Buildings and Wonder Design

If you look at the an_eu nif there are 18 buildings. They all look somewhat the same, but are all different.

From there creating a new building for every one built will be an undertaking, but probably decent fun. :)

Let me try something...
I honestly don't understand why I can't simply take the an_eu nif, import it, remove the default buildings, merge new elf buildings onto the same shadow plots, save as an_eu nif and then swap it in game. :confused: When I do this I get a blank terrain upon founding a city. Wierd. When someone solves this I'll be thrilled!
Ploeperpengel said:
Definitly! But the branches look at bit strange imo.

There's only one branch and it's just there for no real reason. :)

The other grey thing is the chimney. :p
woodelf said:
There's only one branch and it's just there for no real reason. :)

The other grey thing is the chimney. :p
:lol: ok maybe better cut it of and shorten the branche a little.

Edit:An invisible city is quite nice as well:D
ok no seriously I don't get how you managed to wipe off the whole city. I placed a castle in the citynif and it didn't show(just the castle) but the rest was still ok. I guess it was to big to fit into the "footprint" which seems to be of the size of the original building and not the shadow.
I agree about the tree branch, but the chimney stays! :p

Wiping the entire city was actually easy, but it wasn't what I was shooting for. I can send you the an_eu.nif I use now if you want. And I have the ground set to grass instead of that horrid ancient tile set.

The only problem I see with an empty city is that it's truly empty until you build something. The initial city gets the palace so it looks fine, but new cities have nothing but grass. You could probably fiddle with "free" buildings that appear when a city is founded though. These could be no value cheap housing. ;)
Err that "chimney" is bigger than the house!:crazyeye: Ah well it's you who will live in it...

I couldn't solve the riddle tonight. Instead I added a lot of units again with formations. But send me the file I'll have a look at it. Maybe I find something later but now off to bed...
btw the formations seem to work with warlords without any workaround - clearly better performance:)
Because sometimes the only way to describe an emotion is with a rope-jumping sheep, and you can take that to the bank!...

:banana: :dance: :sheep: :banana:
Go, go sheep, it's your birthday!
We gonna party like it's your birthday!
:band: :bounce: :banana:
I can't offer any advice on the whole cityart issue, but I can give feedback on Woodelf's building!

My advice would be to use an alpha map to produce selective transparency on a two-sided plane so that you can get a really leafy look to the tree, as opposed to just a big lump of polygons coloured green. I'm currently working on a big nasty-looking Ent which uses the same technique, so I'll upload it later on today and show you what I mean. To be honest I'm pretty excited that I got double-sided planes with opacity to work, because it really opens up a ton of possibilities.
Thanks neener. Any help would be wonderful since I don't know what an alpha map really is. :blush:
Hehe. An alpha map works similarly to a gloss map, if you know how to do those. Basically it's a channel of an image (you normally have three channels: Red, Green and Blue) that is black and white. You tell Max to use the alpha channel as an Opacity map, and then the white parts of the alpha map will show up as fully opaque, while the black parts will be fully transparent. So for something like your trees, you could make the gaps between the leaves transparent, and therefore look more like trees.

A quick google search finds this, which sort of explains what I mean:

As Rabbit will tell you...I don't understand gloss yet either. :)

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
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