Bug: Negative income not applied!


Culture Vulture
Dec 27, 2001
Darkest New Jersey
Okay, here's something weird that happened this weekend. I wound up in a situation where my treasury was at 168 gold, and my income was about -48. Well, I decided to ride it out for a turn or two, and went on playing. A few turns later... treasury is still 168, income is still -48! I should have run out of money by that point!

I did zip and save a few turns of this game's autosave, figuring I'd send them to Firaxis or this board. Unfortunately my connection at home is painfully slow and I haven't had time yet to bring a disk to upload them from work. In the meantime, has anyone ever seen this happen before? Any idea what might cause it, or does it sound like a genuine bug?
At Cheiftain level you are not penalized by having to sell off your improvements when your treasury hits zero. Above this level you will be.
This game was at Regent level. And my treasury never reached zero, that was the odd thing... it just stayed the same even though my income was showing as negative.
There must be more to it, because I have gone in the red and been forced to disband units. They didn't even ask which one I wanted disbanded, the traitors.
consider yourself lucky.

my treasure can and DOES run out and i am forced to sell improvements when it's empty.

Usually this never occurs, but i once went for a all-conquering game and stayed in despotism to keep poprushing units. After conquering many continents i changed to republic. OUCH!!! It cost me enormous sums of gold per turn...
Originally posted by Jimcat
Okay, here's something weird that happened this weekend. I wound up in a situation where my treasury was at 168 gold, and my income was about -48. Well, I decided to ride it out for a turn or two, and went on playing. A few turns later... treasury is still 168, income is still -48! I should have run out of money by that point!

I have seen this happen when your Civ is in anarchy. When your Civ is in anarchy, your entire economy is shut down (even though it may say that you are losing money). Nothing is produced and nothing is lost until the situation is remedied.
Hi Speed Bump, welcome to CivFanatics! It's great to have you here. :) :cool:

PS: For people who don't know, Speed Bump is actually Barry Caudill, Firaxis's newly-hired QA manager.
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