Budgeting your wealth!


Emperor of Canada
Jul 10, 2004
The Holy City of Winnipeg
I think that you should be able to budget your wealth. What I mean by this is that you should have a lump sum of gold that you draw in, and there should be a special screen with which you can determine (by means of sliders) what percentage of this capital is spent on varfious different things. The sliders would be things like "military support," "education / research," (which would accelerate your research) "production," (which would allow you to produce things faster the more you spend) "health," (which would help prevent sickness among your population) "the arts"(which would boost happiness), "welfare" (which would keep your population fed and combat against riots) and so on. Later on, you could also be able to budget some of your wealth towards "the environment" (reduces gloabal warming / pollution). There could also be a certain percentage of the wealth that could just be put into your treasury.
The idea would be that, depending on different government types, you could get more "bang for your buck" in different areas. For example, fascists have better military support. Certain new technologies would also allow your money to go further in certain areas (for example, "literature" makes education / research work better). City Improvements would also help.
I think this wuld be pretty cool, having more control over how your money is spent. Also, what if the money is sent to the treasury first, and then you decide what happens. For example, in the modern age, you get 2000 gold in one turn, so that your treasury (once had 9000 gold) goes to 11000. Then, you subtract military costs first (maybe 1000 gold) then you determine where the rest of the money goes -- such as 10% envirorment, 10% health, 10% arts, 20% production, 30% science and 20% treasury. Then, 800 gold is subtracted from 10000 (2000 - 1000 for military) then you end up with 9200 gold, so you made 200 gold.
I like that idea, especially if budgetting more towards military spending increases your unit's odds in a battle, you know with more money they'll have better food, health, and equipment.
My feeling for increased military spending is that it could increase the liklihood of a unit rising an experience level / producing a great leader when it wins a battle.
On soooo many levels, Corves, I absolutely agree with you. The power to place your national income-beyond merely luxuries and science-would be a HUGE bonus to the game, and one I have backed over the last 6 months, at least.

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