Building Issue


Apr 18, 2010
Hi all

So I'm having issues within my mod with some building, they apperar within the TECH tree and you can research them, but they will not show on the city build memu.

Even if you set them to require nothing to build, and give them the TECH required to build it, they still do not show...

161 building in mod, but i should be fine upto 256?

It appears they are all Small Wonders, which is odd, is there a limit?

Ok, it's definitely something to do with them being Small Wonders, just added a building with no requirments and it appeared within city build list.

Thoughts anyone?
Here you go

It shows up in the correct location for research, but fails to apear in the city build que. I have tried altering the advance required, or even set it to none, still no joy.
I have at least 9 of these Small Wonders failing to show, if i convert them to a standard buildings they are still not showing in the city build que.
Please tell me i'm missing something obvious.

What's just mad, is the 2 buildings after work fine. I even converted the next 2 buildings to Small Wonders and they showed up in the city build que...?

The 'Allows City Size Level 3' tag makes the improvement only visible in level 2 cities, so lack of population seems to be the cause for the missing buildings here.

Edit: Also the 'Reduces corruption' wonder tag makes it act like a Forbidden Palace, so you need a certain amount of cities before you can build it, the amount depends on the map size.
Just WOW, you have definitely just made my day. So in my mod size 2 is level 8, hmm so at level 8 the improvement will become active in the city build que?

Reduces Corruption, ok thats an easy check, i'll just turn it off, and see what happens.

Well many thanks for the reply, and the info is simply mind blowing. I've been messing with this all afternoon...
lol, just tested your wonderful anwsers to my missing 10 small wonders, SOLVED. Very appreciated!
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