Wizard in the Making
Hmmm, perhaps it could also be unique in that the Dark Elves Cannot declare war on Chaos or vise versa, because they are worshipping them, and declaring war on you own gods is, well, ludicrous
that's chaosPsychic_Llamas said:Hmmm, perhaps it could also be unique in that the Dark Elves Cannot declare war on Chaos or vise versa, because they are worshipping them, and declaring war on you own gods is, well, ludicrous
Psychic_Llamas said:Good idea for Taj Mahal
other ideas:
The Colossus: The Titan of Glory ((invented), stands at the Mouth of one of the Great Tilean Ports)
The Hagia Sophia: The Yogi Abbey ((invented0 place in ind where the Yogis go for their final training)
The Parthenon: The Temple of the old Faith ((Invented)the one and only building constructed specifically for the worship of the Old Faith)
The Sistine Chapel: Theogonist Hall ( (invented), the place where all of the grand Theogonists are entombed)
Psychic_Llamas said:yeh, good point about the Hagia Sophia.
I didnt know of any real WH ports, pther than the Suidocks in Westerland, Titan of Spite Port would be good though.
Psychic_Llamas said:suidock could be a Reikland only wonder (unless we include westerland as a separate race)
Psychic_Llamas said:yeh, i agree. we already have more civs than we need. but the suidock could still be a Reikland only wonder
Ploeperpengel said:@Duke
I'd like the glittering Tower renamed to Lighthouse of Manaan, please.