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May 4, 2008
I don't think we have discussed buildings yet, so I'll start.

Barracks - New land units receive +4 experience points
Academy - +4 culture, +50% science, requires University or Laboratory
Grocer - +25% commerce, Can turn 2 citizens into Merchant, +1 health from Banana, Spices, Sugar, Wine, Required to build Supermarket
Bank - +50% Gold, Protects city from theft of gold by spies
Market - +25% Gold, Can turn 2 citizens into merchant, +1 :) from fur, ivory, silk, whale
Library - +2 Culture, +25% science, Can turn 2 citizens into scientist, Required to build University
University - +3 Culture, +25% science, Requires School
School - +2 Culture, +10% science, Required to build University
Police Station - -50 war mad, Helps thwart rival spies
Fire Department - Stops fire events
Hospital - +3 :health:, Heal units extra 10% damage/turn
Security Bureau - +8 :espionage:, +50% Defense against Espionage, Helps thwart rival spies, Can turn two citizens into a Spy
Intelligence Agency - +8 :espionage:, +50% :espionage:, Can turn two citizens into a Spy
Theatre- +3 :culture:, +1 per 10% culture rate, Can turn 2 citizens into artists, +1 :) from dye
Factory- +1 :yuck:, +25% production, +50% production with Power, Can turn 2 citizens into Engineer, Required to build coal plant, hydro plant, nuclear plant
Coal Plant - Provides power with Coal, +2 :yuck:
Nuclear Plant - Small chance of nuclear meltdown, Provides power with Uranium
Sewer - +50% health
Studio - +3 culture, +1 commerce
Embassy - +25% culture
Courthouse- -50% maintenance
Casino- +50% gold
Harbor - +50% trade route yield, +1 health from clam, crab, fish
Lighthouse - +1 food on water tiles
Drydock - +1 :yuck: , New water units receive +4 experience points, Builds water units +50% faster
Airport - +1 :yuck:,Can airlift 1 land unit per turn, +1 trade route
Broadcast Tower - +50% culture, +1 :) per 10% culture rate, Can turn 2 citizens into artists, +1 :) from hit musicals, hit singles, hit movies
Bomb Shelters - -75% damages from nukes and missiles
Bunker - -75% damage from air units
Stadium - +1 :), +1 :) per 20% culture rate
Hydro Plant - Provides power
Jail - -25% war :mad:
Penitentiary - -2 :mad:
Laboratory - +1 :yuck:, +25% science, +50% spaceship production, Can turn 1 citizen into scientist
Observatory - +25% science, Can turn 1 citizen into scientist, Required to build Laboratory
Recycling Centre - No :yuck: from buildings
Supermarket - +1 health from cow, deer, pig, sheep
Monument - +1 culture
Levee - River tiles: +1 :hammers:
Industrial Park - +2 :yuck:, Can turn two citizens into an engineer, +1 engineer specialist, +1 :yuck: from Coal and Oil, Requires Factory
Public Transportation - +1 health, +1 health from Oil, +2 health from Environmentalism
Park - +1 health, +1 :) with Forest Preserve
Community Centre - +1 happiness
Workshop - +20% production, +10% production with power
Water Works - +2 health, +1 :health: with river
City Hall - -30% maintenance
Plaza - +1 culture, +1 Happiness, +15% gold
Solar Complex - +1 Happiness, +10% production
Farm Tower - +2 food
Wind Farm - Generates power with coast

Western: Church - Spreads Western, +1 culture, +1 :)
Orthodox: Cathedral - Spreads Orthodox, +2 culture, -1 :mad:
Amerindian: ? - Spreads Amerindian, ?
Eastern: Pagoda - +1 culture, +1 research
Muslim: Mosque - Spreads Islam, +1 culture, +1 :)
Hindu: Temple - Spreads Hinduism, +3 culture
Jewish: Synagogue - Spreads Judaism, +1 health, +1 :)

Juche: Outpost - Spreads Juche, +75% military production
Neoliberalism: Customs House - Spreads Neoliberalism, +75% intercontinental trade route yield
Wahhabism: ? - Spreads Wahhabism, ?
Bolivarianism: Kiosk - Spreads Bolivarianism, +1 :) for every civ with state ideology Bolivarianism
Progressivism: Research Centre - Spreads Progressivism, +1 :) per 10% research rate
maybe we should make upgrades for some buildings, like from town hall to city hall (that was acctualy not a very good example but i couldn't figure out anything else).
EDIT: oh and BTW good list!
Yo, NikNaks, what if political ideologies were to have holy cities and building that would allow places like North Korea to have a realistic bonus: Juche "Temples" would make units less expensive or more experienced. The Juche capital, Pyongyang, would get free units if state ideology is Juche, so on.

Juche: Pyongyang, North Korea
Neoliberalism: Lisbon, Portugal (EU or NATO) :confused:
Wahhabism: Kabul? Baghdad?
Bolivarianism: Venezuela (Cus the US and Russia have already have an advantage :nuke:)
Progressivism: Tokyo, Japan
What do you mean by "what we want for the ideologies"?
Thanks Kao'chai :), but I have never been to a Pagoda so if you could give the bonuses... and I've never been to church... or a cathedral... in fact if people would like to change the bonuses for things they know that'd be great.
Jewish: Cemetery - Spreads Jewish, +1 health, +1 :)

Surely you mean Synagogue? Im jewish and I dont pray at the cemetary every saterday:confused:
Surely you mean Synagogue? Im jewish and I dont pray at the cemetary every saterday:confused:

What is a, so called "Synagogue"? A cemetery is important enough to be a building but too religious to be a standard building so I put it as Jewish.
Nuclear Power Plant
Hydroelectric Dam (requires River)
Coal Plant
Natural Gas Plant (?)
Solar Complex
Gooblah: already had a Hydro Plant, and Nuclear Plant. Gas Plantation would be outside the city, and solar power is for an individual house; unless you com up with proof that a giant solar plant can power a city.
What is a, so called "Synagogue"? A cemetery is important enough to be a building but too religious to be a standard building so I put it as Jewish.


a Synagogue, a Jewish House of Worship
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synagogue a place of worship for Jews for thousands of years, much like a church
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