses higher, but base strength -1; heavy cavalry bonuses higher)

· New Bantu NU: Maasai Warrior, replacing the very generic bowman, for all your cattle raiding needs

Balance changes: other
· Significantly buffed water wheels; now a valid early production option for flatland cities (later on farms are still a better option I reckon, but these production buildings need to get rolling first)

· AI should now prefer rushing production with slaves rather than building improvements

· Got rid of all strength 4 militias; they still have hefty bonuses that set them apart from the rest, but now all militias are str 3

Bug fixes
· Fixed a couple of division by zero errors that caused CTDs

· Fixed a long-standing CTD bug related to naval combat (actual fix by DarkLunaPhantom)

· Chinese Canal NI no longer destroys flood plains (though visually they are still removed while the canal is there)

· Foragers for hunter-gatherer civs in scenarios no longer have combat strength (used to cause all kinds of AI weirdness)

· Austronesian shortswordsman can now correctly upgrade to swordsman, same as other civs

· Fixed Israeli archer line so that they properly have a composite bowman

· Taiwan no longer able to build South Chinese NI

Cosmetic and technical changes
· Implemented a city alert for being over separatism threshold

· When revolutions are off, separatism bonuses/maluses are not shown in the civic screen

· The default scoreboard format should now be "Leader/Civilization", which should be handy for dynamic civ names

· Malinese empire renamed to Sahelian, to reflect the actual unit roster and leader lineup

· Lots of unit art updates, especially in Africa, the Americas, and for WW1-WW2 era units

· Hunter-gatherer civs got lots of new unit buttons, no longer using generic ones

· New default cannon unit, to better reflect the fact that it doesn't represent Napoleonic-era artillery

· XIX-century field artillery wheels now round

· Switched stormtroopers to a different animation

· Flavour workboats for most cultures in Medieval-Renaissance era

· Religious communities no longer use monastery models, now have unique artwork of their own

· New Iron Age European cityset

· New Iberian/Latin American Renaissance cityset

· New artwork for lots of leaders

· Yield symbols now have an outline for better readability

· Retouched some terrain graphics

· Austronesia gets their own unit voices in a proper language (Old Malay, from AoE2)

· Lots of fixes to unit models, textures and animations
I just have to wait to try it.

I'm a good third into a game with 3.55 with my personal moddings.

For those, who might be interested in what I'm going for with my modding: It all about WATER.

As it's said when you discover WaterPump:
  • Water sustains all

So grassland give 1 food only. All other landtiles gives 0 (zero). Watertiles gives as they use to do.
Rivers only add the food needed to grow the first many-many years/turns, until improvements are "discovered". Even bonus tiles gives nothing unless you are able to work on them.

That's how I like it.

Besides that - I do make a lot of other changes. It normally take a couple of days to "ajust" the new xml-files to my "taste".
Now my game is updated with the release 3.57.

I have added all my personal changes (as far as I remember).

I have also made a few changes to the setup/filestructure (such as unpak ALL the terrainfiles), hoping for a more stabile game. And made an important add to the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml in the root of the Assets\XML folder.


It prevents the AI (and me too) to spam cities too close to each others as long as we are on the same landmass. I guess we all know, that too many nations and too many cities makes the game crash too often. Sometimes MUCH to often to end a game.

My games will from now be without seperatism and without vassalstates. I'll start with upto 18 civs and hope to end with 6-10.

May the best man or AI win.
Screenshot from a city belonging to Kingdom of Yemen (Bilquis of Arabia):


And the lady herself:

BTW: This game seems go play smoothly - without any black texture at all.

Used the latest installer (ver 3.57a). Thanks to Walter H for his excellent work.
After 24 days of playing the same game with the newest R:I version, it is close to end.

I do have tried a peacefull way, but my fair suggestion was turned down (see below):


However - I can't allow myself to sit on my hands being lazy. If I do, I'll end up as the strongest (I guess) but still loose the race....... With more than 500 turns left, the Hindi nation will surely get 2 more cities over the 720.000 culturepoints.

So I have to go to war to prevent the most annoying AI in this game (Mr. Ashoka from the Hindi People's Republic) to get a Cultural Victory.

Last edited:
Almost 3/4 of my cities are "fixed" on gold, science or culture - else I couldn't handle it. Only the best producing cities makes units and I only "take care of" the smallest cities. It have been so since I passed 45-50 cities or about that number.

Of course I do check all the other cities from time to time if they need to be "nursed" for a short while - if they do, then I'll do that until they are updated. But as soon as I can, I'll try to "forget" they exists.
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