Buildings and Wonder Design

Ploeperpengel said:
I'd like the glittering Tower renamed to Lighthouse of Manaan, please.

@the others
Please check the civ3 before you invent names. More than two years developement made that quite a polished product. It's got plenty of wonders so there certainly isn't a reason to invent names now until we decide to put in a wonder they don't have.

I made a list of all the wonders in the Civ3-WH-mod in the appropiate thread:

Have fun! :D

ps .. i like the lighthouse of Manaan less than the glittering tower .. cause it's original ;-)
Duke van Frost said:
Thx for the list DJ, just printed it :goodjob:

Ironworks will be renamed to the Great Forge.

The Great Forge of Karak Azul sounds even better IMO .. Karak Azul is the dwarven centre of of metalworking because of the mountains rich deposits of iron ..
I think we should keep this more generic for more civs to race for. It's a powerful wonder after all which enables the city to get quite a few more wonders after very fast with that hammerboost. So I vote for just Great Forge.
We could also have elf unique Vault's smithy and dwarven unique smithy wonders after that but maybe less powerful like just improving production for selected units or building. what about that?
I also like to keep the wonders as generic as we can where possible, that´s why I´ll rename it only to the Great Forge (Ironworks would also fit, but a "Great Forge" sounds more like Fantasy to me)
Ploeperpengel said:
I think we should keep this more generic for more civs to race for. It's a powerful wonder after all which enables the city to get quite a few more wonders after very fast with that hammerboost. So I vote for just Great Forge.
We could also have elf unique Vault's smithy and dwarven unique smithy wonders after that but maybe less powerful like just improving production for selected units or building. what about that?

I thought we wanted specific warhammer buidlings .. haha ..
But the smaller specific thingies sound good too .. ;)
DutchJunkie said:
I thought we wanted specific warhammer buidlings .. haha ..
But the smaller specific thingies sound good too .. ;)
Yes specific and generic we need both. The dwarven origin can be put into pedia for this one. I don't think we'll have much unique wonders until the Warlords expansion. Putting a unique tech for every single wonder we want unique is just to much right now. I believe designing this unique stuff will be much easier in the expansion;)
Just if we want to be the great forge a worldwonder I'd say it has to be generic otherwise we can make many similar wonders of this kind with different art for different civs also(having it small wonder status)
Ploeperpengel said:
Yes specific and generic we need both. The dwarven origin can be put into pedia for this one. I don't think we'll have much unique wonders until the Warlords expansion. Putting a unique tech for every single wonder we want unique is just to much right now. I believe designing this unique stuff will be much easier in the expansion;)
Just if we want to be the great forge a worldwonder I'd say it has to be generic otherwise we can make many similar wonders of this kind with different art for different civs also(having it small wonder status)

I certainly understand .. I'll keep it in mind for the after-patch thread ;) thanks for the feedback.
We should make the elves unableto build that, and instead be able to build Vaul's Anvil which could do similar effects.

PS, we could call the Glittering tower "The Lathain-Menlui Tower" which is a combination of Highelven runes from the army book. (Lathain = elven word for storm, wrath / Menlui = elven word for water and life... so could be interpreted as the life from the storm, or survivor of the storm etc.)
Psychic_Llamas said:
We should make the elves unableto build that, and instead be able to build Vaul's Anvil which could do similar effects.

PS, we could call the Glittering tower "The Lathain-Menlui Tower" which is a combination of Highelven runes from the army book. (Lathain = elven word for storm, wrath / Menlui = elven word for water and life... so could be interpreted as the life from the storm, or survivor of the storm etc.)

very very creative .. with the runes in the different armybooks we could 'translate' building names .. that is very interesting indeed ..

nice going lama! :goodjob:
glad you like. but im not sure it would be good for translating building names, because than casual players would find it more of a pain then an added flavor, as they would not know what each building is. you could do that for UU's though.
So the last three wonders to rename are left and they are:

The Colossus (will most probably rename this to "Titan of Spite Port")

The Hagia Sophia (some Ind or Araby Names anybody?)

Hermitage (maybe it will just be "Middenheim Museum" or "National Museum/Art Gallery" or could somebody tell me what the most art-loving Natio in WH is and give the name of its capital?)

And I still want to know where the largest Bloodbowl-Stadium is, because I want to put it in as a Wonder (I think the Reikland Raiders are the most succesful team - So I maybe will call it the "Raiders Home Stadium" or something like that)
EDIT: I just had an Idea: Maybe I´ll just give it the Name of the BloodBowl Association

I will also put in the "Great Temple of Tlazcotl" with the Chichen Itza Art as soon as I can come up with some good stats and effects for it.
I just discovered my bloodbowl rulebook maybe I can find some. Keep the names a bit generic it's allways strange having elfs build a Reikland stadium or museum.

After some reading I found out btw that the standing stones and the magical Vortex are identical.
Ploeperpengel said:
I just discovered my bloodbowl rulebook maybe I can find some. Keep the names a bit generic it's allways strange having elfs build a Reikland stadium or museum.

After some reading I found out btw that the standing stones and the magical Vortex are identical.

thought about that, maybe I´ll even call it the "Chaos Cup Stadium (proudly sponsored by Bloodweiser TM)" or after another Cup. Right Now I think that would be the best idea.
No news. I found a map of all major bloodbowl stadions but no names, drat! What I have are plenty of names for Blood Bowl Starplayers. So if we're going to have a new great person type...:D

Maybe just call it the Bloodweiser Stadium since the biggest cup is just the Blood Bowl.
Ploeperpengel said:
No news. I found a map of all major bloodbowl stadions but no names, drat! What I have are plenty of names for Blood Bowl Starplayers. So if we're going to have a new great person type...:D

Maybe just call it the Bloodweiser Stadium since the biggest cup is just the Blood Bowl.

Good idea :goodjob:

I like that one, very generic but also really good WH-Style.

I´ll give it a Continental Happiness Bonus and very high Culture (now the Bloodbowl Starplayer GP´s idea would be cool :lol: - I love the funnyside of WH)
I added two new Wonders to the Game:

Great Temple of Tlazcotl (Chichen Itza Art)

cost 800
Tech: Civil Service
+2 points for Great Engineer
-33% Hurry Cost Reduction
double Production Speed with Stone

Bloodweiser Stadium (Colosseum Art - for now!)

cost 1200
Tech: Currency
+10 Culture
+1 point for Great Merchant
+2 Happiness in all cities on same continent
double Production Speed with Stone

Any ideas or suggestions for those two?

should the Bloodweiser Stadium get its +2 Happiness in all cities on same continent or should it supply the Player with a new Resource called "BloodBowl tickets", that makes folks happy :D

I came up with that idea yesterday and think it would add some fun to the game - that´s what the BloodBowl Boardgame is all about IMO.

I´d really like to hear your thoughts on that on ;)
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